S is for SEX

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S is for SEX Page 90

by Scott Hildreth

  “A witch?” Kelli asked as we walked.

  “Yes, a real witch,” I promised.

  “I’ve never heard of any witches here,” Kelli said as we walked into the building.

  “Well, there are witches everywhere. It’s not what you think baby girl. She’s one of the best people I have ever met. And she’s not from here, she’s from Arizona.”

  Kelli looked up, puzzled.

  “You’ve got it, she drove here from Arizona to give me that,” I laughed.

  I looked inside at the table of people who were drinking beer and beginning to eat. Without a doubt, we were one of the first groups to finish the ride. I turned and scanned the parking lot. It was about half full, approximately five or six hundred motorcycles. There was a dunk tank set up at the side of the parking lot, facing the lot, with the back side against a tree, which in the afternoon sun was providing minimal shade.

  “I love those things,” Kelli said as she looked into the parking lot.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Those things,” she responded, pointing to the dunk tank.

  “The dunk tank? Can you throw a baseball?” I asked as I turned and started walking in that direction.

  “No, not very well. It’s fun to watch them get knocked in the water, though. They remind me of when I was a kid,” she hurried to catch up with me, grabbing ahold of my left arm as we walked.

  “Jake, stay in that tank until I tell you to get out,” I said as we walked up to the side of the structure.

  “What’s that, Doc?” Jake asked from inside the tank, sitting on the cantilever mounted stool.

  “Stay in the tank, Jake…eyes front, until I say otherwise,” I instructed him as we stood beside the basin of the tank.

  “You couldn’t hit the ocean if you were throwing the ball of the deck of a ship, asshole,” Jake screamed at the man throwing the ball at the target.

  He turned and looked at Kelli and I, “You got it boss.”

  “Come here Kelli, I want to show you something,” I said as I walked around the rear of the basin, between it and the tree.

  As Kelli stepped around the basin, I placed my hands on her shoulders and pulled her tight to my chest.

  “Baby girl, you’ve made me pretty happy today. Happy that we came, happy that I brought you, and happy that we seem to get along so well,” she looked up and smiled as I spoke.

  I pressed her against the body of the basin and kissed her neck. As I kissed her, I grabbed her ponytail with my right hand and pulled her head to the side, arching her neck. My left hand slid up and down her torso as my lips found her clavicle.

  As I nibbled and licked her clavicle, my left hand slid down her side until my thumb was beneath the waist of her jeans. I laid my hand to rest with my thumb in the cavity of her hip. Massaging her hip bone with my thumb and her lower back with my fingers, I pulled the back of her head against the basin and kissed her lips aggressively.

  “Who owns you, baby girl,” I asked as I pulled my lips from hers.

  She began to moan.

  “Oh God, Erik. God. You do,” she opened her eyes as she began to speak.

  “Who’s the most gorgeous woman on earth?” I asked as I kissed her.

  “Me?” she asked sheepishly.

  “Yes, baby girl, you,” I assured her, kissing her again.

  I pressed down on the top of her jeans, exposing her hip bone. Kneeling down onto my knees, I unbuttoned her pants and pulled the zipper down. I pressed my mouth hard against her hip bone, and sucked on the surface of her skin. I felt my cock begin to rise.

  “Who makes me more proud than any other woman?” I looked up as I spoke.

  “Uhhm, me?” she spoke quietly.

  “Yes, baby girl,” Looking up from my knees, I winked at her, “you.”

  Slowly, I stood and placed my hands on her shoulders.

  “Turn around, Kelli, face the tank.” I said sternly.

  Without speaking, she turned and faced the tank, holding her hands at her sides. As she turned, her unzipped jeans slipped down and exposed half of her butt.

  “Press your palms against the wall,” I demanded, “and don’t move them, no matter what. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head and pressed her hands to the wall.

  “Do you understand?” I barked.

  “Yes. Yes, sir,” she stuttered.

  “Hold still,” I demanded as I spread her legs further apart with my boot.

  “You long legged little fucker. I’ve always got to get your little pussy down here where I can get to it,” I chuckled, realizing her jeans were still on.

