Pleasure at Midnight ; His Pick for Passion

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Pleasure at Midnight ; His Pick for Passion Page 31

by Pamela Yaye

  Erin’s hands gripped his shoulders. She scowled at him. “I never thought you were stupid. Don’t you ever say that again.”

  “You also didn’t think I was the smartest guy out there. You’ve always had your stuff together, Erin. Your grades were outstanding. When you hurt your knee, you didn’t have to worry about college because everyone knew you’d get an academic scholarship. You took the blow like a champ and turned an injury into determination to succeed elsewhere. You’re smart, successful and driven. People listen when you talk. I never thought a woman like you would—”

  She placed a finger on his lips. “Don’t say a woman like me would be with a guy like you. Will, you are smart. Maybe a little unfocused at times, but I never mistook that as stupidity. And you are the guy people love to be around. You’re charming and charismatic, and you have a genuinely good heart. If you would have shown interest... I wouldn’t have backed away.”

  “The one time I showed interest, you turned away.”

  The night of the military ball. The night after she’d overheard him and a few other guys on the boys’ basketball team rank the girls in school and rank her somewhere toward the bottom. The “cool” girl. The one you’d sleep with, but she made a better homegirl than anything. She’d never told anyone about overhearing that conversation. It had been too humiliating. Actual confirmation that she was indeed at the bottom of the list of girls whom boys were interested in. In high school that had hurt like hell.

  “Do you remember the day before the military ball? When you and some of the other guys from the team were helping set up for the dance?”

  Will frowned and escorted her out of the crowd of people bumping into them to one of the walls. “Yeah, what about it?”

  “Well, I was helping set up, too.”

  “I know. I saw you there.”

  She licked her lips and took a deep breath. “But you didn’t see me as I got supplies out of the closet and you and the other players walked by...ranking the girls at the school.”

  His eyes became distant as he searched for the long-ago memory. Then his face cleared, and he cringed. “Erin...”

  She shook her head. “It’s okay. I knew that was the way most of the guys looked at me. The way most guys still look at me. So when you tried to kiss me, I thought you were just being nice. I knew I’d read more into it than was really there, so I turned away.”

  “Damn, Erin, I didn’t mean it like that. I was a senior. I thought they’d laugh if they knew I was crushing really hard on a sophomore.”

  Erin laughed and rolled her eyes. “As if your teenage ego wouldn’t survive.”

  “The frailty of teenage ego shouldn’t be underrated or scoffed at.”

  Her smile softened. “I know that now. But it still makes this—” she pointed at the two of them “—hard to believe sometimes. It still feels like I’m falling hard for the really popular guy and one day he’s going to decide he’s had a fun time but now it’s time to move on to something else.”

  She lowered her eyes and clamped her mouth shut. Instantly hating she’d let that piece of insecurity out. She was never vulnerable to someone else. Especially a guy. Now here she was giving Will the road map to break her heart.

  “And I feel like the dumb jock who finally got the smartest and prettiest girl in school to realize there’s more to him than sports. I feel like I have to make sure you understand there is no one else for me. That I’m serious, but I’m afraid you’ll lose faith in me like everyone else and walk away.”

  Her eyes shot up to his. No trace of deception in his face. Her heart hammered, and her chest tightened with an emotion she knew it was too soon to acknowledge. Yet it was still there. She loved him.

  She met his eyes. Ran her fingers over the rough hairs of his beard. “I won’t lose faith in you, Will.”

  “And believe me, Erin, I won’t decide to move on to something else.” He brushed a hand across her cheek.

  His eyes heated and swirled with such ferocious passion she couldn’t breathe. Long fingers pushed into her hair and pulled her head back. She lifted on her toes and closed her eyes. Her entire body ached for his kiss.

  “Will you two get a room already!” Kelly’s voice interrupted. “No, scratch that. Since this is Dad’s house and you probably could find a room.”

  Erin opened her eyes. The same disappointment flowing through her cooled the flames of passion in Will’s eyes. They smiled. His eyes promised to finish what they started later, and her body shivered.

  “I was just going to get a drink,” Erin said. She pulled out of Will’s arms and faced her friend.

  Kelly eyed them with exasperation. “Then I’ll take you. You’ve barely spent a second with me at this party.” She reached over and took Erin’s hand in hers. “Sorry, Will, but I’m taking my friend.”

  Will raised a hand. “As long as you bring her back.”

  Kelly raised a brow. “I’ll think about it.” She pulled on Erin’s hand. “Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.”

  Erin waved at Will over her shoulder as Kelly pulled her away. “Who do you want to introduce me to?”

  Kelly shook her head. “No one. I just wanted you to come outside with me. There’s a DJ and I want to dance, but no one has started dancing yet.”

  Erin laughed and followed Kelly. If anyone loved dancing as much as Kelly did, it was Erin. For as long as she could remember she and Kelly were often the first two people on the dance floor at any party. Then they stayed out there until the lights came on. She and Kelly hadn’t gone dancing in months. She’d much rather have fun with Kelly than listen to another person ask if she and Will were exclusive.

  “Then let’s get this party started,” Erin said.

