Love in the Darkness: A shy girl alpha male romance novel

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Love in the Darkness: A shy girl alpha male romance novel Page 13

by Haley Travis

“Thanks, Gwen,” I said. “I really appreciate this.”

  “I’m sure she knows that you just want her to be happy, but she has to feel relaxed enough to be able to speak up.” Her nose crinkled as she shook her head. “Honestly, I’ve known a lot of really quiet girls, and for some of them, speaking up at all is a real challenge.”

  I nodded. “I’ve called her a tough little cookie before, and I think she really is, but yeah. She’s instinctively quiet. I’ll just be encouraging, and try to get her to tell me what she needs.”

  “Precisely. Good boy,” she said. I tried to glare at her, but it was always hard when she was laughing at me when she was right. “Now you should go back to her place and clean her entire apartment.”


  “Because that’s a great way to make women happy,” she said.

  Reaching over her shoulder, I plucked an imaginary flower from the wall and handed it to her. “Thanks, Sis.”

  She beamed, taking it and tucking it behind her ear. “Any time, little brother.”

  As I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things, I realized that Gwen might be right. I was taking up too much room in Kayla’s life, both with time and physical space. I didn’t ever want her to feel crowded.

  The second I got to her apartment, I picked up the mail, including a box of books, then went in to quickly scrub the place as much as possible in an hour. I arranged flowers on the table, and tried to make her space seem a little more open without my junk in the way.

  Without even thinking, I opened up her books to place them on the shelf for her. Then I stopped, my breath freezing. She had ordered a book about personal space, yet I had opened her mail without even thinking? What the hell was wrong with me?

  Dammit. Gwen was always right, but this time she was really, extremely correct. Grabbing my things, I locked up and rushed home.

  I figured I could phone Kayla in a little while to wish her good night, and give her one evening alone in her own space. I just hoped that she would forgive me for being such a pushy ass, and see that it came from me wanting to care for her.


  * Kayla *

  I had read Liam’s text on my way home, and had expected him to be here. As I went to get a glass of water, I noticed that the pots had been scrubbed and the kitchen was immaculate. There were fresh flowers on the table. Slowly walking around my apartment, I noticed that it was beyond spotless. And most of the little things of Liam’s that had appeared here and there were now missing.

  I ran to the bathroom so quickly that I nearly tripped, and was relieved to see his toothbrush was still there. But his spicy soap and shaving supplies were gone.

  Did… did Liam leave me?

  Falling onto the couch, I realized that I’d gotten too much light for the day, and my eyes felt a bit weak. Plus, I should not have had that last martini.

  Attempting to look around the room very methodically, I analyzed every area in turn. The purple and blue flowers on the table were very pretty, and a good sign. His laptop and knapsack were gone, which was a bad sign.

  Sometimes if he was in the middle of a good book, he would leave it on the tiny side table in front of the bookshelf. He joked about starting his own to-read pile here. This time there were three books on the table. I got up and walked over to see that he had neatly stacked my books that must have arrived while he was here cleaning.

  My blood ran cold as I realized what he might have thought from reading the titles. Great Art During the Great Depression, Dealing with Stress While Managing your Health, and, How to Create Personal Space.

  I knew that Liam loved me. But could he have seen these books and gotten the wrong idea? Could he have thought about the way I urged him to leave this morning and put two and two together wrong?

  A few days ago I would have been thrilled at the idea of spending an evening alone in my apartment just to write in my journal and take a breath. Now I grabbed my purse and coat, racing out the door to Liam’s condo. I couldn’t let him think that I was anything less than thrilled with our relationship.

  I didn’t think that he would take off without a conversation, but I was still getting to know him. He did have some basic facts in his head that were completely wrong, and did not seem flexible on. Like how he thought he looked like a criminal or monster. Like how he thought people were afraid of him.

  Not wanting to spend money on another cab, I walked as quickly as I could. The faster I walked, the more frantically my mind spun in circles. Did Liam really leave me? Was he upset with me, or did he think that I was upset with him?

