Only With Me

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Only With Me Page 11

by Kelly Elliott

  “Oh, um, Max.”

  More lies.

  “Nervous little thing, isn’t she?” Katerina said.

  I swallowed hard as I glanced up at Nic. What in the world am I about to get myself into?

  He glanced up in the mirror and winked. Then he mouthed, I’m sorry, and all my fears melted away.

  “So, my oldest son has decided to go against his parents’ wishes.”

  Don’t. Show. Fear.

  “Mama,” Nic warned.

  “An Italian,” she huffed under her breath.

  I’m so screwed.

  Me: She’s going to eat me up and spit me out! Why does she not like Italians?

  Kilyn: No she is not! Okay that’s a lie. She probably is. Um, I think Thad dated one once and things didn’t turn out well. Listen! You walk into that bakery and you own that bitch! Well wait, you do own it. You stand proud. And whatever you do, don’t look her directly in the eye. She has a direct path to your soul!

  Me: God help me.

  Kilyn: You’re gonna need more than just him.

  MY NERVES WERE rattled as I walked into the back hallway of the bakery. Katerina’s eyes were everywhere, taking it all in.

  “Excuse me, I need to find Max. You’re more than welcome to hang out in my office or in the bakery.”

  Katerina forced a smile and nodded. Turning to Nic, I gave him a weak grin and headed to find out what was going on. Please don’t let it be anything bad.

  When I walked into the bakery, I was happy to see it was pretty full. I would have died if there hadn’t been anyone here.

  I walked up to Max. “What’s up?”

  He spun around and looked at me. “The mixer won’t start and we need to make thirty lemon mascarpone cakes to be picked up tomorrow evening.”

  My mouth dropped as my eyes widened in shock. “Why?”

  “Someone called earlier and asked if we could manage it. We were slow and had a working mixer, so I didn’t think it would be a problem. Charity ran an errand and I haven’t been able to reach her.”

  “I don’t understand, why would someone need that many cakes?”

  Max shrugged. “I don’t know. She said she had stopped by the bakery before and had some. Said it reminded her of her grandmother’s lemon mascarpone cakes.”

  My heart stopped. He loved my lemon mascarpone cakes. What if I’d been found? “What did she look like?”

  Max shrugged. “She called, Gabi. I have no clue what she looks like.”

  “Oh, right. Um, did she happen to leave her name?”

  Staring at me as if I’d lost my damn mind, Max said, “Yes! But, Gabi, the mixer is not working and we need to get them made and you’re worried about her name?”

  I nodded. The fact that she mentioned it reminded her of her grandmother’s recipe is what threw me. That recipe was my grandmothers, and I used it right down to the secret ingredient. “Right. Sorry, let’s look at it. I can’t imagine anything going out on it. It’s only a year old!”

  Max and I headed to the mixer only to find Nic was already working on it. I quickly glanced around to see where Katerina was. She was walking off, heading into the dining area of the bakery.

  Focusing back on Nic, I asked, “Do you have any idea what’s wrong?”

  He glanced up and smiled. “Yeah, the breaker tripped.” He turned on the mixer and it came to life. Relief washed over my body.

  “Thank God that was it!” I jumped into Nic’s arms the moment he stood. “Thank you for fixing it.”

  With a chuckle, he kissed me on the forehead then looked at Max. “You didn’t think to look at the breaker?”

  Max gave Nic a deer in the headlights look. “The breaker?”

  “Yeah, Max. Somehow the breaker was tripped.”

  “Why in the world would I think about that? I’m a pastry chef, not an electrician.”

  Spinning on his heels, Max quickly set off to getting everything ready to make the cakes. I turned back to Nic. “We received a huge order for lemon mascarpone cakes. I need to stay and help.”

  “Where’s Charity?” Nic asked.

  I shrugged as I put an apron on. “Max said she left to run an errand when things were slow and he hasn’t been able to get a hold of her. I’m so sorry, I need to stay and help.”

