ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  I went to see Pentor almost daily until the day that I could be tested. Today was that day.

  “I’m ready, Pentor. But please, no matter the results, please keep it a secret until I am ready.”

  “Yes, of course, Serena,” Pentor said as he laid me down on the table. I lifted my orange, muslin dress and he scanned over my belly. The data was transferred onto the screen behind me.

  “Just hold still. It is just gathering the blueprint of the child,” Pentor said.

  I remained still, knowing that this was it. I had kept it a secret for as long as I could. If it were Prana’s child, I would hope that Jaylin would accept it as his own and not leave me.

  “Done. You can move,” Pentor said as he moved away from me. I pulled my dress down and stood beside him.

  “What is it doing?” I asked.

  “It is scanning against the blueprint of every warrior on the base until it finds a match. But it does not take long and will only be a few minutes.”

  I wanted to tell him that there were only two warriors that he needed to scan, but since the process was already started, I did not. Besides, it was giving me some time to breath and prepare myself.

  “Jaylin Brakin,” Pentor said.

  “What?!” I shouted.

  “See, the match is with Jaylin Brakin. Commander Jaylin Brakin is the father of the human Kalazaron hybrid child.

  “He is! Are you sure? Is there any possibility that it can be wrong?” I asked.

  “No. Impossible. It is very accurate.”

  I jumped up and down and hugged Pentor.

  “Now that you know, Serena, I must tell Official Treen as I cannot keep it a secret from him any longer. This information is exