Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy)

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Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy) Page 13

by Narvaez, Nikki

  Brielle snorted, then covered her nose and mouth with her hands. Kiera burst out laughing and the tension in the room eased some. Brielle stood to walk over to Kiera, and offered her hand as she introduced herself, “Brielle De Luca.”

  Kiera stood up and pushed Brielle's hand out of the way to pull her into a hug instead. A surprised Brielle returned the gesture and wrapped her arms around her sister. “Kiera Midas,” she replied. “It's good to meet you, little sis.”

  When they separated, Brielle sat back down next to me. “So, not to be rude, but why are you here?” she asked.

  Her dad answered, “The Oracle appeared to Kiera a few days ago and instructed her to find you. Her dad had my contact information and gave it to her so she could find us.”

  “What did the Oracle tell you?”

  “She said that I needed to aid you on your journey, and that I should find you immediately,” Kiera answered.

  “Wait…are you an Air Elemental?” Brielle interrupted.

  “How did you know that?” Kiera asked.

  “Well, five Elementals are supposed to journey together to fulfill the prophecy. We think we need someone representing each element to accompany Brielle, and so far, we have each element except for Air. So it seems that you may be our missing link,” I answered.

  “Interesting,” she replied. “This is all so surreal.”

  “Tell me about it,” Brielle joked. “I can't believe I have a sister.”

  “Me neither. My dad never told me anything, and I was too young to remember why Mom left.”

  “I'm so sorry I took her away from you. She ended up dying because of me,” Brielle said sadly.

  “Brielle, don't start,” her dad warned. “That was not your fault—you had no control over it.”

  “He's right. I don't blame you, and you shouldn't blame yourself either,” Kiera added.

  Brielle sighed and nodded her head. “Wait…Daddy, if you and Mom were twin flames, how are you still alive?”

  Her dad sighed, “I've asked myself that ever since you were born. To be honest, I don't know. When she died, I felt like a part of me died too. Even your mother's mark disappeared from my neck. It's all so strange. I never was the same after that, and no other Elementals have ever heard of it. I can only guess that it has something to do with you, sweetie.”

  “Me? But, why?”

  “I've tried to rationalize how I survived and the only explanation I could come up with is that a piece of her lived on through you, enough that would keep me alive to raise you.”

  “Maybe the Oracle knows,” Brielle pondered aloud.

  “She might, but the last time she visited me was before you were born. I haven't had a chance to ask her.”

  Kiera interrupted, “Let's not talk about this right now. We have more important things to discuss, like what we are going to do to prepare to kick Uranus' ass!”

  Brielle laughed. “Well we were just about to train out back if you're up to joining us today,” Brielle said.

  “I don't know Brielle, she has had a very long trip. Plus, we need to figure out where she will be staying,” Mr. De Luca argued.

  “She can stay with us—we have the room, and it will be good for us to get to know each other,” Brielle replied.

  “Does that work for you, Kiera?” he asked.

  “I think so, as long as I'm not imposing on anyone,” she answered.

  “You won't be. I've always wanted a sister!” Brielle squealed.

  “I'll get your stuff from my house and bring it over,” Mr. De Luca said as he stood up. “I'll be back shortly.”

  Brielle, Kiera, and I walked into the backyard. We updated Kiera on our progress so far, and told her about the Oracle's visit last night.

  “Only five months, huh?” she asked.

  “Yeah, but I'm a fast learner. I plan to be prepared long before the deadline,” Brielle answered confidently.

  “Well, at least Air is an easy element to work with. It's so fluid and relaxed so you should have no problem controlling it. I think it is the most beneficial element to have, but I guess I may be a bit biased,” Kiera said.

  “Why is that? Not the biased part, but about Air being the most beneficial,” I asked.

  “Many reasons—first, you can use the air to create a shield around you, which comes in very handy during battle. Second, controlling air allows you to be able to manipulate the atmosphere and some weather. I'm able to make it cold, so I think with your abilities, you could combine air and water to not only make it cold, but to create ice.”

