Dissolute Resorts Las Vegas

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Dissolute Resorts Las Vegas Page 5

by J. Richards

  I fall asleep and wake up when Jimmy slams on the brakes. My chin itches and I reach up to scratch at it, realizing I drooled all over myself. “Ew,” I whine and bend down to search my purse for a baby wipe or a napkin or anything to get my own saliva off my face.

  “We’re here.” Lilly screams at me while shaking my elbow. I blink and look out the window with the wipe brushing under my lips.

  “Oh, my God!” I cry and pull my ear buds from my ears. “We’re here!” I jump up and down in my seat and clap my hands together as Jimmy pulls into the parking garage. “I have to change and clean up before seeing Darius.”

  “I don’t think you’ll be able to shower but I’m sure there is a bathroom in the lobby. I’ll go in first, no.” Lilly shakes her head. “Jimmy will go in first and scope it out, ya know, make sure Darius isn’t in the lobby. Then when the coast is clear, you call us and we’ll sneak into the bathroom to freshen up. Deal?” She asks him.

  “Sounds like a good plan.” He parks and we all fumble out of the Jeep. Stretching out limbs and yawning. Two thousand, six hundred and ninety miles in forty-five hours. It seems like the longest trip in history and I’m hoping I can send Lilly and Jimmy back in the car while I catch a flight out on Monday. That’s terrible of me, I know, but maybe the new love birds will like that idea, I won’t suggest it until late Saturday.


  It’s late Thursday night, about eight pm on the evening of Thanksgiving. I’m supposed to be getting on a plane early tomorrow morning to fly out here and meet Darius for the holiday weekend. Instead, I’m washing my armpits and crotch with a damn baby wipe from my purse to freshen up from a cross country road trip that brought me here, in the bathroom of the five-star all-inclusive Hotel and Resort that my boyfriend owns, a day early, to surprise him.

  “You good?” Lilly calls to me through the door dividing the commode from the vanity.

  “I think so, I wish I had some kind of skanky ass maid outfit to surprise him with or something.” I sigh while pulling my jeans back up and buttoning them over my soft belly. It hasn’t been long since I’ve seen Darius but still my body is much tighter and leaner than the last time he really saw me. Video chat only lets you see so much, ya know what I mean?

  I feel like I have a thousand bugs under my skin, I’m itching to see him so badly.

  “Um?” Lilly pauses. “Yeah, I didn’t pack anything like that. Just being you is enough, the man is crazy about you, Eve.” I smile at the door as I work my tank top back on. I packed the sweater that the New England weather forced me to wear but it was so comfortable here in Vegas that I shoved the heavy thing back in my bag before pulling the door open and moving to the vanity to wash my face. “Want me to reapply for you?” Lilly offers.

  “Yes, please.” I answer with water sloshing off my face. Using the hand towels provided I dab at my cheeks and face, already feeling the highway grit washing off. I’ve gotten pretty good at doing my own make-up, knowing how to highlight the right features to give my overall look the best appearance but my hands are shaking and it’s smarter to let Lilly do it for me.

  I plop down on the chair and she brings her travel case forward, digging in it for the right brush to paint my eyelids and the perfect liner to draw under my eyes. “I’m nervous.” I utter.

  “You should be used to his magic ways by now,” Lilly teases me. “He isn’t just the owner of a crazy vacation place anymore Evie. He’s your man. Yours. He wants only you. He is going to be thrilled to see you.”

  “I hope so.” I agree and she blows a raspberry.

  “Whatever, chick. Just text me if you are going to skip breakfast tomorrow.” She smiles as she finishes making up my face and steps back. “You really are stunning. He’s a lucky man.”

  “Thanks, Lil.” I stand up to hug her and she squeezes me tighter than normal. I pat her shoulders. “You good?”

  “Yup.” She nods and packs up her small case in her bigger one.

  “What are you and Jimmy going to do while I find Darius?” I have a weird feeling in my stomach and I know it has everything to do with the two of them crossing the lines in our friendships.

  “Uh?” She bites into her lip and looks sideways. “Jimmy asked if I’d go to the Resort’s kink club with him. He said he needed to blow off some steam.” She shrugs.