  I unzipped my pants, and pushed them down far enough to get my cock in my hand. As I stroked my cock with my right hand, I turned and looked around – confirming we were close enough to the basin of the tank that no one could see.

  “Move your feet together,” I demanded.

  She placed her feet together, touching. Using my left hand, I pulled her jeans down to her thighs. I raised my boot, stepped on them, and pulled them down to her ankles.

  “Step through those, so I can get your legs apart,” I growled into her right ear.

  I let go of my cock, and stuck my index finger in my mouth. I reached down in front of her hip and slid my hand down in between her legs. As she kicked her jeans to the side, I began to slide my finger up and down her pussy lips. My finger began to circle her clit, and she squirmed and rotated her hips.

  “Don’t squirm, Kelli. Don’t dare. Hold still. And where’s fucking your panties?” I whispered into her right ear.

  She shook her head and stared at the wall of the basin.

  “Hold still, you wiggly little fucker,” I breathed into her ear as I grasped her neck in my hand.

  I pressed my hips against her butt. Reaching between her legs with my left hand, I guided the head of my cock to her wet lips. I held my hips still, with enough pressure to keep the head against her pussy.

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked as I kissed her neck.

  “Whatever you want,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “What do you want?” I asked as I rolled my shoulders.

  “You,” she responded, looking down at her feet.

  “Me what? You want me to what?” I insisted as I nibbled and kissed her neck.

  “You,” she repeated.

  I pressed against her soaking wet pussy and slid the entire length of my cock inside. She gasped and slapped the basin with one hand.

  “Oh God. I wasn’t ready for that. You feel so good,” she sighed.

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked, pressing myself deeper into her.

  “Whatever you want,” she looked over her shoulder.

  “What do you want?” I looked into her eyes.

  “I want you, Erik,” she lowered her head.

  I slowly pulled myself from inside of her and grabbed my belt. I reached down and forced my erection into my jeans and zipped them. I took a several steps from the basin. As I buckled my belt she turned around and stared in my direction. With a look of disgust and surprise, she reached for her jeans. After she pulled her jeans up, she reached back and removed her hair from her ponytail.

  She bent over, shook her head, and then stood - flipping her head to the rear. She reached back, collected her hair, and pulled it into a pony tail. As she walked up and grabbed my left arm, she sighed.

  “You ready?” she turned, looked up at me, and puckered her lips.

  I nodded my head and kissed her, “Yeah. Let’s go eat.”

  Try as I might, this girl will not allow me to break her. She is either stronger than every other woman I have ever met, or she is…well, she is simply amazing. The potential for her to be as amazing as she seems is not probable. It is possible, but not probable. I cocked my face to the side. She looked up, to her right, and smiled. As happy as ever.

  “Good looking out, Jake,” I said as we passed by the front of the basin.

  I turned and looked at her
again in disbelief as we walked across the lot. In the sun, her black hair appeared to have blue streaks in in. I admired the healthy appearance of it, even in a ponytail after a day of riding.

  “Your hair. Your hair is beautiful. I want you to know that, Kelli. It’s truly beautiful,” I nodded at her as I spoke.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  We walked up to the table and sat down with a portion of the group we had ridden with all day. Everyone had either finished eating or had not started yet. Most were drinking beer. From the other side, Teddy leaned forward, pressing his forearms onto the table when we sat down.

  “I’m gonna get in that fuckin’ tank and take a swim. Jake needs relieved of duty. Anyone wanna try their luck at dunkin’ me? And where you two fuckers run off to?” he asked, focusing on Kelli.

  “We were…” I started to answer.

  “Shut it, Doc,” Teddy said in my direction as he turned to face Kelli.

  “Baby girl, where you two been?” he asked as he turned his palm up in between his face and mine.

  “Doc’s back tire looked low on air pressure, so we borrowed a gauge from a guy in the parking lot and checked it. It was about, uhhmm what, Doc? Uhhmm fifteen pounds low, so we rode to the gas station up on twenty-first street and filled it. We just got back,” Kelli placed her chin in her hand and smiled.