  Nic flashed that amazing smile of his. “Let me take my mom back to her car, then I’ll come back and help.”

  My stomach dropped. This man was a dream come true. I felt so foolish for how I had acted earlier.

  “I’d love that.”

  Katerina cleared her throat and we both turned to face her. “Nonsense, I’ll stay and help.”

  Nic laughed, but when Katerina shot him a dirty look, he stopped.

  “You’re so sweet,” I said with a smile. “But honestly, you don’t have to do that.”

  Lifting her head, Katerina simply grinned and said, “I want to help. Now, you go out there with your customers, and I’ll help Nic and . . .”

  “Max,” I added.

  “Yes, Max. I’ll help him make your mascarpone cake.”

  My eyes darted over to Nic who simply shrugged.

  Damn. Where was Kilyn when I needed her?

  “O-okay. Max knows all the measurements and such.”

  Katerina put her hands on my back and gently gave me a push.

  “Off you go! I am the master in the kitchen.”

  My eyes widened in horror. Nic took my elbow and led me out into the bakery. It felt as though someone was sitting on my chest as I glanced over my shoulder and watched the scene play out before my eyes.

  Katerina turned to Max, placed her hands on her hips and said, “Give me the recipe, young man. I’m in charge.”

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered as I stopped and headed back into the kitchen.

  “Katerina, honestly you don’t have to do this.”

  She slowly turned and looked at me. “Do you not trust me?”

  I let out a nervous laugh. “Well, you did just find out your son was dating me and that I’m not Greek.”

  Nic let out a small groan from behind me.

  “Young lady, I take cooking very seriously. This is your business, and obviously my Nicholaus seems to be entranced by you. Therefore, I intend on helping you. It is not a sin to admit when you are defeated and need help.”

  My head pulled back. “I’m not defeated.”

  “Let it go,” Nic whispered from behind me.

  Katerina laughed. “You seem rattled, my dear. Maybe you’re not used to getting a large order.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “I’ve gotten bigger.”

  When Katerina lifted her brow, I knew this was it. The challenge.

  Oh hell no. You’re not doing this on my own turf.

  Nic let out a nervous chuckle from behind me. “Gabi, why don’t we let Max and my mom start this. Liza is swamped up front.”

  Katerina narrowed her eyes at me, silently willing me to dare her. I was going to nip this shit in the bud.

  “Max,” I said with a firm voice, “Go help Liza. Katerina and I will take care of the cakes.”

  Max walked up to me. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. I tried to push down my fear about this order and brush it off as an over-reaction. “Go help her and try Charity again.”

  A slow smile moved across her face. This lady was good. But this time, she wasn’t going to win. Not with me in my own kitchen.

  “Are you sure you can keep up with me, Gabriella?”

  Oh! oh, it’s on!

  “Are you sure you can keep up with me . . . Katerina?”

  She smiled bigger.

  Nic walked up and stood between us. “What’s happening right now?”

  Giving him a pat on the chest, I replied, “We’re about to get our mascarpone on.”

  Nic looked between his mother and I with a mixed expression of both concern and amusement.

  I walked over to the giant refrigerator and took out two large bowls of my always-on-hand lemon curd.<
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  Placing them on the kitchen’s stainless steel island, I looked at Katerina.

  “What’s that?” Nic asked.

  “Lemon curd,” Katerina answered with a smile.

  “Because everyone knows you have to make the lemon curd ahead of time,” I added.

  Clearing his throat, I glanced over to Nic. He looked between his mother and me then laughed. “So, this ought to be interesting.”

  Katerina took one of the bowls. “Italian food is nothing but Greek food . . . but with less love.”

  I went to say something when Nic kissed me then whispered against my lips. “Just take her help. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  My lower stomach pooled with heat.

  “For you,” I whispered. “I’m doing this for you.”

  He laughed. “Uh-huh. Okay.”

