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Dentelle #3 Guardian series

Page 6

by Bowhay, Heather

  “She’s not that bad. She’s just misunderstood. And no, I haven’t lost my touch. I’m just not sure I want to make a move.”

  What was the world coming to? Ash defending Madison? “Wise choice. But if you do, make sure I’m aware of your funeral arrangements beforehand,” I tossed back.

  “My, my. Aren’t we saucy today?”

  “Gotta be. Especially if you and I are going to play charades at the Ranch.”

  There was a long pause. “Glad you guys figured it out. And while I’d like to say I’m looking forward to that, I’m not. Too much history between us. And while Jason insists it’s necessary, I don’t think he’s going to be so encouraging when we’re holding hands or something. I get why we have to do this, Lexi, but let’s make sure we have balance, too.”

  There was that word again. Balance. “I’m with ya, Ash. We’ll talk later.”

  Squeezing into the bathroom, I wondered how plus-sized people felt about the cramped space, because I was only a size six and the space seemed tight. It was almost suffocating, like I was wearing clothes two sizes too small and could hardly breathe. The flushing toilet resonated like a commercial vacuum cleaner, and I cringed. Thank goodness I’d closed the lid, because otherwise I think I would have been sucked into the tank.

  Washing my hands in the mini-sink, I gazed into the mirror. Wow! I’d actually picked up a tan for the first time in ages. Must have been all that hiking in Acadia. And the sun had naturally high-lighted my blonde hair, which rested several inches below my shoulders, and was unusually wavy – probably because of all the humidity. For some reason my eyes seemed larger and my eyelashes longer. Nice. And the tanned skin made the whites of my eyes and teeth seem brighter, too. Upon closer inspection, I noticed a few more freckles had popped out on the bridge of my nose. Had to take the bad with the good, I suppose. But all in all, I looked better than usual. Maybe love did that to a person.

  After drying my hands, I spit my gum into the paper towel and noticed a rich fruity smell emanating from my hands. I glanced at the soap bottle and cracked up. It was labeled: Passion Fruit. Hah! Passion. Smashion. Maybe in my next life. While searching for the hidden trash bin, the PA system came to life with a rush of static and an announcement for passengers to return to their seats, because we’d be landing shortly. Pushing the door open, I started out but was suddenly pushed back into the bathroom.

  “Jason, what the heck are you doing?” I asked, an expression of disbelief spreading across my face. I scooted backwards as far as I possibly could as he slipped in next to me. I was worried he’d get burned since there wasn’t room for two in the tight space.

  Locking the door behind him, he turned and flashed a brilliant smile. “I always wanted to make-out in an airplane bathroom.”

  I laughed. “You’re kidding, right?” But he just shook his head, his expression that of a teenager who’d just successfully snuck out of the house. “Umm…okay. And how do you propose we do that?”

  “First, you put your hands on my chest.”

  I raised a brow.

  “You scared of a little heat?” he challenged, which made me instantly comply.

  “No. But you should be.” With my hands flat against his chest, I could feel taut muscles beneath his cotton shirt, which caused my body temp to elevate ten degrees. “You’re playing with fire,” I cautioned.

  He winked and said in a slow, sultry voice, “I know. And I will have to be very, very careful not to get scorched. But the prize is worth the risk.”

  My breath hitched. “And what is this prize you speak of?”

  “Why, a kiss from a beautiful woman, of course.”

  I swallowed hard. Two could play this game. Gliding my hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his arms, I used my fingernails as pressure points and doused him with Essence along the way. I was rewarded when his eyes blazed and his entire body shivered. Wetting my lips, I said, “Now what?”

  “Now you kiss me.”

  “What about the pain?”

  “Nothing is more tortuous than waiting for your kiss.”

  I brought my body within inches of his and watched his lower lip tremble. “I disagree.”

  “I just won’t respond.”

  “I see.”

  “If I don’t react I won’t get burned.”

  Cupping his face in my hands, I tightened my grip. A trace of passion-fruit lingered between us. “Uh-huh. You’re just gonna stand there and watch me kiss you. You won’t move a muscle,” I said skeptically, a smile playing upon my lips.

  With saucer-sized eyes, he nodded. “I swear.”

