Taming Two Warriors: A Kindred Tales PLUS length Novel

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Taming Two Warriors: A Kindred Tales PLUS length Novel Page 8

by Evangeline Anderson

  Reaching up to grip Vorn’s right bicep with her left hand, she put her own right arm around his trim waist and then turned so that her hip was flush with his thigh. Pulling him with her, she attempted to lift his body and flip him over with the strength of her back and legs.

  It was called a hip-roll and once upon a time, Jodi had been pretty good at it. But again, she’d never practiced with an opponent this big. Vorn felt like he weighed a ton—it was like trying to flip a huge, heavy mattress.

  The big Kindred allowed himself to be pulled by the move but when Jodi attempted to lift and flip him, he set his legs and simply wouldn’t let her.

  “Okay, now if I let you do this move you’re going to hurt yourself, sweetheart,” he said, sounding maddeningly reasonable. “Kindred aren’t just bigger than humans—we’re heavier too. Our bones are more solid so our skeletal structure weighs more. Not gonna let you hurt your back just to prove a point.”

  “You bastard!” In pure frustration, Jodi turned to beat against his broad chest. “You asshole!” she shouted.

  In a flash, Vorn had grabbed both her hands in one of his and twisted her around so that her back was to his front. Wrapping one muscular arm around her waist, he held her in place effortlessly, pinned against his big body.

  “Let me go—let me go!” Jodi snarled, doing her best to kick back and catch him in the balls.

  But Vorn didn’t allow that either. Instead, he dragged her over to the loveseat and sat down on it, still holding her trapped in his lap. One long leg came around and captured hers and then Jodi found herself tied neatly in a knot with the Kindred’s muscular arm pinning her arms to her body and her legs immobilized too.

  “Stop it! Let…me…go!” But no matter how much she squirmed and wiggled, she couldn’t get free—couldn’t even move an inch. She was fighting like crazy to no effect and it didn’t even seem like Vorn was exerting that much effort to hold her.

  At last she ceased her efforts and slumped, panting, against his broad chest.

  “Finished now?” Vorn rumbled in her ear. “Good, now listen to me, little girl,” he went on, not waiting for her to answer. “Because we’re gonna have a little talk.”

  “Let me go or I’ll scream!” Jodi threatened breathlessly. But honestly, she didn’t know if she would be able to. There was something about this position—about being held immobile and pinned against his big, hard body while he murmured in her ear that set her heart racing and her pulse spiking. Still, she couldn’t let him get away with this! “I…I swear I’ll scream,” she told him again, though her voice came out in an unsteady whisper.

  “You don’t want to do that.” His other big hand—the one that wasn’t currently pinning her against him and holding her arms down—came up and loosely encircled her throat. He didn’t press—not a bit—but Jodi could feel his long, warm fingers caressing the pulse-points of her neck. “It only takes six seconds of air loss to make someone unconscious,” he told her softly. “I don’t want to do that to you—I don’t want to hurt you in any way, Jodi—but I can’t have you calling the Earth peacekeepers and telling them I’m the bad guy just because I happened to find your little fuck-toy by accident.”

  “You…how dare you?” Her breath was tearing in her throat now in a strange mixture of fear, anger…and some other emotion she couldn’t name, even to herself. This position, this situation, it reminded her of an old fantasy—one she hadn’t entertained since she’d gotten together with James and he had made it clear he had n interest in such things.

  Stop it, she told herself fiercely. Stop it, Jodi—you are not getting off on this—you’re not!

  “Now listen,” Vorn growled softly in her ear. “I’ll apologize again—I’m sorry I found your secret stash of playthings. It was an accident. I know you’re angry with me, but I think we just proved you’re not up to defending yourself if a hoard of angry Varians comes looking to find you, so I’m staying.”

  “You bastard,” Jodi whispered, but her anger was changing into something else—something she couldn’t define. Maybe it was his low, growling voice in her ear, or the way she felt completely restrained by his big body. Or maybe it was his hot, animal scent invading her senses.

