Object of His Protection

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Object of His Protection Page 12

by Brenda Jackson

  Drey nodded. “My mother said basically the same thing.”

  “Don’t you believe her?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “It’s not that I don’t believe her, Charlene. I just don’t care. Braddock had his family and Ronald St. John had his. I consider myself a St. John.”

  “But truly you are a Braddock.” There, she’d said what he evidently needed to hear. He couldn’t deny who he was, not when Braddock blood ran through his veins.

  He stood and walked over to the window and glanced out. She knew he was thinking. Moments later he turned to her. “I don’t know how I’m going to tell them, but I know I have to. I’m even doubtful that their mother knows about me. It’s my understanding that she’s aware that Harmon had an affair and with whom, but she doesn’t know that a child had been conceived out of it. I don’t want to do anything to tarnish her husband’s memory.”

  Charlene didn’t know what to say because that was a good possibility when Mrs. Braddock discovered the truth.

  He interrupted her thoughts by saying, “And then the siblings might be resentful.”

  She wondered if he was afraid that would happen. Was he concerned that his siblings would reject him because of what their father and his mother had done thirty-three years ago? “I don’t know, Drey. I met them today and they seem a pretty confident yet wholesome trio.”

  “They are close.”

  “Yes, I can tell they are,” she said slowly. “But that doesn’t mean they won’t let you in or that—”

  “I might not want to get in.”

  He did, Charlene immediately thought. Otherwise he wouldn’t be carrying so much on his shoulders. What would it take to make him see that no one could blame him for the congressman’s and his mother’s actions all those years ago?

  Suddenly, something hit her. Drey needed her. She wasn’t sure just where that thought or idea came from; it was just there, in her mind and in her heart. It was still strange how quickly things had progressed between them, but they had. And although he might never admit to any feelings for her, she knew at that moment she had to have meant something to him for him to have shared that with her. Okay, she wasn’t about to operate under any false illusions. In all honesty, she knew exactly where she stood with him. But for her, it didn’t matter. She loved him and would always love him and would be there for him until he said it was time for her to go. She would love to share more with him, but he had a wall erected, one she doubted she could scale.

  She slowly walked over to where he was standing. For a long moment she stood silently beside him and looked out at the same pond, saw the same ducks and for a little while felt the same sense of peace.

  “So now you know,” he finally said softly, without looking over at her.

  “Yes, now I know. Thanks for sharing.” She then stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.

  Automatically, he reached out his hand and captured her around the waist and pulled her closer to him. She felt him, every hard part of him, while she gazed deep into his eyes. He was tall, well muscled and unmistakably male. And she was willing to accept that he would not love her back no matter how much she loved him. But that was okay. She could handle it. Didn’t someone say it was better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all?

  “Are you still upset with me?” he asked, and the deep timbre of his voice felt like silk sliding across her skin.

  “Not anymore. But promise me the next time that we’ll talk through things,” she said firmly.

  “I promise.”

  The air between them suddenly felt hot, charged. Sexual tension was building, spreading. She could feel it the longer he looked into her eyes. Desire was vibrating in her veins, causing a ripple effect in her stomach. She watched his gaze shift slowly from her eyes to her mouth, and automatically she licked her lips.

  “Let me do that for you,” he said in a throaty voice and proceeded to lick her mouth from corner to corner. As she released a breathless sigh, he slid his tongue inside.

  Caught, she thought, as she grabbed hold of it with her own and began mating with it, the way he had taught her to do last night. She felt him pull her deeper into his arms as she feasted on his mouth. When she had returned from the movies she had been wound up so tight, and now she was beginning to unravel, right in his arms, under the onslaught of his tongue.

  He suddenly pulled back and shut the blinds. He then proceeded to tear his clothes off right there. She followed his lead. He finished undressing before she did and helped her get out of her clothes. The last piece to go was her panties and when he dropped to his knees to help her remove them she had a feeling where such helpfulness would lead.

  He backed her up against the closed door for support, spread her legs and then buried his head between them. She heard his manly growl just seconds before his tongue invaded her, going deep and devouring her. She was no longer shocked by how much he enjoyed tasting her this way. She held her breath, fought back an intense scream as sensations tore into her, ripped through every part of her body, fizzled through her veins and electrified her pores.

  And then he took his hands and lifted her hips, wrapped her legs over his shoulders so he could feast more. She was a goner. She felt the buildup inside her ready to burst and couldn’t hold back any longer.

  She screamed as an orgasm of gigantic proportions slashed into her. But that didn’t deter Drey from his goal, which was to make her come again.

  She did. But instead of screaming she released a deep, gutted moan while he continued to hungrily lap her up. And when she thought there was no way she could take any more, he quickly eased her legs off his shoulders and placed them around her waist just seconds before thrusting hard into her feminine core. He began pumping into her with whiplike speed, making her aware of every throbbing inch of him that was sliding in and out of her, stroking her insides with a skill and perfection that she found astounding.

  The warmth of his breath stirred her ear as he whispered just what he was doing to her and how he was doing it. She wrapped her arms around his neck when she felt another orgasm coming on. And when he called out her name, she felt him explode deep inside her, shooting his hot release everywhere. She followed, tumbling into a sea of ecstasy that nearly drowned her.

