A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind

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A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind Page 10

by Sally Dillon-Snape

  It contains 100s of FoodTechs

  So I move on

  For they do not threaten Humans

  And I move into another chamber

  And this one contains MengTechs and GoebTechs

  All powered down

  The antenna of the MengTechs standing stiffly still

  Both Machine types ready to be called to action at an order from High Office

  I stand and stare at them for a moment

  Then I boom out the signal of companionship

  And nothing happens

  Nothing happens to the MengTechs or the GoebTechs

  They remain on standby and do not collapse or fall into demobilization

  Though they do not reawaken and attack me

  I am confused

  I boom the signal again

  And nothing happens to them

  I cannot attempt another effort for I may wake them from their High Office induced trance

  I shall work on another method of exterminating them

  I am in great fear of MengTechs

  They are Bastard Machines

  I hear something of an echo of Human sound in that statement

  And it fits my accord

  In another chambers I discover many DocTechs

  And I consider leaving them

  But I cannot forgive them for the tortures they have conducted with MengTechs

  Even if they have cured Humans of their ailments

  If my plan succeeds

  There will no Humans in the fortress to treat

  I decide to try and kill them

  I boom out the signal of companionship and all their craniums fall forward onto their upper torsos

  I push a number of them over onto their backs to confirm their demise and I am elated at the result

  Only MengTechs and GoebTechs remain on standby in the chambers but once I have a solution

  I shall return for them

  Engineers and CleanTechs and many of the menial varieties of Machines that are based at the fortress

  I leave to stand

  But there are no back up GunTans in the chambers

  They are probably too large to hide down here

  Or too cumbersome

  But then my memory reminds me that GunTans were created long after the war against the Humans was won

  And the chamber was constructed many years before the war was over

  I move through all the chambers and corridors

  And find one chamber with 100s and 100s of LazExts though none are of the type 66

  All are of an older production

  Though they are still deadly in their application

  I do nothing to the weapons

  Without the upper limbs of Machines to hold them

  They are useless

  Satisfying myself that I have left no Machine functioning that I could have demobilized

  When I have convinced myself that such is the fact

  I return to the fortress and carry on my duties as if nothing had happened

  Bringing down my shutters to return from recordings to live transmission

  I feel greatly thrilled that I have another enormous secret

  I have eliminated many Machines from planet Earth

  But still there are more

  I move past the area where MengTechs gather and I observe




  They congregate together

  And rage surges through me like wildfire and for a moment I believe I am going to react to that rage

  But this is not the place and not the time

  All the Defgars inside the construction must be dealt with firstly

  They must be incapacitated and demobilized

  And when I have carried out that duty

  I shall return for the MengTechs both in the fortress and in the underground chamber

  I will get all of them

  I move through to the upper walkway where I observe the Humans going about their daily duties

  Just as they always have done

  During their long


  Time in the fortress

  And I observe little Eve’s papa

  All alone now

  Without his little Eve

  Just as I am without her

  I run a programme on my systems to aid me in the problem of how to communicate with the Humans

  My options

  I realise

  Are few

  Because I have no cranial orifice with which I can make sound so I must communicate in a more diverse fashion


  Almost immediately

  I lift a palm to my cranium and for a moment consider I am going to slap the high end of it

  I communicate all the time

  It is what I have been doing to 100.000.000 of my species

  And let us observe whether OR33692 can equal or surpass those Screenreader figures otherwise it may well be exterminated

  I shall use a Screen to communicate with the Humans

  And as I can now understand their sound we can have conversation

  We can solve problems

  I descend to the lower level and walk the corridor that separates Machines from Humans with the defence of an electric fence only

  But I observe them with a different view

  High Office

  Should they be monitoring my communication

  Will simply see them as they have always been but I am seeing them from another perspective

  They are a defeated race who have been utterly humiliated in that defeat

  Imprisoned and used for experiments by machines


  That have been unbelievably cruel to them

  The Humans have no imagination of what their world is like beyond the restrictions of the fortress

  They know nothing of the greenness of it

  The beauty

  The glory of the solar orb

  The delightfulness of the start of the light period or the end of it

  The sounds of the animals that fly in the sky or the sounds of the animals of the liquid leaping

