The Gentle Dom

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The Gentle Dom Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “Hey, y’all. What’s up?” The big man came over, knelt down. “I’m Union. Pleased.”

  “Nice to meet you. Wish it was under better circumstances. I’m Reece—call me Rec. And this is Barclay. He’s having problems with his ex. You want to tell Union about it, B? Start at the beginning, with how you got injured.” He took Barclay’s hand, holding on and offering his support.

  “He pushed me off the roof. I can’t prove it, but I promise, I think he pushed me off the roof.”

  Union pulled his notebook out of his pocket, along with a pen, and started making notes. “When was this?”

  Barclay explained the job, the weather, the four-story fall. “He was staring down at me and smiling. He was smiling at the hospital when he thought I was paralyzed. He was smiling at me today.”

  “That wasn’t really a smile. It was an insane grimace.” Rec shook his head. “He had those scary crazy eyes. You know? He’s going to try something—try to hurt B again.”

  Union winced. “Have you got any evidence of any of this?”


  Rec could see Barclay shrink, go tiny against the cushions.

  “I’m sure you can do something, though,” Rec insisted. He was going to push this as far as he had to.

  “I can. Just not officially. If you have a picture of him, I can circulate it among the beat cops. Anyone sees him, they’ll take note. If he’s actively stalking you, we’ll have it on file with our own guys as witnesses. I wish I could go arrest him, but without any evidence, we won’t be able to keep him. But this will work. If we have eyes on him, he can’t hurt you.”

  “I’m sure there’s a picture of him, right, babe? Somewhere?” Although if it had been him, he probably would have gotten rid of any pictures after a breakup like that.

  “Yeah. At my apartment. In my laptop.”

  “Your laptop’s at the condo, B.” He turned back to Union. “We can email you the picture as soon as we get home.”

  “So you’re staying with Rec, but you’ve got your own place?” Union asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, we’re trying…. It’s new, you know?”

  “Good for you guys.” Union smiled, looking honestly pleased for them. “Does your ex—what’s his name?”

  “Duncan Forsythe.”

  “Does Forsythe know you’re living at Rec’s now and not your apartment?”

  Barclay frowned for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t think so? He said he kept knocking at the door.”

  “And he couldn’t be doing that where you are now?” Union asked.

  Rec shook his head. “We’ve got a security door that’s locked. You either need to have a key or be buzzed up. B’s place, you just walk in.” His phone went off, but Rec sent the call to voicemail without even looking at who it was. This was more important right now.

  “Okay, that’s good.” Union made another note in his book. “And we’ll add your road to our patrol routes; a little extra police presence can’t hurt.”

  “I’m not lying,” Barclay whispered. “I swear to God.”

  “I believe you,” Union said, looking Barclay in the eye. “But without evidence, we’re screwed as far as what we can do. I could try and find him and intimidate him, but if I do that, he can accuse us of harassment. It’ll be better for you if we wait until we have something concrete on him.”

  “Okay. I just want to be left alone, you know?” Barclay rubbed his thigh on his injured leg. “This has been hard enough.”

  Rec slipped his arm around Barclay’s shoulders, offering him support.

  “I can imagine. Was he your Dom?” Union asked.

  “I didn’t know what that was, not before Rec. He was… harsh.”

  “Did he abuse you?” Union was so gentle in his questioning.

  “He tore out his nipple ring, man.” That was abuse, right?

  Union nodded and wrote that down. “Anything else? You said he was harsh?”

  “He lost his temper with me. Hit me if I screwed up. You know.”

  Rec held Barclay tighter, pushing his anger away. He wasn’t seeing red because of anything Barclay had done, and he needed to focus on being strong for Barclay right now. Letting his anger at Barclay’s ex show wouldn’t help any of them right now.

  “Yeah, unfortunately I do know,” Union said. “I’m sorry you went through that. If you wanted to send me a list of the things he’s done to you via email as well, I’ll get it added to the file.”

  “Yeah. Rec doesn’t need to hear the details, right?”

