Stay With Me_Taphouse Blues Series_Bk 1

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Stay With Me_Taphouse Blues Series_Bk 1 Page 10

by Heather Lyn

  “Okay. Anything else you can recall that you think might help?”

  “Not really. It was all very routine, if I’m being honest. He wasn’t the first patient we thought was on something, and he wasn’t the first victim of a car accident. I don’t say that to be cruel, but this is a busy department. On a hectic shift, I can sometimes see fifty patients. And that’s just in one shift.”

  “I understand. I want you to know we’re doing everything in our power to put this guy away. We’re trying to get a timeline from the night he left the note on your door. We’re checking traffic cams, everything. This is our top priority.”

  “Thank you, Garret. Honestly, I appreciate all of this. You guys have been working so hard, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I have no idea how I would’ve gotten through all this otherwise.”

  “You’re welcome, Lindsey. You aren’t just Brody’s girlfriend, we all care about you. But give us just a little bit longer and we’ll get this all taken care of.”

  We both stand from the table and I maneuver around it to give him a hard hug. He laughs when I do, and then I release him.

  “I gotta get back to work, but let me know when you have any news, okay?”

  “You know it. I gotta head downtown anyway, fill Jace in.”

  “Talk to you soon.”

  With a small wave, I pull the door open and head to the bank of elevators. Pressing the button for the first floor, I shove my hands into my scrub pockets to wait, rocking back and forth on my heels. Footsteps sound behind me, and I turn to find Brody standing a couple feet away.


  Smiling bigger than I have in what feels like forever, I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely.

  “What are you doing here? How’d you find me?” I ask, pulling away to kiss his cheek.

  “I went to the nurse’s station and your friend Ryan directed me here. I saw Garret leaving, so I figured you were all done talking.”

  “Yeah, he only had a few things to go over. Listen, Brody, I’m so—” I’m cut off when Brody kisses me, his hands tangling in my hair. I shut my eyes, giving myself over to him, sighing when he breaks the kiss. His hands rest on my cheeks, thumbs stroking as his dark eyes bore into mine.

  “Don’t apologize, Linds. You don’t need to. I was being an asshole. I know what happened wasn’t directed at me, and I was taking it too personally. I’m the one who’s sorry. You’re a grown woman with a mind of her own. I have no right to tell you what to do, and I had no right to speak to you the way I did. Please, baby, forgive me?”

  “Always, Brody.”

  Before I can say anything else, the elevator doors open with a ding, and Brody walks with me into it. Hitting the button, the doors close and we’re alone, heading down to my department. I lean into his side and his arm comes around my shoulders as he kisses my forehead.

  “So, what’d Garret have to say?”

  I fill him in quickly, and when the door opens a few moments later, we step off the elevator hand in hand. As we walk toward my work station, my mind is in overdrive and when we reach the bank of desks, I look up at him with a grin.

  “We still on for tonight?” I ask, giving his hand a squeeze.

  “We were never not on for tonight, baby. I need to meet my girl’s parents, after all. But do me a favor, will you?”


  Leaning down, Brody gives me a fast peck on the lips and winks. “Follow them to my place. I need you in my bed tonight.”

  “We’ll see about that, Walker.”

  Smiling, he gives me one last kiss and then is on his way. I watch him go and when he reaches the end of the hallway, he turns to look at me. I give him a small wave and he kisses his hand, then holds it up in the air.

  Oh good Lord. I think I just fell even harder. That was fucking adorable.


  Checking my reflection in my rearview mirror, I fluff my hair and decide I’m good to go. My parents pull in behind my car as I reach over for my purse, then walk over to their vehicle.

  “Hi, Daddy,” I greet, hugging my dad around the waist as hard as I can.

  He ruffles my hair and kisses the top of my head. “Hi, sweetheart. How was work?”

  “Good. You guys ready to meet Brody?”

  “Of course,” Mom says, pulling a glass container from the back seat.

  “What’s that?” I ask, eyebrow raised.

  “I made Brody some of Nana’s famous brownies.”

  “No fair. I want some.” I pout and she laughs, coming over to put an arm around me.

