FROST (The Trident Series Book 3)

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FROST (The Trident Series Book 3) Page 23

by Jaime Lewis

  Potter’s lip twitched. “I never doubted you weren’t. Tenley was going to demand that you move in. I think her exact words were, “I’ll go over to his apartment and pack his shit up and move it for him.”

  He looked over at Stitch. “I won’t leave you hanging on the rent for the apartment. I’ll square up with you for the remainder of the lease.”

  Stitch waved him off. “Whatever. The lease is up in two months anyway, and we both were talking about looking to find a house of our own here in town.”

  That was something they had talked about ever since transferring back east. This was where they both grew up and where they both wanted to retire when the time came. Their families and friends were here, and they hoped to grow families and memories of their own. It looked like he and Autumn would be in the market for a house.

  Frost took a sip of his beer and swallowed. Then he glanced around the table at a group of men he was damn proud to call his brothers.

  “Thank you all for being here and helping with this situation.”

  “Well, how about we finish up and then head over to Autumn’s house and start packing up everything and moving her and Cody’s stuff over to the condo,” Ace told everyone, then asked the waitress for the check.

  As they were paying the bill, Frost’s phone rang. It was Skittles, and what he had to say just made the day even shittier.


  “So, you mean to tell me Carlie’s been able to see and hear everything going on in the house.”

  The team stood around Autumn’s living room while Skittles explained about the hidden camera he and Diego found when they were sweeping the house.

  Skittles nodded his head sideways. “Somewhat. The camera was located here in the living room. It is not a very complicated system. It only caught video out here. So, she could see the kitchen and living room, but because of how small the house is, the audio portion could pick up anything being said in a normal voice tone in either bedroom. It’s a wireless feed that is coming from the house directly across the street.” Skittles said, pointing to the dilapidated house.

  “It can’t be. Autumn said that house was abandoned.” Then he remembered the very first time he showed up at Autumn’s, the night Cody had hit his head. He had that feeling like he was being watched, and when he turned toward that house and saw the curtain move. “Motherfucker!”

  “You mean to tell me she’s been living across the fucking street undetected this whole time?” Irish stated. The look on his face said it all. He was visibly upset.

  “I doubt she was living there. She seems to be one step ahead. My guess is that she’s holed up in some hotel under an alias,” Skittles said.

  Frost thought of something else. “The day Cody hit his head. He mentioned to Autumn and I that it was a parent who had bumped into him. Though he never saw her face, he did mention she was blonde. I’m wondering now if it was Carlie.”

  “You think she went to his school with an intent to harm him?” Ace asked, standing there with his arms crossed in front of chest, appearing disgusted.

  “I don’t know for sure, but with everything else we’ve uncovered, I’m not ruling it out.”

  Skittles explained the rest. “The police already went over across the street and scoured the place. They let us in to check it out as well. The computer was still up and running with the live feed. And here’s the kicker, the electricity isn’t even turned on in the place.”

  “How was she able to plug the computer in? A battery couldn’t run it. It would need to be recharged.”

  “We found an extension cord running to the neighbor’s house. She had plugged it into an outside outlet on the side of their house. They didn’t have any knowledge of it when the police asked about it.”

  “They find anything else in the house?”

  “No, but it smelled like a fucking garbage dump. There were food containers and trash strewn everywhere. Besides the computer, nothing personal was in there. I honestly don’t think she was staying there. I think she was just using it as a base per se.”

  “Do we have any idea what she may be traveling in or where she could be? I’ve never seen a car parked over there.”

  “PD is looking into it, checking with all of the car rentals agencies in the area, and also pulling camera footage.”

  Just as the guys were getting ready to enter the house and start packing, Alex pulled up in her black Escalade with Tenley. Frost and the guys walked over as the ladies got out. Ace hugged Alex, and Potter did the same with Tenley, placing his hand over the little swell of her belly.

  “What brings you ladies by?” Frost asked.

