“ Explain, “ asked Sullivan.
“ After we found Cremin’s body we decided to visit the former owner but somebody got there before us and Fallon was murdered. Next we decided to ask you for a warrant to search Horgan’s house and it was torched. Then it was the turn of the coffin to disappear. Somebody’s ahead of us every step of
the way. I don’t like it. I don’t believe in coincidences especially when they happen one after another. It just doesn’t fit. “
“ Are you saying we’ve got a leak here – in the station? “
“ I honestly don’t know. All I know is that somebody’s ahead of us every step of the way. “
“ Well, there’s only you, me and Detective Moore at the centre. Surely you don’t suspect one of us, Frank. I mean what have we to gain? “
Devoy thought a while.
“ I want to start over again. We’re missing something. “
“ What do you suggest? “
“ I want a wad of search warrants? “
“ A wad? “
“ Yes, a wad. I’m going back to square one. I want to search Cremin’s house and properties again. “
“ But you’ve already done that. “
“ It wasn’t a thorough search. Cremin’s secretary, Mrs. Walsh invited us in to search the house so we didn’t need a warrant. But the search was too superficial. We need to take the place apart. We also need to search Fallon’s, the undertakers where Kennedy was employed. “
“ Fair enough. Anybody else? “
“ Yes, Kennedy’s house. “
“ No problem. “
“ And the Marshall mansion. “
“ Ah, that could be problematic, Frank. Why the Marshall home? “
“ Because they possess the keys to the crypt. There are only three sets: the Marshalls have one, Wade has another, and the late Mr. Cremin had the third. We never found Cremin’s. They disappeared from his establishment. I’m of the opinion that Marshall is somehow involved in this business. He and his wife have been dragging their feet over the key business since the coffin was found. There’s something fishy there. I can’t put my finger on it but I know it’s there. “
“ I’m told they’re living apart – Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Is that so? “
“ Well living apart is one way of describing it – they’re actually living in the same house – he lives on one side and she on the other. The dividing line is down the centre of the hall. Sort of an Iron Curtain if you like. “
Sullivan slowly shook his head from side to side.
“ That’s one for the books, isn’t it. “
“ Yeah, it takes all types. “
Sullivan chewed his bottom lip for a while.
“ Look, I’m going to give you the go-ahead for the Cremin and Kennedy. I can’t see any problem there. But the Marshalls, I don’t honestly think you’ve got anything to nail them with for the moment. You’ve only got suspicion and that’s not good enough. You’ll have to do better than that, Frank and that’s not a criticism. You’ll just have to find some way to sneak around the Marshall factor. I’m sure you’ll find something ….”
Sullivan was interrupted by the phone. He picked it up. Listened attentively for a moment and then put the receiver down.
“ That was the duty officer. Detective Moore has phoned in sick. “
“ Sick? “
“ Yeah, sick. Probably the overtime. Both of you have been at it for over a week. “
“ That’s a pity. I was depending on her a lot these past few weeks. “
“ I can let you have somebody else on a temporary basis if you wish. Your choice? “
“ I can’t think of anybody off hand. How about Power? “
Sullivan shook his head.
“ Out of the question. I need him here. “
“ How about Burke? He was doing some work for me with the files from Fallon’s. “
“ If you want him, that’s okay with me. Just let me know. “
“ Oh, I nearly forgot. We were talking about the Marshalls. Where was I? “
“ You said you were sure I’d find something. “
“ Yeah, that’s right, Frank. “
“ You weren’t too far off. “
“ Oh, how’s that? “
“ Wade let it drop that if we wanted to find out more about the crypt the Marshalls were the people to see as they being the owners probably have a map. “
“ Well there’s your entrée, Frank. I’m sure now you’ll make the most out of that. Use it. “
Sullivan looked at his watch.
“ I don’t know about you but I’m off for a fish lunch. See you later. “
On the way home Devoy stopped off at Angela’s house. He rang her doorbell but it rang hollow. If she was there she was either in bed or hiding from him. He left a note for her wishing her well and shoved it into the letterbox. On the way home his phone pinged. He pulled over and examined the message. It read: Enjoy the cream before it goes off! It had been sent less than five minutes ago.
Sienna sat watching Devoy preparing an omelette.
“ Dad, you know I don’t like eggs. “
“ Well you better get used to them. The French love them and that’s where you’re heading. “
“ You’re sending me to France? “
“ You make it sound awful. “
“ But all my friends are here. Why now? “
“ Because I’ve got too much on my plate. I’ve been neglecting you and it isn’t right. It’s high time you had a proper home with proper meals. “
“ But I like it here, Dad. “
“ Your mother’ll be glad to see you and everybody else. It’s time you had some sun anyway. You’re becoming too pale. Anyway, it’s decided. When you come back we’ll go to Italy. How about that? We’ll visit Sienna. “
“ Promise? “
“ Promise. My word as a policeman. “
“ I heard that one before, Dad. “
Devoy laughed.
“ Now eat your omelette. Tonight’s pizza time. Big ones. Okay? I’ll have them delivered with anything you want. Make a list. “
Sienna started on the list and Devoy continued cooking.
