The Cost of Being Special (Survival of the Fittest Book 1)

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The Cost of Being Special (Survival of the Fittest Book 1) Page 32

by Shawn Keys

  “Then I come home.”

  Kyle answered with a real note of caution. “That’s probably when they will pick you up and interrogate you to get what they want. Maybe drop you in a ditch and blame another crime on me.”

  Jackie frowned. “That’s making a lot of assumptions.”

  “Welcome to my world. I hope I’m wrong, Agent Moraker. I keep saying that. But I’m not.”

  Jackie sighed. “Fine. I’ll be on a plane tomorrow. We’ll be in touch.

  “I look forward to it.”

  * * *

  Jackie linked her phone into the hands-free system of her rental car, then asked it to dial Kyle’s number. She knew he was using several, but this was the last one he had used.

  It didn’t take long for him to pick up. “Agent Moraker?”

  As she shifted into the fast lane, she said, “Heading south. I love the West Coast at any time of the year, but how about a little information so I know I’m not wasting my time? Otherwise, I’m going to keep driving and head down to wine country for a couple days.”

  Kyle laughed over the line. “I might want to join you. Alright, first step is to get down to Lionsgate. It’s my hometown just north of the Oregon border.”

  “I read the file.”

  “My next question is to wonder if you were issued the series G8 implant with your last dose.”

  Jackie thought carefully on how to answer that. “The version control on FDPC implants is a fairly guarded secret.”

  Kyle laughed again. “That was an incredibly ‘non-give-anything-away’ sort of answer, Agent Moraker. Well done. But one of my friends is from the FDPC, remember? She wasn’t a field agent, so she had a standard S5 model. But she knew about the other strains. At least, the ones she’s allowed to know about.”

  Jackie kept thinking. Even if an outsider knew the information, confirming it could still be a breach of security protocols. This could be a game to see what she knew. But trust had to start somewhere. He had gotten too much right to make lying very useful. “Yes, I have one.”

  “Wonderful. That makes this so much easier. When you reach Lionsgate, I’m going to need you to turn it off. After that, I’ll talk you through a few more directions.”

  “You’re going to trust that I did it?”

  “Shouldn’t I?”

  Jackie chewed on that. “You want to. But you can’t. So, you won’t.”

  “Good guess. But I don’t have to. We’ve found a couple key places to put RF readers along your path coming in. We’ve thought about how to screen visitors, you see. You’ll never know when you’re getting close. If you abuse our trust, we’ll just direct you right on by. You’ll be halfway across Montana before you realize no more directions are coming your way. We have cell phone disruptors that block implant reception once you get close enough to our little hideaway, but we’ll know if you’re trying to leave breadcrumbs.”

  Jackie figured she could probably get around those precautions if she wanted to, but she had to admit they were doing pretty good playing spy. “Well, feel free to check all you want. I’m not here to play games. But if you are wasting my time, I’m going to take you up on your offer to drag you out of there in hand-cuffs.”

  Something on the other end made Kyle laugh, as if he had just been teased by one of his friends. He managed to get back under control. “We’ll talk soon, Agent Moraker.”

  * * *

  Jackie gunned the throttle on her borrowed ATV, forcing it up a hill as she followed the rough trail blazed through the woods. It was little more than a deer path. If she hadn’t known it was deliberate, she probably wouldn’t have thought to follow it. Guess that’s the point.

  As she crested the last rise, a chalet came into sight. That was the only description she had for the old-fashioned log cabin. It was the sort of place built a hundred years ago, modernized by someone with too much money two decades ago, then forgotten about until they decided to offload some assets to a strangely motivated buyer who wanted to have a new secret place to stash themselves away. It sprawled up the side of the mountain. The layout was like a central welcoming center with some off-shooting wings rather than a tiny lodge. She wasn’t sure if they were renting it or had pooled all their resources to buy it, but it was a luxurious way to spend a few months locked away in the mountains.

