The Bride Found

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The Bride Found Page 8

by Piper Davenport

  Clayton smiled slowly and nodded his head.

  “Fine.” Emma looped her arm around his neck. “Why do I feel that this is… ah… what’s the word? Untoward?”

  Clayton chuckled. “You’re a lady in distress. I’m assisting.”

  “Oh, please.” Emma sniffed. “I have never been considered a lady in distress.”

  “Em?” Sophie rushed over to her as they entered the dining room. “What happened?”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “Nothing.”

  “Did you hurt your ankle again?”

  Emma gave her a pointed stare. “No. Clayton just feels the need to pick me up, apparently.”

  Sophie hummed in suspicion and then pointed to an empty chair. “Please set her there, Mr. Madden.”

  Clayton carried her to the seat and gently lowered her into it. “Comfortable?”

  Emma nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

  Before he’d straightened his spine, Christine and Topper had flanked Emma, and Topper sent him a victorious grin. Clayton had to hold himself back from lifting the boy from his chair and flinging him out of the room.

  “Clayton, I saved you a seat right here.” Jamie patted the chair between him and Andrew. Andrew’s face was impassive, but Clayton knew him well enough to know that he was enjoying his discomfort.

  Once Michael blessed the meal, the group settled into easy conversation. Clayton watched Emma from across the table, frustrated that he couldn’t speak with her. She seemed to be enjoying something Topper was telling her, and her laugh caused a physical reaction Clayton was unprepared for.

  “I’m surprised it took you this long to figure it out.” Andrew grinned and took a bite of potato.

  Clayton glared at him. “I’m surprised I’ve been able to contain my urge to kill you.”

  Andrew laughed and Clayton bit the inside of his cheek to keep from cursing. Tonight was going to be a long one.

  “What happened to your eye?” Andrew asked.

  Clayton took a deep breath. “Run-in with Richard.”

  “He’s getting worse, then?”


  Andrew shook his head. “Something needs to be done.”

  Jamie leaned in and whispered, “I have a few ideas that we can discuss at a later time.”

  Clayton glanced over at Emma. She smiled at him and his heart stuttered. He’d need to figure out a way to talk to her alone.


  Clayton glanced at Andrew. “Hm?”

  “Did you hear Jamie?” Andrew sipped his wine.

  Clayton sighed. “Yes, Andrew, I heard Jamie.”

  “I wasn’t certain. You seem to be distracted.”

  “Andrew,” he warned in a low growl.

  “I was simply ensuring you didn’t miss any part of the conversation.” Andrew sliced his lamb. “I am here for you, Clayton. To assist with whatever it is you need.”

  Jamie started to laugh and Andrew quickly followed suit. Sophie leaned forward and raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’ll fill you in later, sweetheart,” Jamie assured her.

  Clayton groaned and determined Andrew would find out how much he appreciated the joking when he’d least expect it. His internal plotting made the excruciating dinner somewhat manageable.

  MICHAEL LAID HIS napkin on the table and rose to his feet. “Shall we retire to the library, gentlemen?”

  Nona smiled and addressed the ladies. “We have dessert laid out in the parlor, so please follow me.”

  Emma pushed back from the table and pivoted in her seat. She took Topper’s hand and balanced on her good foot, her ankle now throbbing. Without warning, she once again found herself lifted into Clayton’s arms. “Where the heck did you come from?”

  His eyebrows drew together in concern. “Are you in much pain?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Emma,” he whispered.

  “Aren’t you supposed to get permission from me before calling me by my first name?”

  Clayton sighed. “May I call you Emma?”


  Clayton chuckled. “I’ll ask you again, Emma. Are you in much pain?”

  “A little, I suppose.” Emma grinned. “You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”

  “Most definitely.” Clayton carried her into the parlor and settled her in one of the chairs facing the piano. “Don’t get up unless I’m here to assist.”

  “Have you always been this bossy?”

  “Am I?”

  Emma couldn’t stop her grin. “Go away, Clayton.”

  He chuckled and left the room.

