Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 42

by Lauren Wood

  But he knew it wasn’t being asked of him to do this, but he was being told. The only way to get out of this would be to leave the area, flee right now and in secret. He would be left all alone, much like he had been for so many years of his life.

  For so many years of his life he had been alone. He couldn’t even recall how long right off hand. But it had seemed like forever to his young eyes. Colin wasn’t even sure how he stayed alive all those years, “aye, it was pure luck I tell you.” He whispered to himself as he thought back.

  He had been a frail boy when the king had found him in that alley one day. Colin wasn’t sure how he had been so lucky to be in the right place and at the right time that day. But he had been and that day in time had changed his whole world in one moment.

  Colin had watched from behind stone in the forest. He had seen the two men from afar, could tell they were up to no good. So he had quietly snuck in behind them, they hadn’t noticed him at all.

  He could hear a horse approaching from the distance. The men lowered down and seemed ready to attack something, or someone. Two thoughts had passed through his mind at that moment. One was that he should really help the person they were trying to rob. The other was to help them and then somehow kill them later and get all the loot.

  Colin would admit to a few people that the only reason he hadn’t chosen the second choice, was because he couldn’t kill them one on one. But if he snuck up on them at the perfect moment, he could take one of them out. That would leave the person coming alone with only one attacker to fend off. It was a much better average that Colin would live through this event. But the person who would be the victim might not live through the attack. That would leave Colin with possible one person left to take out, the other attacker. He could hope that this person would have been injured as well, and perhaps badly. Colin could walk away with the valuable of three people, and a horse.

  So he had decided on the option of timing. He quietly watched the two and listened as the horse came closer. As the men jumped out, Colin seized that moment to throw the rock he had picked up. His aim was perfect and he got the attention of the attacker.

  Though his friend or partner had turned around at his noise, he continued on with their plan. The other attacker’s attention was firmly drawn to the rider of the horse and not on Colin. He smiled as the plan had worked perfectly.

  “Thank you fine lad, I think I might have been dead had you not come along.” Colin had heard said behind him.

  Turning around he had looked at the king for the first time. He had been a very large man, Colin couldn’t have expected that, but he knew he would have to plan this just right.

  “I had been watching them for a bit out here. Sometimes they fall asleep at night and leave some food by their fire.” Colin admitted.

  “Where is your family? I think we should get you back to them.” The king had said at that time.

  “I’m an orphan sire.” Colin had told the king.

  “Then I’ll take you back with me. You can live with us, and I’ll take care of you. No child should be out here by themselves. How old are you son, do you know?” The king had asked.

  “No sire, honestly I’ve been on my own for a while. I think I was 5 when my parents left me on the streets.” Colin explained. He wasn’t really sure if they had left him, or simply died when they were robbing someone. He couldn’t remember much at all about his parents.

  Now all these years later he felt like the king’s son. He would gladly lay his life down for the king, no hesitation now. Sometimes he would feel guilty for having considered robbing the king all those years ago. But he knew it was just the type of boy he had grown up to be, not who he was when he was loved.

  Colin had really felt like part of the family for so long now. He felt it an honor that his king would ask of him something so important. It must be an important ally to have.

  He thought again of the various McCloud females he knew. No matter how hard he tried, only one of them stood out in his mind. She had been a fiery little thing, treating men like they were nothing. He tried to remember more about her. But the other thing that was bugging him about this marriage was that he had wanted someone special in his life.

  Colin had seen how the royal couple looked at each other. He saw the admiration between them. He really wanted to have that special closeness they seemed to share. How was he going to have that with a girl he didn’t know?

  But his loyalty wouldn’t allow him to do anything but stay. He had thought of it many times between the day he found out and Saturday. However, here he was getting ready to marry Sarah McCloud. He wasn’t even sure if he had even seen her before.

  Colin hoped she was at least attractive. It would really be a pain to be stuck with someone he didn’t like, not even physically. He had been with women in the past, so he knew he liked sex. But he also knew that this girl had an advantage over him. That was that she was the real daughter of her father. Even though for the past 12 years he had lived like family, Colin knew that he was still an orphan in all honesty.

  No matter how much the king had treated him like his own son through these years; the king would still not support him. Not if Sarah would go up to him and tell the king Colin hadn’t been keeping me happy. Not the type of conversation he would want to happen.

  So he couldn’t upset this girl, or she would in essence, tell on him to her father. Her father will get mad and tell the king, and that would be it. Colin would learn just how little he meant to the king at that point. He had felt love for so long; he didn’t want to see the disappointment in the king’s eyes. But more than that was he wouldn’t want to hear the words of the king. He could almost imagine it in the king’s voice. “You let me down Colin.” He heard in his mind.

  “Hey are you about ready?” Colin heard the king’s voice behind him.

  “Yes sire I’m ready.” Colin turned and went to get married.

  He wouldn’t admit that he was completely petrified at that moment, but he was close to it. Colin wanted to run more than anything at this moment. But he kept walking and went to see his wife for the first time.

