Runaway Bride

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Runaway Bride Page 8

by Hestand, Rita

  "This hot little mama is playing for keeps. Now honey, don't scratch. We might have to take you up on your generous offer. 'Course I wouldn't mind takin' you on, anytime." Leroy's hot breath filled the air around the room.

  Smoke and beer seemed to reek. Savannah felt her knees quiver. She was in much too deep and how to get out wasn't spelled out on the wall. Innocent flirting, wasn't that what she was doing? But it had been her only intention. She'd seen her friends do it a million times. So why was she in so deep? What had she done wrong?

  But if she thought this was trouble, she had no idea.

  Leroy had just put his hand on her tight clad jeans when he was suddenly shoved away and again, she felt the shaft of cold hard handcuffs going around her wrist.

  "Aw now Sheriff, ain't no reason for that. The little lady was just playin' us a game of eight ball."

  "Game's over," came the steel edge of Ben's voice.

  Leroy's hands fisted and he bit his lip to keep from objecting to the action. Savannah almost wished he would make the Sheriff back off. Almost. Trouble was, she was downright relieved that he butted into the game.

  The Sheriff pulled her around so that she was staring into the hottest, maddest, brown eyes she'd ever seen.

  "I think you'll have to pass on that offer, Leroy."

  "What are you doing?" She finally found her voice. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or worried. Actually she was both!

  There was no time to decide on a defense, for he was pulling her out of the saloon, and into the bright sunshine.

  "Will you take these off me now, Sheriff?" She insisted indignantly.

  "No ma'am." He responded and kept pulling her through the street toward his office.

  She was embarrassed and angry. He was as much a bully as Leroy.

  Twice he had put those cold steel cuffs on her and she was beginning to tire of his he-man tactics.

  "Am I under arrest?" she tried to stop him in the middle of the street?

  "I'm not sure yet," he muttered, and pulled her to the curb. Then thrust open the door to his office and pushed her inside none too gently.

  Without another word, he opened a cell and thrust her into it. Then he went to his desk, sat down, took his hat off and acted as though he was suddenly absorbed in the papers on his desk.

  "I demand to speak to my lawyer," she yelled.

  He didn't respond.

  "I demand to know what I'm being held for," she continued.


  "I didn't do anything," she wailed, helplessly.

  Still he didn't act as though he even heard.

  She slumped down on the small bunk bed and cried. He didn't so much as look at her. And a few minutes later, when a young man came through the door in a rush, he glanced at her in the cell and then at the Sheriff.

  "Leroy just decked Many."

  "Damn fool," the Sheriff muttered, grabbing his hat and shoving it on his head.

  Savannah grabbed the bars and demanded to be set free, but there was no one to listen. And the room became ultra-quiet.

  She sat there for the better part of the afternoon, alone, frightened and wondering what would happen to her next. She pictured herself in prison, for a crime she never committed, and trying to explain to a judge it was all over a stupid game of pool. Innocent flirting.

  The Sheriff returned late that day, the sun was setting low, and only shadows kept her company.

  Being in jail was a new experience, one she already knew she didn't want to repeat.

  "Sheriff, could I use the restroom?"

  No answer, only large tensed shoulders that refused to give her attention.

  "I'm sorry," she muttered. "I wish I'd never come here. Never got off that damn bus."

  Now he turned to look at her.

  "That makes two of us," he said. He came closer, unlocked the door, and pointed to the restroom at the back.

  She scuttled into it, closing out the rest of the world. Glancing in the mirror she saw the disheveled young woman that she'd become. Her make-up was smeared, her face was a mess from crying, and her hair was nothing but straggles.

  She stuck her tongue out at herself. "I'll bet I'm the only woman ever arrested for flirting."

  After washing her face and hands, and using the restroom, she opened the door.

  When she came out, she barely lifted her feet. She didn't lift her head.

  He held the cell door open for her.

  She walked inside slowly, turning about to say something until she saw his face, a mask of anger.

