Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 69

by Lauren Wood

  Nera looked, and the hole that was the balcony of the tower zoomed at them and they both went flipping to the ground as he landed with speed. She sat up dazed and saw that the women from the night before were all back sitting around the room. Each of them rose at the spectacle, and she saw some run to the howling Prince. She stood up and looked in his direction. This was not what she had hoped for; she wanted to be out over land when he faltered so that she could escape.

  The women were huddled around him in concern, but Nera could not see him.

  “You!” his voice suddenly roared out as he sprang from their envelopment. “You tried to kill me?” he said snarling at her and pointing an accusing finger. The skin on his body looked very badly burned, and his eyes were black with anger.

  “Me?” she said, “What did I do?” she asked playing her role again.

  “You know what you tried to do. I should have gone with my gut and said no when you first asked me this evening!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Your Majesty,” she said backing away towards the balcony. The other women flocked around her in a wide circle now, some of them going behind her blocking her from the outside.

  Nera knew that she was cornered now and that he probably only wanted to kill her outright now instead of making her like the rest of the women here. She took one last look at him, sad at what might have been had he not been the creature he was.

  “I can’t give up my life for the one you want me to live” she called out to him as she turned and ran for the balcony. There were a few women there who were poised to stop here; she shoe the smallest one and crashed into her with all her might, force enough that it sent both of them tumbling to the light outside and falling rapidly to the earth below. Her only hope was that this crying and burning creature would be able to arrest both of their falls before the ground, and the body of Saleem rose up to finish them both. They spiralled and fell in the morning sunlight down and down and down.



  Chapter 1

  “I have no idea why you continue to play the field, Scarlet. You do know that you are close to the age of choice and that your days of casual dalliances are almost over. Don’t tell me that you haven’t noticed the way that the guys have suddenly gotten a little bit more anxious around us lately. We are all ready to take that plunge, but I’m not sure that you can say the same thing. I know that having fun is one thing, but it’s time to grow up and become what you have been destined for.” Scandal was Scarlet’s best friend, but she was the only one that could accept that she was mutated. Scandal’s skin had a tinge of blue, not unlike prince Niles Starr. He was the one that everyone was waiting for and also terrified that they would be chosen.

  Standing at the window in a flowing white gown, Scarlet looks down on the town and knows that eventually her time of freedom will be over. She thought that there was plenty of time, but the age of choice was not something that she could deny. “If it’s all the same to you, Scandal, I would really like not to talk about this anymore. It gives me a cold chill down my spine to think that I’ll have to spend my life with one man.” She saw the many suitors with some that had tails and others that had glowing green eyes. This was a melting pot of alien entities. Her herself had one strange feature and that was a string of purple hair that looked out of place on her almost platinum blond locks.

  “You can’t stick your head in the sand forever. Two days from now, we are to stand and to choose our mates. I’ve already given my hand to Justus. He’s very kind and I do hope that his family approves.” “I don’t see why she is, so worried. She has the pedigree and Justus’s family should feel honored that she is going to stand with them. I on the other hand have no idea what I’m going to do. There are so many eligible bachelors and so little time. I’ve been sowing my wild oats and I have to say that I’ve enjoyed the variety.”

  Scandal moved her hand through her very short shorn hair that had the kind of spikes that you would find on some wild animal on earth. They knew of its existence, but this was the river planet. It was named accordingly. This world was entwined by many rivers and that one person that held the power of passage didn’t exactly do it out of the goodness of their hearts. She knew that the royal family with the name of Starr held those rights with grim death.

  “You’re lucky that you have chosen already. I’m sure that others have already done that as well, but I just don’t feel that flutter of nervousness in my stomach. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy exploring their bodies and finding the differences. You know that one and he will remain nameless has the kind of anatomy that actually comes out like a turtle?” She remembered seeing it and touching it and thinking that it was not much to look at. It was only when it sprung out of its shell that she realized that it had a mind of its own. “I’ve come here from the distant planet of Delta. I was given the right to come to this planet, as an emissary to my family and their way of life.”

  Scarlet turned from the window, disgusted by her behavior, but secretly delighting in the feel of those bodies that had come to her in the middle of the night. She welcomed them with open arms and found that sense of freedom something hard to give up. “I don’t want to have only one lover and that seems cruel and unusual punishment. So what that I’m a little promiscuous and I like to share the wealth of my body.”

  “You are the most incorrigible woman that I have ever met in my life.” Scandal had come from her own planet and this melting pot of entities was here by the bequest of each of their leaders. They were here to make sure that the best interest of the planet that they served was met with favorable results. “I don’t know how you plan to get out of this and I really don’t need to know. The less I know the better, as far as I’m concerned. I’m afraid that I can’t take this journey with you. I implore you to rethink your decision and going against the age of choice is not something that you should do lightly. Besides, it has never been done before and you have no idea what the punishment for that kind of thing is. Between you and me, I really don’t want to find out and I don’t think that you do either.” Scandal was wearing a red dress that had strategic cuts all around, so when she turned it floated around her like it was a part of her.

