Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 82

by Lauren Wood

  “Just studying, you know the usual.”

  He sat down close to her. “I really wish you would let me study with you.” He ran a finger up her arm and felt her reaction.

  She chuckled, “I really don’t think you are interested in studying at all.”

  “I think you’ve figured out my evil plot!” He smiled his best eye-catching, mouthwatering grin.

  He could feel her reaction to him, and he wanted to do nothing more than undress her and lay her on any bed. Johnny would show her what it was like to be pummeled by his manhood.

  “Johnny, I’m not that type of girl, I told you that before. If you want to get laid, go back over and talk to Sally.” She said.

  “Sally?” He questioned.

  “The one who wanted to give you a blowjob, that’s Sally.”

  “So you were listening.” He said.

  Her face turned red. “It was hard to not overhear her. But you know what Johnny I’m going to go one better. How would you like to come up to my room?”

  It was at that point Johnny realized he was simply dreaming. But he figured he might as well ride it out. He’d been pursuing Carrie for several months now. At least he could get something in his dreams, to see if the wait might be worth it.

  “Wait, I never have to wait for a woman!” He laughed in his dream.

  The clock began buzzing its incessant chatter. “Shit, just when we were getting to the good part.” He slammed a fist down on the buzzer.

  Johnny was now left with a raging hard-on thanks to that buzzer. He wanted to close his eyes and slip back into the folds of the dream. But he knew that he had to get up, he had a class and then practice.

  “But first, let’s take care of this problem.” He wrapped his hand around his hardness, wishing that he had Sally here with him, that blowjob would sure be nice right now.

  Chapter 2

  Carrie Litim looked over her notes; she had a biology test today and wanted to pass it. She was hoping to get on the Dean’s List again this semester.

  “Hey Carrie, you want to go to a party tonight?” Her roommate Sally asked.

  “Maybe, let’s see how I do on my test.” Carrie answered.

  Sally looked at her shocked, “Wait did I just hear that right, you might come with me? Are you feeling okay? Did you finish your book? Why are you possibly agreeing to go out?”

  Carrie laughed at her roommate. “Just because I usually don’t go out, doesn’t mean I can’t. I figured one party here and there won’t hurt. After all I have a long weekend, so why not enjoy a bit of it.”

  “Great! I can’t wait to tell the others!” Sally jumped up in excitement.

  Carrie watched her skitter out of the room. She had to laugh. Sally was everything that Carrie wasn’t. She was bold and brave and up front. While Carrie was shy and not brave at all. If she would have been brave, she would have slept with Johnny Strom.

  She sighed thinking of the hunky quarterback of the college team. He was arrogant, mouthy, cocky, and damn gorgeous. He had talked to her a few times, made it aware to her that he wanted to have sex. But that was it, just sex, nothing more. She couldn’t allow that to happen.

  But if she was Sally, she would have been in bed with him quicker than he could imagine. That was really why she had agreed to go to the party, to see him.

  Carrie liked when he touched her, and it made her want so much more from him. She knew it was a bad idea, had heard from his own mouth about the women he’d slept with. “That can’t be good; he must have some sort of disease.” She said aloud.

  She knew she should just stay away from Johnny, run far away and never look back. But she really did like him, there seemed to be a lot more under his public image. That was the part of Johnny she wanted to get to know.

  Not for the first time she thought back to the first time they met. It had been a sorority party and he had come to their house. She had barely been downstairs, trying to avoid all the noise and drinking. But she had finally had to traipse down the stairs to get a drink.

  He had run into her in the kitchen. “Hey I haven’t seen you tonight, my names Johnny.” He had smiled at her.

  She had been annoyed; she had hoped to escape back upstairs quickly. “Hi I’m Carrie, nice to meet you. I have to go back and study though.”

  When she had tried to leave he had stopped her for a minute. “Hey don’t go so quick! I mean I can actually understand you, you aren’t slurring every word!”

