Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Corinne Davies

  “Thank you.” She did feel some guilt for asking, but her first concern was her crew’s safety. The image of Julien with a whip in his hand crossed her mind again.

  “Did you tell her that her crew is tied up and we mean to feed them to the sharks once we’ve finished extracting all the information we can out of them?” Julien wrapped his hand around Kass’s upper arm and pulled her closer to him.

  John grinned at them both and turned his attention to Raz and Gabe. “Thank you for bringing him back in one piece. I know it’s not an easy feat.”

  “I wasn’t worried about him until we met Kassandra,” Raz whispered in a loud voice.

  “Then we feared for his life,” Gabe added.

  The four of them broke into laughter. Julien stood there and rolled his eyes. “It’s a wonder that I keep you in my employ with the lack of respect you routinely show me.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Gabe and Raz said in unison, but the looks on their faces spoke anything but remorse.

  John simply shrugged. “We had a visitor, Hedon Dubrova.”

  Julien paused and stared off in the distance for a moment or two. Kass remembered this habit when he was analyzing a person’s motivations. “What was he here for?”

  “He said he had vital information about the sale of slaves into the Midnight Sun Provinces.”

  Kass shuddered at that prospect. The Midnight Sun were an ancient civilization that existed in almost inhuman conditions. They lived in a part of the world where the sun shone for months and then their world plunged into darkness for the same amount of time. The snow never left the ground, and it was bitterly cold all the time.

  “I’m surprised that he’s gotten involved.” Julien looked disturbed by this visitor. “Last I heard he’d gotten away from the slaves because there wasn’t enough money for him. Have you validated his information?”

  John shook his head. “I’m waiting to hear back from some of our contacts. Unless you’ve heard something about this, Kassie?”

  Kass shook her head. “Rumors of course, but nothing concrete. The information that comes out of the Midnight Sun provinces is never that reliable. I’ll contact some people I know and see what information I can get for you. As soon as my crew is secured on my ship, I’ll be on my way to get some answers for you.”

  Julien wrapped his arm around her waist, anchoring her to him like a steel band as they walked down a hallway. “We’ll be in my office, John. Kassandra and I need to discuss a few matters.”

  “Yes, sir,” John replied. “I’ll let Cook know that you have a guest on board.” He turned and headed down a different hallway.

  “This is a waste of time, Julien. I can be more effective on my ship gathering information than sitting here on whichever shelf you choose to place me.” There were people she could question and find some of the answers he was looking for, if only he would let her go. She tried to tug herself out of his grip, but he wasn’t having any of it. His arm was like a steel band around her waist and she had no choice but to follow him down the hallway. Not that she was fighting that much, and her willingness to follow him anywhere alarmed her. He was already treating her like a fragile doll again, and she didn’t like it.

  “I’ve heard how effective you’ve been. I’ve also heard that you were almost shot in the head during a raid with the Apollo last year.”

  “That is most assuredly not true.” They had hit her hair but not her skull. The bullet had ruined one of her favorite hats. She’d returned fire and hadn’t missed.

  Julien’s grip shifted as he unlocked the door to his quarters. The doors swished open, and he forcibly pushed her into the room when she refused to move.

  “I’m not the pathetic little priss that married you with delusions of light and happiness in her future. Manhandle me one more time and I’ll show you what I’ve learned since our separation.”

  “Oh, please show him. I’d love to watch.”

  Chapter Three

  Miguel de la Vega crossed his legs in front of him and stretched his arms out along the back edge of the small couch. A crystal tumbler of Julien’s best scotch in one hand, he schooled his features into mild curiosity and watched the two people in front of him. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t stop the hardening of his cock.

  He hadn’t expected to see Señora Kincaid with Julien, but this unexpected turn of events would make life much simpler. Given the conversation as the two of them entered the room, he assumed that she’d only just returned to Atlantis and not by her own free will. Miguel took this opportunity to have a good look at the woman who’d claimed the heart of a man he cared deeply for.

