Seeking Karma

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Seeking Karma Page 15

by Melanie J. Cole

  Why is this taking so fucking long? What in the hell, did Aaron do to her? I lean forward and bury my face in my hands. There is so much fucking noise! I just want to drown it all out.

  “Trent!” I jerk my head up, and see Anna, Dusty, and Jude rushing towards me.

  “What happened? Where is Karma?” Anna is in a panic.

  I hold my hands up, and shake my head. “All I know is that she’s in emergency surgery.”

  “What is she in surgery for?” Dusty asks.

  “I don’t have a clue. No one will tell me anything. I found her on the floor, bleeding. It looked like Aaron beat the shit out of her.” I rub the back of my neck - roughly.

  Anna gasps, and cups her hand over her mouth.

  Dusty wraps his arm around her, and brings her up against him. “Aaron was at the club?”

  I run my hand through my hair. Here we go. They’re probably going to hate me, for leaving her alone. Hell, I hate myself.

  “Dave and Sherry set me up. They told Aaron that Karma was going to be there. I don’t know what Sherry said to her, but Karma left the club with her. Aaron must have followed them home.”

  “Sherry,” Dusty growls. “I knew there was something about that little bitch, that I didn’t like. She was the one that told us about the club.”

  “Oh my God, Aaron knows where we live.” Anna whispers.

  I nod my head solemnly. “It looks like it. I never should have left her alone. I knew better.”

  Anna puts her hand on my shoulder. “Hey, this is not your fault. You had no way of knowing.”

  Dusty nods his head. “Yeah, none of us did.”

  I look over at Jude. He’s standing to the side with his head lowered. “What are you doing here?”

  He looks up at me and motions towards Anna and Dusty. “They were in no shape to drive, so I brought them.”

  It’s odd, seeing him being so serious. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  We all sit down and begin staring out the doors. After several minutes, Anna leaps to her feet. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to go and get some coffee. Does anybody else want anything?”

  Jude holds his finger up. “I’ll take a coffee.”

  I shake my head. “I’m good.”

  Dusty stands up, and hooks his arm through hers. “Come on, honey. I’ll go with you.”

  I tip my head back, and run both of my hands through my hair. I’m not the most patient person, and this is getting ridiculous.

  I’m on the verge of busting through the doors - and going through every Goddamn room until I find Karma – when a man wearing green scrubs, steps out and looks around.

  “Who is here with,” he looks down at the chart in his hands. “Karma Davis…”

  I’m on my feet, moving towards him within the blink of an eye. My heart is thundering in my ears. “I am.” I swallow hard, and clench my hands into fists. Please, let her be okay.

  He looks up at me. “Well, we removed the bullet.”

  Bullet!? He fucking shot her! “She was shot?”

  He nods his head solemnly. “You didn’t know?”

  I shake my head. “No, I didn’t know.”

  The good doctor doesn’t look convinced. “As I was saying, we removed the bullet. She was really lucky. It somehow, managed to miss all of her internal organs.”

  I release a small sigh of relief. “So, she’s going to be okay?”

  He nods his head. “Yeah, she’s lost a lot of blood, and her blood pressure kept dropping, during surgery. But we’re giving her blood, and medication to elevate her blood pressure, right now. I’ll have a nurse notify you, once she’s been moved to a private room.”

  He turns his back on me, but stops when he reaches the door. “One more thing,” he eyes me suspiciously. “The police have been notified. With the angle that the bullet entered her abdomen, there’s no way it could have been self inflicted.”

  Why in the hell is he telling me this? I didn’t fucking shoot her! I would have taken the bullet for her - in a heartbeat.

  I drag my fingers down my jaw line, trying to get my temper in check. Aaron fucking shot her! He better pray that the police find him, before I do. Because, I won’t be nearly as gentle with him, as they will.

  “Trent,” I turn around and see Dusty and Anna, watching me. Jude is standing next to them with his hands in his pockets.

  Dusty steps up next to me. “Was that the doctor? What did he say?”

