Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 52

by Lauren Wood

  “This is the kind of moment that I need to test his limits and see what kind of man I’m dealing with. He has already shown me a part of him that makes me feel like he’s a dangerous man.” Cali knew that this was the kind of man that could make her do things that she wouldn’t normally do with any other man. The way that she moved with her tongue trailing a line of wetness along his shaft was enough to get his attention in a hurry.

  He could see that this woman was not about taking prisoners and that he was at the mercy of her sexual whims. She may have been lying about who she was, but he was unprepared to see that her desire for him had never waned even for a second. “I don’t think that I will ever find you boring, Cali. Your lips are like hot coals and your tongue seems to have the sense of a snake going after its prey.” He sat down heavily seeing that she was following and not relinquishing her hold. He watched with avid attention to see her technique of taking him all the way in and then back out in one long and lazy stroke.

  Her head bobbed forward surrounding his package with her long hair and obscuring his vision from what she was doing. Her tongue outstretched and licked the underside of his balls, which of course made his member jerk with the sudden and abrupt action. “There are no conditions when I’m with him and I will always remember him until the day that I die. I hope that he sees me in his wildest dreams and that I always exceed his expectations. Nobody had to know what we did to one another, but I think it was damn obvious from the way that we look at each other.” Cali knew that he was bad, but he did it so well and made her think that there was no reason to change him.

  He felt like his gun was going to go off and he immediately extricated himself from a dangerous premature moment. The memory of her of being tangled up with her on that beach fueled him and made him ache. He lifted her from the floor and pushed her back, until she was widespread on the bed.

  “I’ve never needed anybody like you, Cali. You take my breath away and maybe you did deceive me, but you did it for good reasons. I will say that being with you is better than being without you.” He turned her slightly and got into the spoon position. Lifting her leg, he nibbled on her neck and pulled at her earlobe. He was soon sliding within the silky confines of her sexual desire.

  The bed was rocking and the mattress shifted, until they were haphazardly laying half on the bed and half off. His hips were driving into her and she was more than up to the task of meeting him in the middle. It was like they had the blueprints to each other’s bodies. They knew just where to touch and what buttons to push to make the most profound cry of pleasure come from their lips.

  Cali was soon flat on her stomach with him using the softness of her nice plump ass, as a means for giving her what she wanted. “I’ve never felt this wanted in my life and this is, so much better than just needing to get one out of the chamber. I’ve had nights clawing at the sheets using a particular toy, but this is so much better. I never want to lose this. That’s the reason why I’m going to go with him to confront Commander Grady. He’s going to be like a caged animal and to catch him in a corner is only going to make him snap out his claws.”

  His hands were on her shoulders and he looked down to where her cheeks had separated to give him the perfect view for the type of loving that he was inflicting on her.

  “I can feel it… I can fucking feel it… YESSSSSS.” It was a spontaneous and simultaneous moment of both of them screaming at the same time. It was not a question of who had came first, because it was like they were joined as one and there was no way to know where one ended and the other began. His seed burned through him and came out on the other end with spurt after spurt, until he fell exhausted and depleted on top of her.

  “I don’t think that this could get any better. I know that you have been dealing with a lot and I hope that you will give me a chance to give you the tools to handle just about anything. You are a stubborn man, but you need to learn to ask for help. It does not show weakness and it shows that you’re willing to entertain the idea of mental health.” “I know the truth and even with my betrayal, he still feels that deeply for me. I think that what I need to do is to always give him a reason to trust me. I know how he feels about therapy, but I truly believe that I can help him.

  A few hours later and Sebastian had stepped from the shadows on the dock to stand in front of the man that he used to respect like nobody else. Standing beside him was the woman that had changed everything for him. The one thing that Commander Grady had done that he was grateful for was to bring this woman into his life.

  “I figured that I would see you sooner than later, Sebastian. It appears that my plan to keep you occupied was in vain. I seriously thought that when she got a crack at you that you would crumble and become inconsolable. It might’ve been wishful thinking, but I thought I knew you. I will say that I’m happy to see that you were stronger than I thought you were. I am a little disappointed that you’re not rocking back and forth in the fetal position in some padded room somewhere. What exactly do you intend to do?” Grady was completely taken back that Sebastian had shown up, but he wasn’t about to show that kind of weakness.

  “What you need to do is to come with me and to throw yourself on the mercy of the court. You shouldn’t have come after me and doing it like this shows just what kind of coward you are. I would have had more respect for you had you come after me yourself with guns blazing. You can either come quietly, or we can do it the hard way. I’m begging you to do it the hard way.” Sebastian was standing in front of Cali to make sure that there was no way that she could get injured.

  “I can’t come with you willingly and that is not the kind of man I am. Do what you need to do, but expect one hell of a fight.” Commander Grady got into a stance, but then he was struck with an electrical burst that made him shimmy to his own tune and then fall like a smoking crater at the feet of his true enemy.

