Mountain Man's Proposal

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Mountain Man's Proposal Page 112

by Lauren Wood

  “You are the perfect man for me. I want you to ravage my body. Make me scream your name on the tip of my tongue. You know that’s what you want. There’s no reason for you to wake up without a smile on your face.” I was playing the fantasy woman with only one thing on my mind.

  His hand ran up my leg and underneath my skirt. He came in contact with my panties. They were soaking wet with excitement. He traced the sodden material with his finger until he found the confidence to slip underneath the crotch. The penetration was a delicious aphrodisiac for more to come.

  I moaned and closed my eyes to the pleasure he was inflicting on me. He was deep inside and touching me in a way that felt better than I could ever imagine. The speed of his thrusts was a sloppy exercise of finger banging me into submission. I almost collapsed from the sheer joy of the orgasm gripping me by the throat. I clamped onto his wrist and began to grind to a rhythm of my own making.

  I lost my composure and the orgasmic expletives were not for the faint of heart. I was finding every four letter word in my vocabulary to express myself. His finger was teasing me. His expertise was inspiring and I was determined to share the wealth of my sexual repertoire.

  My hands were behind me and I walked ahead of him. He followed like I was playing his favorite song. I helped him into the hot tub after completing the task of getting him naked. He was following my lead. The length and thickness of his member were begging for some kind of attention.

  Chapter four

  “I know this is what you want. It’s OK and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m going to help you get lost with the help of my silky lips wrapped around your length. There’s no reason to deny how you feel.” He was standing with the projection of his equipment pointing at my lips.

  I was on my knees with my mouth open and my tongue stretched out as far as it could go. I grabbed onto his hard packed cheeks and drove the pointed end of his spear into my mouth. I pushed it past the resistance of the ring of my throat. It was lodged and bulging obscenely with the head and the first few inches getting the full effect.

  I hadn’t had a good size cock in my mouth in quite some time. It was like riding a bicycle. I didn’t forget, but it was interesting to get back into the saddle. His knob was pulsing with droplets of his seed stretching the length of my tongue.

  “It feels like it’s really happening, but I know that couldn’t be true. The feeling of your lips sliding up and down on me is like I have died and gone to heaven. This could be an illusion brought about by alcohol poisoning. I hope they take their time pumping my stomach when they arrive with the ambulance.” I was bobbing for his apples getting a taste of his musky scent and loving every minute of it.

  The vein along the back side of his shaft was pronounced. The livewire of his libido was riding high on how I was bringing him to the brink. It was a nice night for a shower of white. I counted myself lucky. I wanted to end this and start at the very beginning all over again. There was a voice inside of my head telling me how wrong I was to use him like this. I was hitting rock bottom and I didn’t care.

  “I’m here and not here at the same time. Does that even make any sense?” He was teetering on the edge and I could’ve easily thrown him a curveball by taking him the rest of the way.

  I powered forward driving my lips down until I was kissing his stomach. I left my lipstick behind and traveled the long and unyielding object between his legs. It was saturated with my spit. Shiny and desirable was how I would describe what was throbbing with insistence.

  “I need you… Rachel. I have always loved you from afar. I never had the courage to say this to your face. It’s so much better when I know you won’t reject me out of hand. This is my fantasy and it happens the way that I want it to.” I had my mouth currently stuffed full of cock.

  I felt it on the rise with it flexing with instinct inside my mouth and against my tongue. I formed my mouth into an oval shape. Looking up brought with it the possibility of losing the one friend I had in this town. The willpower to leave him wanting wasn’t going to win this battle.

  “I’m going to… AHHHHH.” His white-hot load exploded from the tip in a rapid-fire motion.

  I let it run hotly along the surface of my tongue to the back of my throat. It sizzled like liquid fire down into my stomach. I worked him with my hand to engage all of his senses at the same time. My nimble fingers drew the last of his heated discharge from his loins.

  There was no real satisfaction when he had no idea what he was doing. My bad boy next door neighbor was taken advantage of. I used his inebriated state against him. I could only hope he was never going to remember. The liquor would hold him hostage, but it was inevitable his memory would come flooding back.

  He dropped heavily into the water splashing the contents over the side. He lay there slumped unconscious and snoring something fierce. I touched my lips not quite believing I had done such a thing. He was never going to talk to me again.

  I wasn’t completely naked. The file I had brought over with me was still on the coffee table where I left it. I perused the pertinent details and made a plan to execute at my earliest convenience.

  I had already confirmed his routine down to a science. The best place to catch him unaware was coming back from the gym during the wee hours of the morning. He was built like a linebacker and had killed a young mother during a drive-by. He got off because of an ironclad alibi.

  I found out he had a twin brother. They were identical and were using their special connection to commit crimes. His twin brother was supposed to be 1000 miles away.

  They both had the kind of money to hire a private plane. They made their fortune by eliminating the competition. They didn’t seem to have a social conscience and lived by their own rules. Killing was something they had learned to do together while hunting with their family. I was in a unique position to bring them to justice. The only stumbling block was that I had never had to contend with two at the same time.