  Teddy turned and looked at me, raising his eyebrows.


  “Fifteen pounds,” I shrugged.

  Teddy scrunched his nose, pushed himself away from the table and scoffed.

  I grabbed the sleeve of Kelli’s shirt and pulled her closer to me.

  “Kiss me, baby girl,” I said, turning my chin upward.

  As she kissed me, I closed my eyes and reached to the back of her neck with my right hand. I squeezed her neck softly as we kissed, and pulled her face tight to mine. I leaned back, looked in her eyes, and smiled. I pulled her closer and kissed her again. As our lips parted, I licked her upper lip lightly with the tip of my tongue.

  “I like kissing you, baby girl,” I released her neck from my hand.

  She leaned forward and positioned her lips next to my left ear.

  “Fifteen pounds,” she whispered.

  “Fifteen pounds is a lot, Doc. Especially on the rear, hell with her added weight, surprised you didn’t wreck that bastard. I’m getting a beer. Anybody?” A-Train turned to Teddy as he spoke.

  “No, I’m getting in the tank. Babe, you coming?” Teddy said as he slapped at Heather’s hair, knocking it into her face.

  “Yes, I’m going to dunk you. Kelli you want to try?” Heather asked as she flipped her hair out of her eyes.

  “Not going to eat?” I turned to Kelli and asked.

  “I’m still full from the hot dog we got in Augusta. I wanna try and dunk him,” she answered, smiling.

  “Have fun,” I said as I stood from my seat.

  “C’mon Train. I’m going to get some food,” I motioned to the food line and straightened the legs of my jeans.

  “I gotta piss, Doc. Grab your chow, I’ll be back in a minute,” he turned and walked toward the restroom.

  Walking to the table with my plate of food, through the large open garage-type door I noticed the girls. They were out at the duck tank, both throwing balls at the same time at the target. I could hear Teddy screaming.

  “You noodle armed bitches can’t throw a lick,”

  I shook my head and somewhat envied the fun that Teddy often had. He was a true friend. As tough as he was, he always found a place from within that allowed him to have fun when there was fun to be had.

  He pulled off his shirt and growled as they tossed balls furiously at the target. I approached the table and laid down my plate.

  “Your girl sure is pretty, Doc,” Easter took a drink of his beer and winced as I sat down.

  “Thanks, Bun. She’s prospecting,” I laughed as I took a bite of the brisket on my plate.

  “Trying her out?”

  “Something like that,” I said as I shoved another large bite in my mouth.

  “Seen A-Train?” I scanned the area for The Train.

  “Nope, ain’t seen him since earlier,” Easter made another awful face as he choked down a drink.

  “I don’t know why you drink that shit,” I chuckled.

  “All they got, Doc.”

  “This ain’t bad bar-b-que at all. But damn, I hate the taste of this beer,” he finished his cup of beer and threw the cup toward the trash can.

  “Better than last year, huh Bunny?” I responded as I finished my brisket.

  “Where’s the girls?” he asked, looking from the table out into the parking lot.

  “They’re out at the dunk tank, trying to sink Crash. Neither of them can throw worth a shit. They’ve been out there for almost an hour,” I chuckled as I looked at my watch.

  “Doc, we need to talk,” Shakey startled me as he bellowed from behind me.

  “Son-of-a-bitch. Sit down, Shake. There’s plenty of room, it’s just the two of us,” I said over my shoulder.

  “Doc, it’s uhhmm. Well, it’s that damned…Oh, shit. He’s over there with the Great Plains bunch. Cock sucker,” he stammered as he spoke.

  “What in the absolute fuck are you talking about Shake?” I wiped my hands on my napkin and stood.

  “Bunny, toss that shit in the trash, would ya?”

  “Sure Doc,” Easter replied.

  I walked away from the table with my arm around Shakey and stopped by the trash can, which was fifteen feet or so from the table where I had been seated.

  “Now what the fuck, Shakey? Jesus.” I straightened my jeans and stretched my legs.

