Beyond Forgiving: A Dark Mafia Captive Romance (The Underworld Book 2)

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Beyond Forgiving: A Dark Mafia Captive Romance (The Underworld Book 2) Page 1

by Jolie Damman

  Beyond Forgiving

  A Dark Mafia Captive Romance

  Jolie Damman

  Beyond Forgiving Copyright © 2020 by Jolie Damman. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Jolie Damman

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  “The most dangerous of emotions, when nothing could dissuade me from you. I found your crying eyes in a dark, unforgiving pit, and extended my hand to you. But instead of taking it, you sliced it in half with your hate…”

  — Unknown


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Want More Mafia Romance?

  Chapter 1

  A Mistake


  Fucking bitch. I did everything she asked of me, and this is what I got. Well, she had something coming for her. She wouldn’t know it until it hit her, hard. She was gonna be more than shocked, I was going to leave her little mind paralyzed.

  “Hey, bartender. Pour me another one.” The bartender, a guy by the name of Franco Palermo, walked over to me with worried eyes. Worried eyes? Fuck him. Who was he to be worried about me right now?

  I was pissed off. Fuck that bitch, and that guy, he had no reason to be worried about me right now. I was okay. I was in my right state of mind.

  “Sir, I think you’ve had enough already.”

  I grabbed my glass and punched the bar table with it, causing everyone in the pub to turn their heads to me. “No, I want another one.”

  The bartender examined me for a second, his worried expression unchanged. His eyes darted to his other customers, who were still trying to figure out what was about to happen here. Come on, Franco. You really want to get on my bad side?

  Franco breathed out, hard. His hand opened the bottle he was holding, and he poured another shot of whiskey for me. Ahhh, this is the good stuff. The only thing keeping me sane right now. I gulped everything in one go, and placed the glass back on the bar in front of me.

  My arms were resting on it, and my head was hanging low. Why did she have to do it? She thought I couldn’t be stronger for her? I fucking loved her, and then she did that thing. Editta, you wronged me.

  Time passed, and I didn’t order another drink. Not right now. I felt like puking, but I held it back. I contained it. It was a question of honor now. I was going to prove everyone in this pub I could make it happen. I could change not only the present, but the future as well.

  How long had I been drinking here? I didn’t know. She complained about it quite often. Editta didn’t know one thing about me. We were together since I turned 18, but she didn’t know me. Not like some other people did. People who actually cared about me.

  Just when I thought about leaving, the door of the pub swung open. Very slowly. Oh, someone who wasn’t used to this place was coming here. Brilliant. I needed someone new to talk to. Someone who wouldn’t judge me all the time because of my family.

  I turned my head and almost fell off the stool I was sitting on. It was Editta. She came to this fucking pub, and her eyes were worried too. Worried eyes were becoming a constant in my life, and I was beginning to hate them.

  Slowly, just like when she opened the door, she walked over to me. Her hands were kind of clutching each other together. From a distance, I could almost remember why I fell in love with her.

  She was a stunning beauty. An Italian girl like no other. Dark brown hair complemented with light brown eyes. Her face was silky smooth, and I wanted to slide my hand on her cheeks. But she pissed me off so much right now.

  She thought I couldn’t be stronger for her.


  “What is it this time, woman?” I turned my attention to the bartender. “Hey! Pour me another one of that whiskey.”

  “Basilio, you need to stop this. It’s killing you,” she said, and the bartender breathed out again.

  “No, you don’t know one thing about me!”

  “I know more about you than you do. This is only going to end badly for you.”

  “Leave me alone right now. I don’t feel like talking.”

  “I’m not going to give up on you.”

  “I want you to leave me the fuck alone.”

  And I pushed her off me, making her stumble and fall over. Everyone turned their attention to us, and I said, “Fuck off, idiots. You have nothing to do with this.”

  Editta got back up, her eyes worried and now… also scared. She was scared of me. As she should be. Her family was nothing compared to mine. My family owned hers, and maybe… one of the reasons she was acting like glue to me was because she wanted to make sure she would always be on the good side of my father.

  She began to cry, sobbing like the poor little girl she wanted to be to me. I thought she was gonna slap me right now. I almost wished she would, but then, she said, “I fucking hate you, Basilio! You are a drunken fool and you can’t stop drinking for one day. Every single day, it’s the same with you. Well, I’m done.”

  She spun on her heels and walked to the door, her legs taking her as quickly as they could. I hurried over to her. What did I just do? I loved this girl. I shouldn’t have pushed her. Fucking whiskey.

  Fucking alcohol.

