Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 49

by Lauren Wood

  The first on rush was very thick, but was soon followed by streams that she had purposely directed at her obvious endowment. Every time that he looked at her and saw that crisscross of his creamy essence was almost like a cattle prod jabbing into his nut sack. It was perfect to relieve him of whatever he had, which was considerable by the mess that was left behind. It was her hand working him over and she did not stop or slow down for anything. His hand was directing the action with his thumb pushing down on the base of his cock.

  “I sometimes wish that I had something like that to know exactly what you’re feeling at the time of that huge explosion. I have to believe that it’s similar to when I have my own climax. Speaking of which, I do believe that there is a matter of a debt to be paid. Do you suppose that there’s somebody here that might have a need to satisfy their curiosity? Maybe what I’m looking for is right in front of me. Why don’t you show me what you can do.” She had her hand down her pants and she was stroking her finger through the wetness. It penetrated with relative ease and she dipped very deeply into her inner recesses. “Maybe I should be happy for the distraction, but I still need to get off. It was something to see him find his own pleasure, but now I do believe that it’s his turn to take matters into his hands.”

  “I thought that you would never ask. I believe that you’ll find that I’m more than ready to please you. I want you to know that you are something very dear to my heart and I don’t say that to just anyone. This is a matter of seeing my other half. I don’t know what will happen or what the future holds, but for now I never want to be apart from you.” Her pants came off and her panties were saturated. He only had to touch her to know that she was halfway there. This is what they had caused from knowing each other. Out here, in public and doing something like this was not something that they had ever thought would happen on a first meeting like this.

  With her hands moving through the mess that he had made, she spread it out all over her breasts. She massaged it into her skin and looked down to see that he had taken off her panties. He smelled the crotch. He licked the center and she could almost imagine what that long pointed object would feel like touching her body like that. “You’re driving me crazy and I think you know that. Sebastian, you need to do something and making you blow off like that has got me hot and bothered like never before.” “I don’t remember the last time that a guy has gone down on me. It feels like forever and maybe I need a reminder of what it is to truly be satisfied beyond a shadow of a doubt. This time we have together will have a two fold purpose. One will be the immense pleasure and the other will be that I will break down some of those walls that he has built to protect himself. I kinda find it funny that having sex with him like this would help me to instill some trust amongst the two of us. I feel a little guilty for making him think one thing and in reality doing something different. I can only hope that my lies don’t come back and bite me in some way.”

  The only thing that was biting at this moment was his teeth nipping at her inner thighs. It made her skin tingle and her legs tremble. Her hands were covered in his stuff. She licked off each finger, purposely pulling them away, so that he could see the string connecting in a most obscene way.

  He opened her up with his fingers finding her hidden lust and latching onto it with his lips and his tongue circling it. It was inside his mouth. Two of his long tapered fingers slid in to prepare her for the invading force of his manly presence. He twisted them back and forth seeing them coated with her sauce and then doing the same thing that she did to get a rise out of him. He sucked those two fingers into his mouth tasting her juices and how briny and sweet they were on his palate.

  “I knew that I needed someone, but I guess I never thought that I would find them. Your taste has an addictive quality. This is one addiction that I won’t mind having on my back.” He lifted the weight of her legs and laid them over his shoulders. He bent them backwards seeing the sweetness of her whole beckoning him forward. He put his hands underneath her ass and lifted her, so that his lips could easily out stretch tongue and stab forth within her hot interior.

  “I know… Yes…that we just met… Oh my sweet Jesus. How the hell are you doing that?” Cali was beside herself, still licking her fingers like it was finger looking good. If this was what fried chicken taste like, then she was going to seriously consider going off her Vegan diet. Feeling his seed drip into her mouth and having him supply her with the necessary distraction of his mouth was a big tease for the main event. She noticed that he was stroking new life into his appendage, but her main concern was getting off. “This guy really knows how to make a good first impression. I never had anybody shoot all over my tits before, but I don’t think that I’m going to be a stranger to it from now on. The feel of him hot on my flesh and leaving a reminder of the heat between this is like an aphrodisiac. I’ve only scratched the surface of his problems, but this will certainly get me closer to helping him to deal with those things that he feels responsible for.”

  Sebastian saw the pleasure on her face and it only made him want to enhance that even further. His two fingers were moving a little quicker and the wetness of her hole was making it easier to give her a pounding with those two fingers. He sucked on her clit, pulling it a little bit and grazing his teeth along the surface like a woman had done to his cock at some point in his life. He remembered that she was older and had taught him a few good tricks that had served him well during his most informative years.