  “No, if you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. But if you need to talk about it, I’m here. No judgment. At least not of you.” Rec wanted to know so he could help Barclay, but he totally didn’t need to know if Barclay didn’t want him to.

  Barclay looked up at him. “I want you to see me like you always have, you know?”

  “I wouldn’t think less of you,” Rec promised. “But I will totally abide by your wishes. I know you’re a strong, wonderful man. You were when I met you—and you are now.”

  Barclay reached out for Rec, moving even closer. “Thank you. I’m glad. Thank you.”

  Rec gave Barclay a soft kiss, blocking everything else out for a moment. He leaned their foreheads together. “We’ll get over this, and then he’ll be gone and it’ll just be you and me.”

  “You promise? I mean, I want it. I want to be yours.”

  “I’ll tell you a secret, B. You already are mine.”

  Union hummed softly. “So sweet.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just you wait—you’ll be sweet yourself once day.” He tucked Barclay against him and returned to more serious matters. “Is there anything else you need from us, Union?”

  “Let me give you my card. Are you going to your apartment alone, Barclay?”

  Rec answered that one without hesitation. “No.”

  “Good. Just in case, huh? You’re at a significant disadvantage.” Union pointed to Barclay’s legs.

  “I understand. I’ll have to go and grab a few more things eventually, but not today.” Barclay had already brought the essentials to his place.

  “And you won’t go alone when you do go back.” Rec would be sure of that.

  Barclay nodded for him, smiled tentatively. “I won’t.”

  “Good.” He turned back to Union. “Do you need anything else from us?”

  “No. If I need anything else, I’ll give you a call. Stay safe, okay?”

  Rec nodded. He was going to make sure that happened.

  Barclay sighed. “I’m sorry, Rec. I didn’t mean to bring him into your life.”

  Rec didn’t hesitate for a moment to answer. “This isn’t your fault, B.”

  Union nodded. “He’s right. The only person to blame in this is the stalker. I’ve seen more of these cases than I’d like to, and that holds true for all of them.”

  “Still, I wish… you know.”

  Rec leaned their heads together again. “I get that. But we found each other, and that’s what I want to focus on.”

  “I found you, you mean.” Oh, a tease! That had to mean Barclay was feeling more in control again.

  Rec found himself grinning. “I might give you that.”

  Union chuckled and handed Rec the promised card. “Keep in touch.”

  He pocketed the card. “Yeah, you too. Please keep us updated on any developments.”

  Rec stood as Union did and shook the man’s hand. B shook too and they were left alone, the big man wandering off.

  He sat back with Barclay again and sighed. “Well, I think that went as well as it could have. How are you feeling?” Rec could see from Barclay’s color that he was doing much better now.

  “I feel a little silly, a lot cared for.”

  “You shouldn’t feel silly. Your reactions were all valid.” That pretty much went for everything. Feelings were what they were.

  “Who was your call from?” Barclay asked.

  “Oh, right.” He’d forgotten about it. G
rabbing his phone, he checked his recent calls. “It was the clinic. They left a message.” Excitement went through him. He was looking forward to good results for both of them. God, this was turning out to be an up-and-down day.

  Barclay paled again. “Please. Please let it be okay.”

  He took Barclay’s hand and squeezed yet again, holding tight. “No matter what they say, it’s going to be okay. I promise.” He hit the voicemail and Play.

  “Good morning, Mr. Gordon, this is the Applebee Clinic. Both tests that you are the contact for came back negative. There’s no reason for you to come in and see the doctor unless you have questions. Thank you.”

  “Oh.” Barclay took a huge breath. “Oh yay.”

  He laughed and hugged Barclay close. “We’re both fine.” Then he leaned in and whispered into Barclay’s ear. “When we get home, I’m going to make love to you bareback, and then I’m going to plug you with my seed still inside you.”

  “I—” Barclay jerked against him, shivered. “You…. You’re going to make me ache.”

  “That’s a good thing, B. I think it would be fun if you’re hard all the trip home. It’s okay—I’ll push you so you can put your hands over your erection.”

