Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6)

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Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6) Page 18

by Stephanie West

  She flipped over and attempted to tackle him, but he evaded her by hopping off the bed.

  “What are you doing?” she huffed as he casually strode into the bathroom and grabbed one of the body towels.

  He was screwing around while she was coming unglued. Vintor ripped the towel, making two long strips. She stared at the ominous swaths of fabric as he stalked toward her.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Maya scrambled back on the bed, but Vintor lunged faster than she could flee and straddled her stomach.

  “Oh yes, goddess.” He tied the end of each strip around her wrists.

  She tried to buck him off but only succeeded in making his stiff cock bounce against her breasts. He shifted off her, gripped one leg and forced her to bend her knee to her chest, then attached the other end of the restraint to her ankle.

  “I’m going to get you back for this.”

  “You started this game,” he said with a cocky grin as he repeated the move on her other leg.

  The way he trussed her up, she couldn’t straighten her legs, leaving her ass entirely exposed to the evil man. Vintor knelt behind her ass so her lower back rested on his knees. He gripped her bound ankles, holding them aloft and eyed his handiwork, looking way too proud of himself. His expression darkened with carnal intent and his face plunged toward her pussy. Maya gasped as his tongue laved her slick folds, lapping at the copious moisture she spilled. He growled in pleasure and it sent a frisson of need careening through her pussy, making it spasm. She whimpered from the intensity of it, clawing at his hands that held her in the contorted position. He was torturing her the way she tortured him in the shower.

  “Please, Vintor, I need you.” Her breasts shoved at her knees as she panted.

  “You have me,” he rasped against her intimate flesh.

  Maya tossed her head back when he latched onto her clit and rolled his tongue. He released her ankles and breached her pussy with two fingers. She squeezed the thick digits and thrust against him, chasing the pleasure that was building. Her legs spasmed, making her hands jerk, but there was no place for them to go with the way he’d tied her up, so she was forced to clutch her ankles and hold on for dear life. Vintor collected her slick passion then his fingers retreated.

  “No,” she whimpered.

  Her skin was so sensitive as his fingers drifted lower. He circled her puckered ass and she gasped from the intense sensation. She knew what was coming but it came as no less of a shock when he thrust into her ass, pressing his fingers deep. Her upturned ass was at his mercy, and as foreign as this was she wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop. Three thick fingers on his other hand thrust into her pussy all at once, while assaulting her clit with his tongue. Maya gripped his hair as her bound feet trembled against the top of his head. He added another finger, stretching her virgin hole with deep strokes. The fullness was unfamiliar as well as the unexpected carnal pleasure. She reeled at the intensity of it all, the way he massaged and teased her inflamed nerves. Her head whipped back and forth as he curled his long fingers, massaging insistently at her g-spot.

  “Goddess, you’re gorgeous.” He glanced at her face, which was no doubt as contorted in ecstasy as the rest of her body.

  “Please, Vintor, I need you,” she begged again. As glorious as his touch was, she needed more to find nirvana. His bite would allow no less.

  “You have me,” he repeated.

  Vintor pulled back and eased his fingers from her needy body. She instantly felt the loss and whimpered. He grabbed the bolster pillow and bunched it under her back and head, then pushed her calves up and straddled her ass. She planted her feet against his chest and gripped his biceps. His thick cock bobbed between her raised legs. He was so aroused she could see the turgid knots pulsing along his length. Vintor fisted his shaft and ran his crown along her cleft as he rocked his hips back and forth. He teased her slick folds and grazed her clit with every slow thrust. Maya closed her eyes and moaned. Her moan turned into a sharp, delirious cry when he impaled her on the next stroke.

  “Torment,” Vintor groaned.

  Maya panted at the way he stretched her walls, his cock buried so deep his balls ground into her ass. Vintor wrapped his arm around her back, tugging her against his chest, forcing her bound feet and arms over his shoulders. She didn’t believe he could burrow any deeper, but he did as he folded her in half. Maya gasped, feeling the head of his cock shoved against her womb. He rotated his pelvis, the knots on his shaft stoking her nerve-laden walls. Her pussy quaked around his amazing girth.

