Desire (Montana Dreams Book 3)

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Desire (Montana Dreams Book 3) Page 8

by Jarrod, Cait

  “Poetic,” she sighed, her breathing returning as snuggled into him further. “Let’s not get out of bed. Let’s just stay here.”

  “A wonderful idea but I have work to do. Your horse awaits.”

  “Before you go, there’s something you must know.” He stilled and waited for the next bomb. “There haven’t been any other men.” Why would she deny the obvious? “I slept with other men to stop the nightmares.”

  “You’re not making sense.” Damn, he didn’t want to talk about her flings.

  “I slept with them.” She paused and pressed her teeth into her bottom lip. “That’s not exactly right. There was no sleeping.”

  “Cadence! Stop! I don’t want to hear what you did.”

  “Bradley, I’m not saying this right. Please,” she grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving. “I didn’t sleep because I warded off their advances. It was wrong and I know it. I became a tease, but I had to do something to occupy my mind. I had to stop the nightmares!”

  The sensation of a cinder block lifting off him eased the pressure in his chest. She curled into him more, and held onto his hands, securing his arms around her. “Last night was the first night I slept soundly since I made you leave.” She kissed the top of his hand. “You affected me more than I knew that I couldn’t be with anyone else.”

  Oh, hell! Her words stole his breath, and touched him, giving him unbelievable hope. He pressed his lips to her neck. Thor would have to wait a little while longer. Snuggling with this incredible woman came first.


  Days later, Cadence still hid in her room. Every night Bradley stayed with her and she’d curl into him and sleep soundly. During the day, Trina hung out with her. One way or another, they hoped she’d relax and let life just happen. She’d gone too far without an intervention. Once someone hit a downward spiral, climbing out sometimes took a while. Man, he hoped that wasn’t the case.

  Setting his cowboy hat on his head, he kissed his sister’s cheek, winked at Autumn carrying her ferret into the house, and trotted down the steps into the bright warm sun. In the middle of March, the air had warmed a few degrees, yet not enough to go coatless.

  Trina’s soon-to-be sister-in-law believed in Hopper therapy; anyone would cheer up in his presence. “It worked for Travis,” she’d teased the first day she brought her pet to visit Cadence. Hopper stayed there for a few hours, doing his famous sidestepping war dance, while Autumn visited Trina.

  “Hey buddy,” Bradley called to Thor as he gripped the top board of the round pen.

  Thor snorted and shook his head, yet he didn’t trot over. By now, a green horse should be further along. With his concentration on Cadence, he’d didn’t have the energy to give Thor more attention. Jace tried to get close to the stallion, but he didn’t have the same knack with animals that he did with manual labor.

  “Hey, man,” Jace said, as he stopped unloading small hay bales from the back of Matt’s truck and pushed up the brim of his tan cowboy hat with a gloved finger. The bruise on his face from the brawl had turned an even darker bluish-purple. The cowboy was lucky a pipe hadn’t connected with his cheek. “How is she?”

  The same conversation they had every morning since the bar scene. Jace proved to possess more integrity than Bradley originally assumed. A hard worker, he treated everyone with respect. He didn’t come onto the customers or any of the women working or living at Divine, although the guy left a puddle of drooling women in his wake. “Same.” Which brought up a nagging question, “Who is Eagle?” From the expression and tone the bartender at Talon’s Point used, the man had experience with getting people in line.

  “Rumor has it, he’s retired Special Forces.”

  “Really? Then why work at that dive?”

  “Like I said,” Jace grunted as he grasped a hay bale and tossed it just inside the barn, “it’s a rumor.”

  “Some things are better left unknown.” Garth approached from behind and studied Bradley. Around horses all his life, he still didn’t have a cowboy swagger like this guy. “You don’t look any worse,” Garth said. “After three days, your battle scars should be showing.”

  Bradley had them on his back, stomach, and leg. The cut on his face, right at the hairline, hadn’t needed stitches as he thought. Hell, his face looked like a punching bag. “Have you checked out my face?”