  It didn’t take long for Katerina and I to get lost in the baking process. She was good, there was no denying it. But she was not about to show me up in my own kitchen.

  Little did I know I was setting myself up for Katerina’s real challenge.

  I sat down at a table and sighed. “Thirty lemon mascarpone cakes done.”

  Nic grinned and squatted down. He lightly pushed a strand of hair from my face. “You look beautiful.”

  With a chuckle, I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I’m a mess, Nic. I nearly killed myself trying to keep up with your mother.”

  My eyes lifted and looked behind the bakery counter where Katerina was currently trying to take over in helping Liza with customers. “Look at her. It’s like she’s not the least bit fazed by all that baking. She’s the Energizer Bunny on crack.”

  Nic glanced over his shoulder to his mother. “That was nothing compared to some of the cooking I’ve seen my mother do.”

  I sat up. “Oh crap. She probably thinks I’m a lazy Italian!” Jumping, I quickly made my way through the bakery and started cleaning up. In a few minutes we would be closing up.

  Nic grabbed me by the waist and turned me around. “It’s your day off.”

  My brows rose. “Was. I have no idea where Charity is. This is not like her to just vanish and leave the bakery.”

  I started chewing on my thumb nail when Nic pulled it from my mouth. “Stop. Now come on, let’s get my mother out of your bakery before she slips something Greek into the display.”

  Giggling, I nodded as he took my hand in his. “Mama? You ready to head out? I’m sure Dad is probably withering away with no dinner.”

  Katerina rolled her eyes and huffed. She pulled Liza in for a hug then turned to Max. I tried not to laugh when he stiffened up like a board when she hugged him.

  As she made her way over to us, I couldn’t help but notice how she looked completely and utterly unfazed by the fact that she just baked all those cakes.

  Stopping in front of me, she smiled. “You’re baking skills are there, you just need to get faster. You’re very slow. And your lemon curd needs a bit of work.” Her eyes wandered over me before capturing mine. “If only you were Greek . . . there might be hope.”

  My smile dropped and my mouth fell open.

  “Oh, shit,” Nic mumbled. “Mama, let’s head on back to my place so you can get your car.”

  I stood there stunned. Holy crap. She just insulted me in like three different ways!

  Nic stood in front of me. “Gabi?”

  My eyes swung up to his. “I’m taking my mother back to my place. Did you want me to come back for you?”

  His eyes looked pleading. He had nothing to worry about, the last place I wanted to be was in the car with her again. So she could insult me more.

  “Yes, that’s um . . . that sounds good.”

  Nic leaned in and kissed me on the lips quickly. He pulled back slightly and said, “I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

  Nodding, I forced a smile. My eyes moved past him to see Katerina standing there with a look I couldn’t read. Was she still bothered by Nic and I, or was she maybe getting used to the idea? No . . . she certainly wasn’t used to the idea. I swallowed hard.

  “Thank you so much for helping, Katerina. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  She nodded. “The pleasure was mine, and I enjoyed myself. Nicholaus?”

  “I’ll be back soon.”

  I lifted my hand and waved as I watched them walk through the back hall and out of sight.

  Max walked up to me and stood there, staring down the hall.

  “That woman scared the piss out of me.”

  “Me too.”

  He laughed and I turned to him. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  With a shrug, all he said was, “You’re so screwed.”

  My body sank and I let out a sigh. I had a feeling he was right.

  WHEN I COULDN’T take the silence any longer, I spoke.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Mama.”

  She sighed. “I’m thinking two of my sons are trying to kill their mother.”

  I laughed. “Why?”

  “One girl is Irish, now the other is Italian. Nicholaus, we can find you a nice Greek girl. Why must you settle on . . . on this one. Italian? That’s worse than Irish!”

  The grip on my steering wheel tightened. “Because I like this one. Mama, why is it so damn important for you that I marry a Greek girl? Do you not love Kilyn?”

  She huffed.


  “Of course I love Kilyn. She makes your brother very happy, and she has given me a beautiful granddaughter whom I love very, very much.”