  “Promises. Promises. I wonder how long until the heat between us sparks a fire and you’re reduced to ashes.”

  “Seconds,” he whispered. “Only seconds. But that’s okay, because I like the way it hurts.”

  “Okay,” I whispered back. “You asked for it.”

  Standing on my tip-toes, I kissed the tip of his nose and then said softly, “You are so incredibly sexy.” Then I kissed each of his cheeks and said, “Your eyes drive me crazy.”

  “Alex…” he breathed.

  Trembling from desire and restraint, I kept my eyes open and held his gaze. With my mouth parted, I planted several deliberate, yet tender kisses on his lips. I captured his lower lip between my teeth, and tugged gently. Provoking…warning…promising. I could feel his Essence, strong and masculine, mingling with mine. Placing one hand on the back of his head, I tangled my fingers in his short hair. With my other hand still controlling his face, I brushed my thumb across his cheekbone. He moaned, and his lower lip quivered.

  Sweeping my tongue across his lips, I applied pressure and leaned against his body. He was solid, strong, and his heart was pounding erratically in his chest. We locked lips, unable to resist temptation or repress the desire any longer. I slid my tongue inside his mouth and explored audaciously – concern no longer a factor. That was all it took. So much for his promises of self-restraint. He grabbed me, pulled me forward, and we kissed frantically. Fervently. Driven by passion, I clung to him. His smoldering gaze never left mine. We reacted to each other with unabashed need, the heat building between us. Hot. Provocative. Sensual. Fast and Furious. He invaded all my senses, my logic. He tasted of many things – desire…friendship…passion…commitment…but mostly he tasted of love. I wanted to remain locked in his arms forever…

  But that was not meant to be. Suddenly, he cried out in pain. He flew backwards and smacked into the door. A gut-wrenching sadness pierced through me and closed around my heart. Hurting the one I loved most in the world cut deep. Our passionate interlude couldn’t have lasted any longer than four seconds.

  I was surprised when he looked up at me with a huge smile plastered across his face – no traces of pain or anger evident in his expression. “That was so worth it,” he said in a triumphant voice.

  I broke into laughter. “You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy in love with you.”

  “Crazy for you, too.”

  “By the way,” he said with a cocky grin, “That was definite proof that face to face communication is by far superior.”


  North of Great Falls, Montana

  Dakota, a Guardian and granddaughter of the Ranch’s owners, picked us up from the airport. Releasing her inner cowgirl in a pair of low-rise jean shorts, cowboy boots, and a sheer sleeveless blouse, which did nothing to hide her black bra, she raised more than a few eyebrows. Her western bling belt, large sunglasses, and cowboy hat just added to her overall sex appeal. Friendly and welcoming during introductions to Ash and I, her attitude changed on a dime when she greeted Madison. In fact, their exchange was nothing short of volatile.

  “Nice to see you again, Madison. You’re looking…well.” The tone of her voice was deliberately sour.

  Madison cleared her throat. “Likewise, Dakota,” she drawled. “And as usual you’ve left nothing to the imagination…all the way down to your…what is th
at? A pink feather?”

  “Why, yes it is,” Dakota said, not missing a beat. Removing her sunglasses, her onyx eyes pierced Madison with an intense gaze. “It’s a dreamcatcher – symbolic of harmony in nature,” she said, touching her belly-button ring.

  “Oh, how…quaint.”

  Dakota’s eyes flickered and rounded. “I was wondering if you’d make the trip out here, especially after your disappointing show in last year’s games.” She paused dramatically and smiled sweetly at Jason before turning back to Madison. “But then I guess, wherever Jason goes, you follow. I don’t suppose you guys have hooked up yet?” Her eyes wandered from Madison to me and she smirked.

  My eyes widened and my pulse sped up a notch. Was she just provoking Madison or trying to determine if there was any merit to the rumors about Jason and me? Feet shuffled as nervous tension steamrolled through our small group.

  Madison glowered and countered, “I see you’re still as intrusive and chatty as ever.”

  “I’ll take that as a no, then,” Dakota declared. Her attempt at a sad face failed miserably, although it was obvious that was her intent all along. “We’ll just have to see if we can rustle up a cowboy – one who, shall we say, can tolerate your… intensity.”