  Stephen came out wielding the taser and smiling to see the twitching form of Commander Grady looking up in stupefied horror to see that he had been caught by someone that had an axe to grind.

  “I knew that his attention would be on me and that he would never even imagine that I would come with reinforcements. You earned the money, Stephen. I do hope that you use it for something more than women and drugs.” Sebastian passed him an envelope full of cash and Stephen didn’t even bother looking at the amount. He knew that Sebastian would never cheat him. That was not something that he could say for himself. He would sell his own mother for the chance to make a buck, but he blamed Commander Grady for leading him down this dark and lonely path.

  Cali watched Stephen wave the envelope in the air before tucking it into his green army jacket. He pulled down the black knit cap and disappeared into the mist like that of a ghost.

  “What now?” Cali was very thankful that Sebastian had decided to use his god given brains instead of any need for vengeance.

  “Now, we can go on with the rest of our lives. I think that I need to find something different and not always think that the answer is at the end of a gun barrel. I want something normal with you and I have a feeling that having you in my life is going to be one interesting adventure.”

  They did present Commander Grady to the congressional hearing and it wasn’t long before a guilty verdict was brought back. He screamed that he was going to get even and even behind bars he had long arms.

  Cali soon found out that she was with child and they decided to pack it up and go someplace off the grid and away from the prying eyes of the public. They would live modestly, but in the back of their mind they would know that Grady and his need for revenge was still out there.

  Cali did help him to rid himself of some of those demons, but he would always carry them with him, as a reminder of his time of the worst hell of his life. He had walked through that hell and found the angel arms of Cali waiting for him on the other side. They would never truly be safe, but in each other’s arms that was exactly how they felt.



  Chapter One

  Micah Gordon ran to clear his head. He ran from his problems, from his obligations, from his own pack in order to feel even the slightest bit of freedom. If anyone could leash a bear, it was his own clan. He’d only been alpha for two months, and already he regretted his decision.

  You should have said no. You wanted to say no. Alpha may be in your blood, but it’s not who you are.

  He slowed down to a stop and rested on his knees, panting. He’d worked his body to the max, and his legs and sides were killing him. But it didn’t matter how fast or how far he ran. He’d chosen to be the leader, and nothing short of death would release him.

  At thirty-five, Micah was the product of generations of alphas and old money. The city pack had an easy alliance with the other shifters and an uneasy alliance with the vampire community, but when his father had died, his pack had given him an ultimatum. Assume his rightful place or leave. And as much as Micah wanted to leave, he couldn’t do that to his mother. She would have been exiled.

  So he’d stepped up. It wasn’t so much that he hated the idea of being the alpha, but he’d always felt caged in. For as long as he could remember, he’d been groomed for this position, and he was afraid he’d crack under pressure. He was responsible for the actions of his pack. He was responsible for their well-being. He was responsible for upholding the treaties with the other packs and clans.

  He was supposed to mate with Bridgette.

  A wave of disgust rolled over him. Bridgette was the alpha female. From the day she’d turned fifteen, the pack accepted that she would be Micah’s mate, but he felt nothing for her. She was beautiful and powerful, but she was also egotistical and bitchy. And with her came her younger brother, Travis. Micah felt only waves of hatred emanating from the young man. There was no way he was anchoring himself to that for the rest of his life.

  Except that he would have to. Because now his life was subject to pack rules. And the rules were clear.

  With a sigh, he turned back around and headed to the warehouse district. G&S Industries was expecting a new shipment today. His great-grandfather had started the business with his second in command years ago. Back then, they simply guided tourists through the dense wooded areas of Woodland and across the river rapids. Today, Micah oversaw hiking, camping, and white water rafting equipment as well as the expert guides. He worked alongside Jackson Steward, his own second-in-command. Sometimes, Micah didn’t privately wonder if Jackson wouldn’t make the better alpha.

  At the warehouse, the trucks were already pulling in. Micah glanced at his watch and frowned. They were early, which was great except that he wouldn’t get a chance to shower and change. With a shrug, he jogged over to meet them.

  “Not exactly the power suit,” Jackson said with a grin.

  “They weren’t supposed to be here for another hour,” Micah said as he clasped Jackson’s hand. Not only were they partners, but they were also best friends. Micah had no idea what he would have done without the man.

  “No worries. At least you’re wearing our gear. But God, you smell. How long have you been out?”

  “Ten miles.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrows. “Something you want to talk about?”

  Micah shook his head. “I’m just trying to keep in shape,” he lied.

  It was clear that his friend didn’t believe him, but he knew better than to question the alpha. Instead, he pushed a clipboard into his hands. “You take crates one through four, and I’ll take the rest.”

  Micah wiped his sweaty hands on his black shorts and began to systematically go through the contents of the crates. The smell of dust and wood wafted up his nose, and he smiled. They brought with it memories of his own adventures hiking and camping in Woodland, and he longed to return. It had been years since his last vacation, and he was long over due.

  “We’re good here,” he said as he straightened. He signed the inventory list and handed it back to the truckers. “Jackson?”