  “Well, Tenley told me about you guys moving into the condo, so we thought we could come lend a hand. She and I can pack up the light stuff while you guys can use your big muscles to move the heavy items.”

  “You’re not lifting anything.” Potter scolded his wife.

  Tenley rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs. “Oh, knock it off, you big oaf. I know better. I can at least help pack up their clothes. I’m pregnant, not an invalid.” Potter snagged her around the waist and hoisted her up close to his body. He said something to her quietly in her ear. Whatever it was had her face turning red. He gave her a quick kiss and set her down.

  Alex shook her head, laughing. “We figured you guys would need some boxes for packing, so we stopped by the grocery store, and they had a bunch they were going to throw out. We loaded the back of the car up with what would fit. Oh, and we stopped and got some newspapers to wrap up anything fragile.”

  “And my mom and Derek are over at the condo, airing it out and giving it a good cleaning,” Tenley said.

  As the guys went to unload the boxes from Alex’s car, Frost walked up to his best friends and gave them each a hug and kiss on the cheek. The two women were dynamos and eager to help any time it was needed. He made a mental note to purchase them each a full spa day with the works as a thank you.


  A few hours later, Frost was loading boxes into the back of his Tahoe when a dark grey four-door sedan pulled up in front of the house. The others noticed as well, and Ace, Potter, and Stitch all took a protective stance around Alex and Tenley. Nobody was taking any chance with a crazy lady on the loose. They didn’t know who was inside the car.

  When the driver’s side door opened and Nathan stepped, out Frost relaxed. He had forgotten that Nathan said he was coming into town. He noticed Nathan speaking to someone in the car, and he wondered who he’d brought with him. The passenger door opened, and a tall woman with brown hair stepped out. She walked around the car and met Nathan, and they both started walking toward the group. Frost met them midway and shook Nathan’s hand. Nathan then introduced the woman as his girlfriend, Valerie. This must be the woman Nathan had told Autumn about, although a part of him had wondered if Nathan had just told Autumn that. But seeing the woman in person made him feel much better and not so much of a jealous asshole.

  Frost explained to Nathan about moving Autumn and Cody into the condo. Nathan wanted to go over to the hospital, and Frost thought that was a good idea. Autumn needed her friends, and Frost knew both Autumn and Cody would be thrilled to see him.

  “I sure as hell am glad Autumn met you and your friends. There is no telling what is going through Carlie’s head right now. She’s unstable.”

  “I just don’t understand why she would blame Autumn?” Frost said, crossing his arms.

  Nathan leaned against the hood of the car. “I’m sure you know that Autumn doesn’t have a family. At least family who supports her. Kevin’s parents took Autumn in with open arms, and I guess Carlie was jealous of their relationship.” Nathan stared at the house across the street where Carlie had been operating from. “I didn’t tell you this over the phone when we spoke yesterday, but the Sheriff believes that Carlie may have been responsible for her parents’ car accident. We can’t prove it yet, but from evidence gathered from her house, all signs are pointing to it.”

/>   Frost rubbed a hand over his unshaven jaw. “Jesus. But why go after Autumn now? Why didn’t she do something back then?”

  Nathan got a grim look on his face and looked away. “Unfortunately, it’s because of me. Letting Autumn and Cody move in with me after Kevin’s death led her to believe that I wanted to pursue a relationship with Autumn. Carlie has made it known over the years, and I mean years, dating back to when Kevin and I first joined the service, that she had a thing for me. Always had. After Kevin’s death, I spent some time with her, but I never once gave her the idea that she and I would be anything more than friends.”

  “Okay, but Autumn’s mentioned several times that she and Carlie didn’t have the best relationship, so how did Carlie even know Autumn had moved here?”

  “Again, because of me. Right after Autumn moved out here, I went up there for a few days to check on her, and I made a comment about planning a trip to come out and visit them.”


  “Exactly. I feel like all of this has been my fault.”