  “Rec!” That laugh sounded so good. So fucking good to him.

  “What?” he asked, keeping his eyes wide, like he didn’t have a clue.

  “You’re evil.” Barclay grabbed him and kissed him hard. “Thank you for sticking with me, for all your support.”

  “I’m not a fair-weather friend, B. I care about you, more every day. Thank you for trusting me and staying.” He rubbed their noses together.

  “More every day,” Barclay repeated, licking at Rec’s lips.

  His own cock began to fill, and it made him smile—he was going to need to push Barclay so the wheelchair hid his erection.

  Barclay licked his lips again, tracing his smile, grinning at him when he was done. That expression—it went right up to Barclay’s eyes—made Rec so happy.

  “I love you,” he said softly, the words sliding from his lips as easy as you please. He’d never told anyone that before, except for his parents.

  “Yeah?” Barclay searched his eyes. “I’m in the same boat somehow.”

  “You are?” He beamed, holding Barclay’s gaze. “Because that makes it so much better. Like, so much.” And it was pretty damn good just loving Barclay.

  “I am. And I think so too. So much.”

  Laughing with his happiness, he pressed their mouths together, taking the happiest kiss he’d ever shared.

  There was a noise at the other end of the room again, and he pulled out of the kiss, resting his forehead against Barclay’s for a moment. Then he looked up.

  Tide came toward them, an apologetic smile on his face. “I don’t want to interrupt anything, but I wanted to make sure everything was okay up here.”

  “Yeah, Union is a star, and I’m keeping Barclay close, just in case.”

  “Good deal. We’ve checked the street. He’s not out there right now, so if you wanted to go, it’s a good time. Not that you have to, of course. You can stay as long as you need to.”

  Rec shook his head. “No, we’re going to head home.” He met Barclay’s gaze, smiling.

  “I want to go home. I’ll pay for a cab even.”

  “We can walk home. It’s not far, and the guys checked—he’s gone.” Rec leaned in to whisper again. “I meant it about wanting you aching all the way home, though. So once Tide leaves, I’m going to make you quite hard.”

  “Be nice!” Barclay sounded shocked.

  “What? I’m being very nice!”

  Tide chuckled at them, but turned and headed away without saying a word.

  “See? Tide was embarrassed!”

  “He was not! He was giving you privacy because he’s a Dom and he probably knew what kind of thing we were talking about. What kind of thing I might have planned.”

  “Totally embarrassed.” Barclay’s eyes were dancing.

  “Cheeky!” He laughed and went for Barclay’s ribs, digging his fingers in to tickle. He was loving this more playful side of Barclay. It was like now that they’d faced Forsythe, now that he and others had taken Barclay at his word, a weight had been lifted.

  He had no doubt that the worry would come back, but he’d take this for now.

  Chapter Nine

  BARCLAY WASN’T going to be scared.

  He wasn’t.

  They were heading home, and he wasn’t going to stare and worry and watch, dammit.

  He was going to be with his lover.

  He wasn’t fully erect, but Rec had kept his promise and he was hard, his hands lying casually in his lap so it wouldn’t be noticed as Rec pushed his chair.

  They were both negative, and that was so much better to focus on than anything else. That and the promises Rec had made him for what was going to happen when they got home.

  They got to the front doors and he used his key—his key!—to let them into the lobby. Rec wheeled him right to the elevator, and he pressed the button.

  “Feels like it’s taking forever to get there,” Rec noted after a moment.

  “Yeah, but the anticipation doesn’t suck either, huh?” It was like a constant sweet buzz.

  “Yep. You’re learning. And now you know why I wanted you hard for our trip home.” Rec sounded smug. Deservedly so.

  “You just like me needing you.” He got it. He knew Rec was doing the same, needing him.

  “That’s definitely a part of it. I’m also having a hard time keeping my own cock under control. I can’t wait to make love to you. Just you and me, and maybe a little lube.” Rec laughed, the sound a little wild and a lot eager.