  “Rachel… Rachel… Rachel.” Copeland was calling my name in his sleep obviously having a wet dream come true.

  He was finishing what I had started by bringing to life how we would be compatible underneath the comfort of the sheets. I went over and found his cock hiding in the bubbles of the hot tub. The head was acting like a periscope on the surface of the water. He was thrusting his hips and moaning thinking that he was deep in the embrace of my sex.

  “I love the way that you fuck me. Hold me close and use my hips as leverage.” I was playing with his mind and watching as he went through the motions.

  His hands grabbed the invisible woman of his dreams. It was tempting to jump in and join him in this pursuit of pleasure. It wasn’t right to do this without him having full control of his memories. I wanted there to be no doubt of my sincerity when I gave him my body willingly. I was ready to tell him everything and let the chips fall where they may.

  My watch confirmed that Joey Moore was set to leave after working his muscles into a frenzy. I was only a few short blocks away. I decided to walk to burn off what was currently building with pressure between my legs.

  20 minutes later and I was poised to make my move.

  I saw him in his wife beater tee shirt exit the gym. He met up with his twin brother. I was close enough to hear their conversation and to tap into their cell phone.

  “They really have no clue. I know this doesn’t sit well with you. I would rather have you living with the nightmares than to ever see the inside of a jail cell. You always come through for me no matter your personal opinion to the contrary. It’s not like you had your hand on the trigger. I have no problem doing my own dirty work.” This was better than I could wish for.

  “Joey, I feel sometimes it’s better to wash my hands of you. The only thing I did was make sure that you could be in two places at the same time. I never know the details until after the fact. You know I would never agree, but there is always this inkling in the back of my mind that you’re up to no good.” I was going to interve
ne, but I felt there was a better way.

  The police cars surrounded them with their headlights. Rodriguez got out and approached with several officers brandishing their weapons. They easily gave up thinking that there was no way they had anything incriminating. Rodriguez played a portion of what I had sent him to see the smug look on their faces disappear.

  “It looks like the both of you are going to be spending a lot of time together. I doubt either one of you would consider rolling over on the other one for a better deal.”

  “This is entrapment and I’m exercising my right to a lawyer.” Joey was dead set on fighting this every step of the way.

  “It’s not entrapment when I wasn’t the one that procured the evidence. I got an anonymous call. Somebody has taken exception to you getting off Scot free. You’ve always been a little too lucky for your own good. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You’ll have plenty of time to think about what you’ve done.” They hauled them both away, but one twin was going to get a lighter sentence.

  Rodriguez stayed well after they were driven away in the back seat of the police car. I didn’t dare move from where I was in the comfort of the darkness. I was hunched down behind two parked cars with no light above me to capture my likeness.

  He leaned back against one of the cars and lit up a cigar. Rings of smoke penetrated the air. It seemed coincidental that he decided to stick around. I didn’t believe in coincidences.

  “Rachel, I’m going to do you the courtesy of looking the other way. Calling me was the right thing to do. I finished reading your story. I know what motivates you. I’m sorry for your loss, but this isn’t the way to make yourself feel better. I want you to seriously consider getting therapy. In the meantime, we will work within the letter of the law together. You obviously have a skill set I have not utilized. I would like to remedy that. Don’t say anything. Come to work tomorrow and be ready to roll up your sleeves.” I had to say something, but nothing more than was necessary.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m going to sponsor you to get into the academy. It will take a few months, but you’ll be in the unique position of learning everything you need to know. I see potential and I don’t want you to waste it on an exercise in futility. You’re better off pounding the pavement and protecting those that are innocent. It won’t be the same, but this is the only way to get me off of your tail.” He walked away whistling underneath his breath and got into his car.

  I waited until he was far enough away before poking my head up. This night was full of surprises. I had one bit of unfinished business. Copeland’s hangover was going to be a doozy.

  Copeland was going to learn some painful facts about me. He already knew the catalyst of my behavior, but how was he going to respond when I gave him the rest of the story?

  I didn’t have much time to think about it. I was going to wander the streets and make my way over to his house. I could only hope it wasn’t too late to make amends. I didn’t want to lose the one thing that meant the world to me. His response would dictate how this relationship was going to evolve.

  Copeland was hard to read. He had this bad boy quality. I wanted him to understand where I was coming from. This was my last dance with the devil. I was ready to hang up my vigilante boots. It was time for a new chapter. It was time to take the fight to the enemy in the light of day.

  The only thing left was to seduce him. I wanted the chance to show him how I felt in more than just words. He was going to be angry. I didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes. I took a deep breath. The Day of Judgment was at hand.

  Chapter five

  I had my hand in the air with my heart in my throat. I was frozen with different scenarios running around in my head. He was behind the door and I couldn’t bring myself to announce my presence.

  It suddenly opened like magic with him staring at me with what appeared to be daggers in his eyes. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but it did nothing to deflect from how his body language was speaking loud and clear.