After lunch Devoy decided to have a bit of fun with Angela. He tapped out an SMS. It read:
Hello Angela, hope you’re getting better. Seeing as you’re out sick Sullivan has decided to replace you with Burke. He starts tomorrow - Wednesday. Frank.
That should put the cat among the pigeons he said to himself and set off to see Margo.
Margo was getting into her car when he pulled up outside her house.
“ My, “ she said. “ This is a surprise. Business or pleasure, Frank? “
“ Well it’s always a pleasure to see you Margo but I’m afraid it’s business. “
“ Oh, “ she replied. “ It sounds serious. “Maybe we should go inside? “
“ That’s fine with me, Margo. It won’t take long anyway. “
In the lounge he sat facing her. He noticed she didn’t bother to display her fine legs but kept her hands in her lap. This was uncharacteristic of her as she liked to tease him.
“ So what’s up, then, Frank? “
“ You remember the pool table, Margo? “
“ Of course I do. How could I ever forget it? “
“ And the safe? “
“ Of course. Why? “
“ We have to own up. “
“ What do you mean, Frank? “
“ Like what I said. You know what’s in the safe and so do I. It’s time we brought the matter out into the open. I should never have long-fingered it. It was stupid and I could get into trouble. “
“ I see. “
“ Now that the coffin has disappeared Superintendent Sullivan is issuing warrants for Cremin’s house to be searched and all the outbuildings too. That means the contents of the safe have to be revealed. You’re the only one with the combination numbers so y
ou’ll have to go through your discovery again for the record and we’ll take it from there. “
“ Who’s ‘ we ‘? “
“ The police. Who else? “
“ There’s a small fortune there, Frank. “
“ I know. I saw it. “
“ So when do you want to search the house? “
“ It’ll be sometime tomorrow. I’ll show you the warrant and you’ll let us in like the last time. “
“ Can’t we just do it on our own, Frank. You and me. “
Devoy smiled.
“ You mean you’d like to do a re-run of the last time and accidentally find the safe? “
“ That’s what I was thinking, Frank. Don’t you think that would be better and more interesting? “
Devoy laughed.
“ I’ve got to hand it to you, Margo. You certainly know how to spice up police work. “
“ That I do, Frank. I’ve got to go now. With Kennedy gone I’m run off my feet. You’ll keep me informed what time tomorrow. “
“ Most certainly, Margo. “
“ Then see you later. “
Devoy drove off with the scent of her perfume and presence still lingering in his nose. He drove on wondering what to do. He was confused by Margo’s reaction. There was an ambivalence there that disturbs him. Margo seemed to be too matter-of-fact about the existence of Cremin’s cache of money. He didn’t feel happy about it. He was passing a handware outlet on the motorway when an idea came to him. If he had been too late to stop one horse bolting then maybe he could stop another one. He went into the store and bought a long length of toughened chain along with a heavy duty lock. He then selected a multi-headed screwdriver along with some insulation tape.
Ten minutes later he parked his car down the road from Cremin’s property. He walked back and scanned the property. The gate was closed but he couldn’t take a chance of being discovered. He climbed over the gate and hid the bag containing the purchases from the store. He advanced towards the house from the garden side. Everything was still. The birds sang, the bees hummed and the flies darted around his head. A few moments later he came up to the house. The curtains were still drawn on the French windows and as he went from one window to the other he peered inside and saw nothing other than dust cloths strewn over featureless furniture. He went round the back where the terrace gave out onto the rose garden and a wave of nostalgia swept over him as he recalled the sexual thrill of getting to grips with the sensual blonde who called herself Margo and their mad bout of sex on the billiard table. He peered in and saw the table was still there covered with the dust cloth. He tried the handle on the door but it was locked. He tried all the other handles just in case one had been forgotten but they were all locked. Satisfied, he headed back to the gate turning around occasionally and rapidly in case anybody was watching from the upstairs windows but the window remained dark and without movement.
When he finally arrived at the gate his mind was still full of the images of Margo and he imagined her trying to clamber over the gate with her tight skirt. His reverie was suddenly shattered by the arrival of a tractor with a radio blaring. He ducked down and watched as the vehicle trundled by pulling a trailer stacked with hay. After a while the noise of the tractor diminished as it plunged deeper into the countryside. When he was satisfied he was on his own Devoy reached into the bag and took out
the screwdriver and insulation tape. He then opened the door on the box housing the mechanism that housed the motor of the gate. He reached inside and disconnected the electricity, pocketing the fuse. When that was done he disconnected the two wires with the screwdriver and insulated them. There was probably a manual overdrive but the lock and chain would take care of that. Satisfied, he closed the box and took out the lock and chain. He then wrapped the chain around the gate and the post a few times before finally closing the lock. They would eventually get in those who wanted to get in but he’d know they had tried and that was all he wanted to know. He climbed over the gate and then drove off.
He went back to the station and made a phone call. Dillon answered right away.