  She was bucking up against him and his ass was flexing off the ground with her hands firmly on top of his head. She was rapidly approaching a nirvana and the only thing that was preventing her was her own excuses for not giving into this desire. It didn’t matter, because whether she wanted it or not, she was going to receive it in kind. She tried to resist, but it was virtually impossible with his tongue darting in and out of at the same time that his fingers were drilling her mercilessly.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing…fuck it…you know exactly what you’re doing.” She came with an intensity that blurred her vision and made her slap her hands down on top of his head with more force than was necessary. She was grabbing at the short hairs and was pulling at them making him grunt and sending that same vibration into her body. “I’ve never been this out of control before and maybe there is something to say about what a girl has been missing in her life. I always thought that I had to be the one taking the initiative, but this guy is showing me that I can be on the receiving end. I lie here with my body lifted from the sand and I can feel my core being worked like no amount of sit ups could even come close to doing. All my muscles are tight and I’m slowly coming down from the ultimate high.”

  Sebastian was on his knees with his outstretched weapon in his hand. He was giving it a little bit of attention and watching her body in motion from the afterglow of what she had gone through. It was quite fascinating to see her react like that. It made him want to fuck her and not give her a chance to say otherwise. It was much too strong and he lay down over top of her. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip in a very seductive way. “I need you to open up your eyes. This is where you have a decision to make.” He would normally take that decision out of the woman’s hands, but this girl had given him a reason to trust. He gave her the courtesy of letting her decide how far this was going to go.

  “I can’t stand it anymore. You know as well as I do that I want you to fuck me, until I can’t scream anymore. I don’t want to be able to talk afterwards. I think that you are the perfect man for the job. You don’t give up and you don’t give in and that’s a trait that is not only good in the field of battle, but it’s also a rare commodity when you find it in bed.” She felt that knob and the feeling of it in her mouth paled in comparison to how it was stretching her out. She lay there and felt her body slamming up against him repeatedly and without any delay in motion. They were powerless against each other’s whims and they had never felt like this with any other lover in the past.

  “Being inside you is like coming home, Kelly. You make me feel things that I haven’t been able to think about in a long time. I have to have you in every regard and I’m not going to let you go without a fight.” Right now, his main objective was to make her eyes roll into the back of her head. “You take cock like no woman that I’ve ever met before. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. If this is where I go when I pass on into the pearly gates, then I would gladly go with a smile on my face.” The animal noises coming out of their mouths were that of grunting that was soon a high pitched squeal.

  “Fuck me… Fuck my sweet little hole and make it yours…Sebastian… Sebastian.” She screamed his name and could care less if anybody was around to hear it. At this moment, had a police officer come upon them in the throes of passion, they wouldn’t have even paid them any notice. “This is a mind boggling moment for me. I feel it all the way down to my toes. The added bonus of the sand underneath me and the feeling of doing something public is even that much more fuel to the fire. Sebastian is a man than knows what he wants and takes it. I feel like he has all of these emotions pent up and ready to come to the surface with the right amount of incentive.”

  Sebastian’s first offering had dried on her breast. He had no idea how much he would have to give her this second time around, but he was determined to make her see him as the ultimate prize when it came to having a man in her life. “You just came all over me and you’re so fucking hot that it’s hard to resist your natural female charms. All I ever need is you. I do believe that we have something very unique. We can lose ourselves in the moment with each other and not care about what anybody will think.” Sebastian gave her sharp very direct shots that had his cock bringing up the rear on his own climax.

  “I want you to… I want you to give it to me and I don’t care where. Just pick your poison and believe me I don’t say this lightly. Very rarely do I give a man the chance to choose for himself and you should really take this advantage for what it is.” She could see the exertion on his face and how his teeth were clenched and his ass was flexing. He pulled free with the knob showing an intense desire to give up the fight. The first shot was a reminder of more to come. He wasn’t even touching himself. He was flexing that internal organ. It pulsed with three quick shots along the surface of her stomach. He soon finished and collapsed down between her legs with his spent cock barely touching the lips. He made a point to move slightly, but enough to graze the well lubricated head over her clit. It made her shudder underneath his expert ways.

  They both got up after a suitable time of basking in what they had done. They got dressed and went back over to their respective motorcycles. The sun was shining and the May flowers were in full bloom. Winter in Maine was not for those that weren’t used to the over abundance of snow. This winter was a little different. They had been lacking in the snow, but had more than enough of the cold to last a life time. This was something that both Sebastian and Cali had grown up with.

  Chapter 5

  He hugged her with deep affection and held onto her for as long as possible. “I do believe that it’s going to be up to me to make the next time better than the first. I want to take you out to dinner, but I think it would be best that I offer you a home cooked meal. I don’t have a great place, but I do call it my own. I don’t think that I want you to bring anything, but if you insist then maybe a bottle of white wine will go with the fresh fish. I’ve always been the outdoorsy type. I’ll give you directions to my place. It’s in the middle of nowhere and I do hope that doesn’t scare you.” Sebastian couldn’t get her out of his mind and even standing with her right now by the motorcycle made him want to kiss her again.

