The Complete Legacy Inn Collection: Four Sweet YA Romances

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The Complete Legacy Inn Collection: Four Sweet YA Romances Page 62

by Sara Jane Woodley

  Horribly embarrassed, I walk hesitantly into the room.

  The bridal party stares, the bride, in particular, looking confused.

  My face is undoubtedly a shade of red that beets would be proud of. I tentatively hold up my camera. “I’m the photographer?”

  My words break the spell, and the room explodes into chatter. Thankfully, no one looks my way or acknowledges me. I commit myself to the job and wander through the room, taking photos as everyone gets ready for the big event.

  When Isabella returns to the room, I make a conscious effort to avoid her.

  “Okay, now let’s try fake laughing!” I call out to the group in front of the gazebo.

  The bridesmaids and groomsmen look at each other awkwardly and then force a laugh. But I know what comes next — the fake laughter quickly turns into genuine laughter. I capture the photos and smile.

  I’ve been down by the gazebo taking portraits for a while now. This must be the twentieth photo of this group alone.

  The entire wedding party has come down to the gazebo in bursts for their portraits. We had the bride and groom, the groomsmen, the bridesmaids, the parents, the family, and everyone else. I tick off the standard wedding checklist in my head. I’ve gotten used to this routine this summer.

  Oddly enough, one person seems to be missing from this set of photos. Isabella Hall.

  She was all over me to get photos of her as the bridal party was heading down to the garden. She wanted photos of herself alone, seated at the makeup table, sitting on one of the couches, looking out the window... The list was endless. But now that there are group photos, she has disappeared.

  Not that I’m complaining. Isabella has an unnerving way of laughing at me without directly making fun of me. It’s like everything she says is an inside joke I’m not a part of.

  As the wedding party dissipates and everyone moves back to the garden, I think back to Isabella’s words when we were in the guest suite taking photos.

  “He’s going to love these.”

  She said this over and over, going so far as to grab my camera to look back over the shots.

  Who was she referring to? As I try to push away the lingering curiosity, I can’t ignore the slight feeling of unease. Somehow, over the summer, I forgot about the elite Edendale clique. And, perhaps worse, I forgot that Jonathan is a key part of that group. For a time, he and Isabella were heading it up.

  According to Edendale High’s gossip sources, Isabella and Jonathan broke it off in the spring. But people change their minds. Could she want him back?

  And does he ever want her back? The thought feels toxic and dread overwhelms over me. The whole summer, we lived in a bubble, just the two of us. But now the bubble has popped. Does he think about her?

  No. I know better than that. He asked me on that amazing date; he asked me to be his girlfriend. There’s no way that meant nothing.

  I approach the garden, smiling. We’ve had such a great summer. And now that the gazebo portraits are out of the way, it’s just a matter of taking a few garden pictures and we’ll be able to hang out for the rest of the evening.

  But first, water.

  I walk into the garden and head in the direction of the bar.

  The garden is breathtaking, a scene from a fairytale. Slow music starts, lanterns emit a soft yellow light, and flowers are scattered through the space. People sway to the song, smiling, laughing.

  I wander over to the bar, but Randy is nowhere to be seen. I sneak behind the counter and grab a glass from below, filling it quickly.

  I sip my water and look over the crowd. Where’s Jonathan?

  I know he’s probably wearing his black polo shirt and slacks. He calls it his wedding uniform.

  A flash of blonde hair catches my eye as Isabella twirls around the dance floor. I roll my eyes at her dramatic spins. She’s laughing gently and gets close to her dance partner, leaning in flirtatiously. She wraps her arms around him comfortably, an enormous smile on her face.

  I squint to see who she’s dancing with — perhaps it’s the guy she was referring to earlier when I was taking her photo?

  Who is your date tonight, Isabella Hall? Who is this mystery man?

  The guy spins her around and my heart stops in my chest.