  * * *

  The party ended at three, so Will and Erin found a room and stayed at his dad’s place. The next morning, Will left Erin sleeping in the bed and went downstairs in search of breakfast. He spotted his dad sitting outside. His head back soaking in the early morning sun’s rays, dark shades on his eyes and his feet stretched out in front of him. Will grabbed two bottles of water and went outside to join his dad.

  “That was some party,” Will said.

  His dad’s lips spread in a grin, but he didn’t lift his shades or sit up. “It was. I still know how to throw a good party.”

  “Yes, you do,” Will replied with a smile. Already, a crew cleaned up the confetti and other trash from the backyard. They wouldn’t come into the house until after noon. That way the cleaning wouldn’t disturb the family.

  “Did you and mom throw parties like this before you had us?” He remembered some sedate dinner parties, the occasional New Year’s bash, but nothing frequent or elaborate.

  “Nah. I gave all this up when I met your mother.”

  “You must have missed it.”

  “Why do you say that?” Calvin asked.

  “Well, you’ve gone right back to having parties. I figured you must have missed doing this.”

  “I didn’t miss this at all. In fact, I never thought I’d have a reason to fill my days and nights with strangers again. Your mom was supposed to be my company for the rest of my life.”

  The pain in his dad’s voice made Will’s throat tighten. “We’re here for you, Dad. You don’t have to fill your life with strangers.”

  Calvin reached over and patted Will’s knee. “I appreciate that. But you kids have your own lives. I don’t want you babysitting me.”

  “It’s not babysitting. We care about you. Remember that. If you need us, just give a call. You don’t have to do all this.”

  His dad nodded, but Will didn’t consider the gesture an agreement.

  “Erin still asleep?” Calvin asked.

  “Yeah. She and Kelly were on the dance floor all night. Just like old times, huh?”

  Kelly and Erin would have two-person dance p
arties during their frequent sleepovers. He used to tease them about being danceaholics, but he also enjoyed watching them. The joy on his sister’s face. The way Erin would let loose and enjoy herself in a way she rarely did.

  “It was,” his dad said. He turned his head in Will’s direction. “How long are you going to keep stringing her along?”

  Will jerked back. “Who, Erin? I’m not stringing her along. I’m serious about her.”

  His dad scoffed and flipped his wrist. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Why not? It’s like what you had with Mom.”

  “No, it’s not.” Calvin said flippantly. “What I had with your mom was special. It was instantaneous. The moment I saw her I knew she was the one. You can’t say that about you and Erin.”

  “Just because I can’t say that doesn’t make it less real. She’s different.”

  Calvin glanced at Will over his shades with an I’m-not-convinced smirk on his face. “She grew up and into her curves. She’s not the shy, serious, young ballplayer you used to know. Now you’ve noticed she’s female and your body woke up. That’s all.”

  Will sat up straight. He gripped the bottle of water in his hand. Angry frustration coursed through him. “Dad, why do you always dismiss my feelings like that? Like I can’t be serious about anything?”

  “I don’t dismiss your feelings. I’ve just raised you and know you better than you know yourself. You’re not ready to settle down. You shouldn’t play around with Erin like this.”

  Will pointed to the trashed backyard. “If you were living like this before you met Mom then you weren’t ready to settle down, either. I’m sure people doubted your intentions, too. I’m more than just a ballplayer who wants to sleep around and party.”

  His dad grunted. Will clenched his teeth. “I’m serious. I know my life right now is temporary. I get ten, maybe twelve good years in the league. I’m on year eight. I’ve got a few more and then there’s the next step. I want to coach, I want a family, I want kids.”

  His dad sat up quickly. He winced and placed the heel of his hand on his temple. “Kids...have you gotten Erin pregnant?”

  A wave of panic washed over him. “No! I mean kids in the future. Not kids now.” He shuddered and shook his head. The idea of diapers and baby food while he was still in the league sent a wave of fear through him. He was just getting the hang of being in a relationship and warming up to the idea of him and Erin being forever. Kids would complicate things. “All I’m saying is I know what I want when I retire. I’ve got a plan.”

  “And you’ve made Erin another step in your plan. Find a good girl to get hooked so you can settle down with her when you’re ready.”

  “It’s not like that. I lo—I like her. A lot.”

  He stopped himself from saying love. He didn’t want to give his dad another thing to question him on. The feelings he had for Erin were strong, different and potent. Yeah, he had occasional concerns about how they fit together. The frustrations he’d aired to Kelly hadn’t gone away. But outside of petty frustrations and the occasional argument, things between them were good. Nothing compared to seeing her at the end of a day. Having her look at him as if he could achieve anything.

  His dad laughed and patted his knee again. “See, son, you can’t even say you love her. That’s how I know this is just another fling. You want to meet a good woman and have a family one day, cool, I believe that. Just make sure you don’t hurt Erin along the way. I like that girl. I wouldn’t want Kelly to lose her oldest friend because you’re testing a theory.”

  “What theory? I’m not testing a theory.” He stood, tired of the conversation with his dad. “I’m going to prove to you and everyone else that I’m serious.”