  “I hold the hopes and dreams of some man out there in the palm of my hand. They have no idea that I can be stubborn and stuck in my ways. I don’t want to be a part of this tradition. I’m going to do everything in my power to find a way out of this. There is nothing in the rules that state that I can’t remain an island onto myself. Let them do their damnedest. They can court me all they want, but I don’t think that there’s anyone alive that will make me feel anything, but mild curiosity.” Coming here was the best thing that she could ever have done. Back on her own planet, she was cloistered and pretty much told by her parents what to do on any given day.

  Without them around, she was able to break free and there was no way that she was in any hurry to put those bonds of matrimony around her wrist. Those bracelets were meant to signify a unity between the trust of two people that had found each other. To her, it was prison. She had no desire to walk down that path anytime soon. It didn’t matter to her that her parents had requested that she find a way into the prince’s good graces. She had seen him in passing in the last five years that she had been on the river planet. She did notice that he was looking at her from time to time, but she tried her best to dissuade his interest. Frankly she was hot for his form.

  “I know that I came here for my parents, but what I found was a haven from their tyrannical ways. You have no idea what I had to put up with. I was anxious to spread my wings and they were just, as anxious to clip them. I tried to rebel, but my father was adamant that I keep my opinions to myself. He had made it virtually impossible for me to find a suitable mate. He claimed that I was better than that.”

  The door had a resounding knock. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers from the hills. At the first contact of sunlight, they began to stretc
h and turn different colors. They fed off the fuel of the two suns and off the emotions of the person that they were given to. “The prince has requested that you come to him for the bicentennial dinner. This is quite the honor. The one thing that you cannot do is refuse. This is part of the courting tradition and one that you must abide by.” Sousa was the man that the prince respected enough to do his bidding. He was a squirrelly fella, but he had always found a way to do what was needed to be done.

  Scarlet was about to say something in argument, but Sousa turned around and walked away before she had the chance. She looked at the flowers and she knew that she was obligated to at the very least sit down and discuss things in private with the prince.

  “I’m not sure that I should call you lucky or cursed. It’s the highest honor to be chosen for the bicentennial dinner by the prince himself. It’s also the one thing that all of us girls have been trying to avoid from the moment that we got here.” Scandal knew that five years planting the seeds of their own planets best interest was a tedious task to say the least. There were many functions that required them to dance to the tune of the prince and his royal family. Five years and in all that time, she noticed that Scarlet was not exactly shy about her affections. It kind of sickened her, but she was secretly envious of the way that she was able to make the best out of a bad situation.

  “I guess I’m going to have to break out the ceremonial robes.” “I never wanted his attention and why he deems me appropriate for this dinner is beyond me. These robes are not very flattering, but maybe I can do some alterations to make the prince stand up and take notice. This might be the only way that I can get him off my back once and for all. He’s sophisticated, charming, but I doubt that he’s going to like my attitude, not to mention the scantily way that I dress.” She gave Scandal the bum’s rush, pushing her out the door with a glint in her of mischievousness.

  “I don’t like the look in your eyes, Scarlet. You’re obviously up to something and I just hope that you’re not biting off more than you can chew. Be careful, as the prince is very conditioned by his family to do the right thing. You can imagine that they will not be very happy with you and that unhappiness may turn deadly. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can warn you that these people are not to be taken lightly. We’ve both seen them in their element and they rule with an iron fist. It takes a lot of concessions for them to even consider allowing somebody passage on the rivers.” This was a planet that had the raw materials including those for building and those that were unique. Some were priceless on the black market.

  Chapter 2

  It was said that the river planet flowed into what was considered to be a fountain of youth. Those that were deemed worthy would take the inaugural journey with the royal family to be blessed by the waters within. They would primarily be baptized into a life of youth and prosperity.

  “You are my son and you may feel that this is an antiquated way of thinking, but it doesn’t matter. You’re to keep your mouth shut and to do what is required, regardless of what you think about any of this. I don’t feel good about your choice of companions for the dinner, but it is you’re right. She’s not one of us. I’ve heard of her exploits and let’s just say that I’m not impressed by her need for sexual gratification.” Rollins was Niles father. He looked at his son and knew that he did not turn out the way that he expected.

  “As you said, father, I have every right to choose my dinner companion. I have given her the bouquet. I do hope that you do not try to embarrass me tonight. I don’t want this and I never had a need to mate with anyone. I find her refreshing and she doesn’t stumble over her feet to please me. The others are followers, sheep’s that don’t know any better, but I can’t say the same thing for her.” Prince Niles Starr had been groomed for this moment from the day that he was born. The day had arrived. He was to choose his princess and most likely the one that would rule with him after his father had been long dead and buried.

