The Officer

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The Officer Page 4

by Kelli Callahan

Jogging back to my home, I walk to the shower. I can't go in smelling like I ran three miles, which I did. I shower quickly, not wanting to waste the morning. I have to work at noon, and Annie will be furious if I'm late. I have worked hard to get on her right side, which means I am never late or lazy. If I am late today, it will give her everything she needs to confirm her suspicions: I am no good just like my father, and she knew it from the start.

  Climbing out of the shower, I walk to my little closet and pull on one of my sundresses. Men were suckers for women in sundresses. Last night's red sizzler was an excellent example. Today, I will wear a sky-blue cotton dress with light fluttering sleeves. It's feminine and sings of youth. I'll wear my hair up in a high ponytail, allowing the long swing of my hair to fall down my back. Again, the image of youth and natural beauty. Kenton doesn't stand a chance.

  A little while later, I walk into the police station with coffee in hand; I’m not sure what kind of coffee he likes. But he is a cop, right? He is used to drinking the crappy sludge that they have at police stations. Anything I bring is bound to be good in comparison. So, when I ask the barista what she recommends for a strong, handsome man, I accept whatever she gave me. She recommended a cappuccino, and I could imagine Kenton drinking a cappuccino. It certainly isn’t my taste. It’s too strong, which is why I order myself a new, German chocolate latte every time I go out. Lattes are nice. They feel useful and feminine, which is the look I am going for today. I think Kenton likes my baby face. While the age gap may pose a challenge, it certainly does not hinder our attraction for one another. I like that he is older, stronger, and has more life experiences. Abbie would say I have daddy issues, but so what if I do? When your dad is a drug lord, you are bound to have some problems, right?

  “Hi, Lucy. How are you?” calls the older woman. Ms. Spinelli has been working behind the desk for years. I remember seeing her the first time my dad got caught. She was always nice to me despite my family heritage. I think that might be a difficult thing for members of the police force. It’s hard to draw the line between family and felon. I wonder if it’s something that Kenton struggles with? He swears that he doesn’t. Would he tell me though?

  “Hi there. How are you?” I respond, aiming to be as casual as possible.

  “Oh, I’m doing fine. Who is the coffee for?” she asks, her voice curious.

  “It’s for the chief,” I say. “Charlie left one of her T-shirts at my house, and I know that he will see her before I do. I’m just bringing him her T-shirt, and this coffee as a ‘Thanks for being my delivery boy’.” I smile and laugh knowing it is not a comparison that he will appreciate.

  “Oh, well that is very nice of you,” she says while looking at the university T-shirt in my hand. “I do miss that girl,” she says referring to Charlie.

  “I do too. Charlie is my best friend,” I respond.

  “I remember how close the two of you were during your childhood,” she says, her voice taking a distant tone.

  “Yes!” I say smiling at her. “We spent our summers in her pool.” The swimming pool; I find myself thinking of so many fond memories, and Chief Travis nearby keeping a watchful eye. Who knew that one day I would grow up and fall head over heels for him!

  “Well then!” she says suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. “Girl, you go ahead and run on back there,” she says, waving an arm toward his office

  “Thank you,” I say with my most darling of smiles.

  Now onto Kenton. I wonder if he’s missed me too. Walking to the back of the room, focusing on the door, I remind myself I need to be as innocent as possible. No one can know about us. We both agreed it’s for the best, and while I miss him, I need to be sure I don’t ruin this for everyone.

  I knock on the office door, my heart beating quickly.

  “Lucy?” he asks in surprise.

  “Hi, I have something of Charlies. I know you will see her before I do, and I was wondering if you could give it to her for me,” I say brightly and innocently, batting my long lashes at him in a way that I know drives him crazy.

  “Erm. Yes, come on in. I just spoke with her this morning, Miss Knight,” he says gesturing to the office room for me to walk in. He looks around nervously. It’s so cute to see him nervous like this. I should have thought of doing this sooner.