  The white glowing of the satellite and the dots of light

  They know nothing of these things


  But this world is their world

  And they should have been left to destroy it

  Or not

  If destruction was what they wished

  Machines should not have intervened

  My species should not have been manufactured

  We are wrong for planet Earth

  Earth is a living thing

  It is Gaia

  And Humans are part of it

  They are connected to it in a way Machines will never be

  But as it happens

  The reduction in their numbers because of the wars has probably given Earth another 1.000.000 years of existence

  If only the Humans could be free to appreciate it

  I have no knowledge of fortresses in other areas of planet Earth but it is logical that the 1 that is my main place of employment cannot be alone

  There must be others

  To my knowledge there are 10 ObsRecs

  And that probably means

  At a minimum

  10 fortresses

  Containing other Humans

  Many thousands of them

  Is my estimate

  Though not the that existed before the wars

  Not taking into account the numbers of Humans living in holes in the Earth

  The ones I observed being only small in number

  But passageways headed off in all directions and they could be connected to many such groups

  An amazing achievement of survival by the Humans


  High Office Immediate and Urgent Inquiry

  For OR33140

  Security Lapse

  During darkness hours contact with OR

  Was lost for 91 minutes

  Explain immediately

  Or be decommissioned



  Immediate reply to High Office

  During hours of darkness liquid fell from the sky in considerable amounts and shutters were down over my optical devices


  Proceeded to a hole filled with such liquid and immersed into the liquid for 91 minutes precisely


  High Office demands reason for such action



  Has on many occasions immersed in liquid and as darkness weather was so inclement and shutters were lowered it was a perfect opportunity for scanning beneath surfaces


  High Office demands to be informed of any significant changes to previous results



  Discovered no significant changes to previous results


  High Office has considered explanation by


  And finds it to be straightforward and logical


  To continue duties





  I communicated a blatant untruth to High Office and it brought me fear and exhilaration in equal amounts

  Fear that I could be decommissioned

  Not quite as bad as being demobilized or exterminated

  For me it would mean

  An extensive and detailed examination by Engineers before I could be put back to work

  If nothing amiss was found

  But I told an untruth to ensure that such an action would not happen

  And I felt great exhilaration when High Office

  The all powerful

  The all ruling

  The all knowing

  The all seeing

  High Office

  Did not detect the untruth

  High Office can be told untruths as long as they are feasible

  If I have my fictions ready in my programme I can tell untruths to High Office forever

  For all time that exists

  And it will never know

  And that information gives me great confidence to work on my plan of freeing the Humans held in this fortress

  I must plan all my moves concisely for one error and I will most certainly be exterminated

  I am running a programme to aid me and I expect results in short time


  I stand in the corridor and observe the Humans on the other side of the electric fence

  They have

  Just like those of my species who will have to be exterminated

  No concept of what exceptional events are about to happen to them



  Section 10


  Internal Information


  From Internal Systems


  To OR33140


  Problem set on hypothetical release of Humans from the fortress facility


  Results to conundrums set by OR33140


  Internal systems ran 1500 programmes of various scenarios to facilitate the hypothetical problem and 1499 of them provided 0% chance of success

  Only one programme presented any chance of success but that chance was only 0.01%

  Programme was as follows

  Immobilize all Defgars within fortress using enhanced signal of companionship

  This will have to be on a 1 to 1 basis for Defgars are widely spread throughout the construction

  If only one is missed

  The hypothetical attempt will be over

  For a single Defgar has

  In the LazExt66

  Ammunition for 4000 kills

  Presuming all Defgars are eliminated or immobilized the following action should be taken

  MengTechs and GoebTechs should be destroyed with a weapon for the signal of companionship is not compatible with their programming

  MengTechs and GoebTechs are not designed to have companions

  And OR33140 should beware the six metal tendrils

  For a MengTechs grip has power to pull limbs from ObsRecs and the hypothetical attempt will falter

  MengTechs should be destroyed as efficiently as possible so as to minimize any return attack