  Madison looked ready to throttle her, and I swear I thought I saw a couple rocks hovering off the ground a few feet away. Jason must have noticed as well, because in a rare move, he stepped next to Madison and casually slid an arm around her shoulders.

  “Round one goes to Dakota,” Ash said. “Is it possible Madison has met her match?”

  Dakota shrugged and smiled at me. “How about you, Lexi? Are you lookin’ for a cowboy,” she stopped mid-sentence, smiled, and tilted her head ever so slightly in Jason’s direction, “or have you already found one?”

  “Okay, that’s it. No way is she gonna drag you into her sick little diversions.”

  “I can handle her. Give me a little credit here.”

  “I know. Believe me, I do. You can be ruthless when you want – which isn’t very often, thank goodness, because it doesn’t suit your nature. But let me do this. It will be fun.”

  “Fine. Have at it.”

  A skilled word slayer himself, he pulled me close, wrapped an arm around my waist, and said firmly, “This beauty is taken.” He flashed his signature smile at Dakota and then looked down at me. Winking, he said flippantly, “I’m all the man you’re ever gonna need, right babe?”

  I sucked in a breath and did my best to keep a straight face. The theatrics had begun. But accepting such blatant flirtations from Ash was going to be challenging. Telling Dakota off was one thing; flirting with Ash was another. Standing a few inches taller, with his shoulder-length brown hair, iridescent green eyes, and shirt unbuttoned a notch too low, he looked dangerous and sexy. And if I hadn’t been in love with Jason I would have been affected by Ash’s all-out masculine sex appeal – or maybe I was just a little bit and didn’t want to admit it. Either way, I fought hard to gain control of my emotions while deciding on a response.

  “Don’t look at Jason right now. You’ll blow it. Smile and toy with me a little bit.”


  “Well, get over it. Treat this as a game. You need to outplay me.”

  I laughed. “But you’re the master.”

  “I won’t deny you’ve learned from the best. Now, have a little fun with it; you’ll be more believable. Dakota’s obviously ripe for gossip and because of her position at the Ranch, she’ll be talking to a lot of people. Let’s squash those rumors about you and Jason and get them running rampant about us.”

  “You’re right,” I finally agreed. Standing on my tiptoes, I grabbed his stubbly chin and smiled coyly. “Well, you are a sexy rock-n-roll singer after all, so how could you not be enough? But…” I paused and wet my lips, “I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing you all dressed up like a cowboy…” Letting my voice trail off, I smiled. I could feel all eyes watching me. “Wait, scratch that. How about just the cowboy hat,” I paused and smacked my lips together, “and maybe a lasso.” My comment brought a few raised eyebrows and a couple of gasps. I imagined if I kissed Ash it would pretty much seal the deal for Dakota, but I had no desire to do so. Not even for show, and especially with Jason standing right there. Luckily, Laci saved the day.

  “Okay then,” she interrupted, “TMI. I think we should hit the road. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”

  Grabbing my hand, Ash whistled and said, “Laci’s probably right. But wow! Looks like I’m gonna need to find myself a cowboy hat. Maybe one for you, too, sweetheart.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Ash,” I said with disdain. “Cool it a little bit.”

  “And the Oscar for best male actor in a leading role goes to…”

  “This is gonna be one long week.”

  “Just saying,” he replied.

  Jason and I exchanged looks, and he offered a reassuring smile as we climbed into Dakota’s mud-caked Durango. Sadly, he slid into the back row with Madison, and I found myself crammed in next to Ash, practically in his lap because of all our suitcases. Welcome to Big Sky Country, I thought.

  Dakota gave us something akin to an educational tour as we passed through the city of Great Falls. Eventually, we left the city behind and drove across the plains until we entered a heavily timbered area. Winding along the backcountry road on our way to the Ranch, I felt like we were trespassing on one of nature’s private reserves. Not only were the Ranch’s 30,000 acres of pristine grasslands and forests a sight to behold, but they also offered the secluded setting necessary for Guardian fun and games.

  “Check it out,” Laci exclaimed, pointing out the window as we bumped along the gravel road.

  Dakota slowed the vehicle to a crawl. “Oh yeah, count on seeing lots of wildlife while you’re here. Even bears, wolves, or bison if you hike out far enough. During the games, though, local deer and other animals will keep their distance.” She laughed. “A few hundred Guardians gathered in one place at the same time can be pretty loud and intimidating.”