  Moments later, without disconnecting their bodies, he supported her back with the palm of his hand and with her legs still securely wrapped around his waist, he moved away from the door and carried her to his bedroom.

  Drey stared at Charlene while she slept.

  It was a crazy thing to do but a rather simple one, mainly because he liked looking at her, especially after they’d made love. He liked seeing the perspiration on her skin as well as the passion marks he’d put in various places. He liked seeing the peaceful look on her face and how her lips twitched on occasion while she slept.

  To be quite honest, he liked everything about her. Especially the way she gave herself to him, so unselfishly and with a thrill that excited him and heightened his desire for her.

  When she shifted in sleep, he tilted his head to the side and gazed at her breasts. The tips of her nipples still looked hard, as if they begged to be licked. Or better yet, sucked. He could imagine her baby doing that very thing.

  No, he couldn’t imagine it because the baby would belong to some other man rather than him, and the thought that someone else’s child would grow in her stomach was unacceptable.

  Easing closer to her, he placed a hand on her waist. He wasn’t used to feeling possessive, but around her you could call him Caveman Drey and it wouldn’t bother him any.


  Why was he so affected by her in a way he had never been by any other woman? The sex was good. Off the chain. But good, off-the-chain sex had never made him feel this way toward a woman. Ever. But then he had to admit making love to Charlene wasn’t just good or off-the-chain. It was thrilling, sensational, mind-blowing. It was the kind that made you want to make love all night, all day, every chance you got.
It was addictive.

  But most importantly, it was theirs.

  And he knew he would only feel this way with her, which suddenly made sweat bead on his forehead. He was getting hooked on her and for him that wasn’t a good thing. He wasn’t a man prone to having just one woman in his life. He didn’t intend to settle down, now or ever. He liked having bed partners, not long-term girlfriends or, heaven forbid, a wife. It just wasn’t in his makeup.

  He would enjoy what they shared for now and then work her out of his system. When she left that would be it. He would bury himself in another case. And he would be fine. He would get over her. He had to.

  Charlene woke with the sun shining in through the window. Her head lay nestled in the crook of Drey’s shoulder and he was turned slightly toward her with one leg thrown over her thigh and one hand resting between her legs, tangled in the curls covering her femininity.

  She glanced up and found him asleep, which was fine. It gave her time to think about last night. He had shared himself with her, and later she had shared herself with him. She had no regrets. All she had was a happy mind and a satisfied body. She couldn’t help but smile at that.

  “Aren’t we just full of cheer this morning?”

  She glanced up and looked into Drey’s smiling face. He was awake. “Yes, we are,” she said, and then almost groaned out loud when his hand between her legs began moving.

  “Like how that feels?” he asked in a husky voice. “Do you like for me to touch you this way?”

  “Yes, I like it.”

  “Umm, I like it too. I like it especially when you get wet, like you’re doing now. You’re getting real wet. You know what that means, don’t you?”


  “Then ease over here. I want you to ride me this morning.”

  She slid her body over his, found him hard and ready and looked down into his face. “Is this all you want me to do?”

  “For starters.”

  And then he lifted her up and eased her down on his shaft, connecting their bodies immediately when he slid into her. She began riding him and from the expressions that crossed his face, he was enjoying it. And so was she. She could get used to starting each of her mornings this way, but she knew that was only a dream. For now, though, she could make her dream a reality.

  Drey glanced over at Charlene across the breakfast table. He had a busy day ahead of him. First he planned on meeting with Senator Cayman and Judge Hanlon, before paying a visit to Stewart Industries. There had to be a reason Harmon had been contacting his mother. Was there some specific information he had wanted her to find out for him but had gotten killed before given the chance to reveal it to her? Connor Stewart, who was currently dating Shondra, had welcomed his visit. Connor’s father was CEO, but it was rumored the old man was about to step down and would name Connor as his successor.

  “More coffee?”

  He glanced across the table at Charlene and smiled. “No, but I’d love having more of you.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve had enough, thank you. Don’t be so greedy.”

  “Ah,” he said with an amusing glint in his eyes, “you of all people have the nerve to call me greedy. You, who have become the multiorgasm queen.”

  Her smile unashamedly widened. “Yes. You know what they say. Practice makes perfect.”

  He laughed, not believing the conversation they were having at the breakfast table. “I want you to hold on to that thought until I return later.”

  “I will.” Her expression turned serious then and she asked, “Do you think Congressman Braddock took either Senator Cayman or Judge Hanlon into his confidence and told them anything?”

  “Not sure but I won’t know until I ask. Once I tell them about my theory regarding the congressman’s death not being an accident, I’m sure they’ll want to help any way they can.”

  “I feel certain they will too.”

  Drey reached across the table and took Charlene’s hand in his. “Miss me today.”

  She smiled and lifted the hand that held hers and kissed the back of it. “I will.”

  Chapter 16

  The look on Judge Hanlon’s face was one of shock. “What do you mean you think Harmon’s death wasn’t an accident?”