  “Really? You think I could do that?”

  “I think it's worth a try. But, first, you need to learn the basics,” Kiera said. “When you are using Air, you use the air molecules around you. Concentrate on feeling them around you now,” she instructed.

  Brielle nodded and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes reopened and a broad smile formed on her face as she spoke, “I feel them! It's like they are dancing in the air.”

  “That's a good way to describe it,” Kiera chuckled. “Now, I want you to pull the molecules and group them in front of you, like you are making a wall.”

  Brielle's eyes started to turn silver as she concentrated on her task. The air seemed to thicken in front of her after a few seconds. Kiera noticed and said, “Great! I can see your wall. Now, I want you to push the wall out while keeping the air molecules grouped together.”

  Brielle put her hand to her chest, and then thrust it out directly in front of her. Kiera moved to stand in Brielle's path, and was immediately thrown backwards about fifteen feet. She seemed to float down when she landed instead of crashing to the ground from the force. She laughed as she stood up and dusted the dirt off her butt and legs. “You did it!” she exclaimed.

  “Why did you do that?! I could have hurt you!” Brielle exclaimed as she ran over to Kiera.

  “We had to test it out, and I know how to cushion my fall using the air so I'm the best test subject,” Kiera explained.

  “You should have told me what you were going to do. I thought I hurt you,” Brielle said.

  “Nah, I'm fine. You would have held back if you knew I was your target, and we need to see what you are capable of,” Kiera replied.

  “She's very capable—her powers get stronger each day so you need to be more careful. She could seriously hurt you,” I warned.

  Kiera rolled her eyes. “She's still learning, and I am a trained Elemental—I think I can handle myself,” she said defensively.

  “You have yet to see the extent of her powers so don't underestimate her. Brielle created a hurricane yesterday—a hurricane! I think that's an advanced technique, even for you,” I retorted.

  “Really, Brie?! That's amazing!” Kiera said in awe. “Let's try something a little more difficult. How about we work on defense tactics, and then we can work on ice.”

  “Sounds good—I haven't really learned many defensive moves with the other elements,” Brielle replied.

  “Well, the other elements are more offensive than defensive, so that's probably why. Jace, come stand in front of Brie,” Kiera instructed.

  I did as she asked. “What Element are you?”


  “Ok, I want you to throw a fireball at Brielle,” she said casually.

  “Excuse me?” I responded.

  “She needs to learn to protect herself against other Elementals. Since we have a person for each Elemental, we should use it to our advantage. Brielle should practice defending against different Elemental attacks,” she replied.

  “No way, I will not risk hurting her. Are you crazy?”

  “She has a point Jace. I should learn how to defend myself,” Brielle said.

  “This is ridiculous! You could get hurt!”

  “I can get hurt on the journey if I'm unprepared,” she countered.

  “I will protect you. No one will touch you!”

  “You can't protect both of us all of the time. You could get injured.”
br />   “I don't care as long as you're protected,” I argued.

  “I do! Do you think I want you to get hurt?!” she interrupted.

  “No, but you can heal me, so I'll be fine,” I countered.

  “You can heal me, too, if anything happens. I'll be okay, my love. You know I need to be prepared.”

  I roughly ran my hands through my hair. She was right, but I couldn't live with myself if I hurt her again. Last night was an accident, but seeing those bruises on her caused by me pissed me off. Even though I healed her, I didn't feel much better. “I can't, Brie. If you can't block my fire…if I burned you ...” I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

  “Well, then we can start with a little less volatile element,” Mr. De Luca interjected as he walked from the house into our backyard. “She'll only get wet if she can't block my water attacks.”

  I looked between the three of them; Mr. De Luca looked nervous, Kiera looked bored, and Brielle looked at me expectantly, no doubt hoping I agreed. “Fine,” I said in defeat.

  Brielle hugged me excitedly, then whispered in my ear, “I'll be fine. Don't worry.”

  “Not possible—I worry about you all the time.”