  For whatever reason, Jodi found herself almost leaning into him as he spoke, his deep voice and hot breath blowing against the sensitive shell of her ear.

  “You know your problem, Jodi?” he asked, still holding her tight.

  “Besides that a huge…asshole is…is holding me against my…my will?” she demanded, but her breath came out in gasps and pants.

  “No, baby.” There was humor in Vorn’s deep, growling voice. “You’re hangry.”

  “What?” Jodi was so surprised she half twisted her head around, trying to look at him.

  “Hangry,” Vorn repeated patiently. “It’s an Earth slang word I picked up last time I was down here—a portmanteau of hungry and angry. Meaning when you get hungry enough, you start to get angry.”

  “I’m not hungry!” Jodi scoffed, both wishing he would let her go and somehow wishing the exact opposite at the same time.

  “I’m not talking about being hungry for food,” the big Kindred growled. “Look, I’m gonna be blunt, sweetheart—you need to get off and you need it bad. You’re so sexually frustrated right now you’re climbing the fucking walls and it’s making you and me both miserable.”

  “What?” Jodi twisted her head around again and he allowed it so she could see the look in his golden eyes. He was serious, she realized. “How dare you talk to me like that?” she demanded.

  “Because I’m tired of beating around the fucking tree—or whatever that Earth saying is,” he growled. “Look, you might lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me—I can smell your heat, baby. You’re in bad sexual need and it’s making you really, really hard to be around.”

  “If you don’t like my mood, you can get out,” Jodi snapped, wriggling against his unbreakable grip out of pure frustration.

  “It’s not your mood I’m talking about—though you’re not exactly a ray of fucking sunshine right now,” Vorn growled. “I’m talking about your scent. As long as you stay as hot as you are right now, I can’t help noticing it and it’s driving me almost as crazy as your sexual tension is making you. You’re in need—deep in need—you’ve got to get off.”

  “I’m not ‘in need,’” Jodi denied hotly. “If you’re using this lame excuse so you can justify raping me—”

  “Whoa, no. Absolutely not!” He sounded almost angry at the suggestion. “Sexual violence against a female runs counter to everything a Kindred feels and believes—me included.” He shook his head. “I would never do that to you, Jodi. Please believe me.”

  “They why won’t you let me go?” she demanded.

  “Because you’re still angry. I’ll let you go when you calm down completely—when we finish our little talk,” Vorn told her. “Now listen, ideally your mate—or fiancé or whatever you want to call him—ought to come and take care of you.”

  “What? You think James ought to be responsible for…for meeting my sexual needs?” she demanded, too angry to deny that she did, in fact, have needs anymore.

  “Yes, he should,” Vorn said firmly. “If you were my female, I wouldn’t leave you wanting like this. He ought to meet your needs on a regular basis either with his tongue or with his shaft—otherwise he’s fucking neglecting you.”

  “This is crazy—I’m a grown woman and I can take care of my own, uh, needs,” Jodi snapped.

  “Well then do it—before you drive us both fucking crazy,” Vorn growled. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to be in an enclosed area with you when your pussy is sending out ‘come fuck me’ scents like a female gleen in heat?”

  “I am not!” she exclaimed, horrified at the idea that he was smelling exactly how horny she really was.

  But Vorn only made a noise of irritation.

  “Yes, you fucking-well are, little girl. My sense of smell is about a thousand times
more sensitive than a human’s and you might as well be walking around your fucking domicile stark naked as walking around in need like you are right now.”

  His imagery shook her to the core. Was her sexual frustration really that apparent—and that distressing—to the big Kindred? Was he really that bothered by her “heat” as he called it?

  But she wasn’t about to give in.

  “What I want or need is none of your business,” she snapped at him. “You’re here to guard me—not comment on the status of my sex life.”

  “Or lack thereof,” Vorn said in a low voice. “Tell me something, baby—why is it I don’t smell any sex in your bedroom? When was the last time your male took care of you the way he ought to?”

  Jodi stiffened against him.

  “Again, not your business,” she snapped.