  Colin walked in and looked at Sarah McCloud. She was at least pretty. But she was short. He had never seen her before that he could recall. He looked at her, and she seemed just as nervous as he was, he could almost sense her thinking the same thoughts as him. “Well it’s too late now, you have to do this.” He could hear the sigh in his mind as he thought.

  As the preacher spoke he studied Sarah. She had long light brown hair, her eyes were a nice hazel, and she was quite a bit shorter than him.

  The ceremony was short, Colin said all the right things at the right times. But he felt a moment of despair hit him. Though she was pretty he really didn’t want a loveless marriage. But he didn’t even know her yet,

  “Here’s to the happy couple.” Her father made a toast at the table.

  Colin lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip of the wine. He looked at Sarah again; they hadn’t really said anything to each other yet. He really found it strange that she hadn’t even asked him much.

  “I’m sorry that you didn’t get to marry the king’s son.” Colin whispered. He knew that every girl in the kingdom wanted to marry the king’s son.

  He saw her laugh a little. “I’m one of the few girl’s you’ll ever meet that will tell you this, but I wouldn’t have married him if I had the chance.” She said and made a face.

  Colin couldn’t help but laugh out loud. The table turned towards the couple and made a collective sigh. “Well it’s great to see you two getting along so well!” The king beamed at him, pride showing across his face.

  At that moment Colin was happy he had married the girl. Not just because of the pride he witnessed from the king, but from her as well. Her comment had caught him so off guard he had no idea what to say.

  After a few moments of hearty laughter, Colin turned to Sarah and smiled. “Well you aren’t exactly what I expected.” He didn’t know how el
se to put his thoughts. He continued to shake his with no more words coming to his mind. Colin knew he had to look like an idiot right now, but he couldn’t help it. Her words had really tickled him.

  He had to wonder what more he would learn about his new bride next. Colin had to honestly admit that he was looking forward to it. He began to look at it as a game, one where he had to find the next nugget of Sarah. To learn more about her mind, and her body, he thought as he looked at her lustfully.

  Colin watched the red spread across her face at his look. She looked away quickly a gasp of shock coming from her mouth quickly.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to, whatever I did, I’m sorry.” He stuttered out.

  Sarah looked at him. “No it wasn’t you, I just had a, well I don’t know how to explain it. Plus I don’t think this is the place to talk like this.” She whispered in his ear.

  Colin sat up straight as the feel of her lips close to his neck made his mind go straight to another world. One where he pictured what her bare skin looked like under her clothes. He knew this wasn’t something he could keep up long.

  Thankfully, she broke eye contact again and they both were smart enough to try and avoid looking at each other. Colin hoped this celebration would be short. He really wanted to see what was under his new wives clothes, and soon.

  Chapter 2

  Sarah McCloud looked at her father, listening to his words. She really hoped that she was only imagining them.

  “Now you will marry him, he’s the king’s son.” Her father’s voice was saying.

  She couldn’t be any madder right now, but she knew that she didn’t have a say in this. It was her life, not his; she wanted to yell out at him. Instead she just shook her head agreeing with every word out of his mouth. She had been raised to always obey her father. Once she was married they had told her to always listen to her husband too.

  Sarah didn’t know if that would happen or not, it would be her only revenge on her father. He knew that she wanted to marry anyone but the king’s son, any king’s son for that fact. She hated this status thing that her father always seemed to have.

  Why couldn’t he just be happy with their regular life? She wanted to just live in nature and enjoy things. Sarah didn’t want to have to always be perfect, to have all these girl’s look at you with a smile to your face. But when you turned your back, they would have hatred in their eyes. She had watched it in the women around her for years now.

  When she had turned 18 her father had told her that she was now marrying age. He felt that she shouldn’t marry too young though. So when he had been approached by a few other father’s, he had always refused to allow them to marry.

  Not that Sarah had known any of them anyway. It had always been a decision that was kept between the fathers’s. Honestly, she didn’t even know if the boy’s had a say in the process or not.

  As the night had gone on, Sarah had begun to despair the whole event. She had cried herself to sleep that night, wishing that she could just disappear before morning. But there was no way out of this event. How would she be able to survive in nature? She had never been allowed to do much as a kid. While other kids had been out exploring, her father had kept her locked away inside.

  Sarah had to hold up appearances. When in reality they didn’t really have that much money, they did like to make it seem like it though. Since her mother didn’t want to spend a ton of money on a lot of dresses for Sarah, they had kept her inside.

  In all reality she had grown up with about 3 different dresses in her wardrobe at any one time. She had honestly been shocked when her parents had brought home the new wedding gown for her to wear.

  Then she thought about it more. “It was probably paid for by him.” It was a bitter thought. Though she didn’t know if the king’s son had a choice or not, she was mad that it was her forced into it.

  As she was being taken to the wedding her nerves had done the best to frazzle her thoughts. She couldn’t remember the ceremony at all, and was shocked when the man sitting beside her had spoken.