  Calvin pulled off his shades and eyed Will warily. “Hold up. Don’t you go and do something stupid.”

  Just like his dad. Automatically assume any decision Will made would be the wrong decision. “The only thing I’m going to do is prove to you and everyone else that I’m not to be underestimated. I know what I’m doing with Erin. It doesn’t matter what you think. The only thing that matters is how she feels about me.”

  He turned and marched back into the house. Erin entered the kitchen at the same time he did. She took one look at him and concern filled her expression.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He didn’t want to rehash the conversation with his dad. That only brought back memories of the surprise on everyone’s face last night. The incredulous laughs and are-you-hearing-this side-eyes thrown around whenever people heard he was in a real relationship.

  Erin crossed to him immediately. He placed his hands on her hips. “No turning back, right?”

  “Of course? Why?”

  “Clear your calendar for next weekend,” he said.


  “Because I’m taking you out of town.”

  Chapter 18

  “I am so glad you convinced me to do this.”

  Will smiled and took Erin’s hand in his. They lounged on chairs overlooking the Caribbean at the private island resort Will booked for them as promised. Before getting lost in playoff frenzy, this quick weekend away was just what they needed.

  Though Coach and the rest of the upper management hadn’t wanted him to take off so close to the playoffs, he’d pleaded his case and convinced them the likelihood of him getting into any trouble on a secluded private island with his live-in girlfriend was about as likely as aliens invading. He and Erin needed this quick weekend away. Between the games and her late nights working, they’d barely spent quality time together. Once the playoffs started things would be worse. He wanted to reconnect with her before they were pulled further apart.

  “I know what I’m talking about sometimes,” he said.

  Erin turned on her side in the lounge chair. Sunlight glinted off her golden-brown skin. As secluded as they were, she’d opted to go topless. He had no problems with that.

  “I’m going to be so behind when we get back.”

  Will brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her. “Nope. You are not doing that. No thinking about how things will be when we get back. This weekend is just about us.”

  Erin nodded and ran her fingers through the hairs on his beard. “You’re right. No thinking about work or the playoffs,” she said. Her finger trailed across his lower lip. “What are we going to do to keep our minds off of all our responsibilities back home?”

  His lips spread as he took in her luscious curves covered in nothing but sunlight. His dick swelled. “I’m thinking lots of time naked, wrapped in each other’s arms, with the sounds of the waves in the background.”

  Erin grinned and rolled over onto her back. She raised an arm over her head, pushing up her breasts and making his mouth water. She lifted a hand and bent her finger in a come-here motion. Will eased out of his chair and onto his side next to her.

  “I’m okay with that,” she said in a warm, husky whisper. “But are you sure you’ll be able to keep my mind off work?”

  He placed a hand on her hip and squeezed. “Is that a challenge?”

  She lifted one shoulder. “Just a serious inquiry.”

  Will kissed along her shoulder, then lightly bit her neck. He breathed in deep. Savoring the scent, taste and feel of her. He’d bring her here every year. “I’d like to think I’d be able to keep the woman I love distracted enough to not think about work.”

  Erin jerked back. The movement startled Will. Her eyes were wide as she studied him. “The woman”

  His pulse pounded like ocean waves during a hurricane. He’d let that slip out. His plan was to tell her how he felt tonight during the romantic dinner he’d planned. Not blurt out the words while they sunbathed. But he couldn’t bring himself to take them back. His dad’s doubts had plagued him in the days since the party, but Will knew what he wanted for his life. When he’d tried to
imagine building something with another woman, he couldn’t.

  He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. “Yes. The woman that I love.”

  “You love me?”

  He pressed his forehead against hers and ran his hand along the sun-warmed skin of her thigh. “There’s no other woman on this island who I’m going to be spending most of my time making love to, is there?”

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him soundly. Will shifted onto his back and pulled her body on top of his. When she lifted from the kiss, the smile on her face was radiant. “I love you, too.”

  The relief he felt was palpable. He hadn’t realized how much he’d worried about her reaction until she said those words. “Do you?”

  “Yes.” She kissed him again.

  The tips of her breasts brushed his chest. Will ran a hand up and down her back. Don’t get distracted now. Ask her. “Do you love me enough to take a full-time position in Jacksonville?”


  “I want to make this living-together thing permanent. Not just temporary. Will you move to Jacksonville and live with me?”

  Hesitation cloaked her eyes. “I don’t know. I mean, yes, I want to, but my job is in Chicago.”

  “You said they may open an office here since they’re doing so much business here.”

  “That’s true, but nothing is set in stone. We already have an office in Miami. They may consider Orlando or Tampa for the next office.”

  “Push for Jacksonville. Push to stay here.”

  Erin sat up. Her fingers trailed along his chest. Her brows drew together as she considered his offer. “I can bring it up, but I just made senior executive. I can’t control where the company ultimately ends up.”

  “And if they don’t end up here, what are you going to do? Move back to Chicago?” Forget about trying to make things work with him?

  She blinked several times as if the question caught her off guard. “I guess so.”

  He shook his head. “How will we work if you’re in Chicago?” He sat up, and Erin scrambled to get off him. He stood and paced toward the ocean.


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