House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 14

by Yvonne Strickland

  'No, the show's over for now,' answered Cheryl, then she turned about and left them.

  'Right,' said Angela, 'you're with me until lunchtime. You can have the easy jobs and just hold a few things for me. By then, Cheryl or Pauline will be back to collect you.'

  'Oh ... what happens at lunchtime? I mean, 1 don't have to wear -'

  'No, you'll get changed and go down to the restaurant. After that you'll be in the office or the library with Karen for elocution lessons and -'

  'Eller what?' cut in Rose as they reached the first door.

  'Elocution lessons - how to speak correctly.'

  'And then,' said Rose, 'and then, I'm down with this Karen to sit and read, and answer questions. She was really nice to me, like Angie was. Then I had a really nice slap-up dinner in the bar and got to help out serving them all drinks, like in a pub.'

  'So you might not run away this week?' asked Jackie in the darkness of the bedroom.

  'Well, I dunno. I thought when I was wearing that dress and them handcuffs - I thought of all the things they've done to me. Oh yes, and the other thing, the beauty parlour; I didn't like to say at first, you know, but they've gone and shaved me cunt so it's -'

  'Rosie!' shouted Jackie, sitting upright in the bed. 'Rosie, please! You have to try, really you have! For my sake as well as yours, even in private. Please - promise!'

  There was silence for long seconds.

  'Jackie, love, I'm sorry. I will try, honestly, but I've only been here a day or so. It's all so strange.'

  i suppose it must be, but I don't want you to end up in the hands of the police.'

  'No, me neither, but I did think earlier that I might clear off out of it first thing tomorrow. I never even dreamed of a place like this - wouldn't have believed it possible, you know. And why do they want to make you all helpless so you can't use your arms?'

  'Rosie, it's all play-acting and theatre. You'll understand after a while.'

  'Do you like it all then? I mean, doesn't any of it bother you, those weird outfits and all?'

  'No, Rosie, not most of the time. Not really. Sometimes ... sometimes it's well ... I don't quite know how to explain. You're either into it or you're not, if you see what I mean.'

  Rose was silent for a few seconds.

  'Well, I can see it's a way of getting off sometimes - you know.'

  'Getting off?'

  'Yeah - yes, with the right sort of people, it could be dead sexy and -'

  'Oh yes,' cut in Jackie, 'I see what you mean. Yes, Rosie, it can be very sexy.'

  'And those rooms on the other side of the corridor. An-gie said they were secret and not for me to see. What's inside them? Do you know? She wouldn't tell.'

  Jackie laughed softly in the darkness. 'Yes Rosie, I know.'


  'Well, what?'

  'Oh, come on, Jackie! I hate bleed ... I mean, I hate secrets!'

  it's a bit awkward. We're not supposed to discuss anything like that with anyone who doesn't work here.'

  'Blimey! I thought I'd seen enough already in that Pauline's room, not to mention the beauty parlour. It can't matter all that much now. Let's go have a look, all right?' 'No, we can't. I don't have a key anyway. Only Sonia has a master key and other people have to go and ask for it. Pauline can get into a couple of them - so that's it I'm afraid.'

  'Bet I could get in easy.'

  'What d'you mean?'

  'Those locks,' continued Rose in a low voice, 'they wouldn't give me any bother, if you know what I mean.'

  'Are you saying you pick locks?'

  'Could be I've done a few in my time.'

  'Rosie, I'd be in dead trouble if we did anything like that. They'd throw me out!'

  'Throw you out! Is that all?'

  'No, that isn't all. You just don't understand. It's the worst thing that could happen to me, it really is!'

  'Aw, come on! Why would they do that just for going into somewhere you already know about? Tell you what, I'll get in, right, and if anyone sees us we'll say you followed me and tried to get me out. How's about it?'

  'Well ... I suppose, if we're careful, and it's an evening when Pauline is away -'

  'Atta girl!'

  'And Rosie, it's not just me I'm bothered about. I don't want you to get into hot water either. If we're going to be friends, I don't want anything to cause upset.'

  Rose reached up and squeezed Jackie's arm. 'You're a good pal, Jackie. I'll try not to let you down. And ... and the other night, what we did, that was real good fun that was.'