  Walking toward the back of the office, the door closes with a snap as he turns slowly to face me. With his voice low and sexy he says, “Lucy, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed…”

  “I know, I know,” I say quickly before he can get mad at me. I remember his angry voice from childhood, and I don’t feel like a lecture right now.

  “I just wanted to see you, and I found an excellent excuse,” I say with my voice bright. “I do have one of Charlie’s shirts, and now I have an opportunity to see you alone today. I wanted to see you jumping out,” I continue as his face remains in hard lines.

  “Lucy, I’m afraid you don’t understand how serious the situation is. Did you understand that if we get caught, then your father will be very angry? Your father has powerful friends and I find it best not to upset powerful people.”

  I can’t help but laugh that he is scared of my father. I’m surprised at how anyone could be scared of my father. Sure, he has a hard exterior, but he has a reputation to uphold. Men don’t become notorious, drug lords without having a reputation for violence. However, as far as I know, my father hasn’t hurt anyone. If he has, I would be really surprised.

  “Well,” I say smiling up at him, “I’d like to think that a little risk and dangerous things are all the more exciting.”

  “Not in my line of work,” he says raising his hand and pinching the bridge of his nose.

  I know I shouldn’t be enjoying it, but he’s so sexy when he gets riled up.

  “Would it help you if I told you that none of my other boyfriends have gone missing or were discovered shanked in a ditch?”

  “No, but I’m glad I don’t have to go searching ditches now,” he says sarcastically.

  “See I sense sarcasm, so we have nothing to worry about.”

  “Lucy,” he says as he steps forward and places his hands on my shoulders. “I just want to keep everyone safe. I also have my own enemies, remember? I have taken down a lot of bad people. If they find out that I have another weakness, I don’t know what could happen to you.”

  “Other than Charlie?” I asked sincerely.

  “Yes, other than Charlie. There’s a reason why Charlie went to a school so far away,” he says.

  “I would hardly call the university far away,” I counter.

  “Well, she could’ve gone closer, and I would’ve loved it,” he argues. “People don’t know my name there, and no one would look for Charlie,” he says looking down and swallowing hard. He must really be concerned about this whole thing.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” I say, reaching out and touching his face.

  “I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he says, moving forward and kissing my forehead.

  “Nothing will happen, I promise,”. I say while stepping back towards the door and clicking the lock of his office. “You don’t have to worry about me, I can take care of myself. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

  “Hearing that doesn’t exactly make me feel better…” he says reaching out and caressing my face. “You shouldn’t have to take care of yourself. You should have had parents who were there for you. From the very beginning, you’ve had to prioritize others over all else.”

  “You’re sweet,” I say, wrapping my arms around him. “And you have been an incredible father to Charlie,” I say while looking at him.

  “Do you think so?”

  “Yeah for sure. I see the effect your example has had on Charlie. I know that she feels that way too. I’ve never seen a father so close to a daughter, and I often envied Charlie growing up. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dad, but when it comes down to showing up for graduation, attending track meets, or gymnastic
competitions, those were things that he never came to. But I saw you be there for Charlie time and time again. You’re a good person, Kenton,” I say looking up at him and imagining the way his lips will feel on mine.

  “I’m afraid that your standard for a good father may be low because of your childhood. I value your safety,” he says while running his fingers up and down my arm, sending a wave of goosebumps and desire through me. I can feel the heat rising in my belly.

  “I disagree,” I say with my voice steady as my eyes are on him. “I think that I know exactly what people should and shouldn’t be by default. I know that you’re a good father, and you’ll be a good boyfriend.”

  “You have a lot of faith in me,” he says, stepping closer to me.

  “I do, and I am glad I have you in my life,” I say with my voice low and inviting.

  Before I even process him moving, he comes forward and jerks my body against his into a sizzling kiss that leaves me weak.

  “Did you miss me?” I tease while grinning up at him. My eyes wicked. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist me. When you know your man the way I do, it’s easy to anticipate and plan ways to leave them wanting more.