  She had laughed, “That’s because I don’t drink a lot, and haven’t had any tonight. I find it messes with my ability to concentrate and learn.”

  He had smiled that killer smile, the one that she saw in her dreams now. “Yeah it does do that. Don’t tell anyone, but, this is the only drink I’ve had tonight.” He had whispered to her.

  Carrie had felt privileged to know something no one else did about him. “Why is that?” She had asked him, she had honestly been shocked.

  “I don’t like what it does to my body. But I also don’t want to hear all that shit about being a wuss and crap like that. You know how guys get when they think you aren’t drinking enough. Do girls do the same thing?” He asked her.

  “No not really. I mean they might ask you if you want something, but they’ll just roll their eyes if you say no too often!” She had laughed.

  “Well that’s kind of nice. Guys go into this long spiel of how you’re not a man unless you drink so much, and yada yada yada!” He had laughed.

  She had ended up talking to him for a few hours. During that time she had learned a lot about him. He was far more than what the public saw, but she would never let them know his secrets. Carrie was sure that he wasn’t a boy scout either though; he most likely was quite the ladies’ man.

  Eventually that night he had been propositioned by one of who sorority sisters. Carrie had excused herself, not sure if he took up her sister on the offer or not. All the while she had wished she had been daring enough to ask him to her room.

  Chapter 3

  “Hey man are you going to the party tomorrow night?” Mike, another player on the team, asked Johnny.

  “Yeah sure, is it the one at?” Johnny began to ask, and Mike cut him off.

  “It’s the one where we always end up having tons of trim!” Mike laughed.

  “Oh that cuts it down so much for Strom over there! He gets it whenever he wants, he’s the star quarterback!” Another player said from the side.

  Mike and Johnny both laughed, “Yeah that’s true, but you know sometimes you have to pass a few to find the right one.” Johnny said without thinking.

  “What man, are you planning on settling down? Not you, man that would be a big mistake.” Mike said.

  Johnny thought about it, could he be with just one woman? “Nah, I was just joking.” Johnny said. But in his mind he could think of only one person, Carrie. That damn dream, it had messed him up.

  The thing about the dream was it had seemed so damn real. He almost thought that he was there; he could feel her skin when he skimmed his fingers down it. Still if he closed his eyes right now, he could feel it.

  She haunted his every thought right now, and had done so for a bit now. How, he wondered. Johnny wasn’t the type of guy who was a one woman man. He’d had all the girls he wanted since high school. All he had to do was say something, hell no that wasn’t true. So many would come up to him and hit on him, making it clear what they wanted.

  He liked the fact that he hadn’t had to commit to any of them. They all knew that he wouldn’t be back after the one night, and they didn’t care. He had to admit he liked that, so why was he even thinking about one woman?

  It confused him a lot. He had to shake her out of his head enough so that he could practice, and get through the game on Saturday. It was a huge game; it could put them in the Rose Bowl, the Championship Game!

  Johnny wondered if he should skip the party of Friday night. She might come downstairs, like she had many times in the past. When she had shown up, e
ach time, he had sensed her. The air around him had changed; he could simply feel her presence. He hadn’t been like that with any other woman in his life.

  “Hey I may not go Friday night after all. You know that game on Saturday is really important.” Johnny told Mike.

  “Oh man, at least come for an hour, you don’t have to stay late.” Mike said.

  “Maybe I’ll see.” Johnny answered.

  He made his way out to the field, trying to push Carrie out of his mind. He loved this game, he loved being on the field. Once the ball was in his hands, his mind clicked to the game, she was out, but he could feel her on the edges.

  He was on point, the practice went great. There was electricity in the air among the players. They could all feel that impending victory that could be there’s. All they would have to do was play and work as a team, and they knew it was there!

  Everything was perfect, the operated as a cog that moved in synchronicity. Johnny, the whole team, and even the coaches were excited.