  'I'm glad, Rosie,' she answered, turning and looking down in the darkness at the vague form of her companion.

  Rose eased herself up against the pillows and kissed her on the lips. Jackie placed her hand on the side of Rose's head.

  'Rosie,' she whispered, 'I've got something we could play with if you fancy.'

  'Yeah, what?'

  'Well, switch on the bedside lamp, it's on your side.'

  'Right, if I can find the ... ah ... there!'

  The room filled with soft, subdued light from the small, pink-shaded lamp. Jackie, in her nakedness, eased herself from the bed and took a few steps to the nearby chest of drawers. She pulled open the top drawer, rustled tissue paper and lifted something out, keeping it concealed from Rose but grinning mischievously over her shoulder as she pushed the drawer shut with a soft thump.

  'Well, go on. Show us!'

  Jackie spun around suddenly with a beaming grin, holding the object up in front of her with a triumphant 'Da-daaah!'

  'Oooh-er!' responded Rose, with a high-pitched laugh. 'How did you get hold of that?'

  'Oh, easily,' said Jackie, returning and placing the object of their attention on the bedspread. 'You can easily find goodies like this around here if you know where to look.'

  Rose reached out and touched it, lifting it up slowly. 'I've seen them in sex catalogues,' she mused, 'but I've never, well ...'

  'I'll put it back in the drawer, if you're not keen.'

  Rose looked up at her with mouth slightly open. 'No,' she said softly. 'I'm game if you are. How are we going to ...?'

  Jackie picked up the double-ended dildo by one of its amply proportioned shafts and ran her fingers over the bulbous pink head. 'Shall I show you the best way to use it, Rosie?'

  Rose reached out to touch it. it even feels real, except it's bigger than any I've seen.'


  'Yeah, go on then. Let's give it a go.'

  'OK, you just sit on the edge of the bed and I'll sit next to you, yes?'

  Rosie slid to the edge of the bed and waited. Jackie sat beside her and with the instrument of lust held in one hand, placed her arm around Rose's waist. Rose turned and kissed her on the lips and Jackie's arm tightened about her.

  'You're good fun, you are, Jackie,' breathed Rose into her ear.

  Jackie released her hold and climbed further up on to the bed until she was propped up against the padded headboard behind Rose. She parted her legs and pulled Rose back between them until she was leaning with her back against her. Jackie reached around Rose and played with her breasts for a time, kissing and biting her gently on her cheek and neck. Rose relaxed, let her head fall back and closed her eyes. After a minute, Jackie reached down under Rose's thighs and began to pull. Rose obliged her efforts by lifting and spreading her legs until her feet were on either side of Jackie's. Jackie's left hand fell upon the dildo, which she took up by one of the pink shafts. The other shaft she brought down between Rose's legs until the cool rubber head found its mark and Jackie felt her body stiffen. Rose's hand joined hers around the shaft and they moved the head of the dildo back and forth until Rose began to sigh and push it harder against the moist lips of her sex. Jackie knew that Rose was aroused and eager enough for it to enter her but would not allow her to take charge of the situation until she began to tug harder. Then they were of one intent. Rose sighed again as both hands helped the shaft into her so that it entered fully, up to the flared-out join
between the two opposing organs.

  Jackie released her and pulled herself out from behind, allowing Rose to fall back on to the pillows. Now that she lay almost flat, Jackie climbed astride her. Not so that they were face to face, as Rose had expected, but the opposite way about, so that Jackie's thighs were spread above her face. Jackie squatted frog-like over her and, pulling away Rosie's hand, began to work the rubber cock back and forth inside her. For Rose, the situation was novel and surprising though it in no way diminished the growing carnal urgency within her. On the contrary, it not only fuelled her lust but drove her to do that which she had never before imagined she would ever do. She took hold of Jackie's thighs and pulled down until her sex was close enough. Rose's tongue began its work, teasing voluptuously about the clitoris, finding Jackie already inflamed and eager and tasting her excitement. The fires began to rise up higher within both of them as they worked upon each other. Then, to Rose's surprise, Jackie stopped and lifted herself clear. But it was only a momentary cessation, for without speaking, she lifted and pushed Rose's legs back, almost against her chest, so that the exposed half of the dildo protruded upwards and inviting. Jackie shuffled forwards and lowered herself down on to it without further ado, allowing it to enter her as completely as it had entered Rose so that it united them both in urgent intimacy. She leaned forward, allowing Rose to wrap her legs about her and letting their lips meet.