  “Yeah, that was the doctor. Aaron fucking shot her!” I snap.

  All of their mouths fall open instantaneously.

  I hold my hands up, before they can jump to the worst conclusion. “He said, she’s going to be okay. They’re supposed to let us know when they move her to a room.”

  “Here,” Dusty hands Anna his coffee. “I’m going to go call her parents.” He pulls his phone out, and begins dialing, as he walks towards the exit.



  Beep! Beep! Beep! I reach my hand out, feeling for my alarm clock. Where is it? My head is pounding, and my mouth feels fuzzy. What the hell? It feels like something is on my arm, but I’m too weak to move it.

  I finally manage to blink my eyes open. Everything is blurry. I squeeze my eyes shut, and reopen them. They’ve cleared some, but everything still looks slightly distorted.

  The walls are a light cream color. There’s a border around the top of the room. It has several different kinds of pastel flowers on it. Where in the hell, am I?

  I roll my head over to the side, and see Trent slumped over in a chair.

  Holy shit! I remember! Aaron shot me! I also remember - that I know Trent from a long time ago.

  “Trent,” my voice is hoarse. I reach my hand out towards him, and see that I have an I.V. in my hand. I clear my throat. “Trent, can you hear me?”

  He inhales deeply through his nose, rolls his head to the side, and jumps. His eyes go wide when they fall on me.

  He jumps to his feet, and walks over to me. “Hey, you’re awake.” He gently brushes my hair off of my forehead. “How are you feeling? Do you want me to go and get the nurse?”

  I shake my head, slowly. “No. I know you.”

  His brows press together. “Of course, you know me. Are you sure you don’t need a nurse?” He looks like I’ve completely lost my mind.

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  He leans down and presses his lips against my forehead. “What do you mean, Karma?”

  I sigh. “I remember you. I remember humming to you, when you were cold and scared.” I pull back slightly, so that I can look him in the eye. “You hummed the same song to me, didn’t you?”

  His eyes search mine intently. “Yeah, I did.” His voice is soft and gentle.

  “Did you know that was me, all of this time?” I have a pretty good idea, that he did, but I want to be sure.

  He sits down on the edge of the bed, and takes my hand into his. He begins tracing his thumb around the tape covering my i.v.. “Yeah, I knew. I’ve dreamed about you - ever single night - for the past eight years.”

  I pull my eyebrows together. I’m so confused. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He shrugs his shoulders, and looks deep into my eyes. “Because, I wanted you to remember me, on your own.”

  “I always knew you looked familiar. I don’t know why it’s taken me this long, to remember you.”

  “Hey,” he places his index finger under my chin, tipping my head up. “Don’t worry about it. You remember me, now. That’s all that matters. Do you want anything?”

  I nod my head. My throat is so dry, it hurts to talk. “Can you get me some water?”

  He smiles at me. “Anything you want, Karma. All you have to do is ask.” He picks up a clear pitcher, and pours some water into a small plastic cup. “Here,” he reaches it out to me.

  I drain the glass, and God does it feel good, sliding down my throat. I think this may be the best water, I’ve ever tasted.
  “Your parents are here.” Trent says, catching me completely off guard.

  My eyes widen in surprise. “They are?”

  He nods his head. “Yeah, Dusty called them. They’re downstairs getting something to eat. They didn’t want to leave you alone, so I told them that I’d sit with you.”

  I can’t believe Trent has met my parents. “How long have I been here?”

  “Two days,” he says deadpan.

  Holy crap! I can’t believe I’ve been out for two whole days.



  “Are you sure you won’t change your mind, sweetheart?” I’m sitting on Karma and Anna’s sofa - listening to Karma’s parents - try to convince her, to go back home with them.

  She was released from the hospital, two days ago - and she’s been staying with them - at a local hotel. It’s been pure torture for me. I hate sleeping without her. Honestly, I haven’t slept. I’ve spent the past two nights staring up at my ceiling, wondering what she was doing.