  And they were. They were deep within the Rockies. Jackie wasn’t quite sure if she was over the boundary between Washington and Idaho. After all the back-roads she had taken followed by this two-hour trip on the ATV, she might have even dipped south into Oregon. In the end, it didn’t matter. This was wilderness, purposefully lost in the back-country of the States.

  She saw a small stable of three other ATVs nearby. She parked hers near them, throttling down and killing the engine. It was a smooth ride, and she was glad they hadn’t made her hike the dozen hours it would have taken. She had to admit, her curiosity would have demanded she do it.

  Taking off her helmet, she took stock and found the front entranceway. She was dressed in now-slightly-grimy jeans, a rugged shirt meant for the back woods covered by a decent coat to add some padding against the whipping branches, and boots with a decent tread. Her brown hair was tied back with a simple elastic. She hadn’t felt this rustic in a while, normally keeping to business suits on her work-days and non-flashy blouses and slacks in her off-hours. Athletic and strong as most other field agents, she could fill out a sexier selection, but rarely had the occasion for it.

  Scaling the front porch, she walked over to the door and grabbed hold of the iron knocker in the middle. Shaped like an eagle and with a few pounds of weight to it, it suited the rest of the chalet perfectly. The heavy bangs it made reverberated up into the chalet.

  After a couple minutes, Jackie noticed the doorbell tucked off to one side. She felt embarrassed she had been so drawn in by the eagle knocker’s rustic charm, she hadn’t even noticed. But before she could push it, the door opened to admit her.

  Standing on the other side was a proud Valkyrie of a woman. A little taller than Jackie, who was by no means short for a woman, she had the bearing of a matron of the house come to see who was calling on her place of residence. There was a bold quality to her eyes, unflinching and unbending. She was dressed fairly provocatively, draped in a baby-doll nightie made of black silk with crimson trim. A nearly-transparent nightgown added another level of shadowing, disguising some of her curves without really taking any of it from view.

  One of the most noticeable curves about her was the fetching swell to her belly. Jackie guessed she was between five and six months pregnant. That was a little shorter than the time when Kyle Hutchings vanished and began eluding the FDPC. Apparently, Hutchings hadn’t been lonely during his exile.

  The statuesque woman had a tabby cat tucked into her arm. She stoked it, making it purr with total satisfaction. She smiled and offered her hand around the feline. “Agent Moraker, I presume? I’m Megan Clarke. Please, come in. If you don’t mind, please take your shoes off. What with all the mud about, we like to keep the outdoors and indoors footwear separate. Here. We have some guest slip-ons if you wish, rather than walking around in your socks.”

  Jackie considered the entryway, loving how the log-house exterior now led naturally into this hotel-like lobby. It was huge, leading off in a few different directions. A roaring fireplace dominated the scene, probably once wood-powered, but now modernized to be run by gas while its rustic look had been maintained. “Such a lovely home.”

  Megan smiled, waiting until the DJO agent had changed her footwear. “We make do. When Kyle asked me to find him a place to tuck us all away for a while, I considered going with something smaller and cozier. But once I realized I had no idea how long it would be, having a little space and privacy seemed necessary.”

  Jackie paused. “Us all?”

  Megan’s smile became bemused. “There are a few of us who were affected by the churn surrounding Kyle’s attempted assassination by the FDPC. We’re all in this together.
You’ll meet most of us in the time you’re here, I’m sure. Shall we?” She gestured toward one of the corridors.

  Jackie nodded, trailing along behind her. The corridors were a little tighter; there was that older building style showing itself again. The log bones to the chalet had been left in place, merely insulated better and solidified in their construction.

  Halfway down the corridor, a soft panting came from one of the rooms. Jackie didn’t intentionally look, but the soft squeaking of a bed and the partially open doorway called to her.

  To put it honestly, she snooped.

  Her mouth dropped open a little.

  Inside was a bedroom. The light was dim, owing to the small window and fading afternoon light. A couple candles were lit on the nightstand, while a meagre lamp glowed on the far end-table. The colors of the room were all reds and browns and other warm colors that blended with the log cabin feel. The bed was not quite a queen-sized. It was nestled on an archaic frame, filled with swirling filigree artwork and curves of old wood.