  “Everything’s accounted for. Thank you gentlemen.”

  They shook hands and nodded to the forklift drivers. “Take them to warehouse B, and let’s get these babies unpacked and registered in the system,” Micah ordered. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Jackson wrinkled his nose. “Thank God.”

  Laughing, he turned until he saw one of the crates still open. “Hold up,” he said as he jogged over. He didn’t want to lose anything. Grabbing the top, he attempted to shove it back on. Something sharp cut deep in to the palm of his hand, and he grimaced. Pain shot through his arm, and he felt the bear inside him roar.

  “Christ, Micah!” At the site of the blood running down his arm, Jackson moved quickly. “Somebody grab me a clean towel,” he ordered.

  “It’s just a cut,” Micah said through clenched teeth. A deep cut.

  “Yeah, but it’s going to need stitches. We’ll get it wrapped up and get you to the hospital. It’s closer than the clinic.”

  “It’s not really how I wanted to spend my day,” Micah said with a sigh.

  Jackson grinned. “Want me to call Bridgette to come over and comfort you?” he joked.

  “Do and die,” Micah threatened. His friend knew how he felt about the alpha female.

  Someone handed him a towel, and he pressed it to the wound, wrapped his hand, and tied it off. At the very least, it would put him back in his paperwork. And that meant he’d have to stay late tonight.

  So he’d have to call off his dinner with Bridgette. And that alone brightened his day.

  Chapter Two

  Stacey Bronson had been on her feet for ten hours. And she had four more hours to go. She was tired. She was hungry. And she was getting real irritated.


  She lifted her head from the computer warily as she eyed her co-worker. The other nurse saw her reaction and grimaced. “I’m so sorry, but Dr. Littleston needs you in exam room two.”

  Stacey rolled her eyes. “And he couldn’t ask any of the other twelve nurses that were no doubt hanging on his arm?” she grumbled as she put the clipboard down.

  “If you went out with him, he’d probably stop requesting you,” the other nurse said with a grin. “After all, once he gets to know you, he’s bound to stop lusting after you.”

  “Cute,” Stacey said as she hopped down from her chair. “Real cute.”

  Dr. Littleston was easily the hottest doctor in the ER, but he made it a life goal to sleep with as many nurses as possible. And Stacey was fairly certain she was the only one under the age of thirty that hadn’t at least given him a blowjob in the supply closet. All he did all day was make sure he had plenty of time to stare at her ample cleavage. It was disgusting.

  She trotted down the hall. Despite her misgivings about the doctor, she tried to treat his summons like she did with any other doctor. Every case that came in was an emergency in the beginning whether it turned out to be true or not. And she would not let her personal feelings about a doctor put a patient in harm’s way.

  You can do this. Four more hours, and then you have four whole days off!

  She kept chanting it as she pulled the curtain aside in exam room two. It was empty save for the handsome doctor.

  “Stacey!” he beamed at her. “I’m so happy you hustled down here.”

  Cautiously, Stacey stepped into the room. “What can I do for you, doctor?” she said as she struggled to keep her disgust out of her voice. Stay professional and maybe one day, he’ll do the same.

  “I’m not sure this table has been sanitized. I heard the last patient here had more than a few accidents. Could you wipe it down for me?”

  In other words, he wanted her to bend over so he could stare at her cleavage. Fighting the urge to roll her eyes, she grabbed the sanitizer spray and a clean rag. She could stay on this side and have him stare at her cleavage, or she could move to the other side and have his stare at her ass.

  With one hand holding her top close to her chest, she sprayed the ta
ble down and started wiping. Satisfied that the table was clean and that she hadn’t given him a show, she straightened. “Will there be anything else?”

  “You’re so efficient. I think you’re the only nurse here I haven’t really gotten to know. Have dinner with me, Stacey. I’d like to speak with you about your career here.”

  Sure he did. She already felt the shivers of disgust roll down her spin. What a pig.

  Stacey was by no means a virgin, but men hadn’t exactly taken priority. She’d grown up in a poor household, and when she’d lost both her parents in high school, she realized that their pitiful insurance money wouldn’t take her far. So she threw herself into her work and immediately started making plans for nursing school. Now that she was four years out, she worked every minute she could to pay off her loans and get her life back on track.

  Men asked her out, and occasionally, she dated. It was never serious, but even she needed to blow off a little steam every now and then. But never would she stoop to sleeping with a man just to climb a little higher on the ladder.

  “I’m just finishing up a fourteen hour shift, so I’ll probably just crash tonight,” she said as she turned her back.

  “It doesn’t have to be tonight. I know you have four days off coming up,” he said. His voice wrapped around her like a straightjacket, and she shuddered.

  Before she could voice a professional response, another nurse poked her head in the door. “Dr. Littleston? Nurse Bronson? We need someone to stitch up exam room six.”

  “Dr. Pashnell can take care of it,” Littleston said smoothly. “And I’m sure there is another nurse available.”


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