HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2) Page 13

by Sheila Kell

  “That’s a valuable thing for parents. I’m glad he was able to help. I’m sure it meant a lot to him.”

  Quit beating around the bush. Just tell her.

  “You know him. If he has time off, he has time to do something useful.” Tonya chuckled.

  A true smile emerged across Megan’s face. She remembered her mother shooing her father out the door with a broom, telling him to go find something to do or he would aggravate her while she cleaned. He’d laugh, kiss her and quickly escape through the front door.

  Megan took a deep breath. Her heart pained at how her mother would react. She’d upset her. “Mom, there’s a reason I’m calling.” Screw Detective Cooper, she’d tell her mother the truth.

  Her mother hesitated. “What is it, honey?”

  “I witnessed a murder today.”

  Her mother gasped.

  She quickly continued before her mother cut in. “It’s a boss within Magic Shop so I’m being put into protective custody until the trial. When I’m there I can’t have any contact with you or Dad.”

  She’d miss them terribly. She and her mother held a close relationship, talking regularly and sharing almost everything. Megan drew the line at sharing details of her sex life.

  The quiet sobbing came through the phone tearing at her heart. She had to stay strong for her mother.

  “Oh, honey. It must’ve been horrible to see that. How are you holding up?”

  Her eyes watered. She couldn’t stand it when her mother cried. “I’m doing okay, Mom.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Megan Elizabeth.” Middle name and stern voice, at least she’d stopped crying.

  “Truly, Mom, I’m okay. I keep seeing it happen, but it doesn’t bother me as much any longer.” If she kept lying to her mother, she’d have a spot reserved for her in hell. But she couldn’t tell her the truth. That it still flashed through her mind, making her blood pump faster and her stomach queasy.

  “He’s the boss of the enforcers, Mom. He may’ve been the one to kill Kevin, or, at least it would’ve been one of his people. We’ll have some justice for Kevin.”

  “Thank the Lord. Where will they take you? And who’s taking you? The police? The FBI? Federal marshals?”

  Megan leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed her ankles. “It’s the local police to start and then probably the FBI. I don’t know where they’re taking me yet, and if I did I couldn’t tell you. I have to be cut off from everyone. They say it’s the only way to remain safe.”

  The crying began again.

  “Oh Mom, don’t cry.” She’d never wanted to hurt her family in the process of her revenge. And the fact that she’d be separated from them hurt her mother.

  Tonya sniffed. “I’m okay. I’m just scared for you. You didn’t stop with that drug gang and look what happened. You have to go away like you were in prison. I don’t want to lose you like I did your brother.”

  Megan closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath, holding it a moment before slowly releasing it. “Mom, since I’ll be in protective custody, the bad guys won’t be able to find me. I’ll have the police protecting me. I’ll be safe. You don’t have to worry about losing me. I’ll be back after the trial. We can take a vacation together. You’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. Let’s plan on that.” How else could she soothe this over?

  “Why can’t you use the telephone or your cell phone to call us? Can you Skype?”

  “I don’t know why they won’t let me use a phone. Maybe they take a precaution in case Magic Shop can use GPS tracking or something like that. You know, like on TV. I doubt I can Skype.” After all of the rules Detective Phillips had issued, she couldn’t imagine they’d allow it.

  “Can you at least email? Then I’ll know you’re safe.”

  “I can’t promise, but I’ll try.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait to see. Email is at least something.”

  Relief relaxed her tense shoulders. Her mother had been somewhat mollified. “Mom, this is the right thing for me to do. I need to testify against him, or he’ll get away with murder. It doesn’t matter that he killed another bad guy, it was still murder. And we owe it to Kevin.” Damian deserved to be in prison, forever.

  “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier to take. I’m proud of you and I know that your father will be too.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Tears silently slid down her face. This would only be a temporary goodbye to her parents, but it didn’t make it any easier.

  “You had best email me often so I know you’re okay.”

  “I will try, Mom. Listen, let me go. I need to pack and prepare the house to be empty for a long period of time.”

  She did have plenty to do, but she just didn’t want her mother to hear her cry.

  “I understand. We love you, Megan. Email me as soon as you can. Listen to the FBI and stay safe. I want to see you again soon.”

  “I love you, Mom. Tell Dad I love him too.”

  She’d miss her mother’s voice. Although this was for a short-term, it felt like it would be for an eternity.

  She turned to find Trent watching her. Her lower lip trembled as her eyes overflowed with tears. She suddenly found herself in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest.

  He placed his chin on the top of her head. “Oh, doll.”

  She sniffled and pulled back, looking into a pair of blazing, ocean blue eyes.

  He placed his hand on her cheek. “I wish you’d come with me. We can protect you.”

  Megan blinked back the remaining tears attempting to trickle over.

  He leaned down and touched his lips to hers in a tender, gentle kiss.

  Nope. She didn’t feel the spark she’d felt with AJ.

  He broke the kiss and searched her eyes, his forehead pressed to hers. “It’s AJ, isn’t it?”

  That forced more tears. She snuggled close to him.

