Hidden Witness 6: Marco & Emoni's Story: The Rise of A Donna

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Hidden Witness 6: Marco & Emoni's Story: The Rise of A Donna Page 6

by Posey Parks

  Tears streamed down her chocolate face. I yanked the gag from her lips.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Marco, we were together all the time. I know you fucked me more than them. And I know you cared about me,” she cried.

  I sat straight up, gasping for air. Clutching my damp hair, I stared into space.

  “Marco. Marco. Marco.” I heard in the back of my mind.

  Emoni’s frantic face came into view and her hands slapped my cheeks.

  “Are you, ok?” Her faint words became clearer.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m sorry. It was just a bad dream. I’m soaked. I need a shower. Go back to sleep.”

  “Marco, I can help.”

  “No, I can manage.”

  She hopped out the bed.

  “Emoni, shit! I said I got it,” I roared.

  Her body shook and her eyes grew the size of saucers.

  I threw my legs over the side of the bed. Searing pain struck through my abdomen and back. Snatching up the bottles of pills and a bottle of water, I staggered toward the bathroom. She stood beside the bed naked watching my every move. I could tell she didn’t know what to do. At that moment, I needed to be alone. Wrap my mind around what I just remembered. Once inside the bathroom, I kicked the door closed. I flipped on the light and stumbled to the sink. Did I need my wife’s help? Shit yeah. My skin felt like it was on fucking fire. Staring at my reflection, I popped three pills into my mouth and washed them down with water.

  Gripping the marble sink, I glared at the man staring back at me. I killed Vanisha for Emoni. Vanisha wanted to be my wife. But I knew she wasn’t the one. The puzzle pieces weren’t fitting together. My mind pieced my memory back like a jigsaw puzzle. I wasn’t angry with Emoni, I was upset with my memory. Why couldn’t I remember everything that took place in order? I staggered over to the glass shower door, wincing.

  “Marco, let me help you into the shower, then I will leave you alone.”

  How long was she standing there? I didn’t even hear her enter the bathroom. I was in too much pain to argue. Emoni helped me on to the bench. She removed all the bandages then adjusted the water temperature.

  Emoni, stepped out the shower and closed the door behind her. I hurt her feelings. That wasn’t my intention. I needed time to myself. What did all the dreams mean? There was no doubt, I loved Emoni. I didn’t recognize that guy in her presence. I was so nervous around her.

  “Emoni,” I called.

  She burst into the bathroom. “What’s the matter?”

  Her eyes bulged out of her head as she yanked open the glass door.

  “I apologize for yelling at you. I just needed a minute. My memories are returning scattered.”

  She doused the sponge with liquid soap.

  “I can’t imagine what it’s like not to remember someone, let alone an entire time line is missing from your life. Sometimes you need time alone. I want you to know I won’t interfere. Your safety is important to me. I’ll cleanse you then leave.”

  I caressed her waist. “Thank you.”

  She nodded and focused on washing every inch of my body.

  “Did you have a nightmare?” She probed not meeting my gaze. Emoni gently washed my back.

  “It was a shocking memory.”

  She poured a coin size amount of shampoo in the palm of her hand.

  “Go on.”

  “I was waiting for you in my parents’ basement.”

  She stopped mid stroke, swallowed hard, then continued. “For me…to kill Vanisha.”

  “Yup. Also, time spent with Vanisha in the past.”

  “I see.” Emoni’s fingertips dug into my scalp.

  Shit, felt fucking magnificent. My eyes zigzagged over her face slowly. Regret plagued her beautiful features.

  “Say what’s on your mind.”

  “Nope, I will not.”

  “Emoni, fucking say it,” I snapped.

  She rolled her eyes. “Do you regret your participation?”

  “I woke up before we killed her. I watched you walk toward me.”

  I couldn’t tell her how vulnerable she made me feel.

  “You asked me to fuck you and I told you I would after, then I directed your attention to Vanisha. I told her she pissed you off. And I asked you to marry me. That’s it.”

  “You can rinse off now.” I tried to read her face, but I couldn’t.

  “Was she your first kill?”

