Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 93

by Lauren Wood

  In a past life, Jennifer was a motivational speaker. She’d gone to several high schools to put people on the straight and narrow. She had left that and went to nursing school after one of those kids decided that a life of crime was where the money was at. She felt responsible, but what she didn’t realize was that this kid was on the downward slope from the moment that he was old enough.

  “I don’t have any pressing engagements for the rest of the day. I was planning to leave the office early and could swing by and see what my father wants. I’m not promising anything. Surely I’m not going to throw a team member underneath the bus for the chance at the championship.”

  Stephanie grabbed her short, black, leather jacket. “Time to hop on my Harley and hit the open road.”

  She went down to the parking garage and strode towards her black and red masterpiece. It was a beautiful design, with blue lightning bolts and flames that made her quite the conversation piece. She’d taken it to a custom shop and had paid an extravagant amount of money to get them to tailor it to her specifications.

  “I see that look in your eyes. Believe me, I have that same look on the weekends,” Jeremy Nicholson said from behind her. “That is a beautiful piece of hardware. I don’t suppose that you know anything about motorcycles. Is this a hobby, or is this a lifelong dream that you have made a reality?” Jeremy was one of the new doctors in the office. He had liked Stephanie from the moment that he had come on board, but he had sensed that there was something painful in her past.

  “I think that I bought it out of a knee jerk reaction to rebel against my parents. My mother is no longer around, but my father is always constantly on my back. The first day that I bought this thing, I made it my mission to drive over to his home and rev the motor. He came screaming out of the house and I only smiled. I turned and drove away with him shaking his fist in disbelief that I would put my life in danger like this.”

  “My father had sent me an attachment on my phone. There were no names mentioned. He was worried that this was going to get out to the public and wasn’t taking any chances even with his daughter. The results of the scans were a little disturbing. That knee would need major rehabilitation. He was asking for a miracle and I wasn’t sure that I was gonna be able to give him what he wanted.”

  “I know what it’s like to have a domineering father, and believe me, it’s not easy to get their approval. They expect so much from you that they don’t realize that you have your own mind and your own ideas about where your life is going to go. I did go into medicine for my parents, but I didn’t exactly make them proud by taking going into sports medicine, as lucrative as it may be. They wanted me to be a surgeon, but for me, it was all about those dreams that had yet to be fulfilled. I lost my chance to play professionally when I blew out my knee and my shoulder at the same time. Not to mention that I had a heart condition that needs to be monitored each and every day for the rest of my life.”

  Stephanie gave him a sideways grin. “I guess we do have something in common. My father has always stressed the importance of family, but mostly he has the team on his mind. He wants to project that family-man persona, but it’s not exactly the truth. I believe that my mother died of a broken heart. He was never able to give her the kind of time and dedication that she deserved. He had his eye on the prize. That has never been more evident than it is now. If he can make it through to the finals, then that elusive cup will be right there for the taking.”

  “I had dated Jeremy for one night of complete boredom that made me want to blow the back of my head off. He was a good friend, but I didn’t see it going beyond that. I’d made it very clear to him that I wasn’t interested in a relationship. He had done me the service of not pushing the issue.”

  “I think that we do these things for our parents, so that they can live vicariously through us,” Jeremy mused. “I’m sure that a lot of kids do that to get their parent’s approval. I can’t say that I’m not happy with what I’m doing, but I always get this distasteful look when I walk through the door on Christmas holidays. They jokingly get underneath my skin, until I dismiss it out of hand. I can’t let them see that their words hurt. It won’t stop me from going home, but maybe I should take a page from your book. They have never seen my motorcycle. It’s a long journey, but maybe it would be worth it to see the expression on their faces.” Jeremy could almost imagine the shocked and stunned expression on his family’s faces. He loved them, but he didn’t need their constant needling or asking him when he was going to settle down with a good girl.

  He didn’t like the good girls, and maybe that was what was keeping him from pursuing something more with Stephanie. He liked raw sexuality and women unafraid to be wild in the bedroom. He’d had his fair share of lovers that showed him what a real woman could do behind closed doors. It didn’t seem to matter where he found his next conquest; it could be one of his patients, or could be in the grocery store picking up a zucchini that was close to the size of his package. It was a great way to get them to know what his endowment was without having to sneak it into a conversation. It was his way of lightening the mood.

  “You should really do that, Jeremy. That might get them off your back about having a family or settling down.” With that, Stephanie swung her leg over her bike before putting her helmet in place. Turning on the bike, the vibrations ran through her denim-clad thighs before she switched gears and pulled out of sight.

  Chapter 2

  Stephanie drove her motorcycle over to the stadium where her father worked. The weekend would have this place packed to the rafters to see who was going to move on and who was going to be left crying in their beer. This was going to be the seventh and final game. Both teams were evenly matched, but her father’s had the edge over the competition; their star quarterback, Brock Nevins, was sidelined with an injury, and it finally dawned on Stephanie that maybe that was the reason why she was here.

  Stephanie saw Jake Eagles, a retired football star in his own right, standing at the front door getting that necessary smoke break.