“ Ah, Inspector Devoy. “ said Dillon in his oily tones. “ I was wondering when I’d hear from you. “
“ Really, “ replied Devoy. “ I was under the impression you were going to call me – last weekend. “
“ Ah, yes, that was my intention, Inspector but as you know we were overcome by events – you know about the fire. “
“ Of course I know about the bloody fire. I was called out of bed to witness it. It seems your client’s collateral went up in smoke and all the incriminating evidence with it. “
“ Evidence! What are you talking about? “
“ Oh, please, Mr. Dillon, don’t play the innocent with me. It wasn’t an ordinary fire. The place was torched with petrol and everything was burned to a crisp – everything! “
“ And you suspect foul play? “
“ Well it’s a strange time to be having difficulties with a barbecue, Mr. Dillon - the early hours of Sunday morning. I know barbecues area bitch sometimes to get ignited but saturating them with petrol is just overdoing it. “
“ And you suspect my client. Is that it? “
“ Well it did cross my mind. We were about to search his house with a warrant but that’s all academic now. There’s no evidence left. “
“ Well you’ll have a hard time putting that on him seeing as he’s been in jail all the time. “
Devoy snorted.
“ Horgan’s in jail but his cronies are not. Who knows maybe he put out a contract. I wouldn’t put that beyond him. “
“ You haven’t a leg to stand on, Inspector Devoy but I’m sure you didn’t phone me just to relate last weekend’s news. “
“ No, you’re right there, Mr. Dillon. I’m phoning to advise you that I’ll be visiting your client tomorrow morning in jail. I know it’s short notice but I’m calling you out of courtesy. Whether you’re there or not is irrelevant to me. I expect to be there around nine. See you. “
Devoy hung up and laughed.
On the way out of his office he bumped into Officer Burke.
“ Ah, Burke. I may need you tomorrow morning. Detective Moore is out sick. Come in wearing civvies – a suit or a sports jacket. And don’t forget to tell the duty officer to square it with the Superintendent. Okay? “
Burke nodded
At eight o’clock sharp Devoy arrived at the station and headed as usual to his office. He sat down, took out his coffee maker and proceeded to make himself a strong cup of real coffee. When the coffee was ready he unfolded the Courier and quickly scanned through the pages. There was nothing of particular interest so he went back to page one. He read through that quickly and turned to page two. He took another sip of his coffee and he heard a knock on the door. The door opened and in walked Officer Burke dressed in a blue suit and ready for action. Devoy looked surprised.
“ You asked me to come in civvies, Inspector. Here I am. “
Devoy stood up and offered Burke a cup of coffee. Burke declined saying he preferred tea. Devoy said he had enough time to get a cup of tea from the canteen. With Burke out of the way Devoy returned to reading his paper. Then there was another knock on the door. It’s open, said Devoy, not bothering to look up. The door was slammed shut. Devoy looked up this time but Burke wasn’t there. Instead he cast his eyes over Detective Angela Moore. She looked very angry.
“ Well, good morning, Detective Moore. Nice of you to drop in before we set off for work. “
“ How dare you? “ she shouted. “ How dare you replace me with, with…Burke? “
“ You phoned in sick. What do you expect? “
“ I expect some respect. That’s what I expect, Inspector, sir. Especially seeing as I have shared my bed with you on two occasions. “
“ Make that the couch, Detective. The couch. As detectives we have to get the details
right otherwise the legal eagles will have our guts for garters. You know what they’re like. “
“ You’re just like all men - a pig. “
“ Careful now, Madame, that’s insubordination. I’m your superior officer, don’t forget. I could have you suspended or even transferred, you know. You’re walking on thin ice now, Detective. We’re not in bed now. Here I’m the dominant one. D’ya understand? “
“ You’re only posturing? “
“ Want to try me? “
“ Try this, macho man. “
Angela took the mug of coffee and poured it over Devoy’s head. As it cascaded down his face the door suddenly opened and in walked Burke carrying his mug of tea.
“ Oh, he said. “ Oh, am I interrupting something? “
“ Hopefully, yes, “ replied Devoy, dabbing his face with a tissue.
“ I wonder could you settle an argument for us, Officer Burke? “
Burke put the mug down on the desk.
“ If I am able to, sir. “
“ What happens, do you remember, to lower grades in the police who willingly disobey orders and assault senior officers? “
Burke looked from Devoy to Moore and back again.
“ As far… as far as I can remember the said officer is suspended from duty and could eventually be transferred. “
“ Thank you, Officer Burke. I wonder could you go down to the duty office and get me a form dealing with suspension? I want to clear this matter up before we head off to the prison. “
Burke looked at Moore who looked away. When the door closed behind Burke Moore stood glaring down at Devoy.
“ You wouldn’t dare? “
“ Wouldn’t I? We’ll see. “
Burke came back a few minutes later. He handed the form to Devoy who immediately began writing it up. When it was completed he motioned over Burke.
“ Officer Burke, “
“ Yes, Inspector. “
“ Would you be good enough to witness this? “
Burke looked at Moore who sneered at him.
Burke signed it quickly. Devoy folded the form and locked it in his drawer.
One Coffin Too Many Page 21