First Time's a Charm

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First Time's a Charm Page 9

by Laura Greenwood

  "Are you trying to get out of the assignment, Miss Chambers?"

  His switch to Daphne's surname makes me look up. Sure enough, Miss Feathertop is standing over us with a smug grin on her face. I don't know if she heard Daphne, but if I had to put money on it, I'd say she had.

  "No, of course not. It'll be the best project on gorgons you've ever read, Mr Smith."

  I let out a small laugh. No doubt she's right and it will be.

  "Great. If you still have concerns, see me after class, Miss Black."

  "Thank you, Mr Smith." A tiny thrill swept through me. It almost felt like we were doing something wrong for having this conversation in front of a teacher. I kind of like it.

  The two of them walk away, leaving Daphne and me behind.

  "You owe me big time for not telling me about the library," she tells me.

  "We'll go straight from here," I promise, knowing she won't let it drop if we don't.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "This is so cool." Daphne gasps as she looks around the room. "There are so many books here."

  "That tends to be the case with libraries," I mutter.

  "I know, but all the old books. Can I touch them?"

  "We're not even supposed to be here at all, so I don't see the harm in doing that." I shrug and she takes that as all the invitation she needs to go look at the far bookshelf.

  I have no idea where Thomas is, so head over to his table and sit back in the same chair I used last time I was here. I'm not sure why it matters that it's the same chair, but to me it does. I pull out my phone and start flicking through news articles from today. Nothing jumps out as serious. Another vampire has joined parliament, but that's nothing new. Supernaturals have helped run the country since they came out in the open all those years ago.

  The sound of stone grating draws my attention to the door, knowing it's going to be Thomas who comes through it.

  The moment I see his dark head of hair, I relax slightly.

  "Sorry, Miss Feathertop can get a bit talkative when she wants to be," he says. "Have you been here long?"

  I shake my head. "Just long enough to lose Daphne in the books, but the record on that is about ten seconds."

  He smiles. "So long as she's happy."


  We lapse into a slightly tense silence, no doubt both remembering the last conversation we had in this room.

  "Have you thought about it more?"

  "We're not doing it," I say. "I'm not asking anyone to do black magic for me."

  "Black magic?" Daphne pops her head around one of the stacks and I groan. I should know not to say things like that where she can hear them, or she'll pounce.

  "There's a ceremony thing we found last time we were in here. It's called the Unleashing and should unlock my magic."

  "Oh, that's exciting." She comes the rest of the way out and takes a seat at our table. "So why haven't we done it yet?" she demands.

  "It needs five people," I say.

  "Right, so you, me, Thomas here, Ryan, and you can persuade Caspian, right?"

  "I'm not talking to him right now," I mutter. "That's not the point anyway. I'm not asking anyone to do black magic for me, no matter how much it might help."

  "Now that's the wrong way of looking at it..."

  "It really isn't, Daphne," I say, far more firmly than I intend to. "If we did this, you could go to jail. Actual prison. We all could. And that's if we're not completely consumed by black magic and turn into raving mass murderers."

  "You have such a way with words," she quips.

  I close my eyes and count to three, praying for some strength to deal with her misguided need to help.

  "You can ask them..."

  "Please, Daphne? I don't want to put people at risk."

  She searches my face, clearly looking for some sign that I'll cave. "Fine. But we're not forgetting that the option exists," she says.


  "You asked us to come here?" she says to Thomas.

  "Well, actually I asked Mona to come here, you just happened to be there."

  "I'm her best friend, that's basically inviting me to come. Why are we here?"

  "I think I found something to explain what's happening to you," he says.

  "What?" I blink a couple of times, trying to make sense of what he's saying.

  "What is it?" Daphne asks, clearly as excited as I am at the prospect of learning more about what's happening here.

  "A curse."

  "A curse?" My voice wavers as I ask.

  "I found this." He pushes a small leather-bound book towards me, the outside completely cracked and the pages yellow with age. "It explains exactly how to make a curse that will at first make the cursed think they don't have magic anymore, and then will backfire a spell they tried to do constantly."

  Daphne gasps. "The cats..."

  "What about them?"

  "When were playing the animal game, what did you try and change your face into?"

  Understanding dawns on me. "A cat," I admit.

  "That's the spell that's backfiring on you."

  "It sounds like the kind of thing described in the book. My guess is that the caster expects it to be a nastier spell the other person tries." Thomas looks kind of proud of himself for figuring out what's going on, and I'm not sure I blame him. I wouldn't have gotten here on my own. A curse had never even crossed my mind.