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “It’ll be all right. Even though you won’t stay with me, I’ll be looking over you.”

  She nodded and broke free of their embrace, wiping at the tears staining her cheeks.

  He cleared his throat. “Go pack. I’ll fix something to eat and then clean out the fridge for you.”

  She nodded, stunned by their intimacy. It’d been nice.

  Bob refused to be ignored any longer and meowed loudly. She’d failed to mention to the detectives he would be part of the deal. She’d hadn’t wanted them to say no. When they arrived, it’d be too late for her to find other accommodations so she’d be forced to take him.

  Since she’d be holed up, packing took less than ten minutes. She threw in jeans, sweatshirts, sweaters and one nice outfit for court. Finally, she tossed in the toiletries. They’d have a washing machine so she didn’t need to carry to much. One bag for later and a small bag for the few days at the hotel. After collecting her laptop, notes and Bob’s items, she placed everything just inside her bedroom door.

  She needed a good bubble bath, another good cry and to forget her kidnapper.

  * * * * *

  The bath relaxed Megan. She closed her eyes, sank deep in the water, inhaled the soft scent of pomegranate and allowed her mind to drift. The myriad of emotions she’d experienced throughout the day returned, almost suffocating her. She broke down with a good cry.

  A noise jerked her from a doze. She stiffened at the sound of shattering glass. Her eyes widened as bullets tore through the drywall. She screamed, covered her ears with her hands and ducked down further in the bathtub. Her heart thudded, attempting to break free of her chest. Her shaking created ripples in the water.

  This couldn’t be happening. Her article hadn’t been published yet. Only her co-workers and the police knew. People she trusted. How could Magic Shop know? A leak at the paper? Always possible. There were others who’d see the
article before it was printed. Then it hit her. Corrupt police officers. Detective Cooper would’ve had to share his plans for her with the police officers who’d be charged with keeping her safe. One of them must be on the take.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She should’ve gone to the FBI first. She should’ve listened to Janet and AJ. Or let Trent steal her away from it all.

  As suddenly as it started, it stopped. What was she to do now?


  Don’t let him be hurt because of her.

  She needed more help. She couldn’t call the police. They’d know she’d survived and would just finish the job. She had to contact Detective Cooper. She trusted him to protect her. If he’d been dirty, he would’ve had her taken out after her last series of articles. He’ll be mortified this happened and would remind her he hadn’t wanted her to go home, had told her it wouldn’t be safe.

  The police safe house was obviously no longer safe. She wondered if the FBI was involved yet. Could it have been an FBI agent who leaked the information about her? She rubbed her brow. Enough worrying about who it was, she had to move.

  “Trent!” she screamed again.

  She waited patiently. No answer.

  Her cell phone was on the basin, just out of her reach. She didn’t want to leave the safety of her bathtub.

  She didn’t know if they were reloading, leaving or coming in to make sure she was dead. She took several deep, calming breaths, trying not to get hysterical. She couldn’t let fear paralyze her.

  Megan scrambled from the bathtub, stepped in front of the sink and reached for her phone. As she picked it up, she caught movement in the mirror. Her heart lurched. She forced breath into constricted lungs, whirled around toward him and screamed.

  She grabbed anything close to her and threw it at her attacker. “Stay away from me, you…you murderer!”

  * * * * *

  AJ scanned the area before he unlocked the car he’d hidden this past week. He pulled onto the road. He’d spoken with Megan about allowing Trent to take her away. As much as it pained AJ to think of them together, she needed to be safe. He should take her to the H.I.S. safe house, but with his brothers out of country, there would be no one to guard her. She wouldn’t stay put if they left her alone. He’d probably run into her on the street trying to find the Magician.

  Hell, she’d already outsmarted Trent once.

  AJ parallel parked a few blocks from her house. He stepped out of the car and cautiously walked forward, reviewing what he would say to convince her to leave with Trent when he heard rapid gunfire. His mouth went dry. They knew.

  Oh fuck no! They would not kill her. He wouldn’t allow it to happen.

  He sprinted around the corner, pulling his Beretta from his side holster, all senses honed in on finding the shooter. Gotcha, bastard. He fired on the run, and the man crumpled to the ground. Rushing to him, AJ kicked the AK-47 away and recognized the man. Joe King. Another enforcer. Son of a bitch!

  Fear flooded his senses, and his pulse accelerated. Had the man killed her? He needed to know. She had to be safe.

  He reached down and checked the man’s pulse. Dead. He didn’t feel sorry for it. The man had tried to kill his little dove.

  Rage burned deep inside him. He had less time then he’d thought. He had to get her out of here, now if she was alive. He turned toward her house. Tension tightened the knot in his gut. The thought of her dead or wounded had him hustling across the street where he found two police officers and another man dead, weapons still holstered. Hell of a lot of good they did protecting her.

  With little effort, he opened the bullet riddled front door, conducting a room-to-room sweep.

  “Stop the fuck right there!”

  He froze, eyes scanning the room for the body that accompanied the voice. “Trent?”

  “AJ? Did you come to finish the job? I have no problem killing you if that’s the case.”