  “No man. You’re not my type.” Garth chuckled and focused on Jace. “Let’s go, we got a thing.”

  “All right.” In a slick couple of moves, Jace scaled the fence and followed Garth, both looking much more dangerous than any other cowboys he’d met. If Bradley chanced a guess, he’d bet Eagle wasn’t the only retired Special Forces around here. So, why were they in Bluebird Valley hanging out at Talon’s Point and working at Divine?

  The men drove slowly out of the lot. As they hit the main road, wheels squealed. Bradley shook his head. Enigmas, and they’d probably stay that way, since he seriously doubted they’d reveal their business.

  Time to get training. With a couple deep breaths, he shoved away the turmoil of Cadence and relaxed his body. “Hey, big guy.” He kept his voice soft, as he ducked between the rails toward Thor. With nothing in his hands, he meandered toward him.

  With an eye on Bradley, Thor circled him half trotting, his legs kicking up in almost a prance. Bradley stilled, waiting for the horse to calm. Unlike the day he met the beautiful stallion, Thor’s nostrils didn’t flare. A good sign. He stopped on the far end of the ring, an ear pointing at Bradley. After being around him all this time, he was finally earning some trust.

  Thor shook his head and trotted in the opposite direction on the other side of Bradley, toward the fence closest to the house, and neighed. Cadence. Clothed in jeans, boots, a lightweight jacket, and her hair tied in a ponytail at the top of her head, she walked toward the pen, looking every bit the angel.

  “Hey there,” she cooed and slowly stepped toward the fence. Thor lifted his head, stepped back as her hand reached out to touch his muzzle. “I’ve missed you.” Her voice stayed low, a calming tone to it. A tone he hadn’t heard her use since he arrived. The horse moved forward and she stroked the bridge of his nose.

  Hidden tension in his shoulders released as a tingling warmth shot goosebumps over his skin. He backed up until he hit the side of the barn and swiped the moisture off his face. The first sign of her coming back to the person she once was. The horse snorted, drawing Bradley’s attention.

  Cadence leaned over the fence, held his head in both hands, and kissed his nose. When did she earn the stallion’s trust?

  Movement from the path’s entrance to the training ring caught his attention. Trina stood there, a hand on her large stomach, the other one covering her mouth. No doubt, his sister had tears running down her face. Their friend was back! He sucked a deep breath in, and released it to remove the tightness in his chest to breathe. Cadence didn’t need to see him or Trina crying like babies. Bradley wasn’t against the act, just didn’t like it. He’d done it enough when his two favorite women were in the accident, and he’d feared he wouldn’t get either of them back.

  Trina hurried into the house. Matt jogged out of the petting zoo after her.

  With Thor paying attention to Cadence, Bradley grabbed the crop and halter from the hook inside the barn. Moving slowly, he approached Thor. The horse backed up a step.

  “Easy boy,” Cadence cooed and stroked the side of his neck. Thor nudged her with his muzzle and moved closer. With her back in control, Bradley didn’t need to get in the way, and just offered her the equipment.

  “Don’t need either yet. I’d rather use my hand instead of the crop. He’s not far enough along for the halter.”

  Thor eyed her as she ducked between the rails and approached. “Hiya, Bradley.”

  Man, he wanted to squeeze her to him and never let go. “Hi, back.”

  She blinked slowly, her eyes speaking to him that she was okay. “Hopper therapy worked.”

  He chuckled. He was g
lad Autumn’s pet helped; yet, giving credit to an animal put him in his place like a gut punch. Give her time. “Good.” Several long beats passed with them staring at each other.

  “I haven’t been to the barn,” she said into the void. She patted Thor’s neck, moved up to his shoulder until she rubbed his head. “You’re a sweetheart,” she spoke softly next to his ear, her hands stroking his long mane and making Bradley envious. “Such a good boy.”

  He cleared his throat and thought about training before her low purr had him walking bow-legged. “Care to explain?”