  “Yeah. You won’t have to pull out. You can stay in.”

  “Mmm. You know I’ve been looking forward to falling asleep still buried inside you. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

  The elevator finally showed, and Rec pushed him on, pressed the button for their floor.

  He wanted to jack off, rub himself, but he knew that Rec didn’t want him to, wanted him to wait.

  Rec stood next to him, shooting him a grin. “Won’t be long now.” The anticipation danced across Rec’s face.

  “Nope. Just a few floors, that’s all.” He shivered with excitement.

  Rec’s hand slid over his shoulder, the connection, simple as it was, positively electric. He gasped softly, his ass sliding on the chair cushion.

  The elevator came to a smooth stop, and Rec pushed him out, moving quickly down the hall with his chair. “Open the door to our home, B.”

  “Our home. It seems… like a dream.” He reached out and put the key in the lock—put his key in the lock—and turned the knob.

  Rec didn’t linger once he had the door open, and that eagerness was both gratifying and infectious, ramping up his need.

  “Bed, huh? Us? Together, in bed?”

  “Uh-huh. You and me and a date with my cock and your ass.” Rec laughed. “Sorry, I’m feeling a little giddy.”

  “That’s exciting. The giddy. I keep wanting to jack myself off.”

  “Oh no. No jacking off. In fact, I think we should make that a rule, eh? No jacking off. No touching that lovely cock of yours without my permission.” Rec moved them into the bedroom.

  “Are there usually rules?”

  “Yeah, there often are. But every couple makes their own rules. Decides their own punishments. It’s the same as the plugs—they are for enjoyment and for pushing, stretching the boundaries. It’s meant to make things more intense for both of us. Better.”

  “I—I don’t know….” God, he was buzzing.

  “Oh, I think you know enough.” Rec crouched next to him, hand sliding across his lap to grab his package. He spread, his thighs going tight, hard.

  “It’s going to be so hot—knowing that you’re going to have to wait for my touch on your cock.” Rec pulled Barclay’s shirt out of his sweats, baring his belly, making him shiver.

  Bending, Rec pressed his lips against Barclay’s belly, the kiss soft and warm, full of promise and right there near his needy cock.

  “I—I want you. Bad.” His fingers tightened on the arm of the chair.

  “Me too.” Rec ducked his chin, rubbing Barclay’s cock through his sweats, making him moan and try to buck. It was awkward in the chair, though. “Let’s get you out of this chair.” Rec stood and offered his hands, smiling down at him.

  “Good thing it wasn’t leg day.” Barclay held on and stood on legs that were getting stronger and stronger.

  “I don’t think it would have mattered. Just look at you.” There was pride in Rec’s voice. “You’re going to be showing me what you can do in no time on all.”

  He was sure as hell going to try. “Later. Now I want to make love. Please.”

  “God yes.” Rec drew him close, arms wrapping around his waist. Those hands held and supported him, and he didn’t worry about falling as Rec kissed him, stealing his sense and his breath. He wanted to simply melt against Rec.

  They shuffled to the bedroom, slowly and steadily, kissing the entire way. Rec made sure he didn’t fall, and by the time they were by the bed, he was fully hard, his clothing irritating his skin. He needed it off.

  Rec seemed to be reading his mind, and he raised Barclay’s T-shirt up over his head, pulling it away. The sudden cool air made him shiver, but Rec’s hands were all over him, hot and arousing.

  “More. Please, that’s good. More.” He pushed his sweats down.

  “How about me?” Rec asked, pointing to his own shirt and workout shorts. “I need to be naked too.”

  “God yes. All of you. Please.” He yanked at Rec’s shirt, fingers tearing at the cloth.

  “That’s right.” Rec lifted his arms, letting Barclay pull the T-shirt up and off.

  Then he yanked at Rec’s shorts. Rec helped him get them off, then got the rest of Barclay’s sweats off. Taking a half step back, Rec looked him from top to bottom and licked his lips. “I can’t decide which I want to do more—pounce you and fuck you blind, or make it last.”


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