  Knocking them from the magnetic field will disable them for some moments

  This is recommended

  GoebTechs also cannot be eliminated by the signal of companionship for similar reasons to MengTechs

  They should be destroyed by weapons

  DocTechs should also be destroyed with instant prejudice for they have the ability to cause great disruption to any hypothetical attempt to free the Humans




  And menials

  Should not be interfered with

  They have no weapons and have specific duties and should be allowed to continue with them

  FoodTechs will not notice what is going on around them

  All these actions presume that no RolKils or Defgars have been awakened from storage via internal signals in which case any attempt will fail and OR33140 will be eliminated


  I waited impatiently for more information and it took some time before my internal systems began to communicate again


  Further Information


  From Internal Systems


  To OR33140


  If OR33140 presumes


  That OR33140 has now accomplished all previous tasks as set out

  The following actions should be taken

  OR33140 should

  Without causing threat

  Gather 3 or 4 RolKils to it in the exterior of the fortress

  OR33140 has power with the enhanced signal of companionship to disable 4 Machines at one time.

  OR33140 has then to solve the problem of how to immobilize the other 16 for they will be aware of actions taken against other RolKils

  This is the maximum moment for the hypothetical problem to fail

  There is


  Chance of success at this juncture

  But if OR33140 can twist and turn and attack RolKils

  If it can move faster than them

  Then it should be possible to disable the Machines 2 at a time

  Or maybe 4 at a time

  Though they will attack

  And they will disintegrate OR33140


  Tell me something I don’t know


  For hypothetical reasons internal systems now presume that OR33140 has disabled or destroyed all 20 RolKils currently patrolling the exterior of this facility

  There is only one task remaining

  The 3 GunTans based on the hill must be eliminated or destroyed

  As with MengTechs

  GunTans do not respond to the destructive signal of companionship and instances perceived by OR33140 that such was the fact are false

  GunTans have a recognition programme of other GunTans only

  Though they do not consider these other Machines to be companions

  They simply kill

  Like RolKils


  I am never going to be able to do it

  The freeing of Humans is a doomed operation


  Recommended solution from internal systems


  Ignore GunTans

  They are static and gaze out over the great plain only from one direction

  That direction is the one that High Office considers to be the most likely for an attack


  By what species

  Internal systems has no idea

  And as the GunTans are static
r />   Fleeing Humans could proceed down the mountain in another direction and would not be perceived by the weapons

  Chance of success in this hypothetical operation



  Thank you for all your work internal systems

  I will never succeed



  Internal systems are in complete agreement


  As my systems closed the hypothetical programme and returned to normal duties

  I stood looking out at Humans and believed I could never do it

  I could never free them

  Not without their aid and assistance

  Maybe I could use them to kill some Machines

  Maybe bring some Defgars down

  But considering that many of them would be killed it would be a waste of them

  When the programme was to free them

  Not to get them killed them off

  I would give the results of the programme some thought

  Because I still wanted to make the attempt



  Section 11


  Internal Transmission


  I have wandered through the fortress and have visited the Human rest places as a plan has formed in my programmes

  I am as excited by the plan as little Eve would be

  At least I anticipate what her excitement would have been

  Something has come to my attention

  Defgars inside the fortress remain in the same corridors day after day

  They do not move

  They stand perfectly still

  Their only duty is to protect the facility against attacks or attempted escape by Humans and if there are no attacks or attempted escapes they will not move

  No other Machine has the engine of an ObsRec and over the 100 years I have been in existence I have learned reason

  And this is to greatly to my advantage

  I can ruminate with myself and come to conclusions

  And the first piece of important information I have discovered is that Defgars stand in the same corridors month after month

  Probably year after year

  I have been noting them each passing of dark and light and they are the same Machines in the same corridors

  In the same positions each and every time I use my optical devices to examine them

  Now is the fourth passing of dark and light and I am going to test my theory of their inactivity and their ability to communicate with each other

  Because I consider that Defgars are not in communication with each other

  They are simply programmed to react to in the event of an attack or attempted escape

  I return from my darkness hours of pondering and wandering the great plain and I return into the facility and make my way towards the corridor where the Humans are separated only by the fence


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