  With all that’s happened the past few days, I feel even more protective of her. Just thinking about, how close I came to losing her. It makes me physically ill.

  The cops don’t have a fucking clue where Aaron is. It’s like he’s fell off the face of the earth. I wish he would have. The world would be a much better place, if he wasn’t in it.

  “I’m sure, Dad. I want to stay here.” Karma says, bringing my focus back onto her. She’s wearing a pair of black jeans, with a blue t-shirt. I absolutely love the way she looks in blue. The color makes her eyes look turquoise.

  All of the swelling on the side of her face has gone down. But, even through her make-up, I can still see the faint purplish-green, of her fading bruises. I try not to focus on them, because it puts me in a bad mind-set. I keep thinking of all of the different horrific ways, that I can torture, Aaron Jones to death. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison, for murder. I’d much rather spend it with Karma, showing her how much I love her. But if he ever crosses my path, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to control myself.

  “Oh baby, I really wish you’d reconsider. That boy is still out there.” Uh-oh they’re bringing out the big guns, now. Her Mom’s voice is quivering, and she has a look of desperation on her face.

  “I’m sick and tired of hiding, and avoiding, Aaron.” Karma practically shouts.

  You tell them, baby. I throw her a small smile. I am so proud of her. She told me that when Aaron attacked her, she fought back.

  “I’m sure there’s no way he’d ever come back here. Especially, with all of the police they’ve got looking for him.” Karma says, holding her ground.

  I love watching her stand up for herself. It’s extremely hot!

  Her Mom lets out a long drawn out sigh. “Fine, I’m obviously not going to change your mind.” She gives Karma a hug. “I expect you to call me, every day.” She points her finger at Karma. “Do you understand me? If you so much as miss calling me one day, I’ll drive up here, and force you to come back home.”

  Karma holds her hand out in front of her. “I got it. I’ll call every day. I promise.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.” Her Dad kisses her on the cheek.

  Both of her parents turn towards me. Her Mom’s eyes are swimming with tears. “Trent, you better take good care of her.”

  “I will.” I assure her, and give her a quick hug.

  Her Dad extends his hand out to me. “It was nice meeting you, Trent.”

  “You too, sir.” I shake his hand.

  As soon as they’re out the door, I wrap Karma up in my arms. God, I’ve missed this so much. I press my lips to the top of her head, and inhale her scent. This is my idea of Heaven. Having her safe and sound in my arms, with her scent surrounding me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, with staying here?”

  She pulls back and blinks up at me. “As long as you’ll be here, with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I assure her. These past couple of days, when I only got to see her, a couple of hours each day, was pure hell.

  I will spend the rest of my life, protecting her.



  “Are you okay?” Trent asks, as he runs his hand up and down my back.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I bite out, sounding much harsher than I intended.

  I know Trent is genuinely concerned for me. So are my parents, sister, Anna, and Dusty – but I swear – if one more person asks me if I’m okay, I’m going to freaking lose it. Those three little words are all I’ve heard, since being released from the hospital. It’s not like I can change anything. What’s done is done.

  As much as it pains me - every time I see the small scar on my stomach - I think about Aaron. It’s now a constant reminder of the abuse, I suffered at the hands of a mad-man. And the thought of him running around free, scares the hell out of me. All of the nightmares that Trent had previously chased away, are now back, with a vengeance.

  I sigh, when I see the wounded expression on Trent’s face. I grab his hand, and bring it up to my lips, and kiss his knuckles. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that, I’m so sick and tired of everyone asking me, if I’m okay.”

  “We’re just worried about you. You’ve been through a lot.” He runs his fingers through my hair. “Do you want to crash at my place, tonight?”

  I shake my head. “No. I don’t want to leave Anna here by herself.” Aaron is like a loose cannon, and I honestly don’t think he’d hesitated to try and hurt Anna, to get back at me.

  Trent gives me a cocky grin. “I’m sure that Jude wouldn’t mind sharing his bed with her.”