  “Let’s go.” She patted her leg as if she called a dog. Thor followed! Dagnabit, if this didn’t beat all. Bradley walked on the outside of her, just in case things got out of hand. After a few laps around the ring with Thor obeying like an obedient child, he quickened his pace and moved ahead a few steps. Cadence put the back of her hand against his chest, and Thor slowed.

  A miracle, a flat out miracle that she possessed this much control over her stallion. Thor nodded his head, as if he read Bradley’s thoughts, and answered, “Of course she did.” The power of the moment floored him, and he gazed at the white clouds to gain control.

  Several laps later, Cadence stopped in front of the barn. After giving Thor the hand gesture to stay, she disappeared inside. Bradley followed her to the supply cabinet tucked in the corner. From behind a bucket of treats, she removed a cluster of bananas, peeled one, and went back out to feed it to Thor.

  “That’s how you did it? You snuck in here, and befriended the stallion with bananas?”

  “I did.” A huge smile stretched across her lips, and her eyes glistened with life. Darn she was a beautiful sight. He wanted a taste of her, to give her the kind of kiss that would have her only wanting him.

  “You’re staring.” As if Thor understood, he lifted his head and eyed him.

  “I can’t seem to help myself.” The air sparked between them, clogging his throat as a more powerful fervor jolted through him, and tightened his chest and erection. His balls ached, but he wouldn’t act on what his body wanted, not until he was sure of her mind and heart.

  “Don’t just stare, Bradley.” On his name, her voice dropped an octave. A few encouraging words, and he leapt. He ignored the fear prickling his nerves that this was too soon, that she wasn’t ready.


  The distance between Cadence and Bradley evaporated. It was anyone’s guess who’d move first. Mouths, lips, and tongues mingled while hands jockeyed for position, touching and caressing each other’s arms, necks, and faces. She clutched onto his chest, and balled his shirt in her hands. Her nipples pebbled wanting the same attention, but Bradley didn’t touch her anywhere intimate. She didn’t like it yet understood. By coming out of her shell, she showed him she made progress. In time, he would trust her actions and believe in her, just like Thor did. The secret training she did with her stallion would be tested when she scratched off the last item in her bucket list. The thought of what was yet to come excited her.

  Her and Bradley’s conversation the first night he slept with her had blown her away, and her view of life changed. Right after he left the room to tend to Thor, she lay in bed, remembering how things were before the accident. She tried to pinpoint why she had grown so depressed but came up empty. Depression didn’t necessarily have to have a reason. Losing a child was an excuse in itself. Now that her world felt lighter, brighter, it seemed like something else had made it worse, forced it to deepen, and made it harder for her to get through. Why did the ugly, dark, hopeless feeling go away now?

  Deep in her head, she hadn’t realized he’d stopped kissing her. “Huh?”

  “I didn’t say anything.” The desire in his eyes a moment ago sobered and lost some of their warmth, as if the light went out. “I impressed the girl.” Sarcasm emitted from his tone. He snatched his cowboy hat off his head, hit it against his thigh, and ran a hand through his hair before replacing it. “Stopped kissing the girl and she didn’t notice?”

  Confiding what rolled through her the first night they slept together would reveal more than she was ready to handle. To say the cloud that hovered over her, pressing down on her shoulders and sucking out her energy, had disappeared would acknowledge her tender emotions. Intimacy hadn’t played a role in her newfound self-respect. His compassion and faith in her had touched her in such a profound way that deep reactions surfaced, and she didn’t know how to handle them, much less share. “I-I…”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and studied her for a long minute, so long that his scrutiny made her uncomfortable, a feeling she hadn’t experienced. “For godsakes.” She grabbed the back of his head, forced him to her, and plastered her mouth on his lips. When he placed his hands on her shoulders to pull away, she glared into his eyes. “Take it like a man,” she teased, smirking.

  He chuckled, downright laughed. His body vibrated against hers, glorious tingles spread across her skin where they connected. “That’s my girl.”