  She was of average height but carried a significant aura about her. Thick black hair was swept up in a complicated knot on her head, held in place by a few clips. A few curling tendrils had escaped the style and framed her heart-shaped face. Her body curved beautifully, from the gentle swell of her breasts to the enticing dip to her lower back. Her attire accentuated her best assets, but he knew she used that to her advantage. He’d seen her in action and knew she was intelligent and stronger than she looked.

  “Miguel, how did you get here?” Julien looked furious. Not that Miguel was surprised, if he’d been dealing with a defiant wife for the past day.

  “Used the door of course. While I’m talented in many areas, walking through solid objects is not one of them.”

  Señora Kincaid raised her hand to her mouth to stifle the soft laugh, but that didn’t stop the delight from twinkling in her eyes, and such beautiful soft-gray eyes they were. Enchanted, he rose to his feet and moved closer to the woman.

  “You seem to have forgotten your manners, Julien.” He tossed the glass in Julien’s direction, confident the man would catch it. “Señora, you have the loveliest eyes I’ve ever had the honor of gazing into.” She narrowed them in suspicion at him as he lifted her hand to his lips. “So expressive, too. Never allow anyone to convince you to play poker.”

  He turned her hand and pressed his lips against her inner wrist, feeling her pulse beating under the delicate skin. She gasped and tried to yank her hand back, but he refused to let it go. Instead he lightly nipped her palm at the base of her thumb.

  Her gray eyes darkened while her expression flashed surprise. What a perfect combination of innocence and seductress. In his peripheral vision he saw Julien swallow the remaining scotch from the glass before placing it on a small table beside him.

  “I haven’t forgotten anything, but you’re stepping over the line, my friend. This is my wife, Kassandra.” Julien reached between them and wrapped his hand over Kassandra’s wrist, denying Miguel the opportunity to tease her anymore.

  “An extreme pleasure, Señora Kincaid.” Miguel retreated for a moment to give her some space and not aggravate Julien any further.

  “Call me Kass, everyone does.”

  He bowed. “Thank you, Kass. My name is Miguel de la Vega, and I’m eternally at your service.” His words brought about the soft smile he hoped they would from her. Miguel had a great number of plans when he left his home in España and set out on this quest. The addition of Kass changed his plans slightly but was a delicious layer to his current situation.

  “Miguel, if you’re finished trying to seduce my wife, would you be so good as to tell me how you got in my office?”

  “Didn’t we go through this already?” Miguel walked back to the sofa and plopped down onto the corner of it. Waving at the other side, he smiled at Kass. “Come sit next to me, Kass. I want to get to know all your secrets.”

  “I’m afraid you will have to do better than that, Mr. de la Vega.” Kassandra wasn’t that easily swayed. She strode over to the sideboard and poured herself a healthy amount of amber liquid into a glass. She moved incredibly gracefully for a woman who was carrying as many weapons as she was. He was sure she thought that she’d hidden them, but he was far too well trained not to notice. A glance over at Julien told him that his friend wasn’t fooled either.

  Julien arched an e
legant eyebrow, and Miguel winked lazily at him. He remembered well how unrestrained Julien was once he was stripped of that damn civilized shell he wore around himself. Miguel’s dreams were filled with replays of the too-few nights they’d spent together. He could still remember the taste of Julien’s skin and the silky texture right next to his hip bone.

  Miguel knew then that Julien was running after someone, and after some careful prying, he learned the man’s wife had run off. To someone with as much pride as Julien Kincaid, Miguel knew it must have been quite the blow. After finally meeting Kassandra in person he understood why Julien was completely obsessed with her. Her fiery attitude intrigued him. Miguel had watched her from afar, and his mouth watered with the possibility of tasting her skin and learning what she sounded like as she screamed in pleasure.

  “See, now you have hurt my pride.” He sighed and stretched his left arm along the back of the cushions. “Good thing I bounce back easily. Why don’t you join me here, Julien?”

