Vincenzo (Mafia Heat Book 1)

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Vincenzo (Mafia Heat Book 1) Page 11

by Ella Jade

  “That’s your wish for them, isn’t it?”

  “In a perfect world.” When I saw the longing in his eyes, I realized what he did for his family was his way of protecting them. “Then I wouldn’t have to worry about them so much. If I had my way, all of them would be out of the business.”

  “Being the lawful one in all of this can’t be easy. You’re an attorney. How do you look the other way?” The complexities of his life suddenly dawned on me. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to have gone into the medical field?”

  “No.” He laughed. “I hate science.”

  “Me too.” I crawled into his lap so I could be closer to him.

  “Another thing we have in common.”

  We have more in common than you know. Vincenzo could be a huge asset to me when dealing with my newly found family. Maybe if I told the truth, Franco would back off. I needed to get to my mother before I could do anything. Exposing her could be deadly. What if Antonio sought revenge for her keeping me a secret?

  “Are you hungry? We never got to have dinner.” He caressed my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder.

  “You never met with your client.”

  “Santino went in my place. My father made him take three bodyguards.”

  “How do you manage to take care of every detail in the middle of all this chaos?”

  “We have years of practice.” He tilted my chin, gazing into my eyes. “We rely on one another and trust each other.”

  “I’ve noticed that.”

  “We don’t have secrets. Those could get us killed.”

  The harsh reality of his words sunk in. “I could have gotten you killed tonight.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  When his lips touched mine, a huge sense of anxiety washed over me. How could he ever trust me? I started our whole relationship on a lie. A lie that was out of my control at the time, or so I thought. After everything he had done to protect me, I almost got him killed. What was I thinking? I could confide in him. I had to before something catastrophic happened.

  “That ambush wasn’t your fault. They were sending a message. They don’t want you to talk. They’re making sure you’re afraid. My father will take care of it.”

  “By retaliating?” I shook my head because that wasn’t the solution. What if a life was lost on either side? A Marchelli or a Collandra? Neither of these families shouldn’t have meant anything to me but they did. “This has to stop.”

  “Believe me when I say, I agree with you, but this is all new to you. You’re not going to change anything, so let my family handle it. I want you out of this and safe.”

  “I think I can change it.”


  “I have to tell you something.” I took a deep breath. “I should have–”

  The knocking at the door stifled my confession.

  “Hold that thought.” He kissed me. “I’ll be right back.”

  A tremble rolled through me, almost a warning sign. What was I thinking? I couldn’t put him in any more danger. I’d have to confront my mother and together we could fix it. She had history with Antonio. Maybe she could help resolve this without exposing who I was. It was worth a shot.

  “Dominick.” Vincenzo greeted his brother. “What brings you here?”

  “Her.” Dominick motioned toward me before handing Vincenzo a large envelope. “Here’s some reading for you.” He stepped inside. “Although I can give you a summary.”

  When Dominick’s icy blue eyes stared into mine, I wouldn’t have to confess anything. He already knew. And in a matter of seconds, Vincenzo would too.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I Had No Choice

  I took the envelope from my brother but I grew tired of his constant suspicion of Nadia. I understood he had to protect us but he took this too far. We’d been through enough tonight.

  “What is this?” I asked. “What’s so important that you had to come to the city to deliver this yourself?”

  “I had no choice.” He glared in Nadia’s direction. “I couldn’t let you spend another night with her.”

  “What are you talking about?” I looked at Nadia. “I apologize.”

  She appeared anxious, as she folded her hands in her lap. She didn’t make eye contact with my brother and I wondered why.

  “Dominick is clearly on edge over what occurred tonight,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re damn right I am and don’t apologize for me.” He walked to the sofa as she stood. “It wasn’t a coincidence that you were on the docks that night. It wasn’t a fluke that you ran into Vincenzo. Was it?”

  She didn’t answer him.

  “My P.I. was very thorough,” Dominick said. “Do you want Vince to hear it from me?”

  “Vincenzo.” Nadia joined me by the door. “Whatever is in that envelope I can explain.”

  “Explain what? What are you hiding?” Why couldn’t she tell me her secret?

  “There’s a possibility that I could be...” When she took my hand, I noted hers was cold and trembling. “I didn’t tell you because I’m not sure. This whole situation is screwed up and everything is spinning way out of control. Two times in one week I’m in hiding. I’ve witnessed a murder and I’ve been shot at. I don’t know... I can’t be sure of anything.”

  “She’s Antonio’s daughter,” Dominick shouted. “That’s why she was on the docks. She was probably meeting Franco. I don’t have all the details but she wasn’t in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Yes, I was,” Nadia insisted. “I had no idea Franco would be there. I was looking for Antonio but I have no real confirmation that he’s my father. I was following a tip an investigator gave me that night.”

  “You’re Antonio’s daughter?” I opened the envelope and read through the report. “He’s supported you throughout your life. You told me your father abandoned you.”