  He lifted her easily into his arm. His obvious height advantage of a few inches was working in his favor. Her hands were around his neck and he kissed her with a fever pitch that had her swooning in his arms. That glazed look and the narrow slits of her eyes told him that her excitement was not a one time encounter. Their bodies were uniquely made for one another and it was almost as if fate had lent a hand to bring them together.

  Cali finally was put down on her feet and she was a little shaky, but was still able to stand. “I think that it’s damn sexy that you want to cook for me. I know this area and the only thing up that way is a few scant hunting cabins. I’m not scared and I’m more excited than anything else. I’m afraid that those thoughts about my past may have come back. I would love to talk to you about them and maybe you can give me a bit more insight into the man known as Sebastian.” Her words sounded somewhat clinical and she had to be careful about what hat she was going to say. “I don’t want to come on strong, but I don’t think that we could come on any stronger even if we wanted to. We only met a couple of hours ago and already we are losing ourselves in the company of our bodies coming together. I think on some small level he’s only doing this to get one out of the chamber so to speak. I think for me, he restores my faith in man and that they are capable of more than just one thought. There’s really no time to waste and the hearing is in less than two weeks. Those that have hired me will want some kind of status report.”

  “You know what you said about those of us that find ourselves looking for that next fix. I think for me you’re the only drug that I need. It might sound trite or some kind of lame come on, but it really is the way that I feel.” He suddenly looked at his watch and at the time and knew that he was pushing his luck. “I might have to take a rain check, until tomorrow night for dinner. I have some unfinished business that needs to be dealt with personally.” He didn’t want to get into the details and the little she knew was the better. People were lying to him and he was damned and determined to find out the truth. He felt like somebody was pulling the strings and the last mission didn’t go according to plan. That wasn’t unusual, but almost dying was a bit of a wrinkle. The only people that knew that he was going to be in that particular area was his commanding officer and those that were requested to get him out of there in a hurry.

  “I don’t think that it’s very gentlemanly of you to leave right after doing it. It would be better that you stayed and cuddled, but I can see on your face that something is weighing heavily on your mind. Do you want to talk about it, or am I stepping over some line? I have my own demons and we both have been dealt a bad hand. I feel that sometimes it would be better to get it off my chest, but I really don’t wanna say the words. Saying them will mean it actually happened and some of the things that I have done cannot be forgiven for as long as I live.” He hugged me to his body and I felt safe and secure, until he pulled away from me.

  “I would love to hear more, but this is neither the time nor the place. Don’t worry, I will get in touch with you somehow, but right now I really do need to go.” Sebastian had this one window of opportunity and he wasn’t going to ruin his one chance to find out more of why they were hanging him out to dry. He had heard through the Grapevine that there was a congressional hearing coming up soon and that his testimony was either going to free his commanding officer or put the final nail in his coffin. Nobody had called upon him to testify, which could only mean that they were waiting for the right time to lay this information in his lap.

  Cali was not exactly ready to let this go and decided to follow from a discreet distance. She knew that she was risking getting caught. This guy could probably spot a tail from a mile away, but he did seem to have a one track mind. He drove off on his motorcycle and instead of following him on her motorcycle, she called for a taxi. She had been given a GPS unit and had attached that small tiny device to the underside of his fender when he wasn’t looking. “I don’t want to do this and it feels wrong to play these kinds of games with a man that is fragile and ready to break. I want to be there for him, but how can I when he won’t let me in any further than necessary.”

  The taxi arrived and she had his current location on her phone. He was on his way downtown. What was down there that was causing him to act irrationally was a mystery to her. “I need you to head down
town and do not ask any questions. There’s a big tip in it for you and I mean in the $20.00 range.”

  The man didn’t even question the woman that would’ve made for quite the feast. She was a dish best served hot and he was licking his lips at her obvious endowment. Her chest was massive and he could probably get lost and never want to come back out.

  “I’ll do what I can, but I can’t promise you anything. It’s rush hour traffic and the only thing getting through something like this are police or someone on a motorcycle.” I might be able to use a couple of shortcuts, but they are risky and could end up being dead ends.” Richard knew this town like the back of his hand and could navigate the streets blindfolded. He had lived in the area and had driven his bicycle to those special little spots that meant so much to him growing up. He was single and looking. The girl behind him staring at that damn phone was exactly his taste.

  She was kicking herself for not taking her own bike, but that would’ve been like putting a neon sign over her head. He would hear the rev of the engine and know that she was tailing him and wonder why. That was not a conversation that she was willing to get into at the moment. That was not a conversation that she wanted to get into at all, but denying that it was going to happen wasn’t going to prevent it from happening. Eventually, her lies would catch up to her and that was when she was going to have to face the music. “I don’t know why I’m doing this, but the commander told me that it was paramount that I never lose sight of him. He told me he was worried that Sebastian was up to no good and couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth when he was held to the fire.” Cali had not seen anything to indicate that Sebastian would lie and quite to the contrary.


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