  “No, man. Don’t go blaming yourself for her issues. Listen, why don’t you take Valerie and go over to the hospital. I know Autumn and Cody will love the company. After me and the guys take everything over to the condo and get it unloaded, we’re going to stop and get some food and bring it to the hospital.”

  “That sounds good, but are you sure you guys don’t need any help unloading everything.”

  “No, we’re good. Go spend some time with Autumn and Cody. I’ll let the guys keeping watch outside Cody’s room know to expect you.”

  “Thanks, Frost. And, I meant what I said, I’m glad they have you in their lives.”

  “Me too.”

  A few minutes later, they were all ready to head out. Before they pulled out, Frost went next door to Mrs. Higdon’s house to let her know what was going on. She was happy to hear Autumn was moving and that he was moving in with them. He wanted to make sure she was going to be okay but was shocked to hear that she was moving as well. She was moving in with a friend from her sewing class who lived across town. He made a promise they would call her once they got settled and have her and her friend over for dinner.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Frost walked into Cody’s hospital room after speaking with the doctor. If Cody’s body kept responding to the medications, Cody could possibly be released as early as tomorrow afternoon.

  Autumn was curled up on the tiny bed with Cody as they read a book together. It was a new one that Ace and Alex had brought him this morning. The name of it was Max. It was about a Marine dog. Cody had been talking about how he wanted to get it the other week.

  He walked over to them. Autumn looked up at him, and the dark circles under her eyes appeared even more visible. Damn, he needed for her to get some sleep and eat something. The gang were all out in the hall at the nurse’s station. As of right now, Cody was the only patient on the floor. Which was a good thing because it meant that no other families were going through what they were right now. At least in this area. On the way to the hospital, they stopped at the Deli and picked up sandwiches and tubs of potato salad and pasta salad. And to thank the hospital staff on the floor for letting them have way more people than they should visiting Cody, they brought them dinner as well, which they were very thankful for.

  “Hey, Frost!” Cody said, handing his mom the book to put on the table next to the bed.

  “How ya feeling, buddy?” Frost reached out and ruffled Cody’s hair. He looked down at his ankle, and it was still the size of a grapefruit and looked really painful.

  “Okay, I guess. My leg still hurts.”

  “It will for a few days, I’m sure. But I got some encouraging news from your doctor just now on my way in here?”

  Autumn got up and walked over and nestled herself under his arm. He loved having her in his arms. She was a perfect fit. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. He also noticed that her hair was wet and piled into a messy updo on top of her head, and she had changed clothes. She was wearing her grey sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts that looked huge on her, but he loved it when she wore his clothes.

  “How come the doctor didn’t come in here?” She asked, looking up at him.

  “He was getting ready to, but then he got a call and was needed down on the next floor. But he did tell me that Cody could go home tomorrow.”

  “Really?!” Cody boasted from his bed.

  “Really,” Frost told him.

  Autumn walked away and sat in the chair next to Cody’s bed. It was the same damn uncomfortable chair she’d been sleeping in. He squatted down in front of her and took her hands into his.

  “Hey…what’s with the sad face? I thought you’d be excited that Cody gets to go home.”

  She looked up at him, and her eyes shone with tears, and she sniffled.

  “We don’t have a home,” she sobbed.

  He squeezed her hands. “What are you talking about? Sure, you do.”

  She was shaking her head. “No, I can’t go back to our house, not knowing what happened there. Plus, Nathan explained to me that the person who’s been causing all of this is Carlie. I just can’t put Cody in harm’s way, Jack. God, I don’t know what to do.”

  He pulled her into his arms and lifted her up and took the seat with her on his lap. She immediately curled up against his chest and tucked her head under his chin.

  “Mom…we can find another house.” Cody looked up at Frost with a sad but worried expression. “Frost, can you help us find another place to live? Please?”