  “Yes it damn well is,” he snarled. “How do you think the Varians track their prey, anyway? By scent. So if you’re going around putting out sex pheromones like you’re in Goddess-damned heat, how much more easily do you think they’re going to find it to track you down? I’m telling you, for your own safety and for my sanity, you need to get off. And if that fucking fiancé of yours can’t be bothered to come and do his duty by you, you need to do it yourself.”

  Jodi bit her lip, a maelstrom of dark emotions swirling inside her. Rage, embarrassment, lust, need…

  “I can’t believe you’re saying this to me,” she bit out at last. “This is wildly inappropriate.”

  “Inappropriate or not, it’s fucking true,” Vorn growled. “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Jodi—that’s my job and you’re making it damn hard to do. Now look…” He seemed to shift tone, from irritated to coaxing. “Is there something in the room you gave me to stay in that you need to help you?” he asked her. “You need that big purple shaft thing? You need to have your pussy filled really full in order to get off?”

  Jodi felt a rush of heat wash over her.

  Holding me down…talking dirty to me…Yes, Master…anything for you…anything at all…

  She tried to push the forbidden fantasy away but it was no good. Her nipples were suddenly hard little points at the tips of her breasts and her pussy was throbbing between her thighs. It was like the big Kindred had flipped a switch inside her and she was powerless to shut it back off again.

  “What…what do you mean?” she demanded breathlessly, wanting him to go on, though she knew damn well she shouldn’t.

  “I’m just saying that different females have different needs,” Vorn murmured in a reasonable tone. “And you shouldn’t be ashamed of those needs, baby. If you need to have your little pussy stuffed full of a long, hard shaft that you can clench around to help you come—that’s all right. Or if you need your soft little clit licked and your ripe nipples sucked and tugged, that’s okay too. It’s all right to want to use toys and you shouldn’t be ashamed of them.”

  “I’m not ashamed,” Jodi denied, although the memory of the big Kindred holding her favorite vibrator in his hand still brought a blush to her cheeks. “I’m going to be a sex therapist, remember? I know I can use toys—and I do use them.”

  It was strangely liberating to admit this, especially since she’d hidden that fact from her fiancé for so long. She had once tried to bring a tiny little finger-vibe to bed with them, but James had reacted badly and accused her of trying to “emasculate” him. After that, Jodi had kept her little toy habit to herself—along with her other interests.

  “You fucking-well do use them.” There was admiration in Vorn’s deep voice that surprised her. “That damn purple thing is nearly as big as my own shaft—I didn’t think human females could take something with that kind of girth and length without using bonding fruit or having a Beast Kindred’s precum to ease the way first.”

  “I don’t…don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jodi said. The big Kindred still had her wrapped in his arms, but his grip had loosened to the point that she probably could have twisted away from him and gotten free. But for some reason, she didn’t move an inch—just remained as she was, with her back against his broad, warm chest as she sat on his lap.

  “I’m talking about the fact that a human female usually can’t take a shaft that big without help,” Vorn rumbled. “That’s why I thought you might need that, uh toy I found to help yourself get off.”

  “I don’t need it,” Jodi protested. “I just…sometimes I, uh, use it when…when James can’t come home or he’s too busy with his research to, um, spend time with me.”

  She couldn’t believe she was telling the big, irritating Kindred this. But she felt almost drugged by his warm leather, smoke, and spice scent and by the way he was still restraining her and speaking directly into her ear.

  “Too busy to spend time with you? Too busy to do right by you, you mean,” he growled. “What the fuck is wrong with him, anyway? How can he be blessed by the Goddess with a beautiful, intelligent, curvy female who obviously has such a high sex drive and not want to come home and satisfy you every damn night?”

  “James…James does fine,” Jodi protested, which was pretty much a blatant lie. “And he doesn’t have to satisfy me—it’s not like it’s his job.”

  “Humans must have strange sex lives,” Vorn rumbled. “It fucking-well is his job if he’s the male in your life. He ought to be on his knees eating your soft little pussy every damn night of the week until you come all over his face and then filling you up with his shaft afterwards if that’s what it takes to keep you happy and sexually content.”