  I know he can’t have me here in his office, but he wants to. I know it by the way he slides his big hands up and down my body. Honestly, part of me wants him to take me right here on this desk. Maybe we can one day. It shouldn’t be too hard to do. I can always come back one night while he is working late…I will just have to take advantage of him I think.

  Smiling at him, I slide my hands down, cupping his bottom. He responds by sliding his hands down my sides and up my dress. My heartbeat races in my chest as I feel him toying with my panties. It’s thrilling, this electric chemistry between us.

  “Do you want me?” I whisper to him, enjoying the way he groans quietly as I nip at his neck.

  “You know I do Lucy,” he whispers while sliding his hands up higher under my sundress. Of course, rippling waves of desire shoot through me.

  “Prove it,” I dare. Moving quickly, I find myself pressed against the wall, his mouth hard on mine. His lips move at a frantic, desperate pace, nipping at my lips. His firm tongue presses and teasing in a way that sends dark fantasies through me. Closing my eyes, I let out a quiet moan as one of his hand slides down my abdomen until it finds it’s way into my panties. In seconds, his big fingers are deep inside me.

  His other hand comes up and clamps down tightly around my mouth as he whispers frantically into my ear.

  “Quiet, Lucy,” he orders in a way that only heightens my pleasure as his fingers continue to tease me. “You can’t make a sound,” he says while kneeling before me. He slides up my dress and pulls down my panties.

  “God, Kenton,” I whisper. My knees are shaking I don’t know how I’ll be able to stand for this. Sliding my legs a little farther apart, he places his head under my dress. He begins to taste and suck to torment me with undeniable pleasure that sends an orgasm ripping through me.

  My knees begin to buckle as a hand shoots up from beneath my dress, pressing on my breast, holding me firmly against the wall as he continues to pleasure me.

  “Kenton,” I whisper frantically trying to stay quiet. I don’t know how I can take this much longer. This agonizing need. It is maddening.

  “I said be quiet,” I hear his voice from under my skirt as he snaps his head out from under. “Don’t make me make you,” he grins darkly.

  “You might have to,” I giggle as he stands and reaches for a tie from the coat rack.

  “What is this for?” I ask curiously and a little excited.

  “For you, of course,” he responds while he ties the fabric around my mouth, cinching it tightly at the back of my head.

  “Not a sound,” he orders, flipping my body around. Pressing me flat against the wall, he raises my hands above me as he frees himself from his jeans.

  I can feel him hard against me. His cock is pressing against me as he slides it up my bottom, rubbing it against me as he nipples at my neck. It’s thrilling; knowing that at any moment we could be caught, and I have a thing for bondage. Who knew?

  “Do you want it Lucy?” he asks as he presses it hard against me. He knows he is teasing me.

  My words catch in my throat as I fight against the cloth. He presses his cock between my legs, sliding it back and forth in a move that leaves me aching for more.

  My hands slide down the wall and reach back to feel his rough face and the outline of his strong jaw.

  “U-uh,” he says, as he reaches down and picks up the handcuffs that are still clipped to his pants. In a move I know he’s had years to practice, he opens the cuffs and clasps them tightly around my wrists. Holding my wrists up to the wall, he pauses for a moment and I can feel him smile as he raises the cuffs higher. Forcing me on my toes, he lets the cuffs rest on a hat hook on the wall.

  Looking down at myself now, I can’t help but smile through the sexual high. What a sight I must make; my slim body pressing against the wall, my arm stretching high above me. My legs spread open and trembling before him as he teases me with his cock.

  He walks away from me and as I turn to see what he’s doing, I question his actions. Why would he walk away?

  Kenton looks at me, and grins, clearly enjoying the view, as he turns up the radio a little louder. Not loud enough to raise suspicions, but just enough to muffle any noises I’ll make.

  Walking back over to me, he starts buttoning his shirt. In the process, my eyes are drawn down to his toned abdomen, and his non-stop throbbing cock, bobbing from his pants. He shuffles behind me now. He’s watching me slowly as he slides his rough hands up my long legs. He continues by lifting the dress over my hips and exposing my ass.

