Spellbound with Sly

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Spellbound with Sly Page 1

by Shelley Munro

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Note to Readers

  Excerpt – Blue Moon Dragon

  Excerpt – Janaya

  About Shelley

  Other Books by Shelley

  Copyright Page


  Shelley Munro

  Middlemarch Capture #4

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Note to Readers

  Excerpt – Blue Moon Dragon

  Excerpt – Janaya

  About Shelley

  Other Books by Shelley

  Copyright Page


  A princess with a nefarious plan abducts him from his home…

  Feline shapeshifter Sly Mitchell is an unwilling participant in his family’s fantasy capture business. His preference—to work the land as he did on Earth, but familial loyalty runs strong. An unusual meeting with a beautiful mystery woman makes his attitude more accepting. Captivating and alluring, the woman makes Sly break every one of his rules to steal a kiss. Finally, a woman he’d love to capture and keep.

  Victim of a curse, Cinnabar is fated to spend most of her life as an owl. A spy and reluctant accomplice for Princess Iseabal of the Seelie folk, Cinnabar’s mission is to watch the man the princess intends to steal as her husband. But Sly doesn’t deserve his fate. His kiss steals Cinnabar’s heart, yet she’s stuck in the middle of an impossible situation.

  A handy spell sucks Sly into court life at Seelie. Drugged and unable to remember his family, he’s suspicious and wary, yet the beautiful woman in the white, wine-stained gown lessens his unease. The attraction between them sizzles with dangerous erotic tension. Tantalizing kisses turn into more, but they have no future, not with the selfish princess holding the reins. The princess has her goals, and nothing less than a power grab will do. Woe betide anyone who stands in her way.

  Warning: Contains an intelligent farmer with callused hands, a shy lady-in-waiting who wears feathers with aplomb, friendship and steamy love, and an evil witch of a princess who wants everything her way. She’s not above stacking the odds in her favor, so let’s see how these cursed lovers jolt a kingdom in their quest for happy-ever-after.

  Chapter One

  Sly Mitchell reached the brow of the rolling hill half a step ahead of his brother Joe and halted, scarcely out of breath. Instead of green trees and the sunbaked paddocks of Middlemarch on Earth, the tropical pink and green foliage of Ione Island on the planet of Tiraq spread out before them.

  Their reality—a new Middlemarch far from Earth.

  From their viewpoint, a ribbon of water glinted as it wound between the mass of trees and exited to widen into a swimming hole.

  Closer, their grapevines, brought from Earth, stood in soldier-straight lines. Healthy green leaves showed they thrived. He and Joe had nursed them from cuttings and pride filled him at the accomplishment, considering grapes shouldn’t flourish in this tropical climate.

  “Feel like a swim?” As Sly glanced to his right, he grinned at the satisfaction radiating from his brother, an echo of his own pride, and not surprising, given they were identical twins. They’d worked hard to establish these and other crops and nurture the cuttings brought from Earth. Now, it was time to purchase animals. Unfortunately, Saber—their oldest brother and leader of their people—had informed them they lacked funds for livestock. Every penny needed to go to their capture resort. That was their priority.

  “Last one in is a rotten egg.” Joe took off with a celebratory whoop, sprinting down the hill at breakneck speed.

  Sly hurtled after his twin, running flat out, his delight resounding and scaring a flock of colorful crimson-and-green birds from their perch in a copse of trees with black trunks and hot-pink foliage.

  They hit the grassy bank of the swimming hole, each flinging off footwear and clothes. He and Joe splashed into the cool water together, too close to call the winner.

  Sly dived beneath the surface and came up grinning, his hair plastered to his skull. He floated on the surface, relishing the freshness of the water after the sweaty toiling on their budding farm. The grassy bank reminded him of his and Joe’s bedroom during their teenage years, with the explosion of colorful clothes and footwear.

  Joe popped his head up from the water beside Sly, his green eyes and knitted brow communicating his frustration. “What are we going to do?”

  Sly didn’t dissemble, knowing his brother’s mind. “Saber won’t change his position. He needs to keep upgrading the resort. I get that, but it won’t make our farming operation more viable.”

  “I asked him again,” Joe said. “After you stomped off.”

  Sly groaned. “You didn’t. Did he shout?”

  “He went iceman. You know how his voice goes quiet and low and his eyes narrow. By the time he’d finished telling me about resort repairs, new capture attractions, and the money for building houses in the village because our people deserve a few luxuries after they’d uprooted their families to come here, I felt like a worm. Lower than low.”

  “But we’re growing food and contributing to the kitchen.” Sly stood on the gravel bottom and grimaced. He hadn’t wanted to leave Earth. Joe hadn’t either, but they’d departed with their family and friends because of the feline virus that had decimated the shapeshifter population in New Zealand.

  “Not enough. Saber said if we discovered another way to earn money, he might reconsider.”

  “Huh!” Sly snorted. “It’s not as if we have time when we have to romance the guests.”

  “At least Saber isn’t forcing us to take part in the captures now.” Joe pulled a face. “That’s something.”