  “Oh God,” she moaned. Never had anything felt so good and yet unbearable at the same time.

  She squeezed his cock to heighten the sensation. Vintor’s arousal jerked, his thick crown kicking against her g-spot. She cried out and he snarled his pleasure. He pulled back, curling his hips as he thrust. The demigod released another deep, sexy snarl when he punched deep. Vintor picked up his pace and Maya threw her head back, reveling in the delirium of his possession. He was wild and unbridled in his passion, every punishing thrust driving her closer to the edge. She wanted it. Needed it. The ecstasy was agonizing as it gripped every inch of her.

  “I love you,” Maya cried.

  Vintor tore the bonds holding her wrists and ankles then dropped down over her, his dark eyes penetrating her soul.

  “And I love you, Maya.”

  He kissed her deeply as he resumed his desperate pace. She clawed at his back, holding him close. Her legs gripped his waist, her heels goading his straining ass. Maya thrust her tongue into his mouth, drinking him in. He was her everything. She’d go through all the pain and tribulation all over again to be with him. On his next lunge she exploded into a hailstorm of spasms, keening her rapture. Vintor roared his own release as she milked every bit of passion from his pulsing cock. His release forced another orgasm blazing through her, shredding her in its wake.

  Vintor said it was possible for them to have a family and in that instant she had a soul deep conviction they’d become one. Maya closed her eyes and let that knowledge take her away as she held the man she loved, her mate.

  16 A Meeting of Minds


  Maya awoke with a blissful gasp as she shifted in Vintor’s arms. His massive body lay curled around her back, cocooning her with his warmth. Her head was pillowed on one strong arm, while his other hand spanned her entire stomach. She admired the sight, the way his skin contrasted against hers. They were a great pair, like cherries and chocolate. Despite being asleep, his stiff cock was buried deep in her pussy.

  “You are a handful even fast asleep.” She smiled as she kissed his bicep.

  “Hmm,” he murmured, gripped her tighter and stretched.

  Maya gasped at the way he flexed inside her. Her eyes widened when a second later his hand descended over her mouth and he thrust deeper into her body. The delirious sensation tore a groan from her lips, muffled by his palm.

  “I can’t have you being too loud. When I retrieved our drinks last night, I got another lecture from your brother,” he chuckled in her ear.

  Maya batted at his hand. He released her, and she retreated to the other side of the bed.

  “He heard?” she asked, mortified.

  “Apparently.” He prowled toward her on the bed.


  He nodded, and a rotten fangy grin spread across his face.

  “Vintor, that’s not funny!” She swatted his chest.

  “Breakfast is here,” Gary spoke through the door.

  “Speak of the devil. What is that door made of—paper?” Maya groaned as she rolled off the bed.

  Vintor hounded her as they quickly washed up. She tried to give him stern reproving looks as she dressed in the jumpsuit the Miran Sona provided but gave up and giggled.

  “You two are as bad as teenagers,” Gary admonished when they joined him at the table.

  They’d barely finished eating when a knock came on the door. Vintor answered it to reveal Captain Wen.

; “Ambassador Deto has asked that you contact your vessel before they pass through the rift.” Wen tapped on the panel on the wall. It was silent for a long moment.

  “What do you want? We are leaving,” a deep voice hissed on the other end. She understood the man clearly, but he didn’t sound like Vintor, his voice was more guttural, and he rolled his R’s.

  From the suddenly bright expression on Vintor’s face, he was obviously happy and relieved to hear his friend.

  “So, you’re planning on leaving me here. I knew you were hard-headed, Aculus, but not hard-hearted,” Vintor teased.

  She recalled him mentioning his friend’s name. Apparently Aculus was the captain of the ship that brought Vintor here and wasn’t Cadi but another friendly species.