  She nodded.

  “Did you have nightmares?”

  Her forehead crinkled as if she pondered on that moment in time.

  “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.” Her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes.

  It was best I let her go.

  I heard the door click shut.

  A deep chuckle rolled from my throat. I couldn’t settle on a woman who was accustomed to this life. I took a normal functioning person who had no intention of ever killing a soul. And turned her into a killing machine. I knew the killing affected her by the way she fell apart in my arms. It’s time we paid a visit to my mother. Emoni needed to talk to another Donna.

  A few minutes later, I laid beside Emoni watching her sleep. I searched for signs of rapid eye movement. She didn’t want to discuss the night terrors I knew she had. Because I had them too. Didn’t matter how many people I killed. There was always one who lurked in my memory bank. I laid on my side, wincing as waves of pain shot through me. Resting my arm over her breasts, I pulled her into my chest. My hard cock pressed against her back. I inhaled her fresh coconut scented hair.

  “Baby, don’t let me go,” she breathed.

  I knew what plagued her most. Us being at war because of the shit storm her ex-fiancé caused.

  My lips melted against her head. “I won’t.”



  Marco stared out the rear passenger window of the Rolls Royce Phantom in silence en route to his parents’ house. He told his mother we’d arrive at two and only stay for an hour. He didn’t feel up to conversing with friends and distant family. He also didn’t want any whispering about his recovery. I knew he looked forward to eating his mother’s holiday meal and spending time with his immediate family.

  I’d be happy to return home by five so I could eat my soul food holiday dinner, I prepared this morning.

  I grabbed my cell out of my tiny gold clutch.

  Marco peeked in my direction, questioning me with his eyes.

  “I’m calling Tadeas.”

  “Good. Make it FaceTime.”


  The phone rang a few times.

  Tadeas came into view. “Happy holidays.” He grinned.

  Jocelyn squeezed into the frame, kissing his cheek. Tadeas face lit up. I never seen him smile. Usually he scowled.

  “Happy holidays.” I waved.

  “Emoni, I miss you, big sis. Can’t wait to catch up.”

  I smiled. “Me either. I miss you too. This is our first Christmas apart.”

  “Oh, God it is. Tadeas has kept me entertained,” she blushed.

  I caught a glimpse of my husband in my peripheral. Oh no, Marco was on the verge of popping a blood vessel.

  “All right, Joce, give me a minute.” Tadeas grinned nervously.

  “Bye Marco.” She waved.

  “Love you, Emoni.”

  She and I blew each other kisses.

  The second she was out of view; Marco snatched the phone out of my hand.

  “Tadeas, you’re chipper,” he growled.

  His eyes bulged. “It’s the holidays.”

  Tadeas hightailed it out of the room into a spacious office. He slipped in his earbuds.

  Marco was almost foaming at the mouth.

  “Baby, we had this discussion last night,” I mumbled in his ear.

  “How do you feel, Marco?” Tadeas asked, sitting in the leather office chair.

  “I’m all right. Did Emoni bring you up to speed?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I am happy you’re up a
nd around.” His head lightly thudded the headrest.

  “I should have been there.”

  “Good thing you weren’t. I couldn’t afford Emoni not having proper backup.”

  “I hate this shit went down the way it did.” Tadeas gripped his golden locks. His hair had grown over the last few months.

  “Refresh my memory on what I said your duty was in Italy. I may not remember, but I’m positive I know what I said.”

  Tadeas rubbed his brow. “Keep Emoni’s family safe.”

  “And what else?”

  Marco glanced at me. “Make me a drink, please.”

  I scooted to the edge and pressed the button. The door ascended, and the drink tray slid toward me. I poured whiskey into the low-ball glass.

  “Don’t fuck her sister.”

  He shook his head. “Exactly, sounds like something I’d say. What will you do once you return to the states?”

  “Marco, I plan to keep seeing her.”

  He chuckled. “You had just as many women as me.”

  I placed the glass in his hand. “Tadeas, I know you care about her. It isn’t any of our business.”

  Marco tossed the harsh contents to the back of his throat.