  I’d never had an argument with anyone important before. By the time I knocked on Liam’s door, I was a shaking mess on the verge of tears.

  He seemed shocked as he opened the door. “Hey, baby, what–”

  “Are you leaving me?” I squeaked.

  From the horrified expression as his tanned face turned pale, I may as well have slapped him. In a heartbeat I was in his arms as he carried me to the couch, holding me in his lap.

  “No, Kayla. Oh my god, no. I wanted to give you a night alone. I thought I was crowding you.” He held me so tightly I could barely breathe, but it felt so good. “I was about to call you,” he murmured into my hair. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

  “Why did you take your shaving stuff home then?” I choked. I knew I sounded hysterical. I couldn’t help it.

  “No, it’s still there,” he said gently, rubbing my back in slow circles. “I picked up a little bin to put my stuff under the sink so that I wasn’t taking up your counter space.”

  “I’m sorry,” I sniffed, “You were gone, and your stuff was gone, and I just… freaked out, I guess.”

  “I’m the one that’s sorry, baby,” he murmured. “I’ve been invading your space and taking over your entire life.” Picking up my hand, he kissed the back of it, then held my palm to his chest. “I know you’re quiet, and need some alone time. Or should I say, I know now. Gwen informed me that I’m an ass.”

  I laughed, relaxing a bit as I curled into his shoulder.

  “I wanted to care for you,” he said softly. “I want to do everything for you. But I don’t want to make you unhappy.” He gave me a tiny shake. “I’m going to have to pay more attention, and you’re going to have to tell me when I’m being an ass.”

  I nodded, then slipped my hands around his shoulders, turning so that I could kiss him properly. Feeling his breath hitch as our lips met filled me with a rush of lust that shot through me like lightning.

  “Are we okay?” he whispered, curling me against his massive chest.

  “Yes,” I said, feeling much more grounded. “But in the morning, I’m going to go work at my place for the day, and you work here. Then we’ll have dinner together. Does that sound reasonable?”

  “Absolutely.” His lips brushed against the edge of my ear as he breathed, “I know it’s hard, baby, but if we ever need to change something, just tell me. Please. I know this is new for both of us, and we’re flying blind here.” He paused, giving his head a shake. “Sorry. We need to be open. Okay?”

  I nodded, running my hand across his chest in the way that always made him shiver. “I’ll do my very best.”

  “I’m sorry I scared you. We’re forever, Kayla. Even when I do things wrong, you’re going to be right here to kick my butt. Right?”

  “Yes,” I murmured, stretching up to kiss him. “Forever,” I whispered against his lips, before cuddling into his arms to melt against his chest. Resting with his huge body wrapped around mine was the only time my mind truly shut off, letting me recharge completely.

  It felt like my big hunk of a man was replenishing me somehow, helping me heal from the inside out. Then I started to laugh. Liam held me, stroking my back until he realized I wasn’t stopping.

  “Baby, what’s so funny?”

  “I…” I could hardly breathe. “I just realized that I need to send a thank you note to the jerk who doored Gwen when she was on her

  Liam burst into howling laughter with me. When he could finally speak, he said, “Remind me to work that into our wedding toast someday.”



  * Kayla *

  * Four Months Later *

  Liam still cared for me every chance he got, from moving me into his condo to adding blinds at every window and dimmers to every lighting fixture. He kept extra sunglasses in his car, his backpack, everywhere.

  He was overbearing, overprotective, and often behaved like a caveman protecting his property.

  I loved it.

  Now that we had a few boundaries in place, I was confident when I needed to draw a line. He was instinctively learning when to back away before I even told him.

  I’d never felt so treasured, so worshiped. He listened and studied every opinion of mine. He looked for ways to help me, but usually backed off if I wanted to solve an issue on my own. He was the light in my life that I’d never known I needed. I felt like a princess, and he was my entire kingdom.

