HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2) Page 33

by Sheila Kell

  Megan dropped her head and closed her eyes. Victoria had had a crush on her brother. Thinking of him saddened and angered Megan. The Magician would pay.

  After AJ arrested him and the marshals arrived, the ones he’d purposefully told the wrong time so he could handle it alone, she would walk out and face the man who took something precious from her and her family. She felt the gun in her pocket. No, she wouldn’t kill him, no matter how much she’d like to do so.

  She wished she’d had the phone number for that FBI director guy or Kate. Megan would have ensured someone was here. The more she thought about it, the more she worried. Great, heart palpitations to deal with on top of everything else.

  The first vehicle arrived, and her pulse raced. “I hope they don’t check behind these things.”

  Victoria waved her hand. “Your man said he’d keep us safe. He’s kept you alive so I trust him. Look here comes two more.”

  Knowing someone else trusted AJ warmed Megan’s heart. He’d die before he allowed someone to hurt her. The thought sent a shiver snaking down her spine. He would not die.

  They expected all of the bosses. AJ had best be right about only Damian carrying. Otherwise, she might shoot AJ herself.

  It was time this mystery was solved. The Magician had kept his identity secret for too long. Kristen had reminded her that as a journalist she had to remain open-minded. It was a long shot, but the Magician could be a ‘she’ and not a ‘he’.

  Of course they parked near AJ. He knew they would which was why he hid her back here. But he’d share the recording.

  Kevin, it will finally end today. I just wish it would bring you back.

  She peeked around the snow as the occupants exited their vehicles. She snapped photos. She’d seen a photo of everyone except Lawrence, and well, the big boss. She moved from person to person. She reached one face and gasped. It couldn’t be. That couldn’t be the Magician.

  * * * * *

  Anger and hatred rolled through AJ’s stomach. This son of a bitch had attempted to kill the woman he loved. There would be no mercy.

  He turned on the recorder Devon had provided. Sitting still long enough to collect incriminating evidence would be difficult. His hands itched to slap cuffs on the no longer illusive crime boss.

  Ah. An extra had arrived. He’d been right about him. Thank God he hadn’t trusted him with any information.

  “What the fuck is going on? Can’t you control your business?” the Magician yelled. “With the exception of Lawrence, you’re all lucky I haven’t put a bullet in you. Thank God, my money is safe.”

  Lawrence stood taller.

  AJ caught himself from laughing out loud. Right now Devon was draining all of the Magician’s accounts in the U.S. and abroad. Lawrence wouldn’t be standing tall much longer.

  A finger pointed at Damian. “You let two people slip through your fingers. They have been making our lives hell. Why are they still alive?”

  The chief enforcer shuffled his feet, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. “We’re doing everything that we can. Since you can’t get the information, we have to rely on the word on the street. Every time we’ve located where they were staying, they’d moved by the time we got there. We’re going to catch them though.”

  “You’d best because I can’t find out where they’re staying from Megan or my contacts. We can’t afford any more of their trouble. I want more people looking for them, people ready to pull the trigger.”

  The Magician turned to Carl. “And how the fuck did you lose a shipment, Jimmy and twenty dealers?”

  The man blustered. “We usually get a tip when the DEA is planning a raid. We didn’t get it this time. We never expected they’d hit the dealers so hard.”

  “We pay well, but there are times when you won’t get a heads up. You need to have a plan to keep my money and product where it belongs. If you think you can’t do it, then I can find someone else.”

  “No, I can handle it,” Carl said nervously. “I’m working on getting business back to normal.”

  “You’d best. You’re lucky you didn’t get picked up when Jimmy did. I’d bet they know your true identity by now.”

  Carl shrugged. “Maybe they’re not that smart.”

  The Magician shot him a scathing look. “They’re both smart. With an FBI agent and an investigative reporter out there, you’d best watch your back.”

  “I already am,” Carl responded.

  The Magician turned to Paul. “How the hell did you lose your entire team and an escapee? You’re supposed to be the best there is, you fucked up with Denzel and now this one. What the fuck happened?”

  AJ could almost feel the heat radiating off the crime boss.

  “I think they got to Tony. I thought he’d just skipped out on us. He kept talking about a girl back home. It didn’t occur to me that one of my own would be used against us.”

  Oh boy. This kept getting better. How the hell had these assholes been so successful? They were idiots.

  “You lost an employee and didn’t think to amend your plans? Didn’t think that your mission might be in jeopardy? Are you taking our product or something because going ahead was the most fucked up decision you’ve ever made? And they had to have collected the info on all of the escapees from you. With the exception of me, no one else has all of that data. We fucking lost our entire setup.”

  Paul hung his head, his fists at his side.

  The Magician looked at Erin. “I don’t even want to hear it from you. You never should have hired the Richards brothers as pimps.”

  Men shuffled and looked anywhere else except at their boss. “Here’s what we’re going to do. We will focus all of our energy in finding those two problem-makers, and then we’re getting back to business.”

  “Problem,” a voice whispered.

  * * * * *

  “Get up.” Megan turned with her finger to her lips for quiet and froze. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked into the barrel of a gun.

  “I said get up,” Victoria said.