  “Speak for yourself, Emoni. Back to business. Soon I need you to move the package to a safe place in the states. Don’t trust anyone.”

  “Boss, I understand.”

  “You are one of my most trusted men. Don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t.” He gruffly rubbed his chin.

  My head rested on Marco’s bulky shoulder. “Talk to you soon, Tadeas.”

  Marco disconnected the call.

  “It’s the holiday. Can’t you be nicer?”

  He placed my cell on my lap. “When your sister comes crying on your shoulder and you’re pissed he dumped her the second he was reassigned what will you ask me to do?”

  I sighed. “Nothing.”

  He was cranky today. I wondered if it had anything to do with his latest dream about Vanisha.

  “You say that now.” He shook his head.

  I patted his muscled thigh, peeking at him from the corner of my eye. “No, cigars today.”

  Could he hear the worry in my tone?

  “Got it.”


  Maceo drove inside the six-car garage. The second we walked into the spacious stark white kitchen, Leana threw her arms around Marco.

  Tomatoes and rich herbs swept up my nose.

  “I’m so happy you are alive.” Tears spilled down her olive complected cheeks. She tucked her head into his chest.

  “I hated I couldn’t be there for you.”

  “Ma, it’s all right. Emoni had security tight.”

  Leana stepped back with tear-stained cheeks. “Emoni, sweetheart, thank you.” Her arms wrapped around me. I leaned into her embrace. “You’re welcome.”

  “Who’s here?” Marco strolled toward the family room.

  “I need to check on the marinara sauce.” She scurried toward the stove.

  “Luca and your father.”

  “Bro,” Luca yelled, meeting Marco at the kitchen threshold.

  “Hello, Emoni.” His brown eyes flickered. Did I see appreciation? No, couldn’t be.

  “Happy holidays,” Luca.

  Marco shouldn’t be out of bed. We should’ve remained home, but Marco needed to show his mother he was ok. He was a big strapping strong man who unfortunately moved slower presently. The pain meds masked the excruciating pain he endured. Clenching my hands at my sides, I cringed at the bear hug the two brothers shared. My stomach was twisted in knots. Stroking my stomach, I quickly remembered I was supposed to be in bed too. Saving my strength for the fight was crucial.

  “Emoni. Emoni.” I snapped out of my daze and peered at Leana.


  “Maceo will take your coat. Have a seat. We need to talk.”

  As soon as the war was over, we needed to give Maceo time off. He’s worked nonstop to protect us.

  “Yeah.” Maceo held the collar of my coat as I shrugged out of it.

  “What can I do?”

  “Sit.” She nodded to the row of plush white leather chairs surrounding the gray and white swirl marble countertop.

  Maceo walked toward the living room.

  I slid into the chair. My clutch rested in my lap. Needed to keep my Glock close. We had to move smart. On the way home we’d switch cars twice. We couldn’t take any chances. I fucking longed for this war to end. Roderigo was a bunny on a stick. I gave him a head start. You better believe I’d catch up with his ass. And when I did, I’d skin that bunny alive.

  “Son, it’s good to see you.” I heard Lucas enter the family room.

  “Emoni, maybe we should step into my office,” Leana stated over her shoulder as she prepped one of Marco’s favorite pasta dishes.

  “No. We can talk here. You don’t stick to traditional Italian dishes?”

  “Not every year. Last night I served salmon. Today I’m serving Christmas lunch. Which works because you two have to leave soon. I’m just happy you and my son are here. I know you weren’t supposed to leave the house. Thanks again.” She grinned over her shoulder, prepping another pasta dish.

  “Where’s the chef?”

  “He prepared Thanksgiving dinner. I normally cook Christmas dinner. Unless I invite guests over. He deserved to have today off.” She strolled over to the subzero fridge.

  “What’s on your mind.” She poured cranberry juice in a glass for me.

  “It’s weird. He doesn’t really remember me. Pieces of his memory have returned, but his eyes don’t light up like they used to. When he found out I was pregnant, that smile on his face was the biggest I’d ever seen. He’ll still crack a joke every now and then.” My brows wrinkled.