  “James…James doesn’t do that,” Jodi said, barely believing she was admitting this. “He doesn’t like, uh, going down. Not that it’s any of your business,” she added, rather belatedly.

  “Doesn’t like to eat pussy?” The incredulity in Vorn’s deep voice was the same as if she’d declared her fiancé didn’t like blow jobs or chocolate or winning the lottery. “What kind of male doesn’t want to eat pussy?” he demanded.

  “Lots of them,” Jodi said with irritation. “Or they don’t know how to do it right. Look—why are we even talking about this?”

  “Because you need some help and it doesn’t sound like your fiancé is up to the job,” Vorn remarked. “Why are you even with him if he won’t go down on you?”

  “Because oral sex isn’t the entire criteria I base my relationships on,” Jodi snapped. God, how had they even started talking about this in the first place? She was beginning to feel like she’d revealed too much—way too much—and her embarrassment and annoyance was beginning to dissipate the strange kind of drugged lust-haze she’d fallen into.

  “What do you base your relationships on, then?” Vorn sounded honestly confused. “If it’s not mutual compatibility and sexual pleasure?”

  “None of your God-damned business,” Jodi snapped. “Look, are you ever going to let me go?”

  “Are you going to get yourself off?” he demanded in return, his arms tightening around her again. “Promise you will and I’ll let you go free.”

  Jodi couldn’t believe him.

  “Are you honestly telling me you’re not going to let me go unless I promise to…to…”

  “To pet your soft little pussy until you come?” Vorn growled in her ear. “Hell, yes. And you need to come hard, baby—and maybe more than once. You’re in really deep need right now—you need to spend some serious time easing your sexual tension.”

  Jodi bit her lip in frustration. How could she tell him that wasn’t how things worked for her? That she needed the props from her playroom to really ease her sexual desire and reach the peak?

  But if I tell him that, he’ll know I’m using them, she thought, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. He’ll imagine me wearing one of my outfits or filling my pussy with one of my dildos.

  He would probably hear her too. Didn’t everyone say that Kindred had almost superhuman senses? She already knew he could smell her most embarrassing secret—how horny she was on a daily basis. She didn’t need him list
ening through the paper-thin walls as well while she got herself off!

  But he wasn’t going to let her go unless she promised, she realized. The big Kindred seemed prepared to hold her restrained on his lap all night until she gave him her word that she would masturbate until she had an orgasm.

  “Okay,” she said at last, knowing she was telling a lie. “I…I’ll do it. I…I’ll try, anyway.”

  “Good. That should put us both out of our fucking misery,” Vorn growled. “The hotter you smell, the harder it is to be around you, baby.” Slowly he released his grip on her.

  Jodi stood up on shaky legs and turned to face him. Even though she was standing and he was sitting, they were still almost eye-to-eye. He was that huge.

  She knew she ought to be angry with him—and part of her still was. He had held her down, talked to her about her intimate sex habits, criticized her relationship, and made her promise to masturbate—if that wasn’t grounds for anger, she didn’t know what was.

  But somehow she couldn’t summon the white-hot rage she’d felt earlier. She just felt wobbly on her legs and her pussy was throbbing so hard she had to squeeze her thighs together to try and ease the ache. God, what was wrong with her? Was it the way he had held her down and basically talked dirty to her—fulfilling a fantasy that James had no interest in? Or was it his incredible scent, invading her senses and making her dizzy? Or a combination of the two?

  Vorn’s nostrils flared and he inhaled and shook his head. There was a definite lump in the crotch of his tight leather trousers and now that she thought of it, Jodi realized she’d felt his hardness pressing against her ass nearly the whole time he’d been holding her.

  “Go take care of yourself, sweetheart,” he told her, frowning. “Do you need the things from your room?”

  “N-no,” Jodi shook her head stiffly.

  “Fine. Then I’m going to bed,” Vorn said shortly.


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