  “Doc, it’s that fucking Slick. He’s here. He’s riding with that Great Plains bunch. They’re over by the beer kegs. And fucking Train saw him. Train’s eye-fucking him…trying to get him to do something. I’d have…well…I couldn’t find The Bone. You know I’d have talked to him first, but nobody knows…”

  “Well, fuck. Settle down. Shit, this probably isn’t the last time we’ll see him. I imagine he’s out on bail. We voted, Shake. You were there. We’re going to let the law settle this. Even King agreed that he’s going to let the court decide his fate. We don’t need the attention of trying to handle this, even if it’s an ass whipping. Understood?” frustrated, I responded sternly.

  “Well. Yeah, it’s a respect thing. But A-Train. Holy shit, Doc, you know how he gets about right and wrong…” Shakey said.

  “Alright, let me go get the fucking Train away from him, and you go sit the fuck down. Jesus fucking fuck. Sit down with Bunny and if you tell him, tell him what I said. And stay here, I don’t want to hunt you two down,” I said as I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.

  I looked toward the beer kegs. I recognized the Great Plains colors, and saw Slick drinking a beer beside them. A-Train stood about twenty feet away and was posted up against the wall with his arms crossed.

  The building we used for the after ride party was a large building owned by the city. It was often leased for weddings and other celebrations, and was a large open building with a band playing on stage at one end. There were approximately a hundred picnic style tables set up, the stage at one side, and the beer at the other. Food was a serve-yourself affair that was set up by the beer kegs. I slowly walked toward the end where the food and beer was served.

  One, two, three, four. And Slick. All wearing boots, all have on their cuts. Oldest one is probably forty. Big one in the middle has the President patch. Perfect.

  I walked into A-Train’s line of sight, steeping between him and Slick.

  “Train, walk with me a minute, brother,” I said as I approached.

  He raised his eyebrows and shook his head slowly side to side.

  “God damn it, Train, we don’t need a mess here, let’s walk,” I pleaded, motioning toward the door with my head.

  “Erik, I’m staying here,” he said, staring straight ahead chewing on a cigarette.

“Erik, huh? Well, I hate to pull rank, but we voted. And you’re a member. The club made a decision. You know what that decision was. This is in the club’s best interest. Let’s walk,” I slowly rolled my shoulders popped my neck.

  “You gonna whip me, Erik?” he asked, now focused on me.

  “You know better than that, brother…”

  “Don’t brother me, Erik. On this earth we have two things, right and wrong. He stole Nacho’s bike. He broke into Shake’s house. He had keys to damn near all of our houses. And you all voted. Fine. But the piece of shit came to our run. Ours. He’s rubbing it in our faces. And that, Doc, is wrong,” he looked down at the floor.

  “I agree, it’s wrong. You’re right, Train,” as I spoke, he shifted his focus from the floor to my eyes.

  “It’s wrong. But, I am reminding you as a dues paying long-standing member of this club, to abide by the minutes of the meeting we just had. Now, walk with me. Do not jeopardize the club,” I whispered sharply.

  “You know, Erik…you know,” he rubbed his head, “if a man burns a building down in the city, commits arson…of say a million dollar building, and you catch him in the act – you can’t kill him. You just call the cops. Turn him in. If a man steals billions, say electronically, from people…you know like them big money guys do…” he paused and looked up.

  “Hell, later the people that are stolen from end up committing suicide because of the losses. He can steal their entire retirement - but, if you catch him in the act, you just call the Fed’s. You can’t do nothing else. There’s one crime, just one, that if someone’s committing it and you catch ‘em, you can kill ‘em, no questions asked. That’s robbing a man’s house. If a man’s robbing your house, and you wake up and shoot him, there’s no questions asked. Know why, Erik? You know why?” he asked.

  I shook my head slowly, thinking about what he said.

  “Because a man’s home is sacred, and it should be. It’s what we’re allowed to do to protect the one’s we love. He robbed Shake’s house. He broke in. He’s just. He’s a piece of shit, Doc. And I didn’t vote.” He spit his cigarette on the floor and rubbed his head.

  “That he is,” I responded as I turned and started walking to the door. Over my shoulder I saw him step on his cigarette and slowly start walking behind me.


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