  The slow throttle flipped to overdrive. Bradley touched her everywhere ... everywhere! Her nipples rose in anticipation, to feel the man they’d longed for. The kiss deepened, his tongue mimicking what she craved from his other vital parts.

  “Howdy-ho-ho, neighbor.” Travis’ singsong voice knocked on the door of her lust-filled fog, but she didn’t leave Bradley’s heat. “Customers paid to pet the animals, not to watch petting.”

  Cadence gasped in Bradley’s mouth. He took a second longer than her to digest what Travis said. “Awe, shit!”

  “Kids ears!” Travis touched the brim of his hat, grinning. “You all have a good day, ya hear?”

  “That man is sickening now that he’s getting hitched.”

  “I heard that.” Travis raised his hand, giving a sideways wave.

  “Damn, I don’t want to leave you,” Bradley’s warm breath brushed over her skin, his voice rough, “but if I don’t walk away, we’re gonna discover the magic of the hay bale the others brag about.”

  “Oh, I’d like that.” Knowing Bradley’s rational mind was intact, she let out a slow breath to curb her desire.

  “One day.” Cupping the back of her head, he pressed his mouth over hers. His erection pressed hard against her leg, and with a glance over her shoulder to check that no children were near as Travis threatened, she reached down to touch it. He snatched her wrist, stopping her, but not before she brushed the powerful, delicious length. “I’m going for a ride. Alone.”

  Chapter Five

  Weeks had passed since Cadence and Bradley shared the kiss that left her craving for more. She understood he needed space to get his thoughts together, yet she wanted another taste of him.

  Every day, she rose early to work with Thor, and every evening, she went into his stall and talked. Over the years, she found horses were the best listeners, but he set the scale high on how well they responded. She treasured his headshakes and neighs as if a good friend sat with her.

  She snatched a bag and purse from the chair in her bedroom and slipped downstairs to the family room. Trina stretched out on the couch, flipping channels and looking more bored than she’d seen her. “I’m heading to town. Want to go?”

  “You don’t need a babysitter.”

  Her insides vibrated, knowing she’d regained her senses. “Yes, my house arrest has been lifted. I figured you’d like to get out.”

  Trina sighed, and a dreamlike expression crossed her features. “I’d love to but I’m still under house arrest.” A moment passed, and her eyes sparkled. “I wonder if I go, would Matt bring out the handcuffs? Hmm…”

  Cadence hooted. “This pregnancy has given you a whole new outlook.”

  “As if you’re Miss Prim and Proper.”

  “Never said I was, but you were.”

  “Not like you think. I waited for the right guy before I released the inner diva.”

  The comment struck a nerve. Did her friend still think she slept with a lot of guys? Cadence crossed her arms and rubbed the back of th
em, the bag and her purse hitting her sides.

  “Oh.” Trina’s voice laced with worry. “I didn’t mean it like that, and for the record, I always knew the truth.”

  “What truth?”

  “That you weren’t sleeping with every guy you came across.” She’d wondered what Trina thought of her disappearing the way she had. For two close friends, they hadn’t shared much lately. Cadence’s fault. An issue she needed to correct.

  “We all have our own way of finding what we want,” Trina cut into her thoughts. “My greatest hope, well besides marrying Matt, was for my best friend and brother to marry.”

  “You knew about us?”

  “Am I blind?” Trina laughed and held her finger and thumb close together. “Well, maybe a little. I didn’t know you two had been together, but I saw the respect you had for one another and hoped I would have you for a sister.” She grasped her hand “By law.” She smiled a second before her face dropped. “I’m sorry about the baby. If you had told me, I would have been there for you.”

  Cadence nibbled on her lower lip. “I wouldn’t steal your thunder. You had a Matt mission, time got away, and I went into a funk.” She didn’t want to get into a deep conversation about if only. She stopped mulling over regrets. “I forgot I had this.” She’d finally remembered to grab the graduation gift she’d given Trina when they shared apartment. She pulled out the green fleece covered with zoo animals.


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