  Rolling down the window, I gazed with admiration across a meadow – a wildflower paradise, rather – at a six-point bull elk feeding on lush green vegetation. My dad and uncles would be so jealous right now. They were avid bow hunters, although their success rate wasn’t anything to brag about, which made me happy. I appreciated how they respected nature, loved the outdoors, and hunted with the intent to eat the meat, not just because of the animal’s antlers.

  Nestled on the Missouri River and surrounded by mountains, buttes, and plains, G.O.L.D. Bar Ranch wowed me speechless. I’d thought nothing could ever impress like the Retreat on Towhead Island, but I’d been wrong. The Ranch was beyond spectacular with its giant, hand-crafted fir logs, stone pillars, and strangely enchanting cedar archways. The impressive tri-level lodge boasted accommodations for 200 and offered a cafeteria-style eating area, outdoor balconies, and a swimming pool. Nestled in the timber around the lodge were additional log cabins – all with bunks, small kitchens, bathrooms, and enough room to sleep twelve. Apparently, the younger generation of unmarried Guardians stayed in these smaller bungalows – gender specific, of course. Meanwhile, the Amethysts and married Guardians slept in the lodge. Amethysts were four to a room.

  So with all that knowledge, I was more than surprised to find myself master of my own rustic, yet distinctly contemporary bedroom on the top floor of the lodge. Ash and I had been separated from the rest of our group, given a grand tour of the lodge by Dakota, and then dropped off at our, separate, but adjoining bedrooms. With a conspiratorial wink, Dakota had informed us we had plenty of time to unpack, relax, and “play around a little bit” before the evening meal. Before disappearing, she’d promised to catch up with us later so she could introduce us around and give us a tour of the grounds.

  Tuckered out and in need of a renewed spirit, I collapsed onto the plush red loveseat. The air conditioning vent hummed above me. Feeling chilled, I pulled the Lone Star quilt over m
y legs. I could hear Ash banging around in the next room and wondered what he was doing – probably rearranging furniture or searching for hidden cameras or something. I giggled at the image but stopped when I pictured Jason in a cramped cabin, stuck on the top bunk, enduring the noise and testosterone of eleven other guys. Didn’t seem fair, especially when I had a spacious room – which included a five star hotel-style bathroom, vaulted ceilings, rock fireplace, and private deck – all to myself.

  A sigh escaped my mouth as I sized up the queen-sized bed with its red-rich, hand-made bedding and over-stuffed pillows. The wrought-iron-and-aspen furniture drew my eye because of their stark contrast to the light-colored logs that comprised the walls and ceiling. Even the writing desk in the corner was set up with a laptop. The expense that had gone into décor and furnishings was mind-boggling. Suddenly, feeling stifled in the confines of my room, I decided a breath of fresh air was in order.

  As I rose, there was a knock on my door. Thinking it might be Jason, I ran to open it and was almost bowled over by Jessica.

  “Lexi!” she cried out, enveloping me in a bear hug. “I can’t believe all the crazy stuff that happens to you. It’s a miracle you got Izzy back in time and no one was hurt.” She paused for a breath and made a face. “I have to admit, I’m totally jealous I missed all the action.” Holding my shoulders, she drew back and placed me at arm’s length while she studied me from top to bottom. “Wow! You look amazing all sun-tanned with,” she stopped and tugged on my hair, “your sun-bleached hair.” Her shoulder-length brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, making her sparkling emerald eyes stand out even more.

  I shook my head. “Yeah, that business with Izzy and the Ray-pacs was crazy. And scary. I’m glad you missed all that, but I wish you’d been there for the rest of the trip; it wasn’t the same without you,” I said, meaning every word. Jessica had become one my closest confidants, and she had a way of keeping the peace and putting people at ease. I pulled her further into the room. “It’s great to see you too, by the way. And look at you,” I said with an exaggerated voice, “You’ve gone all contemporary cowgirl on me here. You aren’t by chance hoping to impress a certain Amethyst while you’re here?” Sporting a pair of vintage orange cowboy boots and a white summer dress with a matching satin, amber sash, she was fashionably cute.


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