  “He did,” she insisted.

  “He made monthly support payments to your mother your whole childhood. He still supports her. He put you through college.” Dominick pointed toward the papers. “It’s all in that report.”

  “That report is wrong.” She reached for my arm. “I don’t know where that information came from but it isn’t accurate. I had no idea he was my father. My mother never mentioned any support.”

  “This report is very reliable. The people who investigate for us don’t get things wrong. Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  Thinking back to that first night, it all seemed a little too perfect. How had she managed to find me unless Franco led her to me? Could this be a set up? Why?

  “Vincenzo, I didn’t know he was my father. I still haven’t confirmed it with my mother.”

  “If you didn’t know,” Dominick said. “You suspected. Either way, you put him in danger by lying to all of us.”

  “What does Franco want with my family?” I asked. “What do you want?”

  “You think I’m lying?” She let go of my arm. “I don’t want anything.”

  “You have lied to me.”

  I reread the report. Antonio had been depositing money into her mother’s account for the past twenty-five years. How could she not have known who her father was? A man like Antonio wouldn’t have stayed quiet about that. He had too much pride. He was far too possessive.

  “Yes, but not about what you think.”

  “How am I supposed to decipher between your truths and your lies? If you really wanted our protection you would’ve told me what you suspected. You could have stopped that ambush if Antonio knew who you were.” None of this made sense. “Unless you’re in on it?”

  “What?” She raised her voice but I sensed the panic in her tone. “You think I tried to have you killed?”

  “You better pray that isn’t the case,” Dominick said. “This whole situation was too bizarre. Something has been off from the beginning.”

  “I went to the docks because I thought Antonio could be my fat
her. When I was there I witnessed that murder and I ran. I had no idea who you were. How many times do I have to explain this?”

  “If that’s true, why didn’t you tell me from the beginning?” Something didn’t feel right. “We could have gone to Antonio and explained. Why would you show up to a reputed mob bosses territory and claim to be his daughter? How would you even know if he was there?”

  “I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t know what I was going to say to him but now I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want him to know who I am. That’s why I didn’t tell you what I had suspected.” She shook her head. “He’s a killer. I don’t want any part of that.”

  “Any part of us?” I asked.

  “I didn’t say that and you’re nothing like...” She glared at Dominick. “That report is wrong.”

  “Antonio already knows who you are so that leads me to believe he’s never been after you at all.” Dominick opened the door. “I’m going to let you walk out of here. Whatever this operation is between you, your brother, and father is going to stop. My family will not be your target.”

  “You’re going to send me out there?” She pointed to the hall. “Knowing I could be a target?”

  “Dominick.” I intervened because she had a point. As mad as I was with her, I didn’t want to see her harmed. “What if she’s telling the truth?”

  “She’s not,” he said. “She’s been lying to you from the beginning. If she is who we think she is then all she has to do is go to her father and he’ll stop this impending war.”

  “That’s not true,” Nadia pleaded. “You know what we shared. What’s developing between us. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

  “You had him shot at!” Dominick yelled. “If your version of the story is correct all you had to do was tell us who you were. We could have prepared better.”

  “Who I am is none of your business!” She looked to me. “Ask him to leave and I’ll explain everything.”

  “Everything I need to know is all in this report. You lied to me. I gave you every opportunity to tell me what you were hiding. Because of what was developing between us, I would have thought that would have been enough for you to confide in me. You betrayed me and my family after everything we did for you.”

  “No.” The tears streamed down her face. “What we had, that was all real.”

  “Dominick’s right.” I motioned toward the door. “You have to go.” Knowing what Antonio and Franco were capable of, I couldn’t put my family in anymore danger. I couldn’t allow her to make me her mark for them to gain leverage on whatever they wanted from my father.

  “We were almost killed tonight. You’re just going to send me out there alone?” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “Where am I going to go? How am I going to protect myself?”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” I nodded toward the door, hoping Dominick had a plan. “I can’t subject my family to whatever you’re up to.”

  “You’re just as bad as Franco,” she hissed at me. “You’re all nuts!” She grabbed her bag and ran out, sobbing as she pushed the elevator button.

  I closed the door, leaning against it wondering what the hell we would do now.

  “I’m sorry,” Dominick said. “I couldn’t let it go.”

  “You were right. She was hiding something but...”

  “You’re worried she’s telling the truth.”

  “It’s possible.” I trusted him with my life but I couldn’t deny my connection to Nadia. We’d only known one another a short time but my feelings were genuine. Were hers? “Tell me we didn’t send her out there all alone.”

  “I’m leaving Christopher on her just in case I miscalculated. Even if she’s telling the truth, Franco is a wild card and I can’t leave anything to chance.”

  “How did you know she was connected to Antonio?”

  “I didn’t until I remembered his youngest son.”


  “He has the same color eyes as Nadia.”