  She laughed as she walked back to her dad and Kiera. Kiera gave her instructions on keeping her shield up and intact during an attack. Brielle followed all directions, and as her dad threw water balls at her, they burst against her invisible shield.

  “That's great Brie! Now, I want you to try to erect two shields. I'm going to attack from one side, while your dad attacks from the other. It may seem difficult but, over time it will become just like normal multitasking; just think of it that way. Like cooking and talking on the phone at the same time, okay?”

  “Sure, let's try it,” Brielle replied. She held both arms out towards her “attackers” and waited for their onslaught. Kiera started first, picking up rocks with her Air and tossing them at Brielle. Just like with her dad's water balls, they bounced off, some back in Kiera's direction. Her dad started with his attack, and Brielle moved her shield accordingly to block him. They both continued to attack Brielle, and it took all I had to keep from interfering. Brielle struggled under their assault after several minutes, and several water balls and rocks broke through her shields before she reinforced them. As I was about to stop this stupid exercise, the ground started to shake beneath me, throwing everyone but Brielle off balance. Kiera and Mr. De Luca stumbled before being thrown backwards as Brielle thrust a wall of air at each of them. She leaned over, bracing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. I ran over to her, and assessed her for any injuries. She had several small cuts on her arms and legs, and she was drenched by her dad's water. “I told you this was a bad idea,” I scolded as I placed my hands on her arms to heal her cuts.

  “No, it was fun,” she said through heavy breaths. “And I didn't even pass out.”

  I chuckled softly. She was something else that was for sure. “What am I missing?” I asked as I knelt to heal her legs next.

  “Well, I can't just ask our enemies to stop when I get tired, can I? So, I ended it,” she replied. I looked at her in disbelief. “What? I was gentle. You guys are fine, right?” she yelled to her dad and Kiera.

  “Yeah, just peachy,” Kiera answered sarcastically. She walked over to us, and said, “Seriously, though, that was awesome. Combining offense and defense is no small feat. Good work.”

  Her dad walked up next, “Next time, let's use a safe word to end things, alright sweetheart?”

  She laughed, “I can't do that with the enemy, Daddy. I didn't want to hold my shield up until I passed out, so that was the first thing that came to mind. I'm sorry.”

  “Don't be. You need to learn to defend yourself, and you did a great job doing just that. I gotta go, but I'll see you later, sweet pea,” he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

  “I think it's time for a break,” I suggested. “Are you guys hungry? It's almost lunch time.”

  “Using my powers always makes me hungry,” Brielle said before giggling. “But, I need to get cleaned up first. Why don't you order a pizza? It should get here by the time I'm finished.”

  “Sounds good, mi amante,” I said, leaning down to give her a kiss.

  “Where's my room?” Kiera asked, interrupting our kiss. She had gathered her suitcases from the living room where Mr. De Luca had dropped them off. Brielle pulled away and led Kiera to the guest bedroom. I overheard Brielle talking as she was getting Kiera settled, “If you need anything, let us know, OK? The bathroom is to your left when you walk out.” She came back out, and I patted her on the butt when she walked past me to go to the stairs. She shyly smiled at me as she walked up to our room, and I could hardly control myself from following her. I reminded myself about ordering the pizza; I could have my dessert later.

  I have a sister, a freakin' sister! My brain was attempting to make sense of the life-changing news Dad threw in my lap earlier; another thing he kept from me. The shower was relaxing my tense muscles, but my emotions were a completely different story. I thought of how Kiera had our mom taken away from her because of me and the damn Prophecy. I thought of how I never knew that I had a sister, and how I would never know my mother. I cried—for my mom, for Kiera, and for me. The raw emotion spilled out of me, and I was unable to contain it after holding back all morning. Tears ran down my face, only to be washed away by the downpour of the shower. The water was soothing, and I was so absorbed in my sorrow, that I didn't even hear Jace come into the bathroom, let alone in the shower with me. His warm arms enveloped me as he pulled me into him, his familiar warmth comforting me. “What's wrong, baby? I can feel your sadness,” he said.