  Julien stood against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest, staring holes into Miguel’s soul. He’d always loved the exquisite color of Julien’s eyes, and seeing them darken, even in anger, was enough to make his cock throb harder. “All right,” he conceded, “we aren’t going to get anywhere fast if you insist on standing there glaring at me.”

  Julien moved to a small intercom and requested tea and refreshments to be brought to his rooms.

  Kass gracefully sat in one of the overstuffed chairs, angling her body ever so slightly so that her hip was easily accessible. Miguel would wager the small derringers he concealed in his boot that she, too, had a weapon strapped to her thigh or waist. There must be a slit in her skirts somewhere to slip her hand in and reach it.

  “When you’re ready, Miguel.” Julien sat in the other chair across from him and placed one booted heel on the other knee.

  Obviously Julien wasn’t planning to take anyone’s clothes off in the near future, which was a crying shame in his book. “I recall you moved much quicker than this last time, but if you insist on talking first.”

  Kass’s gaze bounced back and forth between him and Julien, and he knew the moment the truth dawned on her. Her glass of scotch paused ever so slightly at her mouth, and then she swallowed the entire contents in one go. Other than a quick inhalation, she managed her alcohol quite well.

  “You, my friend, have made some very dangerous enemies.”

  Julien shrugged. “That’s not news to me nor does it explain how you got here. My enemies don’t know my exact whereabouts or have any chance of getting onboard without permission.”

  “And yet I’m here thanks to someone who has a vendetta against you and is willing to pay handsomely for your head served to him on a silver platter.”


  “Hedon Dubrova.”

  Julien looked sick for a moment, and Miguel felt a surge of jealousy. If Julien had taken up with the charismatic Midnighter, then this could be a bigger problem.

  “Who’s this Dubrova? His name sounds familiar, but I don’t remember where I heard it before.” Kass got up and paced to the sideboard and then returned.

  Julien sat staring at the statue on the table in front of him. “No, it’s impossible. He would never try attacking me.”

  “You have a lot of faith in your ex-lovers, Julien.”

  “Hedon and I were never lovers, only business associates”

  “Well, that’s at least one person whose pants you managed not to crawl into.”

  Julien shot a glare at Kass, but she returned it with a bored look of her own. Miguel hadn’t had this much fun in years. He’d seen grown men cower at Julien’s looks, but she met them head on as if they didn’t bother her in the slightest. His cock pulsed, demanding attention.

  “Exactly what proof do you have to back your accusations, Miguel?”

  “Not much, only the thirty thousand he promised me to put a bullet in your cold heart.”

  In the space of a second the sound of several guns being cocked was heard.

  Silence descended on the room. He and Julien stared at each other. Miguel could see the doubt on Julien’s face, and that hurt Miguel more than he’d ever let the other man know. He’d come here to warn Julien and hopefully rekindle what they had in the past. But, if Julien didn’t trust him, then there was no point in trying.

  From the corner of his eye he saw Kass with a gun pointed at him as well. I knew she had at least one hidden on her. He didn’t twitch. Instead, he waited calmly until they both settled down

  Julien was the first to lower his guns and tuck them back in the holder at the small of his back. “If you wanted to kill me, Miguel, you would’ve put a bullet in my head the moment I stepped onboard and been long gone by the time anyone knew what happened.”

  There was a knock at the door heralding the refreshments that Julien had ordered. Miguel lowered his gun and Kass did the same as Julien walked over and allowed his steward to serve them.

  The tea wasn’t as good as the scotch, but it was pleasant enough and allowed him a clearer head to decide what his next move would be. His plans had changed. He was going to ensure that both the Kincaids trusted him, because he wanted them both in his bed as soon as possible. All that was left to decide was if he should attempt to seduce them at the same time or separately.