  Together they wrestled in voluptuous passion - panting, kissing and biting - each unspeaking but each urging on the other with the action of her body until the flames of lust burst forth to engulf them at once. Rose began to cry out first but then Jackie threw back her head and, forcing her sex hard against Rose's, let out a loud wail as if in anguish, each of them writhing in burning abandon against the other.

  When they withdrew the glistening organ from within themselves, Jackie took it to the bathroom and placed it in the sink. She returned to find Rose unmoving and with eyes shut, still lying upon the bed. She sat on the edge and laid her hand upon Rose's arm.

  'All right, Rose?'

  Rose stirred and opened her eyes. 'God help us -1 never had one like that before.'

  it's fun, isn't it?' asked Jackie, stroking her hair.

  'And you say you get paid for it and all,' laughed Rose.

  'You're funny, Rosie, you really are.'

  'I'll try extra hard now,' said Rose, 'just for you.'

  A few minutes later, they lay once again in the darkness and neither spoke for some time. Each was aware that the other was wide awake.

  At length Rose said, if we get the chance tomorrow -'

  'Chance for what?' asked Jackie.

  'Well, what we did before, I mean ... with that thing.'

  'Go on,' whispered Jackie, finding her hand under the sheet.

  'Well, if we did it again, if you want, that is, we could swap around the other way.' 'Yes, I don't mind.'

  Rose turned and moved towards her and their lips met, warm and eager. 'You're good fun, you are, Jackie.'

  'And you,' replied Jackie, putting her arm around Rose. 'But if you want to try -' 'Yes - what?'

  'Well, if you feel like it now, I wouldn't mind.' 'No, nor me,' replied Rose, as their lips met again.

  The Night Has Eyes

  'Remember last time we sat here?' asked Annette. 'You felt a bit unsettled about your future. Did your trip back to England sort anything out?'

  'I suppose it did,' said Karen, 'but you all helped me decide: you, Val, Angela and the others.'

  'So the crimson world of sin has its good side after all?'

  'I can't say yes or no to that anymore but I tell you, sitting here under the tree at this little table on a day like today doesn't leave an awful lot to be desired.'

  'Yes,' replied Annette, i remember how much you enjoyed it last time. That's why I thought we'd come back again.' She examined the red and white checked tablecloth. 'I wonder if they've changed this since we were last here!'

  'Oh, Annette, of course they have!'

  'Karen, sometimes you take things too seriously. Have another glass of wine.'

  'Oh, thanks I will. Anyway, you'd take things more seriously if you had my upbringing.'

  Annette smiled and glanced about at the people passing by, going about their unhurried business, talking and gesturing about the everyday affairs of life.

  'That's what I like about this part of the world, you know. They don't seem to worry too much over time or take a lot of notice of ... oh! Look who's drifting along towards us.'

  'Oh yes,' observed Karen, 'it's Mike. Shall I call him over or are you both still .. ?'

  'I don't mind,' said Annette, 'we got over our little disagreement some time ago and he's found a new role in life since. I can assure you, Karen, he endures his ordeals like a man and thinks of nothing else but queen and country.'

  'Annette,' said Karen, smiling, 'you're so cruel!'

  'Cruel! Me! Nobody's done him more favours than I have since Sonia rescued him from the tax man in England. He just took a long while to appreciate how -'

  'Hi, you two!' cut in the voice.

  Annette turned. They both smiled up at him, shading their eyes against the sun.

  'What are you doing prowling around Beziers today?' asked Annette.

  'Not a lot,' he said, pulling up a chair. 'I thought I'd look at some clothes.'

  Annette affected an expression of open-mouthed astonishment. 'New clothes! God - did those old jeans of yours get up and run off on their own?'

  'Hey, come on! What's the point in me being fashion-conscious with the job I do?'

  'Oh Mike,' said Karen, 'she's just teasing you. You ought to know by now.'