  “Vintor!” Aculus barked, sounding shocked.

  “Tail intact,” Vintor chuckled then grew serious. “Tell me Ashtoret’s with you.”

  “Everyone made it aboard plus some,” Aculus reassured him.

  Thank you, Jesus! Maya released the breath she’d been holding. She didn’t know any of his friends but the last thing she wanted was him to mourn their loss.

  “I am sure you have much to discuss,” Wen interjected, wearing a serious mien. “We will rendezvous with your ship near the mouth of the rift in less than a cycle. At that time, the Miran Sona ask that you all leave and not return to this quadrant. Please acknowledge if you understand our terms.”

  “I understand your terms,” Aculus curtly replied.

  “Very good.” Wen cut off the transmission before Vintor had a chance to say goodbye.


  “We’re going home.” Vintor tugged her close, unaffected by the captain’s poor manners.

  Maya grinned so wide her cheeks hurt. It was good seeing him happy. He’d been on edge and intensely serious since they met. She liked this side of him. He was so damn cute.

  Even her brother, who’d been relatively quiet throughout this misadventure, smiled. She still felt guilty involving him. From the sound of it they wouldn’t be returning to Earth—ever. That was a hard pill to swallow. She was okay with it, but Gary was just along for the ride. Hopefully he truly meant what he said, that this was a journey of a lifetime.

  “Please come. Ambassador Deto would like for you to attend a meeting,” the pale, lanky captain said then turned on her heels and left, expecting them to follow.

  Wen led them through the battle cruiser at a steady clip, obviously eager to get where she was going. She had difficulty keeping up with the long-legged Miran Sona. The captain stopped when the device on her belt pinged. She read the message then turned toward them wearing a frown.

  “The female who was with you is conscious. She has been healed, but is inconsolable. We usually would leave her in stasis to avoid the shock of seeing an unrecognizable species, but our physicians wanted to be certain she had no lasting brain injuries considering what it took to restore her hearing.”

  They were able to fix her hearing. Maya’s eyes widened at the medical advances the Miran Sona possessed.

  “Well, no wonder she’s distraught. She woke up suddenly able to hear, surrounded by all this. I know I feel like I’m losing it.” Gary shook his head.

  “That poor girl. Emil is such a bastard,” Maya growled. And that was a kind assessment for the vile man.

  “Perhaps you could sit with her during our meeting. It might help for her to see someone of her own kind,” Wen suggested to Gary.

  “She might still recognize me.” Gary nodded.

  “Thank you. Ensign Moru, escort this male to the infirmary.”

  Maya hugged her brother before the Miran Sona soldier led him away. Captain Wen continued down the corridor to the same large meeting room they’d been in the night before, except now, besides Ambassador Deto, a dozen disgruntled people sat arguing around the table. Her eyes widened in recognition.

  “Holy shit. That’s the president, Prime Minister and a ton of other world leaders,” she whispered to Vintor.

  “I recognize one of the males from the hangar. Gary called him the vice president,” Vintor whispered back.

  They weren’t the only ones speaking in hushed tones. The vice president was murmuring to the president as he cast them wary glances. Maya wanted to groan. Ambassador Deto had obviously taken her warning seriously and gathered these world leaders for what was going to be an uncomfortable discussion.

  “Have a seat.” Wen pointed to the end of the table.

  “Quiet down,” Deto trilled. “Now that we are all here we can begin.”

  “What is the meaning of snatching us up?” the prime minister demanded.

  “You have one of our citizens. We want her returned,” the president added.

  “Enough.” Ambassador Deto held up his three-fingered, pale hand. “It has come to my attention that you question our dealings with your people. So, the sooner we discuss these important matters, the sooner you will be returned home.”

  “If this is your source then you should question what you’ve been told,” the president cautioned. He wore a stoic expression, but Maya could see he was nervous.