  Finish the job? That meant she was alive. He’d arrive in time. He just had to get them out of here. “No. I’m here to help you get her out of here.”


  “I promise.” A thought occurred to him and he added, “Spit in my palm and shake your hand promise.” They’d started that method of promising each other at five years old after watching it on a TV show but kept it throughout the years.

  He heard a chuckle. “In the kitchen.”

  AJ glanced at the bloody handprints on the wall and watched Trent lower himself to a sitting position with his back to the cabinets, his left leg bleeding profusely. AJ grabbed a towel off the counter and put it on his friend’s wound to staunch the bleeding.

  “Goddamn fuckers hit me with one of the first shots.” Trent applied pressure to the wound and grimaced. “Get upstairs and check on Megan. She’s in the bathroom.”

  “You going to be okay?”

  “Fuck worrying about me. Get her the hell out of here!”

  AJ didn’t need to be told twice.

  Racing up the staircase, he cautiously approached the bathroom. He opened the door and couldn’t believe his eyes. She stood with her back to him, nude.

  Warmth radiated through him pulsing with pleasure and relief.

  She caught sight of him in the mirror, turned and screamed.

  He really had to stop making her do that.

  He couldn’t help himself. His gaze swept up and down her body, his mouth curved into a smile.

  She stammered, calling him a murderer. Well, he deserved that.

  “Good to see you, my little dove. All of you. Get dressed. It’s time to go.”


  AJ ducked as a hot pink hair dryer flew past his head. “Megan, calm down. I’m here to save you.”

  Her eyes narrowed to menacing slits. “Save me, my ass. You’re one of the bad guys. You promised to come back if I told anyone.” She hefted a bottle of some hair care product he caught but not before it bounced off his chest.

  “Fuck!” His breath left him in a whoosh. Of all the places for her to hit him. If his eyes hadn’t been on her plump, pale, bare breasts, he’d have deflected it sooner.

  She continued to throw items at him. “What’ve you done with Trent?”

  With the counter bare, she looked down, released a squeak and reached for a towel but not before a blush crept up her face.

  Damn, AJ craved her.

  “Megan, I’m no longer one of the bad guys, remember? Think about it. I wouldn’t have been sent to kill you. I’m here to protect you.” A small pang in his heart developed at the sight of her bloodless face and red puffy eyes.

  “Trent’s okay but he’s injured. He wants me to get you out of here.”

  Her grip tightened on the towel. “I don’t believe you.”

  She shouldn’t. But if he’d been the shooter, she’d be dead instead of having this conversation. “Get dressed and let’s get downstairs and see him. But be fucking quick about it.”

  Damian said if warranted they’d make her death look like an accident. How the fuck did he think spraying her house with bullets look like an accident? It made AJ despise the man more.

  He decided not to sugar-coat it. “I killed your shooter. When he doesn’t return with a confirmation of your kill, they’ll send someone else to finish the job. They won’t stop until you’re dead. They won’t tolerate witnesses, Megan. I thought I’d made that clear.”

  He refused to let them kill her. That need to protect her kept leaping forward. Since Trent couldn’t take her, she’d leave with him. Not what he’d wanted or needed but if she refused, he’d tie her up and throw her over his shoulder. No was an unacceptable answer at this point.

  “You’re safest if you come with me. I won’t let anyone harm you. You have my promise on that.” No matter how hard he’d fought it, he had a desire to be with her, and not just for sex. He’d do what
ever it took to keep her safe even if it meant swallowing his pride and asking for help from his brothers. AJ was dammed if he would allow another innocent person to be callously murdered.

  “If I don’t go are you going to kidnap me again?”

  “Yes,” he said in a harsher voice than intended.

  She huffed out a breath. “Why would you take me? I’m nothing to you. I was just a quick lay.”

  He closed his eyes. It may have been a quick fuck at the time but she meant something or he wouldn’t be here instead of saving his own sorry ass. He’d do the same for any woman but protecting Megan was more important than his own life. He captured her gaze. “Megan, I won’t leave you to your death.”

  She made a sound of abject despair. “I want to talk to Trent first.”

  “Fair enough, but we have to hurry.”

  “Where will we go? What will we do? Can I keep in touch with my family? Will it be like protective custody where I’m cut off from everything?” she asked in a rush of breath.

  A chuckle painfully escaped him. “That’s a load of questions. We’re heading somewhere they won’t find us.” His immediate answer to all of her questions was “no,” but that would’ve halted their departure. He hoped she wouldn’t fight him on rules necessary to stay alive. Of course she would. This could get very interesting.

  “We can’t stand here playing twenty questions. Are you coming?”

  She took a deep breath, stayed quiet for a long minute and then nodded. “If Trent tells me to, I’ll go with you. Turn around so I may get dressed.”

  A smiled played on his lips. “What’s the difference? I’ve already seen your hot body, my little dove.”

  By the immediate reddening of her face and the narrowing of her eyes, he realized that he’d said the wrong thing. If she’d had anything left to throw, he imaged her target would be his groin.

  She pointed her finger toward the door, stomped her bare foot and yelled. “Get out!”


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