  Fear sent a shiver surging through Megan, leaving her body shaking. She took a deep breath and attempted to speak over the pounding of her heart in her ears. She swallowed and forced out her words, “Victoria, what are you doing?”

  The journalist stood. “Get up and put your hands up. I know you have a gun in your pocket. Reach for it and you die.”

  Megan did as told. This couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t part of the plan. Did AJ have a backup plan? She should’ve pushed him to use his brothers. The marshals. Yes. When would they arrive? Would it be in time to save them?

  Victoria removed Megan’s gun, taking away her hope of fighting back. She could take the woman but not the rest of the men. How could she have been so wrong about someone she called her friend? What had changed Victoria? She’d work just as hard as Megan to get to this point. “Now move. The boss is waiting for you.”

  She walked on wobbly legs. They had told Victoria everything. That meant AJ’s plan had been exposed, which meant they knew he was here.

  “Honey, look what I have here.” Victoria smiled and walked to the group.

  Revulsion burned the back of Megan’s throat and curdled in her stomach.

  “Well, well. I knew if we put out the bait, you wouldn’t be able to pass up watching this meeting, thinking you could capture me. That’s why Victoria was on the story. To keep an eye on your brother and then you.”

  Oh God. They had been set up. They’d been lured here to die.

  The Magician smiled, and it sent a cold chill through her. “It’s good to see you, Megan. But someone is missing from the party. Where is your boyfriend? Where is AJ hiding?”

  Victoria pointed to where he hid.

  Megan looked around the group. Detective Cooper walked up to her, pointing his weapon, relieving Victoria. He was supposed
to be a good guy. Megan had trusted him.

  “We have your girlfriend. Come out, AJ, or we’ll shoot her. Do you want her death on your conscience?”

  Silence. She held her breath. What would he do?

  AJ slowly walked from behind the metal pile with his hands up, his Beretta hanging from his fingers, his gaze on her. Damian moved forward to retrieve the weapon. He searched AJ and removed his backup weapon and handed it to his boss.

  Despair gripped her as all hope fled. What chance did they have now?

  His gaze moved to the Magician. “You must be Marcus Bryant, Megan’s ex-fiancé.”

  “You don’t seem surprised.”

  AJ casually strolled to Megan’s side, turning to her, his gaze holding her captive with an expression she couldn’t read. He shifted. “My brothers and I unraveled it piece by piece until we had the final piece – you. You and this bunch you call leaders did little things wrong here and there. Nothing noticeably incriminating by itself but put them all together…” His voice trailed off.

  A hard, evil glare from her ex met the eyes of each man present.

  “It struck me as odd that you kept after Megan, when I heard you had a new fiancée. I didn’t know it was Victoria. Good job on keeping that secret.”

  AJ had known who it was and hadn’t told her? A spike of anger fought its way through her fear. How could he have not told her? They were a team. After everything, he still hadn’t trusted her.

  Too many competing emotions swirled through her. This bit of news took last place compared to what they currently dealt with. Staying alive took first, and AJ’s demeanor worried her. How could he be so calm in the face of death? Did he really think he could overpower these men by himself?

  Marcus pulled Victoria closer, leaned down and brushed a kiss to her lips. “We’re leaving after we dispose of you. We’ll be enjoying drinks on the beach in some remote island.”

  AJ lowered his hands. “Well, about that. We knew you lived beyond your means so we dug hard and found your money here and in offshore accounts.”

  Marcus turned and glared at Lawrence who hunched his shoulders and stuffed his hands in his jeans’ pockets.

  “Of course, we weren’t sure if you were just another layer or actually the Magician. But, you screwed up with the hospital.”

  “Oh yeah. How’s that?”

  “You sent Todd. He’s been under surveillance for months now. He called and gave you the specifics of my guards. Not only did he use his FBI phone, he called you on your personal cell.” AJ grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s hard to find good help these days.”

  “How’d you know he was mine?”

  “When I kept him in the dark, we had successful raids against you. Plus, he talks too much when he’s drunk.”

  Marcus’s expressive, dark eyebrows rose in query. “And Allan?”

  AJ shrugged. “I suspected him after Megan was shot at.” He grimaced. “The first time. You really should’ve taught them how to hide bribe money better. Allan and Todd gave us the stepping stones to your fortune.”

  “I’m impressed. You’re a top notch investigator. How you managed to infiltrate my organization without my knowledge was ingenious, but I won’t lose sleep over ridding myself of a federal agent.”

  He glared at Damian. “You’re still alive because someone fucked up. We will remedy that now.”

  Megan gasped. He freely admitted to having people killed. Who was this man? How could she have been fooled? She’d never questioned his extravagant spending on her. She’d noticed his two phones, but hadn’t thought anything of it at the time.

  “Why me?” Fear made her voice tremble.

  He leered at her. “You were a means to an end. I had to keep tabs on you and your brother before Victoria was assigned to help. He started nosing in my business long ago.” Marcus raked his gaze over her. “Pity. We had a good time.”

  Victoria’s narrowed eyes filled with hatred at Megan.

