Hell's Cartel

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Hell's Cartel Page 56

by Diarmuid Jeffreys

nitrogen and oil combine

  Nitrogen Syndicate

  Nitropenta production

  Nixon, Russell

  Nobel Prize

  Normandy invasion

  Norsk Hydro

  North Africa



  N-Stoff plant

  nuclear physics

  Nuremberg IG Farben trial

  Nuremberg rallies

  Nuremberg tribunal (Four-Power International Military Tribunal, IMT)

  Oberf DAG plant

  Office of the Four-Year Plan

  Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of the German Nation

  oil and petrochemicals. See also fuel, synthetic

  Ollendorf, Gerhard

  Operation Barbarossa

  Operation Osavakim

  Operation Reinhard (death camps)

  opium derivatives

  Oppau plant

  Oppenheim, Franz

  Oppenheim, Kurt

  Organisation Todt


  Oster, Heinrich

  Otto, Wilhelm

  Ottoman Turks

  oxygen, bottled


  Palmer, A. Mitchell

  Papen, Franz von

  paper products

  paramilitary left

  paramilitary putsches


  Party Chancellery

  Passchendaele, Battle of


  Patriotic Auxiliary Service Law (1916)

  Patterson, John

  Patton, George

  Paul II, Pope


  Peltzer, Wilhelm

  Perkin, Thomas

  Perkin, William Henry

  Perkin and Sons

  Perkin’s green


  pesticides See also specific types

  Pétain, Philippe

  Peters, Gerhard

  Pharmaceuticals. See also specific products

  pharmaceuticals sales combine

  Phenacetin (acetophenetidine)

  phenol scandal

  phosgene gas


  phosphorus incendiaries

  photographic materials

  Pier, Matthias

  Piesteritz plant

  Pietrkowski, Edwin

  Pintsch Bamag AG


  Planck, Max


  Ploesti oil refineries

  Poelzig, Hans

  Poensgen, Ernst

  poison gas. See chemical weapons


  political parties, banned by Nazis

  Pollack, Isador


  Potsdam Conference

  Pressburg DAG plant

  printing inks

  prisoners of war (POWs). See also specific nationalities

  Project Paperclip


  Propaganda Ministry


  Pullar, Robert

  purple dye

  quinine, synthetic

  Race and Settlement Main Office


  Raeder, Erich

  Rankin, John E.

  “rare earths,”

  Rathenau, Walter von

  Raths, vom, family

  Rattwitz buna factory

  Ravensbruck camp

  raw materials. See also specific materials

  raw materials commission


  recession of 1928–29

  Reckoning with England, The (Eisenhart)

  Red Army

  Red Front Fighters’ League

  Reich Authority for Spatial Planning

  Reich Chancellery

  Reich Office for Economic Development

  Reich Office of Economic Expansion


  Reich Security Main Office. See RHSA


  burning of

  elections of 1912

  elections of 1928

  elections of 1930

  elections of 1932

  elections of 1933

  Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie (RDI)

  Reichswehr (German army under Weimar). See also Wehrmacht

  Weapons Office

  Reichsweiler DAG plant

  Renn process

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste


  Reppe, Walter

  Republican Party, U.S.


  Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition (Revolutionäre Gewerkschaftopposition, RGO)

  Rheinische Stahlwerke AG

  Rheini Steel company



  RHSA (Reichssicherheitshauptampt, Reich Security Main Office)

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  Riddle of the Sands, The (Childers)

  Ringer, Friedrich

  Ritter, Gerhard

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Röhm, Ernst

  purge. See Night of the Long Knives


  Rommel, Erwin

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosenberg, Alfred

  Rotary International

  Rothschild family

  Rottweil plant

  rubber, natural

  rubber, synthetic. See buna

  Rudriger, Colonel

  Ruettgerswerke AG

  Ruhr-Chemie firm

  Ruhr coal fields

  Rumpff, Carl

  Runge, Friedlieb Ferdinand

  Runge, Otto

  Rupprecht, Crown Prince, of Bavaria

  Russia (pre-Revolutionary). See also Soviet Union Bolshevik Revolution in


  Saarwelligen DAG plant


  Sachsenhausen camp

  St. Ingbert DAG plant

  sales and marketing groups or combines

  salicylic acid



  Sanofi-Aventis company

  Santo, Erich



  SA (Sturmabteilung, brownshirts)

  satellite departments

  Sauckel, Fritz

  Schacht, Hjalmar

  Scheele, Walter

  Schiebusch plant

  Schindler, Oscar

  Schkopau plant

  Schlebusch DAG plant

  Schleicher, Kurt von

  Schlieffen, Alfred von

  Schlieffen Plan

  Schlieper, Gustaf

  Schlotterer, Gustav

  Schmitz, Hermann

  Schneider, Christian

  Schnitzler, Georg von

  Schnitzler, Lilly von

  Schoener, Bernhard

  Schönebeck DAG plant

  Schrader, Gerald

  Schrader, Gerhard

  Schroeder, Kurt von

  Schulhof, Ervin

  Schwab, Heinrich

  Schwab, Hermann

  Schwarz, Ernest

  Schweitzer, Hugo

  SD (Sicherheitsdienst, SS intelligence service)

  Seal, Bert

  Second Reich

  Sedan triumph of 1870

  Selck, Erwin


  Shake, Curtis G.