  Niles wore the crown of responsibility with distinction. He showed compassion. It was one thing that he did only to get the goat of his father. He had chosen Scarlet precisely for the reason of getting underneath the skin of his father. He found her actions to be reprehensible and the stories of her sexual conquests were legendary. He did admit that he was curious about what it was like to taste that forbidden fruit. He could have chosen anyone. He had gotten his huge arms from the genetic makeup of his father, but the blue in his skin was given to him by his mother’s genes. It brought a tear to his eye to know that she would not be here for the big day.

  His father put his hands on his son’s shoulders in genuine concern for his son’s well being. “I know that you miss her, but you know that she’s here in spirit. I think that she will be here with us. We may even feel the electricity of her presence in the air. It is not uncommon for the other world to bleed into this one, so close to the age of choice. I know that I’m going to look for her.” Rollins had never remarried and he knew that he would never find another like Everest. She was one of a kind and it was her blue skin that drew him to her like a moth to a flame. His infatuation was met with fierce distrust, but she was finally won over by how kind and considerate he was to others. That was the air that he put on, until after the marriage was consummated.

  Niles whole body was lanky, but it was his arms that got him noticed in a hurry. He had to have his clothes custom made, just so that he wouldn’t rip through them with a light flex of his muscles. “I miss her, but I know that she’s always here where it matters.” He touched his heart. He didn’t want to tell his father that the day after her death that he had seen her walking like a ghostly image by his window in the middle of the night. He wanted to keep that secret to himself. It was the one thing that he shared with his mother and one that he would never share with another.

  “I do hope that you have picked something nice to wear this evening. We want to put on a good show. There’s a lot at stake and whoever we choose to bring with us to the fountain of youth will make all the difference in the world. They will stand with us and together we will show this world and the others that we can be trusted with the responsibility of the trade routes.” It was a hard job and one that was met with a premature graying along Rollins temple. He didn’t like being the bad guy, but he needed to make sure that those that wanted to trade were doing it for the right reasons. They had some problems in the past and that was when they put in safeguards to make sure that that didn’t happen again.

  “I had something made specifically for the occasion, father. You needn’t worry about me and I have everything well in hand. He stood from the table, hovering 6 feet high and walking with the weight of his arms holding him down. It was that weight that gave him the power of 10 alien men. He was a fierce warrior when it came to defending his father and his family. One punch and he could knock somebody out. They feared him and it was that fear that he felt was doing his family an injustice.

  He walked upstairs and stood at the window overlooking the orange and blood red sky of the evening. When the two suns went down, it would be time to bring Scarlet into his household. He had convinced himself that he was doing it against the family, but he harbored an interest in getting to know her better. It wasn’t primarily physical, but his need for procreation was making his libido go crazy. He couldn’t keep it down. It didn’t matter what he thought about, it was his need for physical release with a female form that pushed him into choosing someone that would most likely spread to receive him.

  A couple more days and they would take that pilgrimage and finally seal the fate of someone into their confidence. They would be given the rare gift of youth and they would bathe in the waters that would bless them with great intellect. They would drink from the well and feel the powers of health and healing flowing through their veins. He had no idea if Scarlet was the woman that would stand by his side, but he needed to find out one way or the other. He wore his bloodline like a badge of honor. The crest of his family was burned into his skin just bel
ow his neck in the center of his chest. It was a rite of passage and one that he screamed through the whole ordeal.

  Those that lived on the river planet heard his cries of anguish, but they could do nothing to soothe his pain. He touched the spot where the brand had been placed. It was there for all time. He knew that it meant that he was in the ruling class. He actually thought that his father was joking when he pursued him with the branding iron. It turned out not to be anything of a laughing matter.

  One of the suns had gone below the tree line. The other was in the process of doing the same. It was such an eerie sight, but also fascinating to watch Mother Nature in its glory. He steeled himself for what was to come, before turning and getting dressed appropriately. The white shirt and black pants were soon joined by a brown slick feeling coat. He picked up the jeweled bracelets. He placed one on his right wrist and the other was going to be given to the person that was worthy to wear it. Whether it was Scarlet or not remained to be seen.

  He heard the winged steed and looked out the window to see Scarlet announcing her presence in style. A Pegasus like animal with grey eyes landed in the courtyard and Sousa was right there to help her down, as gingerly as possible.

  Sensing something, Scarlet looked up at the window to see the form of the prince looking down from above. “Amazingly as it sounds, I’ve never been with him and maybe it’s high time that I remedy that situation. He is very handsome and his blue skin is almost like an aphrodisiac. I want to reach out and touch him in a more profound way. I may not want to join him, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t play with my food first.” What Scarlet didn’t know was that Niles interest was not just about breeding. He had reached the end of the mating cycle. His father didn’t even know that his body was calling the shots.


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