  "That's true," Daphne observes. "If I was going to curse someone, I'd make sure they tried to do something like clean up animal dung right when the second part was about to kick in. Does it say anything about timeframes in there?" she asks, looking at the text.

  "No. It's not time activated. It's put on someone when they eat or drink something," Thomas says. "And unless you read Ancient Greek, you won't be able to make sense of that," he says to Daphne.

  She pouts and crosses her arms. "Maybe I'll learn just to check if you're telling the truth."

  "Be my guest," he says. "I really don't mind if you do."

  "But my magic stopped working right as soon as I came to Grimalkin," I say.

  "Did you eat or drink something within the first couple of hours?" he asks.

  "I guess so." I frown, trying to recall. "Honestly, it was such a busy day it's hard to recall."

  "The spell that backfired was at Caspian's party," Daphne reasons. "But he wasn't at Grimalkin at the beginning of term, so unless he's working with someone, it's not him."

  "Great," I mutter. Just when I'm starting to think I've met a nice guy, he not only doesn't tell me things, but he might have cursed me too. I should become a nun.

  "I don't think it's him," Daphne says. "Just reasoning it out."

  "Is there anyone who doesn't like you? Could they be the one who cursed you?" Thomas asks.

  There's only one person at Grimalkin that loathes me with a passion. But it couldn't be...

  Had Ivy cursed me?

  To be continued...

  Thank you for reading First Time's A Charm. Mona's story will continue in Second Time's A Curse:, or you can join my mailing list for other new releases, including Daphne's series:

  Excerpt: Second Time’s A Curse

  Mona’s story will continue soon in Second Time’s A Curse, read on for an excerpt! You can get it here:

  I try not to look over at Ivy too often, but I can't help myself. It's hard to tell if someone's cursed you just from looking at them. She has the ability. She's not as high up the class ranks as Daphne is, but she's also not dim.

  More importantly, she has the motive. Ish.

  "Eurgh." I run my hands over my face, tangling them in my hair.

  "You okay?" Ryan asks.

  "Sorry, where were we?" I'm not going to manage much tutoring if I'm fixating on my potential worst enemy.

  "You were telling me about the uses of frog spawn in potions," he prompts.<
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  "Are you really doing so badly that you need my help, or is this Daphne's way of matchmaking?" I blurt out.

  Ryan blinks a couple of times before setting down his pen and turning to me. "I'm really doing badly in potions," he promises. "BUt you think Daphne is matchmaking?" His smirk tells me more than he thinks it does. This isn't a worried man thinking his sister is overstepping, this is someone who...

  I gasp. "You really do like me like that." I don't mean to say the words aloud, and yet they're out in the open. What do I even do now?

  "Really, Mona? Was tha tever in question?"

  I open and close my mouth, not sure how to respond to that. "It was in my head," I say eventually.

  He waves away my concern. "It harldy matters now. You're seeing that guy..."

  "Caspian and I haven't spoken in weeks," I admit sheepishly. I never intended to leave it that long, but I'm still not over the fact he's Ivy's step-brother. I can't reconcile that fact and the way I feel about him in my head. Though I know I need to sort it out for both of our sakes.

  "Is that so?" he wiggles his eyebrows, reminding me of Daphne.

  Oh ick. That's weird. Don't think about Daphne and Ryan in the same breath. Not when I think of one of them as a friend and the other as having the potential for a hell of a lot more.

  "Yes." I don't elaborate on that. I'm not falling into Ryan's arms just because I'm on the outs with Caspian.

  "So, if I ask you on a date..."

  "I'll say no." I tap my notepad. "We should get back to work."

  He starts to argue, but I hold up my hand.

  "I'm not ready," I tell him. "Maybe in a couple of months, I'll consider dating you." Daphne will have a field day if I tell her about this. Not that I will. I don't think.

  "A couple of..."

  "You need to respect that, Ryan." I half-slam my hand on the desk.

  "I'm sorry." He hangs his head, clearly meaning the word even if I don't want to make him feel bad about the situation.

  Against my better judgement, I place my hand on top of his and give it a squeeze. "There's just so much going on at the moment, I don't think it's fair to either of us if we start something now." My words come out low, almost sultry, adding a moment of intimacy between us.

  He sighs. "I know you're right, but part of me still hopes you'll change your mind."