  “You mean he needs to blow his load? Are you really gonna go through with this?” I laugh lightly, still kind of unsure.

  “Yeah,” She huffs. “I trust him more than any man on this planet. He is my best friend, beside you, I mean. I think it’s because I’ve always loved him. I just didn’t know it. Every bed I hop from leaves me empty and looking to fill the void in the wrong ways. I see that now that I’ve felt what it’s like for a man who actually cares for you to hold you. Now that I know how different that is. I don’t wanna bed hop any more, Evie.” She sighs. “I just want to be with Jimmy.”

  “Does he want to be with you?” I turn the door to the bathroom and her smile is brighter than the sun itself.

  “He took my panties after he spanked me and said that he is going to make me sorry for every time I’d ever given a gay man a boner.”

  “God,” I blurt through a snorted laugh. “Do you think you’ve got a lot to be sorry for?”

  “Yup.” I pull the door open and she follows me out giggling.



  Jimmy is leaning on the front desk. The lobby floor practically gleams its marble surface is so shiny, a huge chandelier hovers above him in the wide-open space of the room. A pretty blonde stands behind the desk and tosses her hair over her shoulder as she laughs at something he’s said. I can hear a low growl come from Lilly and roll my eyes. “Give it a break, honey. You know he’s the male version of you. People are helpless against that sweet smile of his.”

  “Umph.” She grunts and flips her own hair. She strides off in front of me to plaster herself to Jimmy’s side. He seems surprised but welcomes her under his arm. “This is Shelly, she works the front desk mostly but also helps out with Darius’ schedule. How lucky for us, huh?” He ruffles the back of Lilly’s hair and she slaps at his hand.

  “So, lucky.”

  “Oh, that is great,” I interrupt whatever sass was going to come out of her mouth. “Where is he now, do you know?”

  “I do.” Shelly smiles brightly and taps on her computer. “He’s working from his suite last time I checked in with him and has nothing on the schedule till tomorrow when he is supposed to pick you up from the airport.” She claps her hands. “I think it’s so great of you to surprise him like this. He’s just such a nice boss.”

  “Great.” I push my bags near the front desk and slip into the role I’ve never expected to play. The girlfriend of the owner. “I need you to do me a few favors Shelly, can I trust you to get them done?”

  She nods franticly, obviously happy to help me with whatever I need.

  “Good. I need you to get Jimmy and Lilly into their room that is booked for tomorrow night without signaling Darius and to hold onto my bags until I call down for them.”

  “Sure, I can do that.” She agrees and begins typing again. “Their room is empty currently so you guys can just head up whenever you are ready. Darius already left these cards with me two days ago in preparation for your arrival.” She turns around and opens a drawer behind her. Pulling out two envelopes. “They have your drink cards and passes inside.” She slips them across the desk.

  “In about an hour can you also have room service send up some kind of meal. I don’t care what it is, I’m just starving for a non-roadside meal and a bottle of Darius’ favorite wine.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll call it in now to be ready to be brought up in sixty minutes.”

  “Last thing,” I glance at Lilly and Jimmy who are both smiling while holding on to each other. “I need you to hold all calls and things that pop up for Mr. Williams unless it’s an absolute emergency, can you do that?” I eye Shelly carefully while wait
ing for a response.

  “Consider it done, Ms. Parker.” She winks at me and Jimmy chuckles.

  “We’re gonna go get settled and hit up the club, Evie. Do you need us for anything else?” He asks me and I shake my head. Something in me is afraid to let them go but I couldn’t stop that crazy train if I wanted to.

  “Have fun and be safe.” I hug them both quickly and they wish me luck before turning with their bags and heading for the elevator hand in hand. I sigh deeply and turn back to Shelly.

  “Alright, so how do I get to his suite?”

  “Take the second set of elevators down the hall to the right.” She points in case I don’t know which way ‘right’ is. “And use this card to unlock the top floor. If he isn’t up there, just use his phone to dial the front and I’ll call over the system to find him for you.”