  He smiled at Cody. They had no clue what he and the guys had been doing for the past five hours. He had told Nathan to explain the Carlie situation to her, but he wanted to tell her about them moving.

  “Well, that is something that I wanted to talk about with both of you.” Autumn looked up at him, and he smiled at her and wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks. “Neither one of you are going back to the house you’ve been living in.”

  “What?” Autumn asked, looking at him with a confused look on her face.

  “The guys and I spent the last few hours packing and moving all of your belongings.”

  She grabbed ahold of Frost’s arm. “Jack…what? Why? I mean, how? I can’t afford anything else right now. You know that I was barely making it there as it was.”

  He gripped her chin between his thumb and pointer finger and tilted her face. He looked right into her Irish green eyes. Damn, could he get lost in her eyes. “I love you, Autumn, and I love Cody as if he was my own son. I would do anything for the two of you, and that includes making sure you are both cared for and living in a safe environment, with me.”

  She tried covering her quivering lips. “Jack, what are you saying?”

  “Potter and Tenley have a condo on the beach. It was Potter’s before he met Tenley and moved in with her. They were going to rent it out, but instead, they have offered the condo to you and Cody rent-free until we can find something else more suitable. I’m moving in with you guys. It’s a two-bedroom, so Cody; you’ll still have your own room. It’s also a hell of a lot bigger than the place you were living in. Plus, it’s in a better part of town and is equipped with a security system.”

  “So, you’re moving in with us? But what about the apartment you share with Stitch?”

  “The apartment with Stitch is not an issue. Our lease is up in two months. And both he and I planned to look for our own houses anyway. I’ll pay him for my share of the last two months, but I’ll be living with you and Cody. I don’t want to be anywhere else but with the two of you.”

  Autumn was looking up at him with her mouth agape. He chuckled, then leaned in and kissed her. As he pulled back and he looked at her and an idea popped into his head.

  He stood up and placed Autumn on her feet, then glanced over at Cody, who was watching them with wide eyes. “Remember that important question I asked you last week, buddy?” Cody’s face lit up with a huge grin, and he shook his head yes. “Are yo
u still okay with that?” Again, he shook his head.

  Frost took Autumn’s hand and looked down at her. She had a look of confusion on her face as she looked from her son to him. She was his Irish beauty and his forever. Keeping her hand in his, he got down on one knee. He heard her whisper his name, and he grinned, then gave her hand a gentle squeeze. He took a deep relaxing breath.

  “Autumn, sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives happen for a reason. Such as the day I was shot. But I don’t regret it because it put me on a direct path to meeting the most loving, caring, smart, and beautiful woman who I hope will make me the happiest man right now and agree to marry me. I love you, Autumn, and I promise to be the best husband to you and the best father to Cody. Will you marry me? Please?” He asked as he withdrew a diamond ring from his pocket and presented it to her.


  Autumn couldn’t breathe, and she felt her body start to tremble. She tried wiping the tears from her face, but it proved to be useless as they just kept coming. She looked at the simple princess cut ring in a white gold setting. The diamond was stunning, but what she admired even more were the tiny emeralds that surrounded the diamond. It was beautiful and perfect. Hell, he could’ve given her a ring from a Cracker Jack box, and she’d still say yes to him. She loved and adored this man and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She took Frost’s face between her hands and leaned down. He watched her with his amber-colored eyes.

  “Yes, Jack. I’ll marry you.”

  He smiled wide and stood and swept her up into his arms and kissed her. Cody was laughing and clapping his hands.

  “I love you, sugar,” he told her as he set her back down on her feet, then kissed her again.

  She gave him a big smile. “I love you too.”

  “And I love you both!” Cody shouted, making Autumn and Frost chuckle. They walked over to Cody’s bed and gave him a big hug. Autumn squeezed both of her men knowing her angel in the sky, Kevin was looking down and smiling because she and Cody were happy and living life to the fullest. A few more tears leaked out when she heard the door to the room open.


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