  Shawcross, Hartley

  Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

  Shirer, William

  Sieger, Ludwig

  Siemens firm

  “Significance of the Urbanization of Australia in the Future of the White Race, The” (Gattineau)

  Silberhutte DAG plant

  Simson, Ernst von, as Jew at IGF

  Sipo (Sicherheitspolizei, security police)

  Skodawerke Wetzler AG

  Slovak laborers


  Sobibor camp

  Social Democrats (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD)


  social welfare syste

  Society for the Protection of the Interest of the German Chemical Industry

  Solvay et Cie


  Somme, Battle of

  Sömmerda DAG plant


  Sosnowitz holding facility

  Soviet POWs

  Soviet Union


  Spartacist revolts

  Sparten (product divisions)




  SPD. See Social Democrats

  Speer, Albert

  Spies of the Kaiser (Le Queux)

  Sprecher, Drexel

  SS (Schutzstaffel)

  Labor Office

  Staischak, Leon

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stalingrad, battle of

  Standard-IG Company

  Standard Oil

  Standard Oil Development Company

  Stars and Stripes (newspaper)

  Stein, Gustav

  sterilization experiments

  Sterling Products Inc.

  Stinnes, Hugo

  stock market crash of 1929

  Strasbourg University

  Strasser, Gregor

  Strength through Joy camps

  Stresemann, Gustav



  Struss, Ernst

  Subsequent Proceedings Division at Nuremberg

  Süddeutsche Kalkstickstoffwerke

  Sudeten-German Free Corps

  Sudeten German Relief Fund



  Sullivan and Cromwell law firm


  sulphuric acid

  Sumatra rubber plantations

  Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)


  Swiss banks


  Synthetic Patents Company

  synthetics, rearmament and See also specific products


  Szpilfogel, Maurcy


  Taft, Robert A.


  Tarr, Paul

  Tauboeck, Karl


  Taylor, Telford

  Teagle, Walter C.

  Technical Committee

  Telefunken GmbH

  Terte factory

  Tesch, Bruno

  Tesch and Stabenow

  tetraethyl lead

  Texas oil reserves



  Theresienstadt camp

  Third Reich. See National Socialist Party (Nazis); and specific individuals

  Thomas, Georg

  Thyssen, Fritz

  Thyssen firm

  Tilley, Edmund


  Todt, Fritz


  trade embargos


  trade unions. See labor; strikes

  Trading with the Enemy Act (U.S., 1917)

  Treblinka camp


  Troisdorf DAG plant

  Tropsch, Hans

  Trostberg plant

  Truman, Harry S.

  Turner, Lana



  UFA movie studios


  Ukrainian laborers, IGF and

  Ultra (code-breaking product)



  unemployment benefits

  Ungewitter, Claus

  United Industrial Enterprises

  United States

  Bayer assets in

  Bosch visits

  capital markets in

  crash of 1929 and

  denazification and

  depression of 1920–21 and

  Dreibund and

  Duisberg visits

  dye patents in

  fertilizer and

  IG Farben and Standard Oil holdings in

  missile and space programs

  monetary restrictions of 1928

  Nazi scientists and, post–WW II

  Nazi takeover and IG Farben in

  Nuremberg IG Farben trial and

  post–WW I

  post–WW II

  South America pharmaceuticals and

  WW I and

  WW II and

  U.S. Air Force

  U.S. Anti-Trust Division

  U.S. armed forces

  Eighth Air Force

  First Infantry Division

  Third Army

  U.S. Cartels Division

  U.S. Congress

  U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  U.S. Federal Oil Conservation Board

  U.S. House of Representatives

  Special Committee on Un-American Activities

  U.S. Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency

  U.S. Justice Department

  U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

  U.S. Office of the Alien Property Custodian

  U.S. Secret Service

  U.S. Senate

  U.S. State Department

  U.S. Steel

  U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey

  U.S. Supreme Court

  U.S. Treasury Department

  U.S. War Department

  U.S. War Refugee Board

  United Steel

  Upper Rhine work group

  Upper Silesia



  V2 rockets

  Vecker DAG plant

  Vemork hydroelectric plant

  Verbindungsmänner (liaison men)

  Vereinigte Stahlwerke firm

  Verguin, François-Emmanuel

  Vermittlungstelle Wehrmacht (Army Liaison Office, or Verm. W.)