  “Even though she is half Irish?”

  Her head snapped to look at me. “I don’t look at Kira like that!”

  “Then why do you look at Kilyn and Gabi that way, Mama?”

  Her eyes narrowed at me. “Why can’t you find a Greek woman? Why Italian?”

  “Because the first moment I met Gabi, something happened that has never happened to me before. Never, not with a Greek girl, not with any girl.”

  Her look of frustration turned to a look of surprise. “What are you saying, Nicholaus?”

  I pulled into my parking spot and turned to face my mother. Taking her hand in mine, I kissed the back of it.

  “I’m saying that I’ve never felt this way before, and I really want to see where this goes. Please don’t do anything to try to push Gabi away.”

  She swallowed hard. “You really care for this girl?”

  “I really do. I’m falling in love with her.”

  With a gasp, she covered her mouth. Then tears formed in her eyes. “Oh, my baby is falling in love!” She looked up and started rattling off in Greek before she finally glanced back at me.

  “Do you think she would take a DNA test?”

  My smile dropped. “What for?”

  With a shrug, she stated, “She might have a bit of Greek in her.”

  I rolled my eyes and got out of my truck. This wasn’t going to be easy.

  Gabi’s front door was cracked open when I walked up to it. Pushing it open, I called out, “Gabi? Charity?”

  I heard a voice coming from the balcony outside.

  As I got closer, I realized it was Gabi’s voice.

  “I understand how this works. I’ve been doing it for six years now. No, I don’t think so.”

  Her voice was different. Cold, on edge. Whoever she was talking to, they made her feel on guard.

  “I’m just as tired of this as you are. Believe me.”

  Not wanting to eavesdrop, I cleared my throat and Gabi jumped then spun around. Her somber face was quickly replaced with a huge smile. Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning.

  “That’s fine. I need to let you go.”

  She hit End and pushed her phone into her back pocket.

  “Hey,” she said softly.

  I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms. “I missed you.”

  “You’ve only been gone for an hour.”

  “That’s too long.”

  With a giggle, she buried her face
into my chest. I could feel the stress releasing from her body as I held her to me.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  Pulling her head back, her eyes searched my face. I swore it looked like she wanted to tell me something, but she smiled and replied, “It is now that you’re here.”

  “You seemed a little tense when I walked up. I wasn’t listening to your conversation, but I could tell you were on edge.”

  “It’s nothing. Business stuff.” She tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I wasn’t fully buying it. “So, does your mom hate me?”

  I laughed. “Actually, she invited us to dinner again since we had to cancel.”

  Gabi’s face fell. “On no! I never told Kilyn dinner was not happening tonight.”

  Cupping her face in my hands, I grinned. “I called Thano when everything happened at the bakery. I forgot to tell you Kilyn said to call her. I’m sure she’ll want a play-by-play of how that all went.”

  Gabi laughed nervously. “That was crazy. I’m curious to see who this person is who ordered all those cakes.”

  The sound of the front door shutting had us both turning to look back into the living room. Charity walked by and Gabi immediately headed in.

  “Where were you, Charity?” Gabi called out, anger lacing her voice.

  Charity stopped walking. “What?”

  I couldn’t help but notice she looked a little confused. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes seemed like she was lost in another world.

  “You left to run an errand and never came back! We had an emergency at the bakery and Max had to call me.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Charity replied, “Max always has a damn emergency.”

  “Well, I just spent the last few hours baking thirty lemon mascarpone cakes with Nic’s mom! Not how I really wanted to get to know the woman.”

  Charity glanced over to me and pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh.

  “So?” Gabi asked, her hands now resting on her hips. She looked so damn cute standing there all pissed off. I wanted to drag her off to her bedroom and sink deep inside of her.

  “Sooo? What?”

  “Charity! Where were you?”

  “I am um . . . I ran an errand and then got caught by someone I know and we got to talking and I totally lost track of the time.”


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