Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection

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Ultimate Alpha Boxed Set: A BBW and Wolf Shifter collection Page 67

by Bolryder, Terry

  I wriggle, pretending to try to get away and he pulls me back with a little growl and plants his mouth over me again. This time aggressively. I moan and wish I had my hands free so I could touch him. My whole body is so tense from being in this position, from him owning me completely, that another orgasm rushes forward like a freight train, turning to a gentle ocean wave as it hits me, carrying me up on a wave of sheer pleasure as my body writhes and I cry out to him.

  The smell in the room is stronger. My body is aching so hard for him that it physically hurts. He seems to sense this and unties my hands. I come forward, clutching his shoulders. Trying to press him as close to me as I can. Silently begging him for something I know we both want.

  “Shh…” he says, stroking my hair. “Soon. I need to make sure you’re ready.”

  I bite my lips and whimper, and he straddles me as he reaches down with one finger, and then two, reaching inside me with a delicious pressure and stretching gently. I look up at him, embarrassed at how ready I am. I’m so ready.

  He just laughs. “All right then. Oh Misty, I can’t wait to be inside you. You’re all mine.”

  “All yours,” I say, still overcome from the orgasms he made come fast and furious. Still lightheaded with desire for what’s coming next.

  He removes his clothing, first his tank, exposing beautiful tanned, square pecs and a perfect, rippling abdomen with cut obliques. The muscles in his arms bulge as he reaches for his pants. He hooks one thumb in the waistband and raises an eyebrow at me, a confident smirk on his beautiful face.

  “Yes, please,” I say.

  He grins and takes the pants off, and my eyes widen as I see him. He’s so beautiful, all of him, and all mine now.

  I take a few deep breaths as he lowers himself over me and brings my legs up to a bent position. “Will it hurt?” I ask.

  He frowns. “I’ll try not to let it.”

  “You’re huge,” I say, grumbling.

  “Thank you.” He smirks and then turns serious. “I could never hurt you. If it hurts, we’ll stop.”

  “You better not stop,” I say. “Not until I’m all the way yours.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he says. He kisses my lips, gently, and then presses inside with his tongue, stroking and relaxing me as I feel him at my entrance. And then, with one long stroke, he pushes inside.

  I gasp at the full sensation. I look up at him, eyes bulging, and he strokes my hair.

  “Relax, relax and get used to it. Does it hurt?”

  “No,” I say, calming as I feel my body adjust to the shock of accommodating him. “But it feels… It feels unlike anything I’ve ever felt.”

  “Good,” he says. “I want to be the only one to ever make you feel like this.”

  “Somehow, I think that’s a certainty,” I say.

  When I’m relaxed, he begins to move, and my body tightens up again as his stroke brings him up against a sensitive area inside me that makes me light up with sensation. “Oh gosh, what’s that?”

  He just grins. “I guess we’ll see.” He continues to move and I dig my hands into his shoulders, his back, moaning as the pressure builds. I watch his face, handsome in concentration as he focuses on pleasing me.

  He’s controlled and careful, and I can see concern in his eyes as he moves slowly. But I can also see lust, want, that animal inside him calling out to the animal in me. We’re mating, and soon we’ll be claimed.

  He increases the speed and I whisper against his ear in a hoarse, urgent voice, telling him to keep going. Telling him how good it feels.

  I let my head roll back against the pillow as the pleasure builds, it feels like lightning is about to strike and I can’t hold off anymore. The he lowers a hand between us and touches me in the sensitive area he was stroking before and I go off, like a rocket, leaving my body behind as my soul floats on waves of unbearable pleasure.

  Going with him inside me is something else entirely. I can see forests and trees, mountains and streams. Wolf cubs and Lindon, out with me in a home of our own.

  As my body writhes I dig my hands into his back.

  “Hold on,” he says, continuing to move. “Almost there.” He increases speed and then plunges deep inside me. Then he throws back his head and lets out a howl as his wolf claims mine. The feel of him going is incredible, surging against me as my body is still contracting from the pleasure of seconds ago. I want to howl with him, but my wolf is exhausted. It’s enough to know that he came, with me, and that he’s mine forever.

  That it’s over but it’s only just begun.

  “Oh my gosh,” he says, looking down at me with glowing eyes, face flushed from exertion. “That’s unlike anything in the world. I can’t…I could never write something like that into words.”

  I nod at him. “You don’t have to. As long as you never stop writing it on my body.”

  He nods. “I’ll write it all over you. Forever. I love you, Misty.”

  I close my eyes and hold him as he collapses against me. Chest to chest, stomach to stomach, thigh to thigh. So right.

  This is our happy ending.

  Chapter 11

  A few weeks later

  Even though Lindon doesn’t write romance, he likes using me as a beta reader. And since I like reading just about anything, I’m happy to oblige. I also manage his social media presence, help him answer fan mail, and love him like crazy whenever I want.

  Occasionally we hear from one of the guys. It’s only been a few weeks since the alpha challenge ended, and I hope they’re all doing well. Lock still hasn’t been found, and there’s no word on what happened with Jack at the tribunal.