  He pulled me in and slammed the door behind me. His two hands were over top of me on either side of my shoulders.

  “I woke up with lipstick around my cock. Would you like to explain that?” I had my mouth open and it gave him the freedom to kiss me with abandon.

  I was stunned by his behavior, but I sank into it like a warm blanket on a winter evening. He lazily moved his hands down over my body sending signals to the pleasure centers of my brain.

  My tongue was no longer a passive bystander. I saw his eyes widen with alarm when I returned the same passion in the kiss. He released me from the lip lock with his thumb moving across the crimson shine of my lips.

  “What makes you think it was me?” He ran his thumb along the oval shape of my mouth.

  “I don’t think I have to justify that with an answer. I’m through with this dance.” He lifted me over his shoulder and carried me giggling with all the blood running to the top of my head.

  I saw what he had in mind and I braced myself. I splashed flailing in the water with my clothes practically transparent. He didn’t hesitate or bother to take off his pants.

  We stood dripping and he easily made me lift my arms to release me from the burden of my sweater. He captured one of my nipples and the feeling he inflicted was sent directly below the equator.

  I had my hands on the waistband of his pants. I pulled open the button and drove my hand into the opening. My fist encompassed his member with my fingers dancing a delicate tune up along those inches.

  He was tugging at my black jeans.

  “I have to tell you something.” He lifted his face from my bosom long enough to address my concerns.

  “There’s nothing that you can say that can’t wait. This has been a long time coming.” I wanted him to know the truth, but I didn’t want to dampen his spirits.

  “I agree with you.” My nipples were hard enough to cut through glass with a dollop of spit dripping from each one.

  We frantically undressed in front of each other and discarded our clothing soaking wet to the floor. I yelped in surprise when he lifted me. I curled my legs around his waist. My ankles were locked in place with the length of his manly serpent rubbing along the lips of my persuasion.

  “Tell me you want me. I want to hear it from your lips.” We were on the fence and ready to jump over to the other side.

  “I do want you, Copeland. I’ve always wanted to do this.” I lifted away from him and then brought my body down sliding his tool deep within the confines of my embrace.

  “I’ve been more than ready for that for quite some time. Rachel, our friendship can endure anything. Haven’t you realized that by now?” I was beginning to see that our bond was stronger than my secrets.

  I was sitting on the side of the hot tub feeling him drawing out until just the head remained. I grabbed the base to give him encouragement. I was exciting every part of him, but especially his imagination.

  He gave me 10 long thrusts and then replaced his slippery manhood with the agile length of his tongue. The slithering invader was a welcome addition. I held on for dear life with my fingernails digging into his shoulders.

  “Oh, yeah… that is exactly how I like it. You touch me like no man has ever done. It’s like you know my body from the inside out. I should’ve known we would be a perfect match.” I slapped my heels on his back to fuel what he had in reserve.

  “This is better than I could ever dream. I remember what you did in disjointed images. My only wish is that I was there for it in more than just spirit.” He returned to giving me a tongue lashing of a lifetime.

  It was his mission to make me cum until I couldn’t do it anymore.

  I moaned incoherently with my mind awash in a sea of pleasure. I was at his mercy and he was in no mood to take prisoners. I climbed one rung at a time to reach out for the brass ring of my orgasm. It slapped me across the face with enough force to leave me stunned into silence.

  He slipped back in during the onslaug
ht of my pleasure. The head was firmly encased and he was doing nothing to give me anything more.

  I was giving the head a very deep tissue kind of massage. My inner muscles were frantic to get him off. Amazingly, he was able to hold strong and continue undeterred. I was coming down from the addictive high of my climactic moment when he felt it necessary to inject the length of his shaft.

  My ankles unlocked and my legs spread with every muscle straining for relief. I was breathing heavily with his body perfectly aligned with mine. I was firing on all cylinders with my second wind matching his.

  I dropped to my knees and sampled the concoction we had created with both of our juices. I gave him the same treatment he had given me. It was my pleasure to take it to the next level. I buried him in my throat several times before coming up for air.

  “Take me from behind.” I got into position with my hands on my knees under the water.

  “I thought you would never ask.” I almost went face first into the water upon penetration.

  He had the foresight to hold onto my shoulders to keep me from submerging. The water was bubbling around us and the heat was nothing compared to what we were generating on our own.

  “This is even deeper than before.” On each forward motion, he would stop and let me feel how good it was to be stuffed full of his meat.

  “Friendship is far more powerful with the benefits.” I was gripping him in a tight hold and squeezing to make him pop like warm champagne from the bottle.

  “A man like you is a terrible thing to waste.” My knees were bent and I was taking the full assault from behind.

  I went under for a moment and came back up sputtering water everywhere. My legs virtually collapsed out from underneath me. He was still inside me. He was able to pull my hair out of the water and continue banging me with relentless determination.

  I felt him biting my neck. It was startling. I was moaning and couldn’t stop. I was begging him to fill me, but he was riding me right into the sunset.


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