  He closed it behind her.

  She bit her lip and flopped down on the cot, just as a young girl came flying into the office.

  "Ben, oh Ben, you're home. Oh...I've missed you. So has Mama. Are you coming over tonight?"

  Ben smiled and pulled the arms from around his neck. "I'm not sure Jessica. I've got a prisoner and I'm busy. And I'll bet you have school work to attend to."

  "But, you haven't been over since you came home. Why not?"

  "Honey, I told you, I'm really busy right now." Ben's voice was patient, but firm.

  Jessica spotted Savannah, and twisted to look at her. "With her?"

  "Yes with her! Now run along home and do your homework. I'll visit when I can."

  The girl eyed Savannah again, then slowly backed to the door. She left without another word.

  "Well, well," Savannah said sarcastically. "Looks like the big Sheriff does have a lady."

  "She's not my lady," he corrected without looking at her.

  "Sounded like it." Savannah smirked. Inside she was in turmoil. The fact that some woman did have the Sheriff wrapped around her finger, made Savannah feel funny. Why should she care?

  Someone else came in, "I can't believe it," Mrs. Johnson was saying.

  Good Lord, the whole town must know, Savannah thought to herself, unable to meet the woman's glance.

  "Well believe it," the Sheriff said quietly, not looking up from his task.

  "But, what did she do?"

  "Let's just say she caused a disturbance, and let it go at that," he answered.

  "The poor dear. I brought her some leftover chicken."

  "Take it to her," he directed.

  Mrs. Johnson came up to the cell door. "I'm so sorry dear. I'll bet you are starved. I've brought you some chicken, hon. And if you need anything else, you just let me know."

  Savannah finally looked at the woman, seeing no censure in her eyes. She tried to smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Johnson."

  "I'll see you get some clean sheets, too dear." And with that she shook her head.

  She spoke softly to the Sheriff and then with a smile and a wink, she left, leaving Savannah feeling lower than a skunk. She felt ashamed and didn't even know why. She wanted to crawl under some rock and disappear. But what had she done? What was her crime? Disturbance?

  How had she gotten herself into such a mess, all because she ran from a wedding!

  She spent another hour berating herself for pulling such a stunt and then wondering to what extent it had become such an unlawful thing to flirt with a man.

  When he was about to lock up and leave for the day, she had to ask him.

  ["Why am I being held?" she asked in a small voice.

  He came to stand in front of her, looking directly at her, into her eyes, into her soul.

  "Junction was a real nice little town till you came here. I haven't used handcuffs in over a year. But you come to town and all hell breaks loose. Leroy nearly broke the bartender’s jaw. Want to know why?"

  "Yes." Savannah's mouth popped open.

  "Because Many said it wasn't your fault. Said I should have arrested Leroy instead."

  "And you blame me for that?"

  "Among other things, yes. I have put you into protective custody for now.”

  She opened her mouth to protest and he pointed his finger at her, “Don’t press it Savannah, You are still in possession of your parents car, and they weren’t sure if they wanted to pr
ess charges or not, so don’t tempt me. You came to town with no id, and dressed well…dressed in that get up. I could throw the book at you if I wanted to. Now, your bail is $150, or a night in jail, take your pick.”

  “You’d do this just because I flirted with a couple of…”

  “Not for flirting, no. Those men were not playing for money, would you rather I put down a different charge?”

  “But I didn’t intend….”

  “Maybe you didn’t, but they did. Now which is it going to be, a night in jail or $150?”

  “But why are you taking it out on me?”

  “Because you started it.” He stared at her with such a frown. Where could she go, he certainly hadn’t offered her a room in his home again? She only had a little over two hundred dollars altogether. She had no choice. He intended to keep her in jail overnight.

  “I guess I’ll stay then…”

  As though he were trying to reason it all out in his own head, he shook his head and glanced at her again, “You are a walking piece of trouble. How I could ever thought you so sweet, is beyond me."