  My eyes were healing well, likely in part due to his constant attention, and always putting my health first. We went for long sunset walks, had smoothies for breakfast, and fell into a beautiful rhythm together. Our lives came together so perfectly that there was absolutely no doubt that we were meant to be.

  I tried to think of something I could possibly do for him that would show him how I felt. How he has changed me for the better, and healed more of me than my eyes.

  Liam likely didn’t even remember our silly discussion a few weeks ago about the perfect shade of tan, and my jokingly holding color chips up to his face. He accepted my tiny lie when I told him I was going out to get my nails done this afternoon as a special treat.

  When I came home, I sat beside him on the couch. “Let’s see,” he grinned, looking at my bare nails. He raised his eyebrow suspiciously. “I think your salon did a lousy job.”

  “I went somewhere else instead.” He turned to me, seeming amused by the way I couldn’t stop smiling. “I need you to understand that beauty is everywhere,” I said softly. “And I see the beauty in what people are.”

  Liam cocked his head. “Are you talking about my scar?” He reached out to take my hand. “Honestly, I’m so relieved that it doesn’t bother you. I was so scared.” He chuckled. “Terrified, to be honest.”

  “I know. And I wanted to show you how important you are to me. All of you.”

  I unbuttoned my shirt, and he grinned. “I like where this is going.” Then he saw the bandage and his eyes went wide.

  “Don’t freak out, I’m not hurt,” I said quickly. As I peeled the tape back, I winced, giving a little laughing squeal. It reminded me for a second of the bandages I wore during the week we fell in love. “I found a clear photo, and used your artist. Rachel matched the exact shade of your tanned face.”

  Pulling the cotton pad away, I said, “It’s fresh, so it looks darker than it will in a few weeks. It’s going to be very subtle, just a light brown streak, more like a birthmark.”

  His mouth fell open as he stared at a replica of his scar – a jagged line, a space, and a longer jagged line, right across my heart at the exact same angle.

  Liam looked from the new tattoo to my eyes, back and forth, unable to take it in. “Why... what does this mean to you?”

  I took his hands, which were shaking. “I love all of you. I need you. And you’re part of my heart forever.”

  Liam shook his head. “Damn, Kayla. I’d been starting to price out diamond rings, but this just... There’s no way that I can think of something more romantic than that.” He flashed me the most adorable grin. “I know it’s not a contest, but baby, you just won.”

  Leaning in to kiss his cheek, I looked up at him. “Every time you take care of me, it’s the most romantic thing in the world.”

  Suddenly I was in the air, his arms around me, as I was being carried to the bedroom. “I need you naked, now,” he growled, nuzzling my ear, then locking eyes with me.

  Our deep gaze was always a bolt of electricity, bonding us together. But now he could truly understand that this wasn’t just a relationship to me. He was my everything.


  * Liam *

  *** Two Years Later ***

  When your sexy wife says that she wants to do something extra special for your first wedding anniversary, you say yes. Even without knowing what she’s talking about.

  I went out to pick up some groceries for dinner, and also picked up champagne and chocolates, figuring that a little special dessert was in order. When I walked into the condo, dropping the bags on the kitchen counter, I saw a little arrow on the floor made with pink tape.

  “I wonder where this leads?” I called out, walking forward until I saw another pink arrow once I passed the kitchen counter. There was another one pointing into the bedroom, as if I didn’t know exactly where Kayla was waiting.

  I kicked off my boots, and entered the room to see my gorgeous wife lying across our bed, propped up on a couple of pillows. Her pale skin was luminous in the candlelight.

  She was beautifully naked, wearing only an orange ribbon tied loosely in a bow around her neck, with another around her thigh like a garter.

  “Happy anniversary,” she purred.

  I pulled off my shirt, staring at her as intently as she was staring at me. It was incredible that our crazy desire for one another had not diminished in the slightest.

  I dropped my pants and shorts, sitting on the edge of the bed near her feet. Lifting her foot gently by the ankle, I pressed a kiss to her instep.