  The blood drains from my face and I’m frozen as he spins her again and dips her. She’s leaning into him, close against his chest. As they dance, her eyes closed, reality slaps me across the face.

  Jonathan and Isabella.

  They’re together.

  Dread and shame consume me as I watch them pushed together, swaying happily. The rose-colored glasses have lifted and I’m left with harsh reality: I am a complete idiot.

  If they’re together, that means that our hang-outs meant nothing. It was stupid of me to think that they did. He was just using me for my photo knowledge. Was there any truth to any of his words?

  “Woah, Kiara, you okay?” Randy’s voice is blurred through the ringing in my ears.

  I’m frozen in my shock, desperately wanting to disappear. I believed him.

  Randy places her hand on my arm and gives me a light shake, bringing me back to life.

  “I’m not feeling well.” My voice sounds far away. “I think I might go back to my cabin. Would you mind telling Delia that I’m sick?”

  “Sure.” Randy says and I almost want to look at her, but I wouldn’t dare.

  I’m sure she’s seen Jonathan and Isabella together. She’s probably taking pity on me for ever thinking he could care about me.

  I abruptly turn away and leave the bar, rushing through the garden as the slow song ends.

  When I reach the darkness of the lawn just beyond, I break into a run.



  The sunlight beams in through the window, waking me up. I rub my eyes, knowing already that there are deep, dark circles under them.

  I did not sleep well.

  The wedding last night was beautiful. The decorations were sweet and everyone looked great. The DJ was surprisingly good, and I had an awesome time dancing with Randy, Vin, and the kids from school.

  However, I didn’t get to dance with the one person I wanted to dance with the most — Kiara.

  I saw her earlier in the evening as she went down to the gazebo and I literally stopped and stared. She looked amazing. Her hair was half up and her dress showed off her curves perfectly. I could not wait to spend the evening laughing and dancing with her. I was going to take her to the canyon as soon as we could get a moment away.

  Last night, I also wanted to ask her if she’d still be my girlfriend when we get back to Edendale High. If I’ve learned anything this summer, it’s that I feel my absolute best when I’m with her.

  Unlike with Isabella.

  I sigh as I think back to the minutes that I had to dance with her last night. She looked hot, everyone could see that — Isabella always looks hot. But I felt nothing close to what I feel for Kiara.

  It shocked me when Isabella came to me right after the wedding ceremony. I was checking something on my camera when she stopped in front of me.

  “Hey babe,” she said in her sultry low voice. I knew immediately who it was, and I plastered a fake smile on my face — she calls everyone babe.

  “Isabella.” I looked up from my camera, my heart sinking.

  It was just my luck — one of the last events at the Inn and Isabella showed up. I didn’t want anyone from my friend group to see me here. But Isabella? She’s the worst one.

  Isabella did her obnoxious two-cheek kissing thing. “I wasn’t expecting to see you! What are you doing here? Aren’t you meant to be at Momentum?”

  “Ah yeah, I’m just…”

  I tried to think of an excuse, anything to keep her off my trail. But nothing came to mind. My eyes darted around the area, looking for an escape. Kiara was standing over by Randy, taking a photo of guests at the bar. She was laughing and smiling, and a sense of calm came over me. />
  It was time to tell the truth.

  “I’m a photographer here,” I said, focusing back onto Isabella.

  Her mouth popped open in shock as she looked me up and down. “Oh wow. Wait until Lucas hears about this!”

  My resolve crashed around me. Lucas could not know about this, especially not now. I’d never hear the end of it. “Please, don’t tell anyone,” I said, not bothering to disguise the panic in my voice. “Not yet. Everyone back home thinks I’m at Momentum. I need to be the one to break it to them.”

  I pictured the disappointment in my parents’ faces. Not only would they be disappointed, but also betrayed. We weren’t close as a family, not anymore, but that didn’t mean they deserved to find out I was lying through Edendale’s rumor mill. I needed to tell them myself.

  “Seriously. Please.” My voice was low and urgent.