  “That’s how you put it together?”

  “It gave me a direction to go in. I had our guy look into her family. I never expected the bank trail. Antonio was sloppy with that.”

  “Maybe you should think about being a detective?”

  “Get the fuck outta here.”

  I wanted to laugh but there was nothing amusing about any of this. “What are we going to do next? Don’t tell me I need to stay out of it.”

  “We’re confronting Antonio. We’ve set up a meeting.”

  “I want to be there.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “It isn’t your decision.”

  “It’s Dad’s and he’ll agree with me. You have to stay out of this.”

  “Stop saying that.”

  “Vince, please.”

  “This whole ordeal has been unsettling. I asked Nadia to leave because of your instincts but I don’t feel right about it. I have a lot to discuss with her.”

  “I get you like her but you put your family first tonight.” He patted my back. “You did the right thing. I’ll figure this out. If she was telling the truth about not knowing who she is then you’ll be the first to know. I promise.”

  “Do what you can to keep her safe.”


  As I left Vincenzo’s building, I glanced around the dark streets. How could they throw me out and make me fend for myself? I hurried across the intersection and to a well-lit coffee shop. Not that it would help in protecting me. Antonio’s people shot at me in broad daylight at rush hour. There were cops everywhere but that didn’t seem to deter them.

  I wish I’d never heard of the Collandras or the Marchellis. Dominick was such a prick. And Vincenzo? How could he believe his brother like that?

  Because I lied to him. That’s why.

  I had several chances to tell him what I suspected but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was better off living in denial, hoping this whole mess would go away. Clearly that wasn’t going to happen so now I needed to take control and call these people off me.

  If I wanted another chance with Vincenzo, I had to make this situation go away. The betrayed look in his eyes when he read that report would be etched in my mind forever. My mother! How could she have been taking money from that man all these years? My whole life was a lie. If I had any chance to make this right, I needed to start with her. I took out my phone and headed inside the coffee shop but before I could get inside, a strong hand gripped my arm.

  I turned to face him, praying it was Vincenzo and not Franco. When I stared into the familiar eyes, I was relieved. Maybe he was the one person who could help me.

  “Christopher?” He walked me along the pavement and down a dark alley. “What are you doing? Did Vincenzo send you?”

  “You need to come with me.”


  “I’ll explain later.” He hurried down the small side street and to a car I didn’t recognize. It wasn’t the black SUV he had used to get me out of the ambush tonight. “You shouldn’t be out here alone. It’s dangerous.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Someone is waiting for you.”

  “Who?” My body tensed when we reached the car. Something told me if I got in, I wouldn’t get out. “You need to let go of me.”

  “Once you’re in the car.” He opened the door, shoving me into the back seat a little harder than necessary.

  “What the hell!” I screamed as he slammed the door shut. “Let me out of here!” I banged on the window, hoping someone would hear me as I tugged on the handle that wouldn’t release.

  “Let’s not cause a commotion, Nadia.” The voice that came from the front, passenger’s side startled me. “I’m not chasing you tonight.”

  “Franco?” Shit!

  Chapter Nineteen


  Where Is She?

  I hadn’t slept at all last night. Nadia had been on my mind for most of the time. We had plenty to sort out but I overreacted when I tossed her o
ut. My family’s safety had to come first but now that I was faced with a new day, I believed Nadia didn’t know she was Antonio’s daughter. Hell! Why did my life have to be so complicated? I never wanted to be part of any organized crime. But here I was, waiting in Antonio’s study at a meeting no one wanted me to attend. I’d much rather be in my office finding legal ways to make money but I insisted I was too integral of a part in all of this not to be present. My father agreed and that was the final word.

  “I don’t get why we’re meeting here and not in a neutral setting,” Dominick said. “After last night’s ambush and the information we learned about Nadia, we could be walking into a trap.”

  “We’ve been through this,” my father said. “Antonio denied any involvement in that shooting last night and I believe him. He had no reason to come after us. We negotiated Nadia’s safety.”

  “Nadia is his daughter.” Dominick gazed out the window, probably assessing the security. We’d brought three guards with us. Gianni stayed outside to monitor the situation. “She was never in danger.”

  “We don’t know that.” I’d spent the car ride here playing devil’s advocate. “Can you think of any reason Antonio would come after us after all these years?”

  “No.” My father was so sure.

  “Then why send his daughter in? Why go after me? It would have been you or Gianni he would’ve targeted.”

  “It’s too obvious to go after me or Gianni.” Dominick ran his hand along his stubble-covered jaw. “Someone set up that shooting last night.”

  Antonio came into the room, with a woman I didn’t recognize close behind him. She looked to be no older than my mother. She appeared tired as she entered the room amid Antonio’s shadow.

  “Thank you for meeting me here,” Antonio said. “I realized you would’ve preferred to meet in a more public setting but I have a problem and I need your help.”


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