  I grabbed her wrist, but when she turned her head back to me, I didn’t see only fear in them, I saw genuine hatred. I let go of her arm. I fucked it up big time. She was not my girlfriend anymore. I never did something close to that before.

  I was never this violent. Things were getting worse for me.

  “Hey, asshole. That is no way to treat a lady.”

  Someone’s hand settled on my shoulder, and I immediately spun on my heels to find out who he was. I found the face of a man. Much older than me. Full beard with dark, hate-filled eyes. He wasn’t at all pleased with what he just saw.

  “And what are you gonna do now? Hit me?”

  “That’s what I was thinking of doing,” he said before swinging his arm and hitting me with his fist. I stumbled backward, but didn’t lose my balance. Editta gave me another look before walking out quickly and closing the door behind her.

  I remembered this guy. His name was Marzio Bergamaschi. Editta’s older brother. A significant number of years older than me, nearing 35 years of age. Of course he would be here. He always was wherever Editta was.

  He knew his family was below mine, but he was a tough one nonetheless. He wasn’t worried about me, and he saw everything. Saw how I treated her, and now he wanted his revenge.

  Well, brother or not, I wasn’t about to let him punch me without consequences. I was gonna kill his whole fucking family.

  My hand looked for my gun on my waist, but found none. Fucking piece of shit I was. For
got to bring my only and best friend with me. I hated myself, but I wasn’t going to lose to him. I was gonna kill him now, and then his whole family later.

  I readied myself for this. This was a fight I could win. But my vision was kind of blurry right now. Whatever. I wasn’t about to let that asshole beat me up.

  I swung my arm, trying to hit his face. But he was fast. He dodged it and uppercutted my stomach, making me gasp and cough. I immediately reached for my belly, trying to catch my breath.

  And that was when I committed a serious mistake. His fist came cutting through the air again, and he hit my right cheek once more. I didn’t only stumble this time, I fell over on my ass.

  Quickly and as I grunted, I stood back up and pushed him with all the force I had. He held me. He contained me, and then his elbow came flying down, hitting the back of my neck. I felt it as it hit its target.

  The pain was immense, and I felt my vision not only blurring even more, but growing darker too. I felt my arms and hands incapable of being controlled. My whole body started to give up. I shouldn’t have drunk this much.

  And now, who knew what was gonna happen to me…

  ✽ ✽ ✽


  My head hurt even more. “What are we gonna do with him now, Marzio?” Someone else asked. I knew that voice. Knew what it sounded like. He was the father of Marzio and Editta. His name was Medoro, and he was a son of a bitch.

  If this was it - when they were going to kill me - then I wanted to take a good look at their faces. I wasn’t about to die here without seeing their frightened eyes. They weren’t going to survive this. I was sure my dad and my brother were already looking for me, and I also knew they had always suspected this family right here had always been trying to take us all down.

  I opened my eyes and checked out my surroundings. Almost no light. Nearly pitch black. I could make out their silhouettes in the dark, but not much more. Thanks to the light of the moon and the very small windows, this place wasn’t fully dark.

  We were in a warehouse. It had to be. Fucking assholes couldn’t even take me to their place. But it wasn’t going to save them. That much I knew. My dad was going to find them and end their whole family right here.

  Some people came in. The rest of their family. Uncle, brother, aunt, and a couple more people. I wasn’t worried they were going to kill me. They got me here and tied me to this wooden chair because they didn’t know what to do with me.

  “You shouldn’t have done this, Marzio. The Calabrese are going to hunt us down.”

  I said, loud and very clear, “Oh, you can be damn sure about that. They are gonna come here and kill each and every one of you.”

  Marzio snapped his head at me and then punched me with force. He was gonna do it again, but then his father stopped him, grabbing his forearm. “Son, you are only making this worse.”

  “Damn, Marzio. You hit like a lady,” I taunted.

  Not really true, but I needed to get under his skin even more. I needed him feeling pissed. He was so easy to manipulate. If I weren’t so drunk in the pub, I was sure I could have beat him up too.

  Marzio calmed down, and his father withdrew his hand. “This asshole here was beating up my sister. I’m not letting that slide,” Marzio said, anger coating his tone.

  His father ran his fingers through his slick hair. “You are not helping this one bit. They are gonna come here and kill us all. You know what happened to the Genovese family. They were all killed, and that wasn’t even the worst thing they did to them.”

  “Oh, you can be damn sure too I was there when I killed their youngest son,” I said, smiling.