  Victory on the field was easy to obtain, it was off the field Johnny wasn’t sure about. Sure he could go right now and have a girl from any dorm or sorority. However, he wanted her, Carrie.

  Chapter 4

  “Come on Carrie, you said you would go to the party! Plus Johnny is here, I just saw him walk in.” Sally told her.

  Carrie blushed bright red. She had shared her feelings about Johnny with Sally a little. But even Sally didn’t know about the dreams that Carrie had about him.

  It was one of those dreams that had flashed through her head when Sally had told her Johnny was downstairs. Carrie couldn’t help but remember how erotic the dream had been.

  She had never had sex before, but in the dream they had done so many things. She had no feeling what they would really feel like, but in the dream they had been amazingly wonderful.

  Her body had hummed and purred in the dream. Johnny had touched her in all the right spots. She didn’t know how he had known where to touch her.

  “Yeah just let me change really quickly.” Carrie answered.

  “You look perfect in that dress, I already told you that. If anything will catch his attention that dress will do it.” Sally smiled at Carrie.

  “I don’t know if I want his attention.” Carrie admitted shyly.

  “Look I know you are a virgin, but you have to give it up one day. So why not with him, he’s so fine.” Sally said.

  Carrie could see Sally almost salivating as she talked about Johnny. But once Sally had known that Carrie liked Johnny, she had tampered her pursuit of him.

  “I know he’s really fine. But what if I’m really bad? What if he laughs at me?” Carrie asked. “Plus I’ve been raised that you just don’t give that to anyone. It should be someone special. I don’t think Johnny Strom is looking for that, he just wants notches on his bedpost.” Carrie stated her worst fears of hooking up with Johnny.

  “Well you know they say there is one woman for one man, that they are soul mates. Maybe this is you two. I mean, every time he’s been here and you come down, he goes to you. I’ve seen him leave one of the other girls standing there and he’s gone to talk to you. She’s offering him sex, and he just leaves. That’s not normal.” Sally told Carrie.

  “Maybe it’s just the pursuit though, and if I’m bad. Well he won’t want more.” Carrie looked down.

  “Hey come on positive thoughts girl. Don’t always think so negatively. You’re a beautiful girl, once you dress up and take your nose out of the books. I mean any guy would be dumb to not see how hot you are!” Sally complimented her.

  “Thanks, but you’re just saying that to be nice.” Carrie didn’t think she was beautiful at all. She was kind of plain.

  “Look, here in the mirror, just look at your image. Tell me you aren’t beautiful.” Sally pulled Carrie to the mirror.

  Carrie looked at the girl staring back; she didn’t look like the same person. Sally had helped Carrie with her hair. The long brown hair hung freely around her shoulders. Usually she would have it up on top of her head. “Yeah well I look different, that’s for sure.” Carrie admitted.

  “No you are beautiful, stop selling yourself short Carrie. Now come on it’s time to get down there to the party.” Sally pulled her out of the room.

  Carrie protested along the way, until they got to the top of the steps. She looked down and found Johnny staring up at her. A slow smile spread over his face at her sight. Carrie smiled back at him and allowed herself to think positive if just for a bit.

  Perhaps Sally was right, maybe Johnny felt something more for her? Maybe just maybe she could convince herself enough of this that she would sleep with him. She had to admit that she wanted to know if that dream was true or not.

  Chapter 5

  Johnny could feel her before he saw her. His attention was drawn to the stairs and then he saw her. He couldn’t help but smile up at her. When she smiled back it made him feel great.

  “Hey, I was hoping you would come down.” Johnny came up to her.

  “I agreed to come down earlier in the week. Sally wouldn’t let me out of it!” Carrie told him.

  He laughed, “I wasn’t going to come at all either. But I decided to at least stop by for a bit. However, now that your down here. Well would you like to go for a walk out back in the garden?” He asked.

  “Sure, but I would think you’d want to stay in here.” Carrie stated.

  “No I would rather be alone with you and just talk.” Johnny admitted.