  “Happy anniversary, little one,” I said. “Does this mean I get my favorite dinner tonight?”

  “What dinner could that possibly be?” she asked, twirling her hair as she dropped a shoulder to thrust her breasts at me.

  Kissing my way up her calf, across her knee, I slowly untied the ribbon around her thigh. “I think you know precisely what dinner I mean,” I said, my voice already thick with lust.

  Grabbing her hips, I spread her legs wide. Hearing her soft little sigh as she leaned back was the highlight of any man’s fantasy. Her fingers gripped the sheets as I kissed my way along her inner thigh, breathing in her light feminine scent.

  I looked up to see her bright eyes, with her pupils dilated and her breath already twitchy. Spreading her open with my fingertips, I dipped my tongue between her silky folds, tasting her sweet honey.

  Her delicate skin was already quivering, as I rubbed my rough bit of beard all over her until she whimpered my name.

  Slicking my tongue quickly against her clit was the highlight of every day, but she seemed even more riled up than usual. As I slipped two fingers inside her, caressing her tender flesh, it felt like she was almost on the edge already.

  Her sweet little pussy was already dripping. I guess the anticipation of lying here naked for me had gotten her all hot and bothered.

  My cock was already a rod of steel, but I needed to make her come first. Always.

  Stroking slowly with my fingers, I tipped my palm up to drag against her g-spot, driving her wild. Flattening my tongue against the sweet, swollen bud of her clit, her hand gripped the back of my hair frantically.

  “Oh, Liam…” she moaned. Then she pulled my head against her tighter as she writhed with need.

  Looking up into her sweet, perfect face, her mouth fell open in a luscious little O as she screamed. Watching her climax for me was the most exquisite thing in the world. I growled into her hot little pussy as she thrashed under me, coming hard.

  Leaping up to kiss her, she was still tensing around my fingers, her body quivering restlessly as she wrapped her legs around my hips.

  “Liam,” she breathed. My cock instinctively gravitated to her wet opening, replacing my fingers as I began to slip inside my gorgeous wife. “Oh… Liam, yes,” she moaned as I tried desperately to control my urge to take her hard, gliding gently as her body stretched around my shaft.

>   Nuzzling her throat, stroking her hair, caressing her soft breasts, I still couldn’t believe that she was all mine. I kissed her forehead, then looked down at her seductive smile. She was practically glowing, moaning softly as she arched and wriggled against me.

  Taking long, steady strokes into her tight, wet pussy, I tried to slow my breathing in an attempt to control myself. This was a very romantic night, and I wanted her to see that I could be tender with her. That I would always put her first.

  Feeling her thighs clench as she rocked with me, we became lost in each other’s lips. Her sweet little tongue danced in my mouth as I tried to steady the pressure of my hips, even though it felt like she wanted it harder.

  “Baby,” she moaned, “There’s something I forgot to tell you.”

  “What is it, sweetheart?” I felt her soft, sexy body begin to tense, and it sounded like she was so close to coming. I’d be right behind her.

  Kayla grabbed my face with both hands and stared at me intensely. “I went off the pill two months ago, and I’m ovulating right now.”

  Oh my... fuck.

  Knowing that I was in the process of knocking up my gorgeous wife made every primal instinct I’d ever had overtake me completely. Every possessive, obsessive, primitive urge rumbled inside me. My throbbing cock plunged into Kayla’s soft, sweet body with an entirely new mission.

  “Yes,” she moaned, digging her fingers into my shoulders, my neck. Feeling the little nicks of her fingernails against my skin drove me even crazier.

  I lifted my torso for a second, needing to look down between us to see my thickness pounding inside my curvy, sexy woman.

  “I love that you like to watch,” she moaned. “Oh my god, Liam, did you get even bigger?”

  My teeth nipped at her ear lobe as I settled over her again, plunging deeper, faster, barely able to control my desire. Pulling the orange ribbon from her throat, I began to devour her neck, kissing and sucking as she squealed for me.


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