  “Yeah, well I’m sure, Anna would mind.”

  I wish I could stay at Trent’s. I hate sleeping in my bedroom, since the shooting. It’s another reminder of Aaron.

  I hear tires screeching against the pavement, followed by a car alarm. Trent and I both nearly jump out of our skin. We pull the curtains back, and see Dusty scrambling out of his truck. He’s fumbling with his keys, as his headlights flash.

  “Son of a bitch!” He shouts.

  Trent and I exchange a curious look. We get up and walk over to the front door.

  Trent holds the door open for me, and follows me outside.

  “Dusty,” I shout over his alarm. “What’s going on?”

  He jumps and spins towards me. “Oh my God! I hate this fucking alarm!” He throws his hands in the air, when he finally gets the alarm to shut off.

  “They got him, Karma.” He says, as he runs up the front steps.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask, as Dusty sweeps me up into his arms, and spins me around.

  “Aaron, they’ve arrested him. He was at the airport, with a passport, and a wad of cash.”

  I shake my head. I’m at a total loss. “How do you know?”

  “It’s all over the local news. Come on.” He sits me onto my feet, and drags me inside.

  We’re all glued to the television, when I hear Anna come inside.

  “Karma, did you hear?” She steps into the living room, and drops her bag onto the floor. “So, I guess you know.”

  I nod my head numbly. “What happens now?”

  Trent is standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. “Now, you make him pay, for what he did to you.”

  “But, how?”

  He squeezes my shoulders, as Dusty and Anna gape at me. “By taking the stand, and testifying against him.”

  “I…I don’t know if I can.” My voice is quivering.

  The mere thought of taking the stand, and reliving everything that Aaron did to me, while he’s sitting there watching me - is terrifying. I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Not even Dusty and Anna know all of the gruesome details of the abuse, and my poor parents. To have them listen to my testimony, it’s all so much to take in.

  Trent spins me around so that I’m facing him. “Karma,” he cups my face in his hands, and lowers h
is head, so that we’re eye level. “You have to stop being a victim. It’s time to take your life back - and testifying against Aaron - is a major step in the right direction.”

  Dusty and Anna make their way over to me. Dusty takes my hand. “He’s right, sweetheart. You’re never going to be able to get past this, if you don’t stand up to him.”

  Anna leans her head against my shoulder. “We’ll all be there for you. You can do this.”

  I know they’re right - I just wish I had as much faith in myself - as they do.



  My hands are shaking, as I stand outside of the courtroom, waiting for Karma. Seeing her on the stand - trembling with fear - while she recounted all of the abuse, really tested my patience. I kept digging my fingernails into my skin, to keep from getting up, and strangling Aaron to death.

  Anna and Dusty are with me. Karma was talking with her parents and lawyer, about the verdict.

  Aaron was found guilty, and we’re getting ready to go out to celebrate. Our next step will be the sentencing. Aaron’s lawyer wants a plea deal, so he doesn’t have to spend so much time in prison.

  The DEA produced tons of evidence. Aaron was more than willing to give names, to cut years off of his sentence. He even went so far as to name his own father, as his distributor. I think that one caught us all off guard. There’s not much that surprises me anymore, but that one nearly floored me. Mr. High Powered Attorney was actually a low-life drug dealer. Who knew?

  The door opens - and I push off of the wall - as Karma comes out. Her parents on either side of her. Most of the color has returned to her face.

  I step up in front of her and pull her into my arms. “You did great!” I whisper in her ear.

  She smiles up at me. “Thanks. I’m just glad that it’s over.”

  I take her hand into mine, and squeeze it. “Me too.”

  The way she pushed through her fear, and kept her head held high, as Aaron’s attorney, tried to dispute her testimony, she was incredible.

  Hopefully, now that Aaron is finally going to pay, Karma and I can move forward. Almost losing her - has made me realize just how much I love her. I never want to be without her. I’m tired of taking turns sleeping in her bed, and then in mine. I want to sleep in our bed.


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