  She sniffed and wiped away a tear that silently slid down her cheek. She’d failed Kevin. She’d failed her family. Her mother would have to deal with both of her children disappearing not knowing if hope existed.

  A part of her had believed she’d survive this investigation. Especially after she’d paired with AJ. They hadn’t done anything stupid except for trusting Victoria. Okay, maybe they’d done a few other things they shouldn’t have, mostly what she shouldn’t have. But, in the end, she knew she’d have justice for her family. She’d end this crime boss’s reign.

  “Why? Why did you do this?” Megan asked.

  “Why not? I plan to retire soon and in style. I certainly can’t do it off the shitty pension the bank pays. I needed money and lots of it. Drugs were a no brainer to start with. You’d be surprised what you can get past DEA.” Marcus shook his head with a look letting them know he held a secret.

  “It was making me money but not fast enough. I decided I needed to expand my business, and I needed more of a challenge. Who better to lead my business in other states than other drug kingpins?” He laughed. “It was exciting breaking them out of prison and watching everyone scramble to find them. You can’t believe the rush I felt when we succeeded in keeping them hidden.”

  “Since you’re planning to kill us anyway, why not tell us everything. Let Megan and I at least die knowing the truth.” AJ requested.

  Her stomach plummeted to the ground. Had he resolved that they’d be murdered? No way would she accept that. She had to find a way to save them. Fighting Victoria from the beginning and bringing her in as a hostage would have been an excellent start. Hindsight. Think.

  “Oh, you mean that I am the Magician,” Marcus pointed a finger at his chest, “and I am a drug lord and, oh yeah, I break criminals out of prison for money. Something like that, AJ?”

  “Yeah, something like that. How did you decide who to break out of prison?”

  “I guess it doesn’t matter if I tell you. It’s not like on the movies where the police are coming in to save the day. There is no cavalry. I made sure of that,” Marcus said looking around. “Your desire to bring me down alone has been your downfall, yours and hers.” He gestured to Megan. “We’ll be gone before your precious marshals arrive.”

  She witnessed AJ’s jaw tighten. Someone else had betrayed him.

  “How were clients selected?”

  He had to be buying time in hopes the agents arrived early. But whose side would they be on? The last marshals had no qualms taking down his men. However, Marcus knew the plan today.

  “I chose our clients personally. Ones who could pay and would add to my empire. My services are costly.”

  Megan clenched her fists at his cockiness. Hopefully AJ still recorded this so someone would have it after they found them. No. Damian would take their bodies away. No one would find them. Bile rose to her throat, and she forced it down.

  “How did you contact them?”

  “Oh, AJ. It’s so easy to blackmail or bribe someone to bring messages in and out of prison. We just had to find the right person, and then we had a line to our client. I assume you know the rest.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I figured it out. It’s remarkable how you pulled it all together. You’ve used some ingenious ways to break them out of prison. At least you accomplished it with as few people injured as possible.”

  “Why, AJ, it almost sounds like you admire me.” Marcus’s face hosted a boasting grin.

  AJ’s face remained impassive. The same as when he’d looked at her that first time. His earlier words returned to her about how he expected to die finishing this. But he’d sworn to protect her.

  “Admire you, no. Despise you, yes.”

  Her ex chuckled. “AJ, AJ. You do make me laugh. You’re about to die and instead of begging for your life, you insult me.”

  Keep him talking, AJ. Interrogating Marcus answer
ed questions her reporter curiosity had held. It wasn’t the time, but if he kept talking, they’d stay alive long enough to figure out a plan.

  “What about the hits? Did you order all of them?”

  “Of course, the hits came from me. That reminds me, what happened to those you killed? I’m sure you didn’t actually murder them, so where are they?”

  Marcus’s face pinched as the light came on.

  AJ nodded and smiled. “They’re all in Wit Sec and have turned on the organization. People don’t take too kindly to someone wanting them dead. We have a host of witnesses awaiting your trial.”

  Marcus threw his head back and belted out a laugh. “What trial? These are the only people who know my identity, and they’d never turn on me because they’d incriminate themselves. And you and your girlfriend won’t be alive to tell the police nor lead them to my men. My inside men will drive the feds in circles while they continue to look for the Magician, especially knowing he was responsible for your disappearance.”

  Marcus turned to Megan. “And, you won’t get to print another front page story about me, no more exclusives, baby. You’re a talented writer, but I’m tired of all the negative publicity.” He looked her over. “It’s a shame you wouldn’t listen. You’re just like your brother.”

  She dropped her arms and fisted her hands at her sides. Something snapped in her. Rage overtook her senses. “You ass! You had Kevin killed and act like it’s nothing. I’m glad I dumped you.”

  His hostile glare told her she’d stepped over the line. Marcus turned to Detective Cooper. “Do it.”

  Allan pointed his weapon at Damian’s head and fired. Her ape man dropped in a loud thud.

  A scream worked its way to her throat, but no sound passed her frozen mouth. They had murdered Damian in front of her. She and AJ were next. She looked at the love of her life. As if feeling her gaze, he turned. She could’ve sworn love was the emotion flaring in his eyes.

  “I want her.” Victoria’s voice carried a murderous lilt.

  “By all means, baby.” Marcus gestured her forward.


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