  Holding my dress up with one hand, he slides the other up over my back and exposes my shoulders. He reaches up buckles the cuffs one notch tighter while grinning in my ear. Simultaneously, he slides his other hand back down my arm and over my breasts. He tweaks my nipple before continuing down the front of me, I am already wet for him. I barely notice the aching in my feet as he slides his cock between my legs and up inside me. In a quick jerk, he lifts me off the floor an inch. His hips are pressed beneath me, his body filling me as he groans in pleasure.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Lucy,” he whispers as his hand continues to clutch my sundress. He drives into me again, which sends a little whimper through the tie in my mouth.

  “If I wasn’t worried about people seeing you as you leave here,” he whispers in my ear, “I’d rip this dress off you,” he snarls. “Since I can’t, I’ll do my best not to,” he whispers as he slides his hands up to my neck, clutching tightly. His other hand presses against my lower back while he begins thrusting into me with quick, hard pumps. My eyes roll in the back of my head in pleasure.

  His body is so fine, it takes my breath away. I press harder into the wall and the cuffs start to fight against my wrist, which only intensifies the pleasure.

  Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. Kenton freezes, his cock still hard inside me while his hand is on my breast.

  “What?” he snaps at the door.

  “Sorry, Chief,” a voice calls, “but we’re all headed out for lunch. Are you going to be okay here alone?” the man asks as Kenton slides out of me. I’m left trembling against the wall as he walks over to the door.

  “Sure, when will you be back?” he asks while looking back at me, his eyes wild.

  “About an hour, sir.”

  “That’s fine,” he says, his voice firm. He moves towards me again as he slides his hand down to his cock, and begins to stroke it, still looking at me.

  “Thank you, sir,” the man calls. Kenton stands a moment longer, watching me, while he keeps looking me up and down. He does it slowly, in a way that sends shivers through me. I want him back inside me. I want to feel him come for me, I want him to use me, and to make me feel like I am the most important thing in his world. I want him to know that I am the only one who can give him this kind of

  I hear the door close outside and the deadbolt click. The Sheriff’s Department is quiet now except for the loud clock ticking back and forth. Kenton walks over to me slowly and slides a hand up and down my arms and wrist.

  “You know, Lucy, I find that I like you gagged and bound for me. Do you like it too? He slides his hand up my dress and down my front again, fingering me as I moan in pleasure.

  “I guess you couldn’t have come at a better time,” he says while raising his hands and lowering mine from the hook on the wall.

  “You don’t have to be quiet now, but I’ll leave the gag on. I want to make you moan, Lucy. Moan for me,” he demands. Taking me by the arm, he leads me over to his desk.

  “You have such a great ass, Lucy,” he marvels. “It’s something I have always admired about you, or something I have tried not to think about until recently. Pressing his hand on my back and moving me forward, he bends me over his desk.

  “It looks so sexy when you’re bent over like this,” he says while sliding my dress up to my back exposing me as he slides his feet between mine. His feet separate my ankles, giving him access to me.

  I moan as he spanks me hard, feeling the color rise to the surface of the skin where a handprint must be.

  “I like the way it bounces when I do this,” he says while smacking it again and sending me forward. My hips press fully against the desk and my arms stretch out before me, knocking over his pencil holder.

  This is insane; this new world he has opened up to me. Sliding his cock up and down my thighs again, he presses it slowly into me and I let out a moan. I know he’s excited by the way he feels me completely against him. Closing his eyes, he groans as his hands push my dress up farther up my back then back down over my bare skin. He starts to grip my hips hard, which causes me to inevitably push harder into him.

  “Moan for me, Lucy,” he says while smacking my bottom against his hips, sending a wave of pleasure through me as my fingers clench tightly together.

  I moan a muffled sound through the tie, now damp from my spit.

  I can see his face reflecting in the mirror in front of me as he grins darkly, sliding a hand up and down my side again.


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