  Jake looked up at her and shook his head in disbelief; he couldn’t believe that she would actually have the gall to ride that thing there, of all places. He had heard several arguments between her and her father on the subject. It was like she wanted to get a rise out of him, and maybe that was the only way that she felt like she was getting the attention that she deserved.

  “I could swear that was you, Stephanie, but that can’t be. The Stephanie that I know would never try to push his buttons, especially when we are getting so close to the championship.” Stephanie rolled her eyes at him, but that only spurred him on. “Do you know that he hardly ever sleeps anymore? He pops caffeine pills like they are candy. I believe that there is only one person that can help him, and that’s you. Tell him that he’s burning the candle at both ends. Get him to delegate and maybe that will help him to soothe his troubled nerves. You know that he has a high blood pressure, and bringing that thing here is not going to help matters any.”

  Stephanie sighed. “He may not like it, but I really don’t care. It’s a nice, spring day and I decided to get it out of the garage. I don’t have many opportunities to drive, and when I do, I seize the day You think that he can tell me what to do, but that is not how our relationship works. He might be able to do that with his team, but I’m not one of those that he can browbeat into doing anything. I came over here as a courtesy.”

  “I know how hard he rides his players. I’ve gone to a few of his sermons before a big game, not so much a speech as a proclamation from god.”

  Stephanie knew that her father was a pigheaded, chauvinistic man that was stuck in his ways and she steeled herself for her interaction with him. Nodding a goodbye to Jake, she headed into her father’s office. Seeing him at his desk going over plays was like seeing a throwback to her childhood.

  Avery looked up from his desk and saw his daughter. He could only hope to god that she was the answer to his prayers. He motioned for her to come in and s
he sat down with her legs crossed in a ladylike fashion. He couldn’t get over how much she was like her mother. They may have had different styles, but what he saw in his daughter was the same thing that he saw in his soon to be wife back in the day: they both had attitudes and knew how to emasculate a man.

  “I’m sure that you have perused the file that I have sent you already. I’ve called for that specific player to come to the office right away. I want your honest opinion and to tell me straight if you think that he can play this weekend. I don’t want to injure him, but I think it’s necessary to find out what he’s capable of.”

  “I really don’t know what you expect from me. I have taken a look and I believe that he would be better suited to sitting on the sidelines for the rest of the season. It would give his knee time to heal, but I don’t think that I’m telling you anything that your other trainers haven’t told you already. I do have some experimental procedures, and you don’t need to look at me like that. You know that I’ve always gone in for that holistic side of medicine.”

  “I’ve always had great success with acupuncture and even reflexology. I’ve dedicated my life to those things that would prevent going under the knife. No surgeon would ever tell them, but there are always different ways to skin a cat.”

  Brock was approaching the coach’s office and he could see the back of some woman sitting in front of the desk. He looked down at his impressive member. He patted his crotch to remind it that he had already satisfied those urges last night. That girl knew how to work her body, but he never did feel anything more for her than that chemistry connection.

  He was walking gingerly and could feel the weight of his 250-pound frame on his knee. He saw the coach wave him in and then he stood and looked at this woman from the angle of seeing down her blouse. Those puppies looked good enough to devour. He imagined what it would be like to stick his head between them.

  “Brock, I want you to meet the possible answer to what is plaguing you. Dr. Wallace will be taking over your care. It’s not that I don’t trust the trainers, but I really do need somebody that is going to have both of our best interests in mind.” The coach was not stupid and he could see the way that Brock was looking at his daughter. There was no way that he was going to take that lying down. “Dr. Wallace is my daughter and I think that it goes without saying that you’re not to use your special charm on her. Besides, I think that you’ll find that she’s not a match for somebody with your callous attitude towards women.”

  Stephanie had her arms crossed demurely, but her eyes were in line with Brock’s bulge. That piece of hardware was definitely more than a mouthful. She didn’t even consider that her father was standing right here. His body was a hypnotic sight that had her anxious to get him out of his clothing.

  Hearing that this was the coach’s daughter had put ice water down his pants. It wasn’t enough to fully diminish his condition, but it did make him think that this was a bad idea.

  “I’ve looked over the results of your tests and I believe that you have promise for an experimental procedure. I don’t know how you feel about acupuncture and reflexology, but I believe that is your best bet to get on the field by the weekend. I don’t see anything out of place in the scans. That at least gives me hope that you can come back from this fully healed and ready to storm the field next year. If I had my choice, I would have you stand out, but I don’t think the coach is going to be very happy with that prognosis.” Stephanie could barely sit still, squirming noticeably and trying her best to find someplace that was comfortable. She hungered for something more than a TV dinner and the meat that he was packing certainly would quench her appetite.

  “I know that I’m going to regret saying this, but I forbid any kind of relationship between the two of you. I don’t care if it’s physical or otherwise. If I find out anything different, then you won’t be out there this weekend. There are going to be many scouts from various football teams in the NFL looking to size you up. If you’re not out there, then they will turn their attention to somebody else. I know for fact that there are at least four that are going to be here watching you specifically. I don’t want you to ruin it for a few minutes of pleasure. I’m sure that you have a lot of other women looking to take their place in your bed.” The coach had laid down the law and he was hoping that his words were going to be met with a favorable response.