  Walking together up to the front porch, we get to the front door when she whispers in my ear. “I’m so glad we finally get to meet him, honey.”

  “Me too,” I say, kissing her cheek. I don’t even bother to ring the doorbell, just push the door open, ushering them inside.

  “Brody, we’re here,” I announce.

  Tossing my purse onto the couch, I look up to see my gorgeous boyfriend round the corner. Dressed in my favorite jeans of his and a plaid short-sleeved button-down, he’s the epitome of perfection. I find myself wishing my parents weren’t here so I could run my fingers through his perfectly styled hair while he took me—


  Startled, I’m broken from my thoughts to my mom shouting my name. Cheeks heated and bright red, I look up to see that I’m completely busted.

  “Sorry, what’d I miss?” I say, walking over to Brody. He wraps his arm around my lower back to pull me next to him.

  “Well, while you were busy checking me out, I was meeting your parents, babe.”

  “I was not checking you out,” I scoff, faking shock.

  Brody laughs and shakes his head, my parents joining in.

  “Honey, its fine. This is one handsome guy you’ve got,” Mom says, winking at me.


  “What? He’s a grown man, he can handle his potential mother in-law dishing out compliments, right, Brody?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Brody salutes her jokingly.

  I look at my dad, my mouth dropping in horror. “Dad, help. Control your wife, for crying out loud.”

  “I have to go home with her, Lindsey. After thirty-five years of marriage, my old ass is pleading the fifth.”

  Brody starts cracking up, my mom joining in. Standing in the middle of what I’m convinced is The Twilight Zone, I shake my head and go to the kitchen to get drinks for everyone. Grabbing a serving platter, I begin to load it up with pre-sliced cheese and crackers when large hands come down on my waist, Brody’s lips sliding down the column of my neck.

  “I missed you,” he groans, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I grip the back of his head with my free hand as he presses a kiss to my shoulder.

  “I missed you too,” I murmur, turning for a kiss. As he deepens it, his arms tighten around my waist. Standing in the comfort of his arms, I feel as if for the first time since we started dating, we can actually have a real relationship, not one surrounded by craziness and fear. I can be myself with him and just let go.

  “Thank you, Brody.”

  “For what, baby?”

  “Everything. These last couple months. I could never have gotten through it without you. It’s meant the world to me.”

  “Nowhere I’d rather be, Linds. In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m crazy about you.”

  “I would’ve just said crazy, but yeah, that works too.”

  Rolling his eyes, Brody slaps me on the ass and opens the fridge. “I’ll take care of the drinks, okay? You need any other help?”

  I shake my head, and he carries his and my parents’ drinks. A few moments later, I put the final piece on the tray and carry it into the living room. Mom is sitting next to Brody on the couch, and he’s telling them both about his bar. They seem genuinely interested in what he has to say, and my dad catches my eye as I place the tray on the coffee table. Reaching for a piece of cheese, Dad smiles and winks, raising his beer at me.

  His si
lent approval.

  Smiling widely, I nod at him, completely overwhelmed with the love in the room.

  Wait. Love?

  Catching myself off guard, I watch in silence as Brody animatedly tells them about the first beer order he ever got, and how the entire stack fell over in the back room. In minutes he has everyone laughing, and I sit on the arm of Dad’s chair. Brody smiles at me and continues his story. I let myself get lost in his smile, his husky laugh, and the joy he brings to every room whenever he’s in it.

  And he’s mine.


  My parents left about thirty minutes ago. I’m on dish duty while Brody gets the grill cleaned. The evening went perfectly, and honestly, my heart is so full at the moment. When they were leaving, Mom told me that I did good and she was proud of me. Dad didn’t say much, like usual, but he hugged me extra tight.

  I’m setting the last plate in the dishwasher when the slider opens and Brody steps inside. Locking it behind him, he strolls over to me and tosses the tongs in the sink. Rolling my eyes at him, I quickly get them cleaned and wipe the counter down.

  When I’m finished, I shut the door to the dishwasher and start it up, the gentle hum filling the small room.

  “That went well, huh?” I ask, turning to face Brody and leaning back against the sink.