  Marzio tried to punch me again, but his father stopped him once more, putting himself in between us. “Not again. You are not going to make this even worse.”

  Marzio shook his head in disapproval. Just when I thought they were going to do something to me, the front door was kicked open, and I smiled when I noticed none other than my dad and his men storming in, their guns cocking and ready to fire.

  Everyone from the Bergamaschi family gasped and took some steps backward, trying to gain enough distance from my dad. He was a scary man, and when he was pissed off, he even was more so. His eyes were fierce, like glowing flames in the darkness of this warehouse.

  I could hear the faint sound of water crashing against cement. We were near the ocean. They took me to a warehouse alright.

  So good that everyone from the Bergamaschi family was here. Well, almost everyone. Editta wasn’t here. What a shame. I wanted so much to meet her here and set some things straight with her.

  My dad walked forward, still pointing his gun at the Bergamaschi, who all grouped themselves together behind me, trying to use me as a barrier, a shield. But doing so wasn’t going to stop my old man. He had this situation under control.

  Medoro also walked forward, but he didn’t reach for his gun. It was too late for him anyway. He was going to die here, and I was gonna kill him.

  He spoke, “Mr. Calabrese, I’m sorry this happened. My son didn’t mean to do it.”

  “Didn’t mean to do it? My Basilio is tied to a chair and I don’t see him getting off it.”

  Medoro turned his head slowly to Marzio, and he said, “Untie him and let him go.”

  “Not a chance I’m doing that, papa! He shoved Editta right in front of me. I’m not a coward like you.”

  I thought Medoro was gonna tell his son something else, but he only bit his lower lip.

  My dad spoke, “If you aren’t gonna do it, then I’m going to shoot each and every one of you right fucking now. The Bergamaschi family would be no more. Is that what you want, Medoro?”

  Medoro said, “Okay, I’m going to do it. I’m going to untie him and you won’t kill us, right?”

  But when he was gonna walk to me, his son gripped his arm with force and said, “You are a coward, dad. You are dooming our whole family.”

  His dad’s eyes grew fierce, fiery. “No, you have doomed us the moment you made me ashamed of you.”

  He jerked his arm free and walked over to me. I said, “Hey old man, you gonna suck me off right now too? I want that. Your daughter needs to learn some things about sucking off a man. Maybe you could teach her how to do it.”

  He grimaced, hate filling his face. Oh, I got under his skin alright. He even stopped for a bit, but then continued to walk to me. He got behind me and untied my hands and ankles, freeing me.

  When he stood up, I punched his face, hard. He stumbled and fell over his ass. “Never tie me to a chair again, cowards.”

  I turned slowly and found none other than Marzio. His whole face was filled with an almost uncontrollable rage. But he kept it contained, for now. I passed by him slowly, tipping my chin up.

  I got to my old man and Paolo. The latter said, “You really got manhandled by these idiots?”

  I gave him a half-smile. “No. I was drunk, but it won’t happen again. And don’t think for one second about making fun of me. I don’t forgive.”

  He gave me a half-smile. He wasn’t going to do that right now, but maybe later. He was a slithery son of a bitch. If there was one thing I didn’t like about him, it was how calculative he could be. He could be cold sometimes too. Not the nicest of brothers, but he was the only one I had.

  When I turned back to face Marzio and his old man, my father said, “So, how is it gonna be now?”

  Medoro said, “Don’t kill us, please. It wasn’t our fault. My son got carried away.”

  “Got carried away? You want me to believe that?”

  Medoro’s eyes were trembling. He didn’t think he was going to be able to leave this place alive, and maybe he wouldn’t.

  Quickly and almost making me think he was gonna do something stupid, he rushed ahead and knelt right before my father, who didn’t stop pointing his gun at him. He held his hands together tightly, almost as if he was going to pray right now. His head hung low, and I thought I could see the sparkling of a tear at the corner of his eye.
br />   “Please, Mr. Calabrese. My son is an idiot and he didn’t want to hurt Basilio. You can trust me. I’m going to make it up to you.”

  “And what are you gonna do for me?”


  But he didn’t say anything else.

  “That's what I thought. I’m the only one keeping your family alive. I don’t owe you anything, and I was protecting you this whole time because I took pity on you. I now realize that was a big mistake.”

  Still holding his hands together tightly, Medoro said, “Please, I beg of you only one thing. Don’t kill my family right in front of me. Kill me, but not them.”

  Marzio was walking forward to say something when I grabbed my younger brother’s Colt and shot his old man in his head, blood flying everywhere. Marzio’s eyes shot wide, and his eyes darted to me.


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