  And no word from whoever killed my folks. But I have to thank them. For saving my life so I could be with Lindon. Even if I resented them at one point, I know now how unselfish they were being. Being with Lindon has forced me to grow.

  Today, we’re going to go back to the bookstore I used to work at so I can return some things, talk to Lacy about my new mate and let her know I’m doing fine.

  I’m happy now, more than I ever thought I could be, and it’s worth it for the adventure I had along the way. In fact, Lindon’s been encouraging me to write my own book, about a girl who has ten alphas compete for her but chooses her charming protector instead.

  I tried to point out that the protector in the story wasn’t charming, and he simply snorted and said, “It’s fiction, fudge it a little.”

  But right now I’m just busy making a home with him. Right at this moment I’m reading the first few chapters of the new book he’s working on. He finished up the last one last week. He releases everything through a publishing company Rafe owns, and it works well for everyone.

  I’m proofing a few paragraphs when the door to his office opens and he comes in, crunching a cookie and holding a hand behind his back. I grin at the cookie. Hawes wasn’t wrong when he said that the way to Lindon’s heart was through his stomach. Well, there is one other way, slightly lower down.

  I smirk.

  “Wipe that smirk off your face, I have a surprise for you,” he says, walking forward with his hand still behind his back.

  “Hm,” I say. “Honey, at this point, I doubt anything you do could surprise me.”

  “Hm,” he replies, raising an eyebrow. “A challenge?”

  I snort and put out a hand. “What is it?”

  “I don’t know,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m not sure I’m going to give it to you, now that you’ve insulted me by calling me boring.”

  “You aren’t boring. You’ve just shocked the heck out of me so much that I now just admit I never know what to expect. Thus I’m not shocked by whatever happens.”

  “You make weird sense, you know that?” he says, handing me what he was holding. It’s a book. Hardback.

  “Is this…”

  “Yup, first copy. Hardback. A proof.”

  “Eek!” I squeal, opening it excitedly and flipping to the first page of the first chapter.

��What do you think?” he asks, a tinge of nervousness in his tone.

  “I don’t know,” I snap. “I’m still reading it.”

  He scratches his neck and walks to my chair and looks over my shoulder. “Did you see the dedication?” he asks.

  “What?” I say, a little annoyed at having to pull myself out of the book since I was getting immediately engrossed in it. Even though I beta-ed it, there’s something about seeing it in print that makes it feel new and special.

  “The dedication?” he repeats, a blush moving up his neck.

  My heart skips a beat. “Oh, Lindon. You shouldn’t have.”

  “Not the most romantic gift, but…I’m an author, so…”

  I squeal in excitement and turn back to the dedication. When I see it, I feel blood rush into my face. And happiness rush all through me.

  I was wrong.

  He still can surprise me.

  To Misty, whom I choose to be fated too. Forever isn’t long enough with you, sweetheart.

  Crap. I think my heart just melted. I look up at him with bleary eyes and he throws his arms around me.

  “I surprised you, right?” he asks.

  I nod, still quiet.

  “Wow, I overwhelmed you, didn’t I?” he asks, sitting in a chair next to me and giving me room to breathe.

  “A little bit,” I admit, thumping my chest and setting the book aside. “It’s wonderful, Lindon. Who knew you could be such a sap?”

  “I guess I’m only going to dig myself in deeper if I give you this, then. But I can’t hold off any longer.”

  My heart stutters as he reaches into the desk and pulls out a small, velvet, navy blue box and hands it to me.

  “I had it custom made,” he said. “They just finished this week. I was waiting for the book to give it to you.”

  I gasp when I open the box. It’s a beautiful ring, sparkling back at me. A simple cathedral solitaire with a large, cushion cut diamond shining and winking in the light. I smile at him. “I love it.”

  “Look at it from the side. Look at the gallery.”

  “The gallery?”

  “The side of the ring that is holding the stone up.”

  I turn the ring so that it’s a perfect circle and I can see the stone from the side. I inhale sharply when I see that just beneath the prong is a little curved V made out of gold. It looks like a book opening up. “Is it a book?” I ask.

  He nods, taking it from me and sliding it onto my hand as he gets on one knee. “Do you like it?” he asks. “I wanted it to have that hidden under the side, where just we can see it. Because no one else in the world will ever know how much you helped me rewrite my story. You helped me open the pages of a heart that was long closed. And now you’re writing a life with me.”

  “Aw,” I say, looking down at the ring. “Sappy man.”

  “Yup,” he says. “But what did you expect, marrying someone who wrote your favorite romance novel?”

  I laugh at that. “You can get off your knees now,” I say.

  “Is that a yes?” He cocks an eyebrow at me and I swat his shoulder.

  “Of course, now get up here and kiss me,” I demand, standing and pulling him up with me.

  He rises to full height and leans down to kiss me. Deeply, fully, heating my body from head to toe and filling me with want for him. I pull back, breathing heavily.

  “Writing our story, huh?” I say in a breathless voice.

  “Yup,” he says, grinning down at me with that irresistible dimple flashing in one cheek.

  I lean up on my toes and put my lips to his ear. “Then I think it’s time for a love scene,” I say softly, brushing against his skin. I feel him shudder and then laugh.