  "I'd be worried if you didn't." Though a little part of me doesn't get it. Why on earth would he be interested in someone like me? Why would anyone? I'm so far to becoming a crazy cat lady that I have four kittens in my room. And I'm only eighteen. Things have been weirder for me.


  I look up, horror travelling straight through me asl I meet Caspian's gaze.

  "I-I can explain," I stutter.

  He looks away. "No need. I get it."

  "Caspian..." My heart feels like it's snapping in two. How much of our exchange did he hear? I don't want to break his heart even if I am still a little mad at him.

  His pained expression says it all as he turns to walk away.

  "Excuse me," I mutter to Ryan, scraping my chair back.

  The need to talk to Caspian and explain fills me. It even overpowers the anger I have over the situation with his step-sister. I don't think I even realised how much I like him until this moment.

  Right now, only one thing is certain. I have to make Caspian mine. Though technically, I do believe we're still dating.

  I rush out of the library, hot on his heels. Reaching out, my hand brushes over the rough fabric of his jacket.

  "Caspian, please talk to me..."

  You can find Second Time’s A Curse here:

  Or you can discover Daphne’s story in Catching A Vampire:

  Also by Laura Greenwood

  Books in the Obscure World

  Ashryn Barker Trilogy (urban fantasy, completed series)

  Shattered Illusions (Audiobook Available):

  Broken Illusions (Audiobook Available):

  Tarnished Illusions (Audiobook Available):

  The Ashryn Barker Trilogy Boxed Set (Audiobook Available):

  * * *

  Grimalkin Academy: Kittens (paranormal academy romance)

  First Time’s A Charm:

  Second Time’s A Curse:

  * * *

  Grimalkin Academy: Catacombs (paranormal academy romance)

  Catching A Vampire:

  Catching A Wizard:

  Books in the Paranormal Council Universe

  * * *

  The Paranormal Council Series (shifter romance, completed series)

  The Dryad’s Pawprint (Audiobook Available):

  The Vixen’s Bark (Audiobook Available):

  The Necromancer’s Prey (Audiobook Available):

  The Vampire’s Bite:

  The Witch’s Stripes:

  The Paranormal Council Boxed Set:

  * * *

  Fated Seasons: Winter (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  Saving Eira (Audiobook Available):

  Reigning Eira:

  * * *

  Fated Seasons: Spring (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  Chasing Aledwen (Audiobook Available):

  * * *

  Thornheart Coven (witch romance)

  Witch’s Potion (Audiobook Available):

  Witch’s Spark (Audiobook Available):

  * * *

  Blessed (paranormal post-apocalyptic)

  Wolf Blessed (Audiobook Available):

  Fae Blessed (Audiobook Available):

  Elf Blessed:

  Frost Blessed (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  Paranormal Criminal Investigations (paranormal mystery reverse harem)

  Spell Caster (Audiobook Available):

  * * *

  Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe (each story stands alone)

  Frost’s Forfeit (Audiobook Available):

  Death’s Choice:

  Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe Collection:

  Blood & Deceit (Audiobook Available):

  Reluctant Dragon Mate:

  * * *

  Books in the Forgotten Gods World

  Consorts of the Goddess Trilogy (paranormal/mythology romance)

  Quest of the Goddess:

  * * *

  Standalones in the Forgotten Gods World (paranormal/mythology romance)

  Protectors of Poison (Zodiac Shifters) (Audiobook Available):

  Priestess of Truth (Zodiac Shifters Short Story):

  Daughter of the Sun:

  Other Books by Laura Greenwood

  The Afterlife Journeys (fantasy romance)

  Reaper (Audiobook Available):

  * * *

  Untold Tales (urban fantasy fairy tales)

  Balanced Scales:

  Golden W
ings (coming soon)

  * * *

  ME Contemporary Standalones (contemporary romance)

  Sweet About Me (Audiobook Available):

  Kneel For Me (Audiobook Available):

  Heard From Me (Audiobook Available):

  Laid By Me:

  If The Shoe Fits (Audiobook Available):

  Con With Me (Coming Soon)

  ME Collection Volume One:

  * * *

  Rats: Tori (steampunk one shot stories, completed series)

  Ruler of Rats:

  Collector of Rats:

  Yuletide of Rats:

  Rats: Tori Collection:

  * * *


  Permission to Breathe Denied (dystopian):

  Glass Heart (urban fantasy, also in audio):

  Co-Written Books

  * * *

  Twin Souls Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance, completed series)



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