  Tears streamed down her face, yet his words gave her a ray of hope. She had finally gotten rid of her "sweet image". One accomplishment, only what had it cost her? "I'm sorry. But I really didn't do anything wrong."

  "You obviously don't have to," his eyes narrowed on her. "Sleep on it. I'll see you in the morning."

  * * *

  The next morning Ben walked into the office an hour early. He hadn't slept a wink and by the looks of her, Savannah hadn't either. Something deep within him wanted to comfort her, but he kept telling himself just how much trouble she was and that he had been right from the start about her. The sooner she got out of town the better!

  He'd been a fool once before over a woman, he wouldn't be repeating that experience.

  Instead he greeted her with a smile and a "Good morning."

  He wasn't feeling good about this whole mess. What was wrong with him, locking her up like some common criminal? But at least he knew exactly what he had to do now.

  He went about his business till Henry popped in for his daily dose of gossip and men talk. Of all days, this wasn't the day to gossip.

  "Still got her here, do ya?" Henry glanced over Ben's shoulder at her.

  "Yes, Henry, I do." Ben eyed Henry.

  "Gonna let her go, today?" He asked, scratching his chin.


  He saw her move toward the door eagerly, "Later."

  "Probably best. We don't need her kind here, do we, Sheriff?" Henry winked at her.

  "You can say that again!"

  "Gotta admit though, she brought some excitement to town." Henry scratched his chin and smiled.

  "Yeah, I guess."

  "Well, I'll be going home now. Ma'am." Henry tipped his hat to her.

  Savannah nodded.

  Ben tried to look busy when Henry left.

  She sighed. "Are you going to keep me or let me go? You can’t keep me over 24 hours without charging me with something."

  Now he approached her cell, with the keys in his hand. He turned the key and opened the door, but he stood in her way of freedom.

  Savannah stared into his cold brown eyes, wishing there was something she could do to make him smile again, to make herself smile again.

  "You want to tell me what you were trying to pull over there?"

  His voice sounded cold and unresponsive.

  She shook her head.

  He nodded.

  "Your “parents” car's out front. Get in it, and go home, understand?" He said hotly.

  "Yes," she managed in a weak voice.

  "Your personal things are on my desk. Pick them up and get."

  "Thanks, Sheriff."

  And then she was gone, and the whole room went cold and silent and Ben Hogg didn't know what had hit him.


  The dude ranch was only twenty miles out of Junction. A welcome sight to Savannah. She'd had all of one little town she cared to. All of a certain Sheriff she cared to. And yet, the further away she went, the more miserable she became. She'd experience a slice of life back there.

  Renting a car, she left instructions to have the BMW returned to the Sheriff.

  She knew her parents would be livid, and probably already had a private detective following her. They probably already knew she'd been arrested.

  Later that same morning, she registered at the front desk of a quaint style ranch house, and they gave her a room at the top of the stairs. She told them she was expecting a friend to join her.

  Aunt Lucy was in Europe and wouldn't be back for another week according to her house-sitter. Trust Aunt Lucy to be enjoying herself. She couldn't remember much about Aunt Lucy, except that she had been kind to her as a child. Wasn't sure of the kind of reception she would get from her, either. Still, they were kin.

  Activities didn't begin till the evening hours when they would have their first camp-out. Savannah couldn't wait. She had practically been guaranteed some great shots of the West Texas wildlife tomorrow

  Two hours later, Janet, her best friend arrived and showered her with hugs so intense it boggled Savannah's thinking. Over coffee, she explained her plight to her friend. Janet burst out laughing.

  "Now this isn't like you at all. Me thinks something is amiss here. Come clean, just what gives with you and the Sheriff, deary?"

  "Why nothing..."

  "I know you better than this; you just don't act this way. Running out on Chad the way you did. You had to have had a reason. You're much too sensible. So what gives, girl? I'm your best friend, if you can't tell me, who can you tell?"