  Brock nodded. “I would never think of doing anything with your daughter. I don’t know why you would even think that I was that kind of guy. I will treat her like she is off limits.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her bosom, but he was doing it subtly to prevent the coach from seeing that he was interested in more than just a professional arrangement.

  While Brock professed his innocence, Stephanie was incensed by her father’s controlling attitude. “I don’t know where you get off dictating my love life, but believe me I have no interest in this Neanderthal.”

  “Although I can imagine what it would be like to be flung over his shoulder and dragged back to his cave. This guy is exactly what I’m looking for to shed some of my inhibitions.”

  Stephanie’s father cleared his throat. “I have a lot of work to do. I suggest that you both work very hard to make sure that he’s on that field by the weekend. You only have a couple of days to work your magic, Stephanie.”

  “Am I only interested because dad has declared him off limits? I have to admit that this is the kind of mountain that I would love to climb. He has all the attributes, except I don’t think that there’s much going on between the ears. I don’t even know why that matters to me. I haven’t been laid in almost six months. I need to get one out of the chamber and this guy has the makings of a great, one-night stand.”

  Chapter 3

  Stephanie stood and followed Brock from the room, taking in how his tight posterior looked in his jeans. She stood there quite intoxicated and didn’t even realize that he was stripping in front of her. When those jeans started to slide down over his bare ass, her eyes went wide. She looked at him like he was doing something that was naughty and unexpected.

  “I’m sure that I don’t have anything that you haven’t seen before. I figure that it would be best to get undressed to show you what you are dealing with. I hope that you can help, but I’m not all that convinced that you can.” Brock had his back towards her and with an obvious glint of mischievousness, he turned and let her see the Full Monty. “We are both adults and we can conduct ourselves with a modicum of respect for one another, right?” Brock didn’t have to do anything. He could see from looking into her eyes that she was pretty much powerless and underneath his spell.

  “Yes, of course. I’m sure that we can work something out.” Stephanie couldn’t take her eyes off of the prize. It was over 8 inches and had the thickness of a long-neck beer bottle.

  “I know that he’s doing this on purpose. I also know that I can’t help looking at him like a dish. He’s what all men should strive to be like. He has a way of looking at me that makes me want to strip down and join him in my birthday suit.”

  “Just tell me where you want me and that is exactly what you will get.” He was standing there in profile, unashamed, with his cock bobbing up and down like it had a mind of its own. He wanted her to look at it and was not disappointed by the obvious enchantment in her eyes. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

  Stephanie had to shake herself from wanting to jump him right there and right then. Instead, she got him to lie down on the table. The only thing that wasn’t laying down was the one object that she wanted to get her hands on.

  She took out the necessary implements and was quite pleased by how his eyes seemed to show a bit of shock seeing how long those needles really were.

  For 3 hours, she played with his knee, massaging it and using those needles along with pressure points to relieve him of some of the pain that he was in. She could feel the tenderness of his skin and she believed that maybe the pain that he was feeling was a phantom pain from a previous injur

  “I’m not saying that doesn’t feel good, but I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how good.” He once again flexed that piece of pipe and let her see how aroused he was by having her hands on him. “I’m sure that you’ve seen this reaction before, doctor. It can’t be that uncommon for a male patient to get excited around somebody like you. I would never suggest that you do anything about my current condition. It would be wrong … so very wrong of us to do anything that your father is against.” His knee did feel pretty good, but he was sure that most of that was the pain swimming up current against a certain pleasurable release of endorphins.

  Stephanie licked her lips. She was sure that it wouldn’t be long before she was sucking that nice, long object. Touching him and feeling those muscles had only made it that much more difficult to keep her hands, and the rest of her body, to herself.

  “I want him: a perfect piece of forbidden fruit.”

  In that moment, Stephanie had made her decision. She went over to the door and made sure that it was locked and the blinds drawn.

  “Normally, I would think that you were doing that because you wanted to get busy with me.” He ran his hands over his short-cropped, dark hair and flashed her a smile that always made women want to drop their panties.

  “I’m getting the feeling that you’re trying to seduce me, Brock. Where have your morals gone? My father asked you not to do anything with me and you promised that was the furthest thing from your mind. Was that all a lie, or am I that irresistible?”

  Brock’s eyes met hers. “There is a small part of me that doesn’t want to ruin anything with your father. He is my coach, after all, but there is another, bigger part of me that has a mind of its own.” Brock could see that his condition wasn’t diminishing and that he would either have to convince her to give him some sort of relief or do it himself. His temperature had risen and he had a fever that was induced by the available, young woman that was standing right in front of him. He had nothing to hide and everything about him was now laid bare for her to see in vivid color. “I don’t know if I can be the one to cross that line, Stephanie. Believe me, it’s very hard, and I’m definitely using that as a euphemism.”


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