  I pick up the card that will let me into Darius’ suite and thank her one last time. My feet feel like lead as I walk down the hallway. It’s made of glass and more of a bridge than a hallway. My hand squeezes the railing and I force myself to look through squinted eyes at the strip. There are so many lights and tiny people moving under me that its dizzying. It’s easy to forget I’m not on the ground floor because of how high up Jimmy parked the Jeep in the parking garage.

  The hallway slash bridge opens up to the mouth of a huge casino room. The machines ping and ding while flashing lights and laughter floods the area. Blue lights flash above me and it’s like I’ve stepped into some kind of ice castle. The entire room is glass, allowing us to see the view from every angle. Its breathtaking and stunning, just like every other resort Darius owns. I press the button on the elevator and it opens quickly.

  My hand shakes as I slip the key card into place and select the forty-ninth floor. Why does he always have to be so far up? I wait nervously for the elevator to take me to my boyfriend. My belly drops as I move up in the car all alone, my hands fisted around the railing in the stupid elevator. Trying to think of anything other than the death trap I’m riding in, I start to panic that he won’t be there or that he’ll be there and be mad that I showed up early. I mean, it’s so late I doubt I could have ruined many of his plans but he is a busy man and anything is possible.

  I don’t have time to fret too much though because the car races through the floors and its doors open wide, setting me free. I just barely remember to collect the key card as I step out of the elevator and into Darius’s living space. My eyes feel wide as I scan the space for his tall body.

  By the looks of this room, he spends a lot more time here than in any of the other resorts. The open foyer has awards and picture of Darius with different people organized on the wall to showcase his accomplishments. I tiptoe carefully to get a better look. In each photo his handsome face shows only a hint of a smile, always professional and serious which doesn’t seem much like the man I know him to be.

  My hand lifts and my fingertips trace over a photo of him standing in front of a beautiful ocean sunset. The ocean he pulled me out of when I was drowning, both literally and figuratively. Dissolute Cancun sits off to the side of the photo, more in the background instead of taking center stage, giving the credit to the man behind the scenes who has worked so hard to create his empire from nothing.

  The suite is silent and all the lights are off save for the ones here in the foyer. I peek around the corner, the living space and small kitchen lightly illuminated from the light above where I stand. “Darius?” I call and wait for him to respond. He doesn’t answer and I wonder if maybe he has fallen asleep. I start to walk into the living room, my hands stretched out in the low lighting to help me find my way.

  My cellphone chimes from my back pocket of my jeans and I reach for it quickly. The number on the display comes up as Dissolute Resorts. I swipe the answer button and hold the phone to my ear, expecting it to be Darius. “Hello?”

  “Miss Parker? It’s Shelly.” She rushes the words out in a single breath.

  “Hey?” I move back into the light of the foyer and keep my voice low as to not wake up my sleeping man.

  “There was a mix up. Mr. William’s isn’t in his suite. He is down on the tenth floor, in the spa awaiting a massage. I’m sending up a bellhop to escort you down.” She giggles lightly. “I’ve arranged for you to be his masseuse without him knowing. Anthony should be up in just a second.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect!” I turn to face the elevator as the door opens and a man wearing the same uniform as Shelly greets me with a grin. “He’s here. Thank you for everything.” I hang up and shove my phone back in my pocket.

  “Ms. Parker?” Anthony grins as I enter and grab the railing tight. “All set.”

  “Mmhmm.” I mumble. I really need to get over my hatred of elevators. We zoom down to the tenth floor and Anthony guides me to the spa. The wall behind the check-in desk is a rock wall where water cascades down and soft sounds of wind and rain play as music above us. We bypass the desk and enter a maze that is the inner workings of the spa. Dry saunas, steam rooms, massage areas for both couples and individuals as well as a mud bath area and nail station are back here and I’m so thankful for my guide. I’d never find Darius back here by myself.

  Anthony opens a door to a dark room with only candlelight filling the space. “Here you are.” He whispers. I nod and enter then close the door behind me. It smells of lavender in here, I let the scent fill me up and calm my racing heart.

  When I turn around, Darius is laying on the massage table on his belly. His face is resting in the hole at the top of the table but his long arms fall under the table, supporting his hands that speedily type on his phone’s screen. Does he ever stop working? I smile and move up to his side.