  But when he had said he was sorry she couldn’t marry the king’s son, she had been thrilled. Her father thought he was the son of the king, but now she knew the truth! She had let him know just how she had felt about the thought of marrying any king’s son.

  Then she had saw a look cross his face, one of respect maybe, and something else. But what she really noticed at that point was what he really looked like. Since before that moment, she had wanted to make Colin’s life a living hell, since he was the king’s son.

  She noticed he had darker blonde hair, and some nice blue eyes. He was taller than her, and well, he was very nice looking. Sarah felt the first glimmer of pleasure surge through her body at noticing how much she liked how her new husband looked.

  He had apologized for something he thought he said.

  “No it’s just me really. I just thought, well.” She said again. She felt the heat of her embarrassment warm up her body. As her mind quickly flashed another imagine of what it thought he might look like without any clothes on.

  Sarah had to admit it was something that made her feel warm as well. She squirmed a bit unsure of what to do. She had never felt this way around another man. She wasn’t young, but her father had kept her away from all boys up until now. She felt so inexperienced in anything right now.

  “I’m sorry, but my father didn’t let me go out much.” Sarah said to him, whispering in his ear once more.

  Her lips were so close to his neck, she wanted to just lay her head right there on his shoulder. To keep her head close to his skin. He was such a big man compared to her; she would easily fit into his arms perfectly.

  She pulled her head away slowly. He looked over at her.

  “We can go out if you want, but first I would rather spend some alone time with you.” Colin said to her not mincing his words.

  Her body thrummed with an anticipation, she had no clue about. Sarah had never had sex in her 23 years of life. She had never had a chance, but still her body seemed to know exactly what to expect.

  She looked down at the floor, not sure what to say. “By the way don’t tell my dad you aren’t the king’s son, he thinks you are.” Sarah finally whispered to him.

  It had the perfect effect on him, taking that look out of his eyes. The one that made her think these bad thoughts. Instead he now had one of shock and surprise. So he had no clue about how he was being sold to her father as that was interesting to know. She thought and smiled.

  Sarah liked knowing something her father didn’t know. “In fact can we please never tell him?” She asked looking at Colin with a serious look.

  He nodded his head in agreement, unsure of why it was so important to her. “Sure if you want it that way.”

  “I’ll tell you later, when we aren’t around all these people.” She said.

  Colin shook his head once more.

  She looked at him again; he seemed like a man she could love. He seemed like he was different. She wasn’t sure why the king had called him his son, but she wanted to know more about him. Sarah wanted to ask so many questions of him, but it had to wait.

  But she also knew that when they were all alone, there would be much more she would want to feel. Sarah knew about sex, sure, but she had no clue what it was like. Her nerves were taunt as she thought about this part of their alone time.

  Then she pictured him naked again, and what she could image would be the loveliest thing in the world. It had to be for her father to keep her behind closed doors for so long, and use her as a pawn to move up in their society.

  It wasn’t only her father she knew that, her mother had been the same way. While Sarah barely had any nice clothes, her mother’s closet had been stuffed full. But Sarah wasn’t allowed to touch those clothes. She had even gotten yelled at once when her mother had found her in the closet.

  “Sarah get your hands off of my dresses now.” Her mother had screamed at her.

  Sarah had been in the room
, admiring the pretty colors and fabrics that were so soft. She had never felt anything this soft on her skin. Oh how she wished she could have just one like this.

  “Mother they are so pretty, can’t I please have one?” Sarah had asked her.

  “That’s my favorite dress.” Her mother had stated.

  “Well, which one is? You have so many can’t you spare one other?” Sarah had pleaded.

  “No, they are mine, all of them. Be happy with your own.” Her mother had said.

  “But these are so soft.” Sarah has said, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.

  Her mother had smacked her hands off of the dresses. “Don’t ever touch them again.”

  She had listened, but only some. There were times she would still sneak into her mother’s room and touch the dresses. She had only become more careful about it. A few times one of the maid’s had caught her in the room. They had felt sorry for her and allowed her a little time to enjoy the soft materials.

  But they would all have to send her away sooner than later. They couldn’t get caught allowing this to happen, if they did, they would be fired. She would stop this habit of hers eventually though. She had realized that she would never have one, so why even dream about it. Then she began to see the dresses as a sign of a status that she was beginning to hate more and more.

  It was one of the main reasons she had been so mad when her father had ordered her to marry who he thought was the king’s son. Sarah was happy that he wasn’t the king’s son; it had been the best news in her life.

  Her life suddenly seemed that it had improved. Not only would she not have to be locked up with her parents. But she would no longer have to hear them talking at night. It had been disgusting to her by the time she was 16 to hear them. Sarah would often been caught not listening at the times they would question her on things.

  “Why are you asking the girl these questions?” Her father had asked her mother one night.

  “Because I want her to be ready to marry soon, I want her out of here.” Her mother had said to him.


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