  I am not a liar. She cast him a dirty look. He might be the president, but she didn’t care.

  "Don't insult me. Your scientist is very intelligent, and even if she wasn't I have no problem believing that you are attempting to recreate the very thing we fear. We've studied you for a long time, so we have no doubt you'd willingly risk not just the lives of other races, but your own with this abomination, all to assuage your fear. That you dare to hold and experiment on my people, the Anguis and others who came to aid you is not surprising given your other treachery, still it’s appalling," Ambassador Deto railed.

  “I think I can speak for many of us here when I say we do not condone what the United States is doing, if what you claim is true,” the president of Russia piped up. He wasn’t the only one here hoping to save their ass.

  Maya shook her head. The lot of them were unbelievable. She looked up to see Deto staring at her.

  “Do you have something you’d like to say?” the ambassador asked her.

  “Word spreads. And although you say you don’t condone what’s happening, you were aware of the work being done on the virus and the related experiments,” Maya chastised the group.

  “You doom us all with your accusations,” another leader lamented.

  “No! You doom us by attempting to create something so horrific that it will end us all. I’m not claiming the Miran Sona are without fault. But our fear has led us down the wrong path and threatened the first relationship we’ve made as a member of the universe. We can’t make enemies of everyone. You have to have faith that people aren’t always out to get you, that when they claim to have good intentions it is just that,” she attempted to appeal to them.

  “We have different interpretations what qualifies as a good intention. We are indefensible against the races that have come. We’ve been forced to trade away our citizens for the barest of technology,” the president argued.

  “We have been forthcoming. Your people are thriving and doing well in the colony, which is a good thing since you are determined to bring about your swift end. We attempt to be understanding since you are still new to dealing with other races, but you tread a fine line and other races will not be so understanding,” Deto countered.

  “So you claim. However, you also claimed the chameleons were allies, when it appears they desire to return to strip us of our people and resources. Then there’s the two new races who’ve infiltrated us.” The president pointed to Vintor. “Again, I reiterate and must insist that we be given means to better protect ourselves.”

  “I’ve been apprised of the reptile species you speak of. They are not the Anguis, or chameleons as you call them,” Deto assured the leaders of Earth. “And we are in negotiations with the two races who entered your system. All this brings us to our new arrangement. To better guard you against reprehensible species we must have a presence in your solar sy
stem, so despite your insecurities we will be taking up a position on the far side of your moon,” Deto announced and everyone in the room started murmuring their displeasure. “That is all for now.”

  This isn’t going to sit well with them, she thought as Miran Sona soldiers started escorting the disgruntled world leaders away.

  “We still must insist you return our citizen,” the president demanded as he stood.

  “No. She is gifted, and I believe she’d only come to harm at your hands,” Deto replied with a dismissive wave.

  “Thank you,” Maya said to the ambassador once her people were out of the room. He could’ve handed her over and there was little she could do about it, although he had given his word not to.

  “We scanned your government’s technological network and were able to confirm your tale. The research on the Morbo and the studies of our people are disturbing. Rest assured we deleted it.”

  “My people won’t like this. They want their cake and want to eat it, too. They’ll want protection and technology without any oversight. I know they can’t be allowed to create things that will doom us all, but I also understand where they’re coming from. We don’t like other people deciding what’s best for us, like we’re children. And I must say that it’s a bit presumptuous of you to name yourselves the sole representative of my people,” Maya informed him.

  “I agree with Maya. As I see it, you are also crossing a line in the way you deal with the humans, claiming it’s in their best interest,” Vintor spoke up.

  “And yet you came here and also interfered.” Deto scowled.

  “The Cadi and Osivoire came with a cloaking array to hide the planet from potential enemies. We hoped it would allow them the protection they needed as they progressed,” Vintor growled in frustration.

  “The array will stay in place. We confirmed its benign intent.” Deto nodded. “But humans can’t have unfettered access to things they don’t understand all at once.”


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