  “It did. I really like your parents, Linds. Your mom cracks me up.”

  “My mom is something, that’s for sure,” I laugh, shaking my head at the thought.

  “You’re a lot like her, you know. Feisty, passionate, and beautiful.” Stepping toward me, Brody pulls me into his arms, dipping his head to kiss me. He groans when I nip at his lips, wanting him something strong.

  “Do me a favor, Brody?”

  “What’s that, baby?”

  “Stop talking about my mom and take me to bed.”

  Grinning wickedly, he bends down to pick me up, carrying me straight to his bedroom. When we get to the bed, he drops me onto it, crawling up to lie on top of me. I open my legs so he can get comfortable, and Brody brushes the hair off my face and smiles down at me.


  Shaking his head, he takes my lips in a demanding kiss, his tongue tangling with mine in seconds. Groaning into his mouth, I lift my legs to wrap around his waist and he takes the hint, gently rocking his hips against mine. His cock is already hard as steel, and it hits me exactly where I need him most.


  “What do you want, Linds?”

  Breaking the kiss, he trails his lips down my neck, stubble causing goose bumps to break out over my skin.

  “You. Inside me.”

  Smiling against my neck, his rough hands cup my face so he can look me in the eyes.

  “And that’s what you’ll get, baby.” Getting up onto his knees, he scoots down the bed. His fingers undo the button on my shorts, and in a matter of seconds they’re being pulled off me. Not wanting to waste any time, I rip my shirt over my head, Brody’s nostrils flaring when he sees my tiny lace bra.

  “Shit,” he grumbles, eyes raking up and down my body.

  “What, Brody?”

  “You’re fucking perfection, Lindsey Taylor. Every inch of you.”

  He leans over me as he caresses my breasts and I sigh, my nipples scraping against the material of the bra. Reaching under me, he undoes the bra clasp and pulls the material from my body, then bends down, trailing a wet path between both my breasts. I squirm underneath him, pressing my thighs together as he quickly works my body into a frenzy without doing anything other than running his wicked mouth everywhere.

  I watch the top of his head as he makes his way down to the top of my underwear. He hooks his fingers into the band and pulls them down, tossing them onto the floor next to him. Large hands gripping me behind the knees, he spreads my legs for him, heat flaring in his eyes. Sliding me up the bed, he drops to his stomach, hands holding me open to him. I want so much to keep my eyes on him, but when he lowers his mouth to my aching core, I fall back onto the bed, eyes clenched shut.

  Brody isn’t gentle, sucking my hard clit into his mouth with finesse, lips closing around it as he runs a finger through my wetness before inserting it. He pumps gently as he sucks in hard pulses, my body tensing at the pleasure.

  “Brody, oh fuck,” I cry out, biting the back of my hand to keep quiet. My chest is heaving up and down, and my breasts ache. I grip the hair on the back of his head as I thrust my hips against his mouth, shameless in my need to climax.

  “That’s it, baby. Take what you need.”

  My back arches, so close to the edge. My other hand palms my aching breast, plucking at my stiff nipple. Brody groans against me, eyes locked on my movement. Hollowing his cheeks, he sucks hard as he inserts another finger, gently running his tongue in fast flicks, sending me tumbling into the abyss. Light flashes over my vision and my legs lock around his head, back arched so hard only the top of my shoulders and head remain on the bed.

  He pulls away from me and climbs off the bed, the tent in his pants all the evidence I need to see that he really fucking enjoyed that. Not more than me, of course, but fuck.

  He strips his clothes in seconds, then rips open a condom and rolls it down before climbing back onto the bed, his eyes dark with lust.

  “Brody, I need you, now.”

  “I need you too, Linds. More than I’ve ever needed anything.”

  Settling between my legs, he kisses me gently as he reaches down to place himself at my entrance. Locking eyes with me, he slowly enters, stretching my body so deliciously. Biting my bottom lip, I let my eyes trail to where we’re connected and moan at the sight.