  “Now he stares at me like I’m his lunch and dessert rolled in to one.” I spun the ice in the glass, then sipped the juice.

  Leana snickered as she poured red wine in her glass. “Even though he doesn’t remember you, he’s still attracted to you?”

  “Yes.” I felt my cheeks heat up.

  “Not a bad thing?”

  I shook my head and chuckled.

  “What’s the last thing he remembers?” She sank into a plush chair beside me.

  “Flying to Portland for the charity event. That’s it. He doesn’t remember meeting me that night. Although he’s had two memories recently. He remembered a glimmer of poker night in Vegas. Marco said he sensed I was important to him. He also remembered me entering the room to take care of Vanisha.”

  Her dark brows rose. “How does he feel about removing her from your lives?” She brought the glass to her red lips.

  “I don’t know. He won’t say. Marco woke up in a cold sweat. He didn’t want to talk about how he felt. Of course, I didn’t ask him point blank was he upset. He had a relationship with her. A bond almost. Even if money was exchanged for sex.” I shook my head.

  He returned to bed later and held me. He’s on edge today. I don’t want to crowd him.”

  She gripped my hand. “Relax, bellissima. My son will find his way back to you. Now tell me what happened the day Marco was shot.”

  A chill shot up my spine. Shit, she might take me to the basement and dismember my body. Sweat beaded along my hair line as I hashed out the story.

  Her head dropped back in laughter.

  “You shoved his dick in his mouth?” She slapped the counter with her palm. Her laughter bounced off the walls.

  “Good for you.”

  Leana’s eyes narrowed and her lips tightened. “What did I tell you, Emoni? You would cut the head off of the snake. Very good. That bastard had it coming. What did you do with his body?” She gulped her wine.

  “Maceo burned him at the crematorium Luca instructed us to use.”

  She nodded.

  Her hands framed my face, and her brown eyes stared into mine. “Emoni, you are the perfect Donna. You stepped in when needed. No hesitation. My son chose well.
” She sat back and downed the remaining contents in her glass.

  I exhaled. Swiping the layer of sweat from my brow.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I thought you might want to kill me since Marco was shot protecting me.”

  She poured more wine into her glass, smiling. “No, Emoni. My son made the decision to protect you. His wife. And his unborn child. That is his duty as a boss.”

  I smiled wide.

  “What else is on your mind?”


  “Not true. Marco texted me this morning. He said you needed to talk to me about how we handle our emotions as Donnas’.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I slid my hand over my hair.

  “The guilt was mounting. I almost lost him. Marco said I needed to cry on his shoulder. I’m careful not to show weakness around our men.”

  “Good. I’ve only stepped in for Lucas one time. It was stressful, but I held my head high. I didn’t take shit from anyone. I’ve killed my share of women in the past. It’s not the same as making business decisions. You strategically made the decisions for this family. You brought the men home safe and sound.”

  “Marco plans to take care of the rat tomorrow.”

  “Will you be there?”


  “Good. It’s important he’s tortured by you both. He tried to bring down the Esposito’s.” Leana’s eyes darkened.

  “Everything all right in here?” Marco met my gaze.

  I smirked. “Yes.”

  He strolled toward us. Marco kissed the top of his mother’s head. “I’m famished.” He never took his seductive green eyes off mine.

  Squeezing my thighs tight, I massaged my collar bone.

  “Luca, I need you to place the dishes on the table in the dining room.” Leana walked over to the stove.


  Leaning against the counter on his elbow in an expensive black suit, Marco’s eyes roamed my body.

  “I’ll be back. I need to freshen up.”

  I broke our hypnotic stare. Shit, I was coming undone at the seams. Marco was walking sex. Emoni you can wait until you get home to fuck him. He only wants to fuck you, anyway. What’s the harm in doing so? He’s your husband, after all.

  Tugging my red dress closer to my knees, I sauntered out the kitchen. The gigantic Christmas tree caught my attention. I marveled the red, gold, green and silver ornaments, before disappearing into the luxury bathroom. Recessed lighting lined the wood-paneled ceiling. The long white and tan counter was cold to the touch.


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