  Versailles Treaty

  Verwaltungsrat (administrative council)

  Vetter, Helmuth

  Victoria, queen of Great Britain

  Vinson, Fred

  Vitek, Rudolf

  VKPD uprising

  Volkisch putschists

  Vorstand (managing board)

  Vowi (Department of Economic Research)

  Vrba, Rudolf


  Waggonfabrik Uerdingen AG

  Waibel, Hermann

  Waitz, Robert

  Wannsee Conference

  Warburg, Max

  Warmbold, Hermann

  War Raw Materials Office



  Warsaw Pact

  Warthegau province

  Webb, E. W.

  Wehrmacht Day

  Wehrmacht (German Army). See also German imperial army; Reichswehr

  Wehrmacht Medical Academy

  Weiler-ter-Meer firm

  Weimar Republic

  Depression and rise of Nazis in

  end of

  Weinberg, Arthur von

  Weinberg, Carl von

  Weinberg, von, family

  Weinessigfabrik L. Hirsch

  Weiss, William E.

  Wels, Otto

  Weskott, Johann


  Westfalische-Anhaltische Sprengstoff AG

  West Germany. See Federal German Republic

  Wilhelm I, kaiser of Germany

  Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany

  Williams and Crowell (dye company)

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Winnica (chemical firm)

  Winthrop Chemical Company

  Wipo (Department of Economic Policy)

  Wojahn, Max

  Wola (chemical firm)

  Wolf, Karl

  Wolfen plant

  Wolff, Horst

  Wolff, Karl

  Wolff, Otto

  Wollheim, Norbert


  work councils

  work groups, defined

  World Exposition (Paris, 1900)

  World War I

  peace negotiations and

  U.S. and

  World War II. See al
so specific battles; concentration camps; countries; and individuals

  bombing of plants

  early Nazi successes in

  IG Farben paves way for

  invasion of Poland and

  last year of

  Nazi preparations for

  U.S. IG Farben assets and

  W. R. Grace

  Wright, C. R. Alder

  Wuppertal plant

  Wurgendorf DAG plant

  Wurster, Carl

  Ypres, Battle of

  Zeiss firm

  Zentralausschuss (Central Committee)

  Zollverein (German customs union)

  Zurich University

  Zyklon B

  Also by Diarmuid Jeffreys

  Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug


  DIARMUID JEFFREYS, journalist and documentarian, is the author of Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug, which was nominated for the Aventis Prize for popular science books and chosen as one of the best books of the year by the San Francisco Chronicle. He lives in East Sussex, England.

  Metropolitan Books

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

  Publishers since 1866

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  Metropolitan Books® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

  Copyright © 2008 by Diarmuid Jeffreys

  All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

  Jeffreys, Diarmuid.

  Hell’s cartel : IG Farben and the making of Hitler’s war machine / Diarmuid Jeffreys.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-8050-7813-8

  ISBN-10: 0-8050-7813-4

  1. Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft—History. 2. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. 3. Industrial policy—Germany—History—20th century. 4. Forced labor—Germany—History—20th century. 5. Holocaust, Jewish (1939–1945) 6. World War, 1939–1945—Atrocities. I. Title.

  HD9654.9.I5J44 2008



  First Edition 2008

  eISBN 9781466833296

  First eBook edition: October 2012

  *Taylor had been appointed U.S. chief prosecutor at Nuremberg in October 1946, some months after his predecessor, Justice Robert Jackson, had returned to America on the conclusion of the famous Four-Power International Military Tribunal’s case against Göring and the other Nazi leaders. Taylor had assisted Jackson at that trial but all subsequent prosecutions at Nuremberg (including the IG Farben case) were conducted under U.S. jurisdiction alone, presided over by American judges applying international laws of war. The other occupying powers—the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France—either held their own subsequent war crimes trials in the territories they controlled or left it to the Americans.

  †Though not from Moscow—the heady days when Soviet prosecutors had cooperated with their Western counterparts in this very courtroom were long gone. Indeed, as will be seen, the increasingly frosty atmosphere between the former Allies would play a significant role in the IG Farben case.

  *When Roman emperors began to follow Julius Caesar’s habit of wearing imperial purple, they set strict limits on the supply of the murex mollusk from which it was drawn. In 1464 the Vatican put a similar embargo on the use of the kermes insect; only its crushed shell could provide the exact shade of cardinals’ purple beloved by Pope Paul II.


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