  Unlike his earlier ministrations, he’s moving slowly and gently now, not breaking eye contact. His arms slide underneath my back, cradling my body as he lazily pumps his hips. His breathing is harsh, and I can see the strain on his face. He wants to move, so I spread my legs wider, urging him on as I wrap my arms around his back, hanging on as he speeds up, grunting with each thrust.

  “You feel so good,” I whisper, suddenly overwhelmed. In a matter of months, this man has completely changed my life for the better, and we came close to losing everything. But now it’s almost over and I can just be with him. Wholly. Fully. Finally.

  “Fuckin’ hell, baby. You’re squeezing me so tight.”

  “I’m so close,” I groan, running my hands down his sweaty back to that perfectly toned ass, digging my nails into the hard muscle.

  “Not yet,” he growls, dropping his head to nip at my neck, dragging his teeth down to my chest.

  Closing my eyes, I fight my orgasm, knowing he’s worked my body up to one that will shatter me. Face buried in my neck, he grasps one of my legs and hitches it higher, his piercing rubbing that spot deep inside the right way, and I come, control be damned.

  Crying out loudly, I grip his back tightly, entire body stiffening at the pleasure. Brody curses and begins thrusting harder, and in half a dozen thrusts my body milks his release from him, his hoarse shout of pleasure muffled against my neck. Gently, I run my hands over his back and up to his stiff shoulders. When he’s completely spent, he drops on top of me, shuddering when I clench around him.

  “Christ, baby.”

  Breathing heavy, I grab his face and kiss him, panting against his lips. I squeeze my eyes shut tight against the unexpected tears burning in them, but when I open my eyes, a few tears betray me and they slide into my hair. Brody looks concerned and wipes them away, tension lining his beautiful face.

  “What’s wrong, Linds? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just….”

  “Just what, baby?”

  “I think I’m falling in love with you, Brody.”

  A knowing smile crosses his face. “Good, because I’ve already fallen.”

  Smiling, I kiss him, and he rolls us over so I’m straddling him. In minutes, we’re wrapped back up in each other, the rest of the night filled with whispered words, stolen kisses, and sweaty movements.

p; Heaven, basically.



  “What can I get you folks tonight?”

  Wiping the counter with the rag, I lean against it and smile at the couple who came walking in just a few minutes ago. They order a couple whiskey sours, and I get them made up. The guy lays a twenty down once I pass them over, and I grab him the change, which he promptly drops in the tip jar.

  “Enjoy,” I say, turning toward Nate. “All right, man, I’m out. Call me if there are any problems, okay?”

  “You know it.”

  Swinging into my office, I grab my hoodie and pull it on, my cell phone vibrating from my pocket. Taking it out, I see Garret calling. Not surprising. It’s been about a month since we were informed of Jeffrey’s involvement, but he still hasn’t been found. His apartment has been vacant, and he hasn’t shown up for any doctor or therapist appointments.

  Lindsey has been a tiny bit on edge, but she’s doing okay. Now that we know who it was, she’s confident that if he confronts her or calls again, she can talk him down.

  Closing and locking my office, I swipe my phone’s screen and answer the call.

  “Hey, man,” I greet, strolling out of the bar.

  “Brody. Listen, Mom called and asked if I could pass along a message.”

  “What’s up?” I ask, eyebrows raised in concern. Hitting my key fob to unlock my truck, I climb inside and shut the door, relaxing into the seat.

  “She said, and I quote, ‘Garret, my perfect little angel, tell your pain-in-the-ass brother that you’re my favorite son and always will be.’”

  Cracking up, I crank the engine and turn the Bluetooth on in my truck, Garret’s loud laugh coming through my car speakers in just a moment.

  “Yeah, okay. I’m the baby, so I’ll always be the favorite.”

  “Fuck no. I have the blue eyes that everyone goes apeshit over. Yours are the color of baby crap, and trust me, little bro, the chicks dig me.”

  That earns an eye roll. Making a mental note to kick his ass on a later date, I chuckle. “Okay, fuckstick, what do you actually need? Or can I go see my girlfriend now?”

  “Nah, was just calling to see if you and Lindsey wanted to come over this weekend. Jace and I are gonna grill with Drew and have a bonfire. You’re more than welcome to join.”


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