Pretend To Be Mine

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Pretend To Be Mine Page 5

by Suzie Nelson

  “I see.” Jordan could see the conundrum that she faced. If she suddenly stopped modeling what would she do and how would she support herself? But if she continued, it would only further this false life that she hated.

  Danica wiped her wet cheeks with her hand and stiffened her back. “I really shouldn’t have told you all of this…this isn’t your problem. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologize Danica. I’m glad that you opened up to me about it.” Jordan reached out his hand to put on her shoulder but before he could rest it down Danica stood up from the sofa.

  “I should probably go. I’m sure the photographers have left by now.” She picked up her purse and made her way across the living room.

  Jordan quickly followed behind confused by her sudden need to go. “You don’t need to leave Danica, stay.”

  “I can’t stay, I have meetings and a shoot in the morning. This has just been a mistake – I should have known better.”

  Jordan could tell that Danica had started to close off her emotions and was putting up her defenses but he was not going to let her leave so easily. He caught up to her at the elevator and grabbed her arm.

  “Tell me what’s changed, Danica? In the space of five seconds, you went from telling me everything to running for the door. I don’t want you to go, now tell me what’s wrong?” His deep mahogany eyes stared down at her but she could hardly look at him directly.

  “I can’t, you’ll think it’s stupid. That I’m stupid and I won’t do that to myself.” Danica tried to twist her arm free from Jordan’s grip but as she pulled he moved her closer into his chest.

  “Nothing you could say will make me think that. You want a life that isn’t built on lies, don’t you? You want to be free of all the bullshit, well it starts now, here! Tell me something real.” Jordan knew that his hold on her was tight but he couldn’t let her just walk out of his life and lose the chance to really know her. He could see her chest heaving up and down and her eyes flickered in every direction as she considered telling him the truth. He wanted her to say it, he wanted to hear the words come out of her mouth, to tell him what they both already knew.

  “I love you, Jordan! Okay, I love you. It’s stupid and irrational because we hardly know each other but I have been falling in love with you since the first day we met.” There it was, laid bare and exactly what Jordan had hoped to hear. Danica looked up at him with wide vulnerable eyes waiting for him to release her but he closed his arms around her waist and pulled her body completely into his.

  “Yes, it’s irrational but I wouldn’t say stupid. You are everything I’ve ever wanted, Danica. You’re intelligent, bold, honest and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I knew I loved you from the second you walked into that diner and I knew I wasn’t going to love anyone else. This is it, Danica. This is love.” Jordan ran his hand along her smooth back and raked his hand through her loose golden hair. Danica lifted her head and slightly opened her red lips waiting for him to take the opportunity to kiss her.For a moment, they gazed into each other’s eyes and felt the pure physical tension between them.

  “Promise me that we will always be truthful with each other, no matter what.” Jordan held her head in his hand while whispering his question.

  “I promise.” As Danica made her vow, Jordan leaned in and put his lips on her soft mouth. They stood by the elevator kissing for several seconds. Jordan slipped his tongue inside Danica’s mouth and their tongues caressed as they both made little noises of pleasure. He ran his hand through her loose blonde curls and then slowly stepped forward so that she was pinned up against the marble wall. Everything that they had done, all of their encounters had led up to this moment of intense passion. Their bodies wanted each other and every part of Danica’s body ached to be touched, kissed and held.

  Jordan started to kiss along Danica’s neck as his hands traced the side of her ribs. “You are so beautiful, Danica. You are everything I want.” He continued to bestow compliment after compliment as she enjoyed feeling his warm lips kiss the arch of her neck and collarbone. Then as Danica lost herself in her senses, Jordan pulled down the straps of her dress from her shoulders and she lifted her arms free of the red silk material. She was about to reach for his shirt but Jordan took both her wrists and lifted her arms up above her head.

  “Keep them up,” he whispered his instructions into her ear and Danica wondered what he was about to do. No one had ever taken control over her like this and she eagerly anticipated his next move. Her Prada dress was still clinging to her chest although she could feel it slowly slipping.Then Jordan ran his hand from her neck and straight down her chest pulling the dress down with him. The expensive gown slipped off easily and landed in a pile at Danica’s feet leaving her completely naked and still pinned up against the wall.

  Jordan was both surprised and delighted to find that Danica was wearing nothing underneath her dress. “No underwear?” he smiled cheekily at her as he admired her naked form.

  “Not with that dress.” Danica couldn’t believe that she was explaining her underwear choices while Jordan still had her hands held above her head. The moment felt so erotic, her bare chest heaving from her deep breaths and Jordan’s eyes delighting in every curve of her shape.

  Jordan finally lowered her arms and stepped a little back. He started to unbutton his shirt and as Danica watched him undress she could feel herself starting to cream.

  Only then she realized that they were standing right beside the elevator and a flicker of panic distracted her. “What if someone comes up?” Danica searched the hall wondering which room was Jordan’s bedroom and half expected him to lead them there but instead he unzipped his trousers and stepped forward in just a black pair of boxers.