  “Yeah. The dancing is bad enough.” An identical expression to Joe’s dug into Sly’s features and tightened his facial muscles. “I’ve got a big bruise on my arse where that group of green women kept pinching me. I forget where they come from, but damn, they’re intense. Did you see their teeth? Only a madman would put his dick near them.”

  “You should’ve shifted and shown them your teeth,” Joe said.

  “I considered it, then thought about Saber’s reaction. And Ma’s reaction. That knocked sense into me. I removed the hands and asked someone else to dance.”

  Joe laughed, an abrupt bark of irony. “Have you seen anyone interesting in the latest arrivals at the resort?”

  “Nope. Can’t remember the last time I had excellent sex,” Sly said.

“I can. On Earth with Melissa.”

  Crap. “Hell, Joe. I know you liked her. Bloody virus screwed up everything.”

  Joe squared his shoulders, lifting his chin as he unburdened himself. “I was certain Melissa was my mate.”

  Distract. “Jodie Campbell wants you.”

  “She has kids.” Joe held up his hand before Sly responded. “Hell, that’s not a bad thing. I don’t mean it that way. It’s just…I want what Saber, Felix and Leo have. They’ve found strong mates who help them, challenge them, stand at their sides. I refuse to settle for second best with Jodie.”

  “I get it. I—” Sly broke off, the hair at the back of his neck prickling. “Someone or something is watching us.”

  Joe continued to splash lazily, but he’d come to attention. “Yeah. I sense it too. Is it one of those big-arse birds?”

  Sly scanned the sky and the fluffy pale pink clouds. Clear of giant raptors. “Nah, the smaller birds and animals would’ve warned us. Besides, we haven’t had a sighting for a while.”

  “Better not be Jodie and her friends trying to ogle my naked arse.” Joe scowled as he studied their surroundings. “If I catch them, I’ll spank backsides. And it won’t be pleasurable for them. Still can’t see anything. You?”

  Unease rippled through Sly. “You still sense it though?”

  “Yeah, something’s out there. I hope it’s not a new neighbor, or worse, a predator. Saber reckoned there wasn’t anything else dangerous out here on the island. Casey agreed.”

  Casey was Felix’s mate, and she’d traveled for her military job before settling down with their brother. During her service, she’d amassed info on alien races and their habits.

  “We should get back to the resort, anyway,” Sly said. “There’s a new batch of women arriving.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Joe perused the trees and vineyards one final time before wading from the pool.

  Sly followed and dressed rapidly, despite the water on his skin. He’d dry. As they strode up the hill toward the resort, the sense of someone spying persisted, and he made a mental note to report it to Felix and Saber.

  * * * * *

  Princess Iseabal MacAsgain of Seelie watched the men frolic in the water, intrigued by two things. One, they were twins. Identical twins, which made them like her and her twin sister, Katrina. And two, they made her breath catch in a way no other man of her acquaintance had since Trevelyan. Their striking physiques and playful manner grabbed attention. At this moment—hers.

  She cocked her head and owned the smile pushing for display. Her lips curved until her cheeks ached, ambition sparking to fiery life.

  This—one of these twins—presented the solution to her problem.

  A man.

  A husband.

  She’d make her ailing father happy and secure her position at court. The first steps to full power.

  She studied the men. Black-haired and sound of limb. Too far away to view clearly, yet their laughter deepened her exceptional mood.

  “Ooh, Cinnabar,” she gushed to the russet-colored owl perched on a nearby rock. “One of them will make a fine husband. The one on the left, I think. The other seems quieter. Unhappy.” She nodded decisively. “I will take the one on the left. A husband will strengthen my position. Go closer and listen to them.” She wiggled in a gleeful, happy dance. Power and the crown.

  Before Cinnabar took to the air, the two men waded from the pool.

  “Huh!” Iseabal muttered, disappointment a sharp stab in her chest. “I wish I was closer. Follow them, Cinnabar. I want a report. Who are they? Their names. Is there a woman in my way? Any information to help make a marriage happen.”

  The owl observed her with big blue eyes. They always appeared faintly accusing, but Iseabal sniffed and shrugged off the smidge of remorse that zapped her like a magical spell.

  “Don’t return until you have the knowledge I seek,” Iseabal ordered as the owl rose into the air and sped after the delightful twins.

  She scrutinized the two men until they’d disappeared, with Cinnabar following on the wing.

  “Mystery man, you will be mine,” Iseabal whispered as she retraced her steps to the secret entrance to Seelie. Trevelyan could stick his proposals and kisses. “You will be my husband and my path to power.”

  Chapter Two

  Cinnabar Taithligh hesitated, eyeing Princess Iseabal in the hope she might change her mind. How was she meant to acquire answers while stuck in this feathered form?

  Finally, wary of the princess’s changing expression, her thinning lips and narrowed eyes, Cinnabar flapped her russet-colored wings and lifted into the air.

  On the plus side, this was freedom of a sort. She’d enjoy her time away from the princess and her uncertain temper while she spied on the two men who’d caught Princess Iseabal’s interest.