  Sophie brought her a plate filled with varying items of chocolate. “How’s your ankle?”

  Emma grimaced. “Sore.”

  Betty quietly came in the room carrying some crushed ice and several towels. “Miss Emma, Mr. Madden asked me to bring this to you. May I assist you?”

  Emma sighed with a smile. “Yes, please. Thank you so much.” She almost cried at his thoughtfulness.

  Sophie patted her shoulder. “I’ll run upstairs and get you something for the pain.”

  Emma took her hand. “No, it’s fine, Soph. The ice will be enough.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’ll get something else later.”

  Betty packed her ankle and then left the room. Christine joined them and they delved into a discussion about the upcoming Paxton ball. They didn’t delve too deep, as the door to the parlor opened and Daniel cleared his throat. “Mrs. Ford, I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation in the stables.”

  Sophie sighed and rose to her feet. “Samson, I presume?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Nona stood and addressed the small group. “Why don’t we all walk with you, Sophie? Always helps to exercise after a large meal.”

  Emma grimaced up at Sophie. “Can I stay here?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll stay with you, if you like,” Christine offered.

  Emma waved her hand dismissively. “No. Please, go for a walk. I’m happy to sit here by the fire.”

  “Are you certain?”

  Emma nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Sophie squeezed her shoulder. “I won’t be long.”

  Emma shrugged. “Take your time.”

  * * *

  Once the group left the parlor, Emma closed her eyes and tried to relax. She felt a migraine coming on and had a feeling it would be a bad one.

  Forget my ankle, I need an icepack for my head.

  Hearing the door open, and thinking Sophie had forgotten something, she didn’t bother to look up—until someone touched her hair. Her eyes flew open.

  “Good evening, pretty girl. I don’t think we’ve been introduced. My name is Richard Madden.”

  Clayton’s brother slurred his words as he staggered toward the chair Sophie had just exited. He tried to sit, but managed to trip and fall instead. He righted himself and then leered at her. Emma swallowed her fear—tried to, anyway. “Good evening,” she squeaked.

  “You must be Sophie’s sister… Emma, is it?”

  Emma nodded.

  “You’re beautiful.” Richard crossed one leg over the other. “I think it’s safe to say you’re prettier than your sister.”

  “Thank you.” She wiped her palms on her skirt. “I don’t think you should be here.”

  “We’re just havin’ a conversation, beautiful Emma.”

  She forced a deep breath. “I would appreciate it if you would leave… or get Daniel.”

  Before Richard could respond, the parlor door opened, and Clayton stood in the doorway. “Emma?”

  Richard laid his hand on Emma’s arm. “Now, look who’s come to ruin the evenin’?”

  Emma pulled away with a grimace. Richard’s hands were dirty and the smell of alcohol permeated his breath and clothing.

  “Richard.” Clayton closed the distance between them. “You need to go home.”

  Richard staggered to his feet and ca
ckled. “I’m not goin’ anywhere! ’Specially when I’m right in the middle of getting to know this beautiful creature.” He leaned down and grinned at Emma, his face inches from hers.

  Emma wrinkled her nose and swallowed the bile threatening to spill. Before she realized what had happened, Richard was no longer standing in front of her. He was on the floor in a heap. It took a few seconds to register that Clayton was hitting him—over and over.

  “Clayton, stop. You’ll kill him!” Emma pleaded.

  Clayton stood and took a deep breath. He pushed Richard’s unconscious form with his boot and then rushed to Emma’s side. He knelt beside her and took her hand. “Emma, are you all right? Please tell me he didn’t hurt you.”

  Tears slipped down her face as she shook her head. “He just scared me.”

  Clayton handed her his handkerchief. “I am so sorry.”

  Emma was humbled by the concern in his expression. She couldn’t stop herself from stroking his cheek, gently tracing the bruise around his eye. “Did he do this?”

  Clayton nodded and laid his hand over hers.

  “Does it hurt?”

  He shook his head.

  “What happened?” Jamie demanded from the doorway of the library.