  I bowed my head, afraid to speak because I knew more tears would surface. He tilted my chin, lifting my eyes to his and capturing me in his warm gaze. His chocolate eyes bore into mine, silently begging me to speak. “Please, mi amante, let me in. Let me help you,” he pleaded.

  I wasn't ready to talk about it yet, but I knew how he could help me. I brought his face down to mine, joining our lips together. He was reluctant at first, knowing I was trying to distract both of us from the source of my distress. I parted his lips with my tongue, intertwining with his as my mouth desperately consumed him. He gave in, hopefully realizing that the passion from our bond would best soothe my ragged emotions. I pressed my body against him, his firm, strong frame a stark, but perfect contrast to my delicate one. He dragged his lips to my jawline, nipping and trailing his tongue along it before capturing my mouth again. I shuddered from his touch, which left numbing tingles in its wake. I raised one of my legs to wrap around his hip, rubbing my arousal against his. Jace growled as he grabbed the underside of the thigh straddling his hip and pressed his cock hard against me. I moaned in response, pushing him back until he sat on the small ledge that protruded from one wall of the shower. I straddled him, grinding on his thick length, blissfully tormenting us both. He took one of my breasts in his mouth, sucking and flicking my nipple with his tongue while massaging the other with his hand. He pulled it tight, rubbing it between his index finger and thumb. I whimpered his name, which further excited him—he pulled my hair with his free hand and sucked harder on my breast. I became slick with moisture as I continued to rub against his dick. The combination of pleasure I was experiencing was overwhelming, especially with our connection pulsing throughout every inch of me, expelling tremors of bliss within. I loved feeling that Jace and I were one. That my love for him was equal to his love for me, that he needed me as much I needed him. And I needed him desperately. I repositioned myself so that his head was at my entrance, then I plunged down to bury him inside me. We groaned together as I began to ride him, pausing occasionally to lift myself up until he almost came out of me before thrusting myself back down until he filled me again. He grabbed my ass, encouraging my movements as he moaned my name. I could feel my climax approaching, so I thrust harder and faster as I rode him.

  “Oh God, Brie. You are so wet,” he growl
ed. He nibbled at my collarbone, and clutched my body to him as his teeth grazed along my chest. I orgasmed, my body shuddering against his in pleasure before becoming lax. Jace picked me up, never withdrawing from inside me as he turned me around and pressed me up against the wall. He thrust in and out of me, and the sensation leftover from my orgasm intensified, causing ripples of ecstasy. Even still, I could feel he was holding back, undoubtedly thinking about our episode from yesterday, worried he would hurt me again. “Don't hold back, Jace, I need it. I need you, all of you,” I pleaded. He groaned in response, but continued to hold back as he lightly delved into me.

  “Please, baby, please,” I moaned. I dug my fingers into his shoulder blades and grazed my teeth against his neck. I knew his resolve was slipping, and I began to suck on his earlobe. I played with it with my tongue, and his moaning let me know that he was warring with himself. I growled in his ear, “Baby, please. Fuck me harder!”

  I arched my back and repositioned my hips, knowing the slight movement gave us both more pleasure. Jace shouted, “God damn it, Brie!” My breasts were in his face, and he nipped at both of them as he began to thrust harder and faster. He braced his arm behind my back against the wall, removing me from it. I smiled, knowing he was giving in. “Yes, yes, yes!” I yelled.

  He pounded into me, finally succumbing to what we both wanted, his width stretching and filling me. He groaned as he came inside me, his warmth spreading within my center. He held me to him as we both caught our breath. Then, he lightly kissed me as he set me down. I grinned mischievously at him as I said, “Told ya.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you win. I can't resist you,” he admitted as he grabbed my loofah and began to wash me. I giggled when he went over my ticklish spots, but sobered as he asked me, “So are you going to tell me why you were crying now?”

  I sighed, “Everything overwhelmed me—Kiera, thinking about my mom, and the Prophecy. I also hate the fact that my dad has lied to me about so much all of my life.”


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