  The twins hurtled up the hill, and Cinnabar hustled to catch them, flapping her wings harder and faster to arrow through the sky. Normally, Princess Iseabal ordered Cinnabar to stay near. Even when the curse relaxed at midnight and she reverted to her true form, her options for exercise were limited. She was paying for the lack of fitness now, her heart drumming against her feathered breast.

  The pair laughed as they walked, their jocularity relaxing Cinnabar and making her wish for the power of speech. Owl screeches were restricting. At the top of the hill, they slowed as if reluctant to reach their destination. This gave her a chance to scrutinize them more closely. Both tall with black hair, they possessed muscular bodies and held themselves in the same manner. Twins. Of course, the pair would intrigue the princess. She’d think their discovery was kismet, something meant to be.

  Once Cinnabar passed the brow of the hill, she saw they were headed for the old resort. The place had changed since she and the princess had first left Seelie long ago to explore. The buildings were no longer unkempt and unloved. Someone had repainted the bungalows in white with red trim, replaced the roofs with new thatch, and tamed the tangle of colorful plants and vines.

  Now a selection of variegated leafy bushes lined the paths, their vivid blue and white flowers perfuming the air like exotic market spices. Tall trees with bright coral-colored trunks and green-and-coral foliage cast shade over the gravel walkways. A group of women lounged around a pool, fruity drinks at hand. Appetizing meat snacks had Cinnabar’s stomach rumbling. A shiny new fence encircled the entire resort.

  Inside the resort enclosure, the two men parted. Cinnabar followed the one the princess had picked, something about his confident stride differentiating him. He stopped to speak with a dark-haired man and a petite woman. A brother? Her quarry hugged the woman, laughing when the other man grumbled in protest.

  Cinnabar landed in a tree above their heads and the threesome glanced up. Surprise froze her in place. No one noticed her unless she perched beside the princess in the castle grounds.

  “An owl,” the woman said. “I’ve never seen one here before.”

  The two men regarded Cinnabar with interest. Yes, brothers. They had short black hair, similar features and the same green eyes. Handsome men, while in contrast, the woman appeared plain. Interesting.

  A small boy ran down the path, and the woman’s face bloomed with the joy Cinnabar used to see on her parents’ faces when they were still alive. One of the men patted the boy on the head, his love as visible as the woman’s. Their obvious regard lightened Cinnabar’s heart, and she wished for a visit with these people, under more normal circumstances.

  She listened to their chatter and discerned nothing of interest. Cinnabar flitted to another tree nearer the pool to eavesdrop. The women hailed from different planets, as evidenced by the variations in hair, body and skin tone. Some of the races were familiar from knowledge she’d acquired from visitors to Seelie, while others—especially the ones with green skin and pointy teeth—were new to her.

  “Has anyone been captured yet?” a Tigrus woman asked, her gold and tan skin stripes on display, since she wore nothing except a brief lo
in cloth.

  A green woman spoke. All babble to Cinnabar. The other women understood, though, and laughed. Confused by the foreign language, Cinnabar flew to another tree and snooped on a separate set of women and the unhappy twin.

  “Over here, waiter.” A tall, thin woman with waving tendrils instead of hair signaled the employee. “When will the captures take place?” the thin woman demanded, snapping her fingertips imperiously.

  Cinnabar clacked her beak. A bird form of tsk-tsking. Rude woman. She wouldn’t last long around the princess.

  The unhappy twin turned back to the guest. “The captures take place at any time, miss. Our capture committee likes to have a surprise element to make our guests’ experiences more real.”

  “Any time?”

  “Yes,” the twin said with a brisk nod. “Do you have further questions?” He waited a beat before hurrying to the next group of women to take drink orders.

  Captures? The women came to the resort for this purpose? Intrigued, Cinnabar moved on to spy on other employees and guests.

  “I’d love to get captured and spirited away for some hot s-sex,” a buxom lavender-colored woman shouted. She hiccupped her last word, obviously tipsy from downing too many colorful drinks.

  A second shapely lavender woman sipped her purple beverage, listening and nodding to her friend. Their physical appearance reminded Cinnabar of their neighbors from Unseelie, although those from Unseelie were cobalt rather than lavender. Generations ago, they were outcasts from Seelie—enemies—their skins turned blue to differentiate them from the golden-skinned Seelie residents. These days, they lived in peace and aided each other in the season changes.

  Cinnabar concentrated on the women’s conversation.

  “My friend was captured during her resort visit. She said the sex was magnificent and she had trouble walking when she left. Best experience ever, she told me. She encouraged me to take my break here. There are so many attractive, fuckable men around this place.” The lavender lady leaned closer to her tipsy friend and jerked her head in a direction to Cinnabar’s right. “Him, for instance.”

  Cinnabar shot to attention. It was him. The confident twin. Robust with muscles sculpted from physical labor, he made her breath catch. Self-assured, with a swagger that drew every female eye in the vicinity, the man possessed enough attitude to attract Princess Iseabal. Charm and kindness, too, Cinnabar noted with disappointment.


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