  Clayton squeezed his eyes shut briefly and then stood. He nodded toward the form of his brother unmoving on the floor.

  Sophie pushed Jamie out of the way and rushed to her sister. “Emma? What happened? Are you okay?” Sophie frantically ran her hands over her sister’s extremities, checking for injury.

  “I’m fine, sissy.”

  Jamie advanced on them. “Did Richard hurt you?”

  Emma shook her head. “No. Clayton stopped him from doing anything.”

  “Thank you, Clayton,” Jamie said.

  “I don’t know that I’ll have time to talk to Joe.” Clayton dragged his hands down his face. “I may just have to drop in tonight.”

  Jamie stood over Richard and scowled. “You’re probably right. I’ll come with you.”

  Sophie raised an eyebrow in question. “Sheriff Joe?”

  Clayton nodded. “Jamie thought it might help if we lock Richard up and dry him out.”

  As Jamie and Clayton discussed the plan for Richard, Emma heard Sophie’s sharp intake of breath. “Soph? Are you okay?”

  Sophie gripped the back of the chair and began to take quick shallow breaths. She groaned and fell to the floor, wrapping her arms over her stomach.

  “Sophie?” Emma squealed in fright.

  Jamie’s head whipped up. “Soph?” Sophie whimpered in response and he rushed over to her. “Baby? What’s wrong?”

  Sophie grasped his arm. “I don’t know.” Tears poured down Sophie’s face as she gripped her stomach. “Something’s wrong.”

  “I’ll get Michael.”

  Clayton bent down and lifted his brother over his shoulder. “Jamie, I’ll take Richard out to Joe. Stay and take care of Sophie and Emma.”

  Clayton left the room and Jamie followed to retrieve Michael. Emma could see Jamie’s terror as he rushed out the door. They weren’t in the modern world anymore. Women died in childbirth all the time in the nineteenth century.

  Emma already knew how Jamie dealt with the loss of Sophie the first time. She was pretty sure he couldn’t take it again. She heard Jamie giving Michael a rundown on what happened, as the men entered the room.

  Sophie was curled up on the floor in a fetal position, sobbing. Jamie ran to her and knelt down beside her. “Tell me where it hurts.”

  “Everywhere. I’m cramping. They feel like period cramps,” she whispered.

  Michael knelt beside her and Jamie helped to roll Sophie on her back.

  “OW! I can’t lie like this, it hurts.”

  “Sophie, draw your knees up and it will help with the pain. I need to feel your stomach.” Michael did a brief examination. “James, I need to do a more thorough exam, you should go.”

  “Forget it.”

  “James, it’s not appropriate for you to be here for this.”

  Jamie scowled. “I don’t care, Michael, I am not leaving.”

  Sophie grasped Jamie’s hand. “It’s fine, Michael. I’d like him to stay.”

  Emma could see Michael was very uncomfortable with his audience as he examined her. “I don’t see any blood, Sophie, which is a good sign. I want you to rest for the next few days and then we’ll see how you’re feeling before the ball.”

  Sophie nodded and rolled back onto her side. Jamie knelt beside her. “Sweetheart, I’m going to carry you to the bedroom.”

  Emma pushed up from the chair. “I’ll come, too.”

  “What about your ankle?”

  Michael held out his hand. “I’ll assist.”

  Jamie picked Sophie up and held her for a moment before he took her upstairs to their bedroom. Once Jamie settled Sophie on their bed, he sat down next to her and took her hand. Michael left Emma outside of the bedroom, so she hobbled inside and sat opposite Sophie. Sophie seemed calmer, but still looked a bit green.

  Jamie kissed her palm. “Are you okay?”

  Sophie nodded as she rubbed her stomach.

  Emma reached over to help her gently massage the pain away. “What happened with Samson?”

  “He kept trying to bite one of the soldiers.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “I was feeling a little off, so I asked Topper to take care of him.”

  Jamie frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”

  “Because I never feel entirely well.” She pointed to her belly. “I just chalked it up to the alien slowly sapping my life away.”