  Savannah sighed, knowing she was about to make up another lie and hating herself for it. But she couldn't blurt out that Chad was gay, not yet at least.

  "I met Ben, the Sheriff some time ago, remember three summers ago when I took a sabbatical?"

  "Yeah, I met him then?" Janet rolled her eyes heavenward, and then broke into a sly smile.

  "Yes, at a gas station, I had car trouble and he offered to help me."

  "Go on," Janet seemed all ears for her story.

  Savannah drew a deep breath and plunged herself further into the void of lies. What was happening to her? She was so out of characters she didn't recognize herself.

  "We had a summer romance. He'd kissed me, and for the life of me, I couldn't get over him. I tried. Honestly, I tried. So I came out here, hoping."

  "Wait a minute, he kissed you one time, and you drop a perfectly good guy like Chad for a fling you had one summer? Am I missing something here? Get out of here Savannah. One kiss?"

  "I know it sounds crazy, but I'd never been kissed like that before."

  "Like what?"

  "I don't I saw stars, and hearts and happily ever afters."

  "Oh my," Janet shook her head. "You've got it bad, don't you? But honestly, Savannah, no one would believe it of you back home. You're so...."

  "Please don't say sweet."

  "So what happened when you got here?" Janet changed the direction of her questions.


  Janet was having none of that.


  "Well, I went to his house, I spent the night...he kissed me again, and the same thing happened..."

  "You spent the night....?"

  "No...not like that. I had car trouble; he was merely helping me out."

  She neglected the handcuff story that might ruin it all.

  "You had car trouble again? And he didn’t catch on to that little trick? So he kissed you again, and you saw stars. So then what?"


  "What do you mean nothing?” It was obvious Janet was braced for a real story.

  "Oh, you'll think I've lost my mind entirely if I tell you," she cried.

  "Try me, what happened?"

  "He arrested me...."

  "For what?" Janet nearly shouted, as heads turned in their direction.

nnah pulled Janet up the stairs, "His attitude toward marriage enraged me, so I flirted with some guys in a pool hall. I mean...I really flirted. I flaunted myself. For the first time in my life...I played. Only…I wasn't very good at it."

  "You did what? Why....Savannah, this doesn't sound like you at all. I just don't understand."

  "I guess I was trying to get his attention. I did..."

  "Well despite what you told me about him not wanting marriage, it sounds like he was a little interested himself." Janet said watching her every move. "So come on tell me. What happened between you and the Sheriff?"


  Her friend smiled, and pushed her long golden hair from her blue eyes.

  "Nothing...I told you. He's a red-necked male chauvinist. He just didn't want me stirring up trouble in his little town."

  "He didn't arrest you, sweetie," Janet corrected her.

  "What do you mean? He put handcuffs on me. I spent the night in jail."

  "Under protective custody, more than likely." Her friend chimed.

  “No he put me in jail.”

  “Did he fingerprint you? Did he charge you bail money?”

  “Well, yes, he said I owed $150 for disturbing the peace.”

  “So why didn’t you pay it and leave?”

  “I only had two-hundred dollars on me. I was afraid to spend it all on something like that. He didn’t really have a case against me, so I figured he’d have to let me go the next day. They can’t hold you over twenty-four hours without charging you with something. Jared told me that once.”

  "And you purposely came to this little town in nowhere for what? Now...I'm beginning to see. You left Chad for the Sheriff, didn't you? Why, you little minx."

  Savannah sighed, not digesting the lie very well, she swallowed hard and continued.

  "Yes, but Sheriff Ben Hogg is not interested in me. Or marriage." she cried, sure she had put a stop to Janet's wayward curiosity. But she stopped short of making her see the light. After all, if Janet and her family thought the Sheriff was interested, maybe they would soon forget about Chad. And what could it hurt, the Sheriff would never know. She was sure she'd never see Ben Hogg again, even though a tiny voice in her head said she wanted to.


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