  “Then they will see us.” Jordan was completely at ease with the situation and his confidence excited Danica. It was doubtful that anyone would come to his penthouse this late but it wasn’t completely unrealistic and as Jordan put his hands around her waist, Danica wondered if she wanted them to get caught.

  Jordan stroked her breasts while gazing into her eyes and Danica could feel her nipples hardening with his every touch. “I’m going to kiss you…here.” Jordan placed one of his hands on the top of Danica’s private area and she could feel the slightest touch of his fingers stimulating her. “I’m going to make you cum hard and call out my name.” His confidence was more than she could handle and knowing what he planned to do with her made her want it even more. “And then I’m going to take you to my bed and make love to you. I’m going to make your body quiver with my every touch and I want you to be in complete ecstasy. I want to hear you moan and scream out as loud as you can. Tell me you want it.”

  Danica swallowed as her mouth was drying and while she could still feel his fingers stroking her, all she could think was, ‘just don’t stop.’

  “Tell me you want it,” Jordan echoed his request and gently leaned in closer to her chest.

  “I want it. Everything you said…I want it.” Danica couldn’t wait any longer.She just wanted to be wrapped up in his arms.

  Jordan kissed her neck again and then moved down to her nipples and licked them with his tongue. Gradually, he moved down her stomach and bent down on both knees, lifting one of her legs so that it was rested on his shoulder. His fingers stopped touching her and then his smooth wet tongue moved in and circled around her clit. Danica moaned loudly as she felt her entire body tingle with pleasure. Jordan seemed to know her body perfectly and everything she wanted. He built up the pleasure slowly with soft strokes and as she moaned louder he applied more pressure. Danica clutched the top of his head with her hands unsure if she would be able to stand on her own while shecummed.

  “Yes, Jordan. Don’t stop!” Her stomach knotted up and Danica could feel that she was at the brink when Jordan slipped two fingers inside her. “Yes!” she screamed out as her body surrendered to its electric joy and for several seconds she stood just basking in the delight that
was washing over her.

  Jordan stood up to his feet happy to see that Danica had abandoned her inhibitions and was clearly enjoying their shared passion. “Follow me.” He took her hand and together they went down a long corridor all the way to the end room. Jordan opened the thick wooden door and Danica walked boldly into his bedroom. Everything was luxurious, from the rich embroidered drapes to the plush carpet that was soft beneath her feet. Silver shimmery bed sheets with matching pillows, mahogany ornate furniture and a huge sparkling chandelier hanging in the center made the room to be tastefully elegant and welcoming at the same time.

  “Wow, this is not what I expected.” Danica was taken aback by how glamorous the bedroom was.Definitely not what she would expect a typical bachelor’s bedroom to look like.But then, Jordan was no typical bachelor.

  “Yeah, my interior designer really went to town in here but I love it.” Jordan walked over to his bedside cabinet and opened the top drawer. He took out a single condom and ripped open the packing while Danica climbed onto the soft bed.

  Jordan threw off his boxers and joined Danica on the bed, his eyes taking in everything about her. Danica also admired Jordan’s toned and athletic shape. He was slim but muscular with a dark line of hair going straight down his chest and torso, all the way to his pubic area. As Danica lay flat on the bed, Jordan leaned over her and discreetly put the condom on.

  “I want you to tell me exactly how you like it. I want to know that you’re enjoying this just as much as I am.” Again, Jordan was giving Danica instructions and she didn’t mind at all that he was taking charge as she felt secure in her ability to share with him how she wanted to be touched.

  Danica reached out her hand and gently touched Jordan’s firm chest. “Slow. I want it slow at first.” She licked her lips and then they kissed.Jordan’s hand began to slowly caress her vagina. Her senses were immediately alive to his touch. She was still wet from him going down on her. Danica arched her back as he continued to fondle her and she rubbed her nipples with her hands. Jordan kissed her neck and occasionally looked down to watch her play with her breasts which drove him wild. He could feel how wet she was on his fingers which made his penis throbbing hard in excitement.

  “Do you want me?” he whispered into her ear as she continued to arch her back in pleasure.

  “Yes, I want you.”

  Jordan put the tip of his penis against the flesh of her vagina and teased her. “How much do you want me?”

  Danica spread her legs wider and reached one hand around and onto Jordan’s tight butt. “I need you now, Jordan. Fuck me!” She grabbed Jordan’s butt cheeks and pushed him down onto herself at which point Jordan released his hand and fully inserted himself inside her. Together they moaned as she felt his hard penis enter her and he began thrusting in and out.

  Danica loved being between his toned arms and as he continued to penetrate her slowly, she held onto his strong arms that were either side of her face. Gradually, Jordan moved his arms down and she could feel his body all over her. He would play with her nipples and then grasp her whole breast; he would run his hand over the arch of her back and clutch at her bum. Everything he did felt right and as he continued his slow build, Danica became more eager for him to fuck her hard.