  * * * *

  Kass didn’t miss the appreciative looks that Miguel was giving her from his place on the sofa. He remained relaxed and stretched out like a cat in a ray of sunshine. But she could see the predator behind his lazy gaze. Truth be told, Miguel gave off a lot of false impressions. He looked like an overgarbed fop, but she could see his clothes had been carefully tailored to him, more so than any other noble person would’ve had them. Even if he hadn’t admitted to being a mercenary, she might have guessed. Then again perhaps not.

  She idly rubbed the spot on her palm where he’d nipped her earlier. It didn’t hurt, but the memory of it remained, making her want to feel more. Her carefully cultivated mask of ice-cold indifference had been demolished by Julien earlier, and now she struggled to keep it in place.

  Ever since she’d walked in the room and clapped her eyes on the enigmatic man, she’d envisioned herself between them.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t simply the money that brought you all the way out here, Miguel. What else have you got up your sleeves?”

  “You’re free to take off my shirt and look for yourself, Julien.”

  Miguel looked at Julien like a feast in front of a starving man. She’d expected that Julien would find a lover at some point during their separation. That it wasn’t another woman was more than a little relief. She’d grown up in the New World surrounded by their moral outrage and strict rules regarding relationships, but she’d lived the darker side of that civilization. For all their self-righteous morality, the New World harbored a dark side. For the last few years she’d associated with Old World pirates and their common ménage relationships.

  Looking back and forth between them she realized that more than anything she wanted to see the two of them together. It was not like she hadn’t been exposed to that before. She spent months on the Apollo learning how to navigate the skies, and Liam and Tristan couldn’t keep their hands off each other for more than a few hours. With Yzzi as their third, Kass imagined the three of them disappeared for days at a time. The love the three of them shared had made her wonder if Julien wanted the same thing in his life. He’d never mentioned it to her, but he’d hidden a lot of secrets from her.

  Yzzi reminded Kass of herself, before she’d been torn apart and then carefully tied back together. Only it took one night for the knots to come loose and Kass had fallen apart again.

  “Perhaps Kass might be more interested?”

  She jerked her attention back to the conversation. Both Julien and Miguel looked at her. Being caught under their dual stare made her wet between the legs, and she automatically shifted to try to ease the pressure. Julien’s eyes narrowed as if he
knew what she was doing while Miguel looked delighted.

  “I’m sorry, all this male showboating was far too boring to keep my attention, and my mind wandered. Could you repeat the question?”

  That angered both men, and Kass felt some relief. She could handle herself against anger, but when faced with hunger, she didn’t know what to do next.

  “I’m beginning to understand why you were so angry when you entered the room, Julien.”

  “I don’t think you understand half of what you think you do,” Kass shot back in defense. Miguel was a sly, observant man, but there was no way he was that good.

  “She needs a good spanking or better yet a flogging.” Miguel brushed off his arm as he settled back against the cushions.

  Kass flinched at that comment, and memories of the night she left Atlantis flooded back in a rush that left her nauseous. “I’ll put a bullet in anyone who attempts it.” She lifted her teacup and took a sip, trying hard to control the hammering of her heart. She’d left the saucer on the table in front of her. No point in giving away her true feelings by the sound of china rattling against itself.

  “I believe you were talking about Dubrova and why he wants Julien dead. If you weren’t his lover,” she directed at Julien and did her best to ignore Miguel for the moment, “what business were you in together?”

  “We’ve worked together to crush a few lines of human trafficking, but that’s all.”

  He’s lying to me. Kass knew that as sure as she knew that she would take the first opportunity to escape this place. Lying was a skill Julien had perfected, but she’d always seen through it. Which is why she’d run away that night two years ago. She couldn’t bear the thought that he would whip anyone so viciously. “If you will excuse me, gentlemen, I’m going to go freshen up and check on my crew.”

  “Your crew is fine, Kassandra.” Julien sat back in his chair, a glass of scotch in his hand. “You’re to stay on this level unless I accompany you.”

  “A prisoner once again I see.”

  “You were never a prisoner, Kassandra. Until I know I can trust you, then you will stay where I can keep an eye on you.”


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