  “As your co-author, I approve,” he says. Then he picks me up and carries me to the bed.

  And gives me the next part of our story. With him, each chapter is better than the last.

  * * *

  * * *

  If you enjoyed it this boxed set, I really hope you’ll leave a review to help others find it too!

  I really hope you enjoyed the work I put into putting this boxed set together. I had a lot of comments from my bear and dragon fans that they wanted to get started with my wolves but didn’t know where to start with all the characters. this was my answer to that.

  Thank you for reading!

  Also, after receiving a lot of fan mail about the characters from this book, I decided to write a story on the most requested characters, Matt and Thor. A few other familiar faces appear as well.

  It’s a full-length standalone romance novel that is available in KU. Hope you enjoy, it’s a way fun story. There’s a sample on the next page or you can get it here:

  Alpha Defender on Amazon

  I just want to say I’m so grateful to have such amazing, supportive readers. Truly, shifter fans are the best!

  Sign up for my newsletter here so you can know when my next books are out or when I have newsletter exclusive sales: http://eepurl.com/3KYtH

  You can reach me on Facebook (hey, I’m getting better at posting now) by clicking here: Terry Bolryder Facebook

  Or through at: [email protected]

  Or at www.terrybolryder.com

  Please turn the page for more info on the rest of my books!

  Sample Of Alpha Defender

  For the first time in her life, Lacey Matthias Wolford the Third, known to most shifters as simply Matt, was not going to be a good little wolf.

  She hadn’t complained when she’d been raised as a boy in order to hide the fact that her father, the leader of the Tribunal and therefore of all werewolves, had had only daughters. She hadn’t complained when she’d been sent for him to spy on alpha challenges and mate claimings and had to report back on what she’d seen. She hadn’t complained as she’d seen her sisters happily mated, knowing such a life would never be for her, because she was destined to lead their kind one day.

  She hadn’t complained because she’d thought there was a plan for her. And knowing what it was, always knowing what the future held, had given her a kind of control that she had desperately needed over the years as she pushed everything real about her down and played the part her father needed her to play.

  But now he’d decided that one of his son-in-laws was trustworthy enough to lead the wolves, and he planned to marry her off in a political marriage to hide her from view and let the son everyone knew about quietly disappear.

  Well, she’d be damned if she let him.

  He’d dictated her whole life, and he’d not dictate another moment.

  She shoved supplies into the backpack she’d borrowed from her sister’s room. She put in extra pairs of breast wraps, since she didn’t know how long she’d need to keep posing as a boy to stay safe. She put in bras just in case she had to go that way to stay undercover.

  In her heart, she’d tried to be the man her father had needed. She’d felt useful, grounded. Special.

  But it didn’t matter any longer.

  That future was gone, and along with it went the frail sense of superiority she’d clung to as she’d watched other females live a life she’d never know.

  And now she had a chance at a life like that, if she could just find a place to hide from her father and his power. And she knew just who could help her.

  It had been three years since she’d seen Thornton Wilder. Three years since he’d bullied her during the massive alpha games that had been held at a mansion for an unclaimed alpha female. She’d gone as a male to make sure things went okay, and for the most part they had.

  Aside from Thornton, also known as Thor, being a tremendous bully. Back then she’d looked down on him. He’d been everything she didn’t want. Huge, brutish, rough, an alpha without parents who had no regard for rules.

  And he was exactly what she needed now.

  He’d help her because he owed her big time. For his brother’s life. When his brother had been caught by the Tribunal and charged with treason, Thor had come to her, begging
. It had been odd to see the huge man on his knees before her, head lowered as he begged for his brother’s life. Her father had been away on business. She had the key to the holding cell.

  After Thor promised that Lock (his twin) wouldn’t hurt anyone if freed, she’d had to let him go. She tried to be hard, like her father, but in reality, her heart was soft. Too soft. So Lock had been freed and Thor had looked at her with a look in those warm amber eyes that was unlike anything she’d seen before. And he’d promised if he could ever return the favor, that he would.

  She hoped he hadn’t forgotten.

  She finished packing and peeked out the door of her bedroom for anyone watching. She pulled the hood of the dark sweatshirt she was wearing up over her shiny blonde hair and started down the hall. It was nighttime and no one should notice. Her father would never guess she was running.

  She hadn’t yelled, hadn’t screamed, hadn’t thrown a tantrum like everyone might have expected. No, she was too smart for that. If she’d protested, they’d have locked her up. One thing she’d learned from growing up with the Tribunal as family was that the best thing to do was pretend you were loyal to them up until the moment you turned.

  She padded quietly down the stairs, looked both ways in the huge, marble-floored foyer, noted for the last time how the moonlight looked blue across the pretty tiles, and then crossed silently over the floor and out into the night, leaving the door open behind her.

  * * *

  Thornton Wilder, known to his friends as Thor, stretched and looked out the window at the tree line in the distance. An odd thrill of excitement moved through him, and he wasn’t sure why. He thought about taking a run, but even though it was nearly midnight, the pack business he’d been working on wasn’t even close to finished.


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