  Oils are laid out on a bar behind him and I let my eyes devour his strong, sexy, exposed back as I move around the table to pump a heavy amount of oil into my palm. My hands rub together and then touch his hot skin.

  My fingers splay open wide as I smooth my palms down either side of his spine. The man is built like some rockstar swimmer and football jock put together. His strong shoulders are hard under my hands but I can still feel the ridges of where his ribs rest under the tight cords of his muscles.

  I bite my tongue to keep from speaking as I impersonate his masseuse. Kneading the tight muscles under his chocolate skin. The candlelight flickers in the oil, making his skin itself look like it’s on fire. I want to lean down and taste him, to kiss the back of his neck and whisper all the words of love and kindness he has filled me with since we met but I don’t. Instead, I take my time admiring his back and hoping that I’m not the worse masseuse in the world.

  “More pressure please.” His deep voice comes from the hole in the table. “I have a busy weekend and need to be as limber as possible.” I smile at his words and press my fingertips deeper in to his shoulders. If I speak he’s sure to know it’s me but I want to talk to him. I look up trying to figure out the best way to play this game.

  There are bars across the ceiling and I would bet money they are for that Japanese type of massage where people use their feet for more pressure. I clear my throat and use a higher pitcher than I normally speak in. “Yes, sir. Allow me to just climb up.” There is a small step stool under the table and I pull it out to climb on the table. Instead of staying on my feet though I straddle his thighs, his perfect bubble butt against my stomach as I lean forward.

  “Excuse me?” Darius coughs. A laugh tries to bubble up at his confusion but I hold it in. I guess this isn’t how it’s normally done. I lay myself on his back and let my hands smooth down his sides till they reach his hips. Then I push them under his body to tease my fingertips against his pelvis.

  “Relax, Mr. Williams.” I whisper in my normal voice and feel him stiffen under my body. “I know just how to release all your tension for your upcoming weekend of fun.” My fingers wiggle deeper under him, trying to gain access to the part of his body I’ve been watching him massage on video calls for weeks.

  His head lifts and jerks back
to look over his shoulder. I hear his phone drop to the floor and I sit up on his legs, my hands pulling up over his hips as I smile at him. “Evie?” He gasps in utter shock. I bite my lip at the happy surprise on his face and nod.

  He starts to roll over and I balance myself above him on the table until he is on his ass and his hands reach for my waist. Grabbing me and pulling me up higher onto his lap. I can feel his cock rising under me and I love that I have this kind of sexual power over him. “What are you doing here?” His gaze flicks all over my face like he can’t believe I’m really here, in his arms.

  “I wanted to surprise you.” I smile and grind myself on the thin sheet covering his lower half. My slippery hands rub over his shoulders and to the back of his neck. I lean in and kiss his lips softly. He groans under me. His hands moving down my body to grab at my ass in my jeans. He presses me against his cock, hard as steel now as I wiggle against it.

  “You did.” He breaks the kiss to speak but them nibbles at my lower lip and moans. “Oh, Angel.” He moans again into my skin. His hands work quickly to peel my tank top off my body and in the dim light of the candles he lowers his mouth to suck and kiss at the mounds of my breasts.

  My greasy hands slide across his shoulders and down over his pectorals. “I’ve missed you.” I sigh into the room, allowing my hands to continue down his tight abs and under the sheet. I lift my body up, my knees digging harder into the table near his hips as my hand dips under the sheet to hold his thick member.

  He growls deeply in his chest as I start to stroke him. His fingers work at the clips of my bra and soon they unsnap. “I need to be inside of you.” He grunts.

  “Yes,” I moan and fist his cock tighter. I know he means intercourse but I’m hungry for him and scoot myself down the table, pushing his chest with my free hand until he lays back. I pull the sheet down and glide my mouth over his cock head. Sucking softly while my tongue beats at the sensitive flesh. He exhales loudly and tugs my bra from my arms, one at a time. Once the garment is on the floor his hands move under me to fondle my heavy breasts. Tweaking my nipples between his fingers as I suck more of his cock into my mouth. He tastes like the lavender oil coating my hands but I don’t care. I turn my head a bit and allow him to sink deeper into my throat. A murmur of vibration buzzing in the back of my mouth over the pleasure of tasting him.


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