  Isabella grinned like a cat that cornered a mouse. If you wanted to ask a favor from Isabella, the price was always the same: your soul.

  “Maybe I can keep your secret, Jonathan. Depends on what you can do for me.” She traced her finger along my chest and I resisted the urge to step back. She glanced towards the tables by the dance floor, her voice dropping to a whisper. “See the guy over there? The one with the gorgeous blue jacket?”

  He was tall, dark, and obviously athletic. He had a beard and dark hair cut close to his head. He was wearing sunglasses and looked effortlessly cool.

  In other words, Isabella’s type.

  “His name’s Mason, he’s a freshman at Montana State,” Isabella whispered and then abruptly turned away as Mason glanced our way. She leaned further into me. “I’ve been trying to catch his eye all night, but he’s playing hard to get. I have a feeling I need to make him a little jealous. Catch what I’m saying?”

  She stepped back and winked at me before adjusting the collar on my polo shirt.

  My lips were in a thin line. I wanted this conversation to end as soon as possible.

  Isabella smiled. “If you dance with me for one slow song to make him jealous, I’ll keep your little secret.”

  The air rushed out of my lungs as my gaze flew to Kiara. She was chatting with the wedding party, heading towards the gazebo. I didn’t want her to worry, and I figured one dance with Isabella wouldn’t hurt.

  And then I remembered something. “Wait, aren’t you dating Lucas?”

  Isabella rolled her eyes as she fingered my tie. This time, I couldn’t hold back. I grabbed her hand and placed it firmly by her side.

  “It’s basically over,” she simpered. Then, she spoke loud enough for Mason to hear. “I’ll find you later, handsome. Then we can have that dance.”

  I stare at my tired face in the bathroom mirror as I brush my teeth. I’ll say one thing for our relationship — Isabella never failed to surprise me. Moving on from Lucas without letting him know? That’s a move straight out of her playbook.

  Should I email him? He deserves to know, doesn’t he?

  My heart sinks as I consider seeing him in person. The thought of spending the next year in the Eagles’ shadow sounds miserable. Troy is one of my best friends, but neither of us gets along with everyone on the team. In the past, we all hung out together because it was natural. It made sense. Everyone at school sees us as the ‘Edendale Eagles’, so of course we would spend all our time together.

  After a summer away, going back to that life seems tiresome. I don’t want to return to the confining cage that surrounds my MVP status — I got a glimpse of it with Isabella last night, and I didn’t like it.

  I leave the bathroom block and walk back to my cabin, my thoughts returning to Kiara.

  She disappeared at the wedding; I never saw her come back from the gazebo. I spent the night taking photos of the guests and then, when things were winding down, I did some dancing with the staff. But my mind was on her.

  At one point, I asked Randy and Nath if they’d seen her and Randy said that she wasn’t well. I returned to the cabins soon after and knocked on her door, but there was no answer.

  Something must be wrong. There’s an icy chill coming from her cabin, it feels like the first wind of fall, and I definitely don’t like it.

  As if on cue, Kiara exits her cabin and steps onto her balcony. She glances my way and a look of disdain crosses her face. She wants nothing to do with me. A shiver runs down my spine.

  “Kiara? Wait!”

  She pretends she can’t hear me, running down the gravel path.

  My heart sinks. Do I go after her?

  I climb the steps to my cabin and quickly change into work-appropriate clothes.

  Did something happen at the wedding last night? My thoughts churn as I hurry down the path towards the Inn, holding my camera anxiously.

  In the last few days since Delia’s announcement, instead of working together, Kiara has been slipping away.

  What if she decided that she doesn’t want to work with me? What if she’s thinking I’ll hold her back? Maybe the reason she’s been pulling away is because I haven’t been doing a good enough job?

  The world falls around me as the very same self-doubt that I usually feel about soccer creeps over me. But this time, it’s worse. Photography is something I want to do, not a pressure put on me by my parents and friends. If I’ve sacrificed my summer for photography and it doesn’t work out, what does that mean for my future?