  She looked at him; he could see the shock in her eyes.

  “Come on let’s go. It’s so loud in here too, I can barely hear you.” He let her walk in front of him.

  Carrie thought she could feel his eyes studying her body as she walked. It made her feel self-conscious, and she thought she might fall down. She hated wearing any type of heels, but tonight she had put some on, on Sally’s urging.

  She stumbled slightly and felt his arms go around her to catch her. “Thanks.” She mumbled.

  He didn’t want to let go of her, she felt good to touch. Johnny let go reluctantly though. “Sure, you know you could take the shoes off if you want.” He said.

  “I really hate these things. I’ve never been good at walking in them, and they hurt my feet.” Carrie told him.

  “Take them off; I can carry them for you.” He stated.

  Carrie took off her shoes and he grabbed them. She wiggled her toes in the grass. “That’s so much better.”

  “Did you grow up on a farm?” He asked her.

  “Yes I did. But tell me why you would say that?” She questioned.

  “Because I grew up on one too, and I love going barefoot!” He laughed.

  They found a place to sit in the garden. “It’s so beautiful out here. Sometimes I’ll come out here and study, it’s so peaceful.” Carrie said.

  “Yeah, but your even more beautiful.” Johnny said.

  He wanted to touch her, but also to show her respect. Johnny felt awkward around her. He sighed lightly and shook his head.

  “I don’t know what it is about you Carrie, but you’re different.” He said.

  Chapter 6

  Carrie couldn’t believe her ears when he said she was different. “What do you mean?” She asked.

  He moved around nervously and finally spoke. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I dream about you, and you are on my mind all the time.”

  “Okay, so I don’t know what to tell you.” She stated. “I can tell you that I’m not some easy girl though, I don’t want to be another notch on your bed post. That’s not how my mother raised me.” She said.

  “No, I don’t think of you like that at all. I mean if I did, I would have already tried to talk you into going upstairs.” He told her.

  Carrie studied him closely, she wondered if he was lying to her. She heard stories of how guys would tell a girl just about anything to bed them. Johnny was a real player and he would most likely always be one.

  “So you’re practicing
patience with me?”

  “No, it’s more like I want it to be special with you.” He said slowly.

  She didn’t know if she could accept this as truth or not. It all sounded too good to be true. How would Johnny Strom stop his ways? Or was he just talking about bedding her, and having all those other women too?

  “I don’t know Johnny; I’m not the type of girl who wants to share with others.”

  “I wasn’t asking you to do that.” He looked at her quickly.

  “Then what are you asking me?”

  “I don’t know.” He held her gaze. “This is new to me.”

  Carrie took her bottom lip into her mouth and bit it lightly. She always did that when she was nervous and unsure. She found that most of the time around Johnny, at least right now, her lip was in her mouth.

  “If you keep doing that I’m not going to hold back though, I will kiss you.” He told her.

  She looked up at him, her lip still captured in her mouth. He moved closer to her and covered her mouth lightly with his. The kiss was gentle and sweet, and far too short for her liking.

  She closed her eyes; she swore this was a dream. To test it out she leaned into him and placed her lips over his. He pulled her into his arms and deepened the kiss.

  Carrie sighed loudly at the passion she could feel in the kiss. “I don’t know if I can sleep with you though.” She pulled away from him finally.

  “I’m not forcing you to sleep with me. Did I say we should go upstairs? Carrie, I’m not going to push you into anything. I’m also not going to lie to you; I wouldn’t stop if you said yes. I want you more than I have ever wanted another girl or woman in my life.” He told her.

  All logical thought left her mind at the sweet words, she wanted him too. Carrie kissed him again, but in her mind she could hear the words, don’t do it.

  But she couldn’t say the words; she couldn’t invite him up to her room. He didn’t push her into it either. He held her and kissed her occasionally. Carrie almost gave him when he skimmed his fingers over her nipple. She felt the nub grow hard and her body react to him more.


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