  Atop the bed was a scene right out of someone’s sexual fantasy.

  Positioned on her hands and knees was a svelte, lean-limbed beauty with night-black hair. Her breasts were a little too plump for her normal figure. The reason for that was immediately obvious; hanging below, she was also swollen by pregnant curves. She had clearly kept up exercising as she showed very little signs of being with child beyond the slightly enhanced bust and the 5-6 month baby bump, but she was very clearly carrying.

  Stradling her legs and in a mounting position behind her was a youthful woman that Jackie guessed as being just over twenty. Where the kneeling woman was lithe and long, this girl was powerfully petite, made with a compact ferocity and rebellious spirit. Her hair was purple blended with pinks, mostly spiked with a few tumbling locks to give herself a rock-and-roll, punk attitude. She had a black collar around her throat with silver chains and writing that Jackie couldn’t quite read in the dusky light. Her own breasts were covered by a leathery bra and her lower legs were wrapped in gladiator style sandals that extended right up to her knees. Swirls of various tattoos with no unified motif coiled this way and that over her skin. The only other stitch of clothing she wore was the straps that helped position the sex-toy dildo in front of her core.

  Jackie couldn’t see any more detail than that, for the two women were coupling furiously on the top of the bed, with the punk girl piercing the other with determined strokes while the other panted in rising desire.

  Megan realized she had lost her tail. Turning about, she saw Jackie standing there gawking. Returning to her side, she dropped the cat to the ground, letting the pet scamper off down the corridor to explore. Meanwhile, Megan joined Jackie in peering in with a touch of interest. “I see you’ve found Dazz and Yvette.” She murmured a soft laugh.

  Jackie didn’t need to ask who was who. The names suited each of them. She continued to stare, knowing it was rude, but… the whole scene was mesmerizing.

  Megan brushed past her, entering the room.

  Jackie wanted to grab at her, a flush of embarrassment rushing to her face. They would know they were being watched!

  Megan didn’t seem to care. She strolled up to the bed, leaning down to grab hold of Yvette’s hair and turn her face upward. The matron kissed her tenderly, though it carried an air of privilege, as if Yvette wouldn’t dare say ‘no’ to being kissed. Megan purred, “You look lovely being ravished, kitten.”

  Yvette panted back, “T-thank y-you, M-mistress.”

  Jackie knew she was blushing now. Mistress?

  Megan meandered back to the other woman. Dazz flashed her a smile, to which Megan responded instructively, “You are getting the rhythm right, my dear. But try this.” Her hands drifted down, settling on the younger woman’s hips. She guided her into a different angle of attack. Instantly, Yvette gave a louder cry, fell off her hands and down to her elbows.

  Megan grinned, “There you are. You’ll hit her g-spot better.” She smacked Dazz’s behind. “Just make sure you make her beg before she cums. Otherwise, she gets lazy.”

  Dazz giggled softly. “Yes, Ms. Clarke. But she won’t get lazy. She knows she has to eat me out after she orgasms or bad things happen. Isn’t that right, kitten?” She smacked Yvette hard on the ass.

  Yvette blurted out a soprano cry, “Yes, Miss!”

  Megan purred wickedly. “Very nice. But don’t let her fool you. She likes spanking, no matter how much she whines.” Leaving the two women to their fun, Megan walked back out into the corridor and drew the door closed. She murmured softly, “Dazz has talent. She’s catching on. She’s an excellent pupil. Always has been.” She flashed a clever, knowing wink.

  As the scene was cut off, Jackie finally managed to catch her breath. “Does… does Mr. Hutchings know they… that they are doing that? I mean, Yvette… Yvette, right?... she’s carrying his child!”

  Megan laughed at the odd notion it could be any other way. “Know? Of course, he knows. He encourages it.” She smiled, putting on what sounded like a teaching voice, “I don’t want to judge. Have you ever had a child, Agent Moraker?”

  Stumbling a little, she said, “Please, umm, call me Jackie. And no, no I haven’t.”

  “Well, being with a child can play havoc with the hormones. It brings on the strangest craving and… well, to put it bluntly, outrageous horniness.” She chuckled as the blush on Jackie’s face darkened even further at the frank discussion. “Kyle has always thought it would help to let us be closer to each other. I agree. And it gives so many more options to let off a little tension when the cravings come!”

  Megan waved her hands airily, “Not to mention the prior relationships some of us had before we came here. I don’t think Kyle has it in him to tear those apart. He’d rather we all live in what he has calls harmony. I call it heaven.”

  Jackie exhaled. “I… I don’t know what I would call it.”

  They kept walking.

  Another door creaked open ahead of them. Through the open door, Jackie caught sight of another woman sleeping on a bed inside. If she didn’t miss her guess, the lovely blonde was also pregnant. Maybe even further along than Megan or Yvette.

  Stepping out of the sleeping girl’s room was another stunning blonde, though her hair was cut pixie-short. She was dressed in a sinfully sexual version of a nurse’s outfit. White heels below white stockings that sheathed her legs and ended at her thighs. Thong-white panties and a push-up white corset completed the look.

  Megan said quietly to the sexy-nurse, “Hi Lily. Is Danielle finally asleep?”

  Lily nodded, answering just as quietly, “The baby was kicking hard, but she’s down now.” Her gaze shifted to the stranger. “Hi, I’m Lily.”

  Instinctively, Jackie extended her arm to shake hands with yet another living sexual fantasy. “Ahhh, ummm, well, hello.”

  Lily glowed a little, taking real pleasure in helping people as always. “I would introduce you to Danielle, but she really needs her sleep. She was the first of us to get pregnant. Which is lovely, because she loves Kyle to distraction. I mean, we all care for him. But she connected with him fast over the last few months.”

  Megan chuckled. “I would have loved to be first, but I agree there is a poetic element that she took first.”

  Jackie struggled to ask, flashing her gaze between the two scantily clad women. “Do you… do you dress like this all the time? Or is this a show you’re putting on because I’m here?”

  Megan flashed her a challenging smirk. “Not sure how we could have known you would be interested.”

  “Oh, well, I’m… I’m not. I mean, that’s not what I meant.”

  Lily swatted Megan in a good-natured way. “Don’t mind her. She loves causing trouble.” Her smile softened. “We’ve learned what Kyle likes, and… well, we like to give him what he wants. Wait till you meet him. He has a wonderful smile and glows with lust when he sees us like this. You can read him like a book, and that sort of honest approval is… nice
. He treats us like goddesses that he is honored to touch, even though we all feel like we’re the ones worshipping him.” She shrugged. “He has a lovely heart and a libido to match! It’s fun to give him inspiration.” She extended one of her legs for Jackie to admire. “He adores legs. Showing them off is a fine way to get him breathing hard for sure.”

  Jackie gestured around, as if indicating the others. “Three of you are pregnant. Are you trying as well?”

  Lily smiled sadly. “I can’t, myself.” She moved past that, not wanting to talk about it. She sought a brighter topic. “But I enjoy caring for these other girls who can.” Then, she grew a devilish smile. “Soon enough, I’ll probably let Kyle seduce me. I’ve been having fun walking around like this. Bending over where he can see. We shared a moment once before. I think he fantasizes about me now and again.”

  Megan smirked. “That’s putting it mildly. He’s already close to exploding whenever you walk in the room.”

  Lily gave another wicked laugh. “I know. Though…” She fanned her face. “So am I. I mean, it’s been over half-a-year! And I’ve had to give him physicals and check-ups along the way. I’m going as crazy as he is! Eventually, I’m hoping to drive him so crazy he’ll just jump on me and have his way with me. Maybe you should prod him a little, Megan. He might never do it, otherwise. He really is a sweetheart.”

  Megan chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do to inspire him.”

  Jackie caught the way Lily sought Megan’s help and maybe even deferred to her a little. Then there was the obvious way Megan had controlled Yvette and instructed Dazz. “Are… are you their leader somehow?”


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