  Maybe I read Kiara all wrong — maybe her excitement for me to go to photo school was because she thinks I’m not good enough to even be working here.

  Maybe I can’t do this.

  My chosen path crumbles before me. I turn away from the Inn, walking towards the lake. For the first time ever, I have absolutely no appetite.

  I hold my camera loosely in my hand as I walk along the path by the lake. I won’t be taking photos today.



  I run all the way to the Inn, trying to put as much space as possible between Jonathan and I. I can’t bear to hear his voice or see his face after what happened last night.

  When I saw Jonathan dance with Isabella, I returned to my cabin and collapsed into a ball of tears. I was filled with regret, thinking about every wrong decision I made this summer. Not only did I forsake my photography and possibly ruin my chances at the future of my dreams, but I also fell for the one person I should never have even considered.

  Jonathan fricking Wright. I can’t believe I thought I loved him, I can’t believe I kissed him.

  As I tried to fall asleep, all I could see was Isabella’s smiling face, Jonathan dipping her, the two of them so close together. It was like watching a nightmare unfold. Did he tell her my secrets? Did he tell her it was all a big front?

  I was overcome by shame and embarrassment thinking about my confession about being rejected from Glacier Journal. It’s all ammo… He’s just going to use that against me next year, and he likely has already told Isabella.

  What nasty nickname will they come up with? Will they ditch “Kiara the Queen” for something far more shameful?

  I imagined an alternate universe where I did exactly what I should’ve done this summer. In that reality, I ignored Jonathan and avoided him at all costs. I would’ve hiked alone to see the sunrise and taken photos of the guests alone. I didn’t need him.

  I don’t need anyone.

  At one point, I thought I heard a knock on my door, but it was likely just my mind reminding me to get back on track. I hope it isn’t too late.

  On autopilot, I stroll into the staff room and say hi to Fernando. I’m lost in thought when he physically steps in to stop me as I spread relish on my bagel instead of avocado.

  “Is that a new recipe, mi bella?” Fernando looks at me skeptically.

  I clue into the bottle of relish I’m holding and force a laugh. “Just something I’m trying.”

  I meant to put avocado on it, but clearly my head isn’t on right.

  I give Bree, Stefi and Anaya a wave as I walk out of the staff room with my wei
rd relish bagel, opting to sit on the balcony. The breezy morning air is far more welcoming than the thought of seeing Jonathan in the staff room.

  I gaze out at the lake absentmindedly. The surface is rippling and distorted this morning, and the peaks overhead are clouded and grey. It will be a cool day, the first hint of the end of summer. I wrap my cardigan tighter around my shoulders.

  Have I jeopardized my future by having fun this summer?

  As soon as I saw Jonathan and Isabella dancing together, I realized just how far off track I’ve gone. We only have a few weeks left at the Inn and I can’t waste another minute. Especially not with Edendale’s golden boy.

  Jonathan was using me. He’s here to win the competition and go back to Edendale High as a winner, just as he always does.

  My heart turns icy as a feeling of betrayal sets in. I was an idiot to think he was ever a nice guy. I won’t make that mistake again.



  It’s way past lunchtime when I finally make my way back to my cabin. I didn’t have much of an appetite this morning, but I am starved right now.

  I’m also filled with a stubborn determination.

  I spent a large part of the morning skipping rocks into the lake. The ripples of the water consumed the rocks as I threw them, an oddly mesmerizing sight. It’s a cooler day, and I regretted not grabbing my hoodie.

  I need to talk to Kiara and find out what happened. Does she really think I’m not good enough? It doesn’t sound like her. I never got the impression that she felt that way over the summer. But I could be wrong.

  It wouldn’t be the first time I disappointed someone.

  My parents’ and friends’ expectations press on my shoulders as I consider going back to school in a few weeks. But the thought of disappointing Kiara? That seems worse.


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