  “Hm, mm.” Jamie handed Sophie a glass of water. “Well, you should sleep.”

  “Okay.” Sophie took a sip and then slid under the covers.

  Emma stood and hobbled to the door. “I’m going to get some more ice and then turn in.”

  Jamie turned. “I’ll get it for you.”

  She waved her hand. “No worries. I can do it. Just stay and take care of Sophie.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” Emma grinned. “She needs you more than I do.”

  Jamie reluctantly nodded. “Come and get me if you need me, okay?”

  “I will, I promise.”

  Emma left the room and walked downstairs. Well, she hopped. Slowly.

  Daniel rushed forward, surprised to see her. “Miss Wellington?”

  “Oh, hello, Daniel. Would you please find me some ice?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be in the parlor.”

  Discovering a book full of gown patterns, Emma settled herself on the large sofa in the parlor and waited for Betty to help her with the ice. Less than an hour later, the butler announced she had a visitor.

  “I do?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Daniel turned and nearly bumped into Clayton, who apparently hadn’t waited to be shown in.

  Emma smiled with delight as she watched him fiddle nervously with his hat. He was absolutely adorable and her heart beat double-time.

  “Emma, I’m sorry for barging in. I know it’s late, but I had to make sure you were all right. I cannot apologize enough for what Richard did. If there was a way to take it back I would.”

  “Clayton. I’m fine. Please sit down.” Emma waved to the chair facing the sofa. “Did you get your brother to the jail?”

  Clayton took the seat and nodded. “Yes. I told Joe not to let him out or give him anything to drink. He’s not going to be happy, but there isn’t an alternative.” Clayton ran his hands through his hair. “Emma, I’m so sorry.”

  Emma sighed. “You have nothing to be sorry about. Really.”

  Clayton smiled. “How is your ankle?”

  “It hurts, but I think I’ll live.”

  Clayton rose to his feet. “I brought something that might help” He stepped out of the room briefly and returned carrying what looked like crutches. “I cut the bottoms off, so I hope they’ll be the right height.”

/>   Emma pushed to her feet. “Oh, Clayton, this is so thoughtful.” She slid the crutches under her arms and tested them out. “They work great.”

  “That doesn’t mean you should be on your feet,” Clayton said as he helped her back into her chair. “But they’ll at least give you some mobility.”

  “They are perfect. Thank you. Would you like to stay for a little while?”

  “It’s late, Emma. I should really take my leave.”

  Emma frowned. “Oh. I’ll walk you out.”

  “No, please don’t.” Clayton stood. “Would the afternoon be acceptable for our buggy ride tomorrow? Jamie and I are meeting in the morning.”

  Emma nodded. “Yes. Are you sure you’re still up to it?”

  “Most definitely.” He grinned as he lifted her hand to his lips. “Why don’t I pick you up after lunch? Say, two?”

  “That’s fine.”

  He reached out and gently ran his finger down her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Emma shivered. “Good night.”

  * * *

  The next day, Emma woke up in agony. She could barely open her eyes and the nausea threatened her ability to breathe. She was in the middle of one of the worst migraines she could remember. Hearing a knock at the door, she groaned when Jamie poked his head in. “Em, it’s time to wake up.”

  “I need a bowl.”

  Jamie grabbed the bowl from under the pitcher and handed it to her. “Migraine?”

  “Bad migraine,” she grumbled.

  “Do you have anything for it in your purse?”

  “I have some of my migraine tabs in there somewhere, but I couldn’t tell you where.”

  “I’ll find them.” Jamie rifled through her bag and found one of the foil packs. He handed it to her with a glass of water.

  “Thanks. I think I just need to sleep for a little while, okay?”

  “I’ll let the staff know not to disturb you.”

  Emma took the medicine and gingerly lay back onto the pillows. “Can you also let Clayton know I can’t go for a ride today?”


  “Thanks.” She pulled her comforter up and over her head and sank into the mattress.

  * * *

  Jamie closed the door and went back to his bedroom to find Sophie sitting in the bed, reading a book. “Weren’t you on that page when I left?”


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