  Drey knew it was a lot for the judge to believe but he answered anyway. “There are a lot of inconsistencies in the reports. And then there’s Joe Dennis’s death.”

  “But I thought Dennis died of a heart attack.”

  “It seems a lot of people think that as well.”

  The judge raised his bushy brows. “But you have reason to believe otherwise?”

  “Yes, I have reason to believe otherwise.” Drey decided not to go into details about the inconsistencies in the autopsy report. To do so meant revealing how they obtained the report. There was no way he could overlook the fact that Hanlon was a judge, one known as “Hard-time Hanlon.” No criminal brought before him got off easily.

  “Well, I hope you find the person responsible. Harmon and I go back a long way, all the way back to when the two of us were young upstart attorneys working in the prosecutor’s office. That was over twenty years ago and we remained good friends since.”

  Drey nodded. “I won’t rest until I find the person responsible.”

  “Good, now what can I do to help?”

  “I just need to know if the congressman ever mentioned anything to you about Stewart Industries.”

  The judge rubbed his jaw in deep thought. “Not that I can recall. Why?”

  “Because it seems the last call Harmon made was to there.”

  The judge looked surprised. “Why on earth would Harmon call there?”

  Drey stood. “We don’t know but that’s just one of the many things I plan to find out.”

  The judge then stood as well. “Well, young man, if you find the person responsible, I want to try him or her in my court. If they’re found guilty I promise they will pay for what they did to my friend.”

  Drey found Senator Cayman on the golf course and had to ride in the golf cart with him to hold a conversation. Now retired, the senator told of his and Harmon’s friendship.

  “You know,” the older man was saying, “in a way I feel responsible for Harmon’s political career. After about twenty years as a prosecutor, Harmon accepted a position as my head legal counsel and he was a darn good one. Worked for me for a number of years before deciding to run for political office himself. He was a darn good congressman. But…”

  Drey lifted a brow. “But?”

  “But even I would have to admit that the bill Harmon voted down a few years ago—one that would have helped a lot of needy families—surprised as well as disappointed a lot of people, especially Malcolm. That’s when he walked away from the family.”

  Drey wondered why the senator was telling him that. Evidently his confusion showed on his face because the senator then added, “There’s always a dirty side of politics, son.”

  Drey thought on his words before asking carefully, “And you think Congressman Braddock wasn’t an honest politician?”

  “I’m not saying that. The Harmon Braddock I knew was a very honest and upright man. But people can change. He wasn’t perfect.”

  The senator’s statement made Drey press on with his questions. “You and Harmon spent a lot of time together, right?”

  “Yes. We played golf together at least once a week when he wasn’t in Washington.”

  “Did he ever mention Stewart Industries to you?”

  The older man thought on his question and then shook his head. “No, not that I recall. Why?”

  The golf cart came to a stop and they got off near a beautiful pond. “We have reason to believe that he made his last telephone call to a person there.”

  The senator seemed to ponder Drey’s words and then said, “Hmm, I find that interesting.”

  Drey lifted a brow. “And why is that?”

  “Because Stewart has been in the news a lot lately. Everyone is wondering when the old ma
n will be stepping down, and more importantly, if he’ll make his son CEO when he does. I’ve often heard that fathers and sons have a difference of opinion when it comes to running a company. Personally, I think Connor Stewart would do a better job. He’s smart, intelligent and a natural leader.” The senator then gave a low chuckle. “And I understand he’s something of a ladies’ man.”

  Drey didn’t comment. From what he could see, Connor Stewart’s days as a ladies’ man were over, since according to the gossip column of the local newspaper, there was speculation as to whether he and Shondra were secretly planning a June wedding.

  “I appreciate you taking time to meet with me today, Senator.”

  “No problem.” The senator then eyed him curiously. “How good are you with a club?” the older man asked.

  Drey couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fair.”

  “Well, if you ever want to get in any practice time, this is the place to be.”

  Drey smiled. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

  The last person Drey needed to visit was Connor Stewart. A Matthew McConaughey look-alike with blue eyes and long blond hair, Connor worked hard and was all-business. On the other hand, Drey also heard Connor had a wild streak, which was the reason his father hadn’t stepped down to make him CEO.

  And just as Senator Cayman had said, Connor was something of a ladies’ man…or he used to be. It had grown increasingly obvious to the media over the past couple of months that he was strictly wining and dining one woman—Shondra Braddock. Their interracial love affair was getting a lot of attention.

  Drey had met Connor before and thought he was a likeable guy. “Thanks for seeing me,” he said, taking the seat Connor offered.

  “No problem. I know Shondra’s mind will be eased when she finds out what really happened to her father and why.”

  Drey began asking him a series of questions, trying to determine if there was any record of Harmon having any contact with Stewart.

  Connor shook his head. “Trust me, if there was, Shondra would have discovered it long ago.” He chuckled. “I’m sure you’re aware that was her primary reason for taking a job here a few months ago. She was determined to undercover some wrongdoings with the company. She didn’t find anything. However, we were able to trace Harmon’s calls back to one of my employees, a competent woman by the name of Daiyu Longwei. I understand you’ve already spoken to her yourself.”


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