  “Harder, Jordan. I want you to fuck me.” Danica had never been so vocal before while making love but being with Jordan was different. He wanted her to be free, to say exactly what she wanted and he would give it to her. “Turn me over and fuck me.” Danica almost couldn’t believe that she was saying the words but she knew exactly what she wanted.

  In one swift motion, Jordan pulled out of her and turned her legs so that she was on all fours. Then unexpectedly, he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head up gently so that her back was arched and her butt cheeks pushed out.

  “Put your hands out.” Jordan held onto her hair as Danica reached out her hands and put them against the silver studded headboard. With his free hand, Jordan put his fingers on Danica’ clit and softly stroked it in circles.

  “Ohhh, yes!” Danica moaned and Jordan continued to finger her. Then, once again, she felt his large cock enter her. Masterfully, he thrust while still holding his fingers on her clit and Danica could only think about the intense pleasure that was enveloping her body. “Yes Jordan, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

  At her request, Jordan let go of her hair and leaned Danica back onto all fours. He thrust harder and quicker as Danica screamed out his name. At one point, Danica threw her face down into a pillow and bit the silky fabric as she couldn’t contain herself anymore. Harder and harder Jordan thrust until he emptied himself into her with a mighty sigh of joy. Together they collapsed onto the bed completely spent from their enjoyment of each other.

  Chapter 6

  Danica opened her eyes slowly and while her tired irises adjusted to the white haze of daylight, she had a sudden panic of feeling confused. Last night’s date with Jordan and their evening of vigorous lovemaking suddenly flooded her memory and she realized that she was lying in Jordan’s bed on soft Egyptian cotton sheets. Danica turned and reached out her hand expecting to find Jordan lying beside her but there was only the cold empty space of where he had been sleeping.

  Why would he not still be beside her wanting to cuddle? Had he changed his mind about their relationship in the pale morning light? These questions ran through Danica’s mind as she hurried to find something to wear. She couldn’t see her dress on the floor and then she remembered that Jordan had taken it off in the lobby.What if it was still lying there for anyone to see? Danica scanned the room hoping to see a dressing gown or blanket that she could throw on but the only thing she could find was Jordan’s crumpled shirt still lying on the floor. She slipped it on, fastened the buttons and raked her hands through her messy locks.

  When she opened the bedroom door, Danica was wondering whether she should head to the lobby, pick up her dress and try to make a quick exit but she heard the clatter of pans coming from the kitchen. Danica wasn’t sure if it would be Jordan or his maid in the kitchen but the smell of fresh coffee lead her that way without a further thought.

  “Good morning.” Jordan was cracking eggs into a hot pan when Danica walked in a little embarrassed at her appearance. “It suits you,” Jordan smiled and was clearly unconcerned about her attire.

  “Thanks, I didn’t have anything else to put on.” Danica made her way over to the island where Jordan was cooking and perched herself on one of the counter stools.

  “Your dress is being dry cleaned and I have sent out for some clothes for you. My man should be back soon with some outfits for you to pick from.” Jordan looked fresh faced and full of joy as he scrambled the eggs and lifted the toast from the toaster.

  “You must be a morning person?” Danica spotted a filled coffee mug in front of her and helped herself to a mouthful.

  “Guilty as charged. I run first thing every morning, make myself breakfast and then review the morning papers. I’m a creature of habit – but Barrack is on his way over.” Jordan slid a plate over to Danica filled with buttered toast, eggs and a few rashers of crispy bacon.

  “He is? Why?” Danica was thankful for the deliciously looking food and eagerly tucked into the heavenly mound in front of her.

  “I’m not sure exactly. He said it was important and that he had to speak with both of us immediately.” Jordan put his plate next to Danica’s and sat beside her. “I didn’t tell him that you stayed over but I said I would make sure you were here, so we don’t have to rush. I’m sure he just wants to go over the images from last night and discuss whatever the papers are saying about it.”

  Danica continued to eat her breakfast and didn’t think anything unusual about Barrack’s early morning visit. “You didn’t need to get me any clothes, you know, I could have just worn my dress.” Danica looked up at Jordan as he took his first bite and she was secretly happy that she didn’t have to go home in last night’s outfit.

“It’s not a problem. We couldn’t have you wearing the same thing when Barrack gets here, it would give the game away a little – don’t you think?” Jordan winked at her and Danica had a small moment of insecurity.

  “Should we keep it a secret from Barrack?” she asked. Jordan had made such a point last night about them being open and honest with each other that she couldn’t understand why he would now want to pretend that nothing happened.

  “We don’t have to.” Jordan turned his body towards her and gently stroked the side of her cheek. “I just thought we might want a bit of space so that we can decide what we are before Barrack and the whole world finds out.”

  Danica didn’t really understand what he was saying and her eyes must have conveyed her confusion as Jordan quickly placed his hand over hers. “I want to be with you, Danica. No doubt about that. I want us to be a couple, I just didn’t want to rush you into anything.”


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