  'Yes,' he said, grinning and eyeing her mischievous green eyes and seeing the sun glint on her rich auburn hair. 'I'll get my own back one day, you'll see.'

  Annette poked out her tongue.

  'What are you going to buy?' asked Karen.

  He looked into her soft brown eyes and saw the warm breeze move the hair about her cheek. 'Well, something casual. Maybe some shorts - a couple or more T-shirts and, er, I haven't seen my sunglasses around for the best part of a week so it'll be a new pair of those too.'

  'They're probably behind a pile of dirty dishes,' murmured Annette. Karen grinned at them both. Mike protruded his tongue at her. i know just the place you should go,' she continued. 'La Grenade. It's hardly more than five minutes walk from here.' She turned to Karen. 'You got your swimwear from there. Tell him what a super shop it is.'

  Karen remembered the boutique only too well, and yes, she had made a purchase there and got a little more than she had bargained for. She felt herself blush slightly and cleared her throat. 'Er, yes. A very good shop - lots of nice things to choose from.'

  'And if you work for Sonia,' said Annette, 'you can put your stuff on the house account and get a better price as well. I'm surprised you didn't know that.'

  'Nobody told me,' he answered. 'There are probably all sorts of other things I don't knoW.'

  'Poor old Mike,' said Karen, smiling. 'Go and get yourself a drink and sit here for a while.'

  To be seen sitting with two such desirable women was an invitation he was not about to refuse. Minutes later, he was back at the table with a glass of beer.

  'Don't forget today is early closing, will you?' said Annette.

  Mike looked at his watch. 'I'm OK for a while. No rush.'

  'Well, I have a bit to do yet,' said Annette, draining the last of her white wine and pushing back the chair. 'If you don't mind, I'll get round to the boulangerie now in case they sell out. I'll drop into La Grenade and tell Louise and Marielle to expect someone in dire need of smartening up!'

  'But Annette!' exclaimed Karen. 'We already have enough -'

  'Don't worry, dear!' cut in Annette pointedly. 'I'll only be fifteen or twenty minutes.'

  Annette turned without another word and left them at the little table. Karen watched her disappear then turned with a smile to Mike.

at least you're talking to each other again.'

  'Hmmm, yes,' he answered, rubbing his chin. 'I suppose this shop is genuine? I mean, with a name like Grenade!'

  'It just means pomegranate. You must have walked past it often enough, the number of times you've been here.'

  'Yes, I probably have. But I drive to Montpellier if I want to get myself anything personal, and then it's usually books and records. This shop - Sonia owns it, does she?'

  'I'm not sure if she owns it,' answered Karen. 'At least, not the business: that belongs to Marielle and Louise. I think Sonia owns the property. She has business interests all over the place, including two or three shops in Paris.'

  'God, I thought I was the financial expert. When I dealt with her in London, it was only her affairs in the UK and Holland. I only found out about her operation here much later. That woman is full of secrets.'

  it's just as well you did find out,' said Karen.

  'So, I'm safe going to this shop? It's not one of Annette's set-ups, with cameras hidden all over the place?'

  'No, I'm sure it isn't, not here. But, er, the girls will pamper you something rotten if you let them.'

  He smiled to himself, leaned towards her, and asked, 'Look, why don't you come and have a drink with me down by the pool this evening? We could have a midnight swim and a bottle of wine under the stars.'

  Karen knew as well as everyone what an opportunist Mike had become. She knew equally that he was never forceful or insistent and that it was not in his interest to cause offence. She looked thoughtful and clasped her hands out of sight under the table. 'Erm, not tonight, I can't.'

  'Oh OK, I just thought I'd ask.'

  Karen had never, mainly because of her relationship with Sonia, spent any time alone with him, although he had in the past suggested that she might do so. Now that her relationship with Sonia was re-established, Karen wondered if such a firm commitment was a good thing, and if she ought not, if only for appearance's sake, show a little more interest in the opposite sex, as she had in England. She looked into his eyes. 'How about tomorrow evening? I can make it then if you like.'

  He was taken aback momentarily, having regarded her last remark as a rebuff. His face broke into a broad grin. 'Oh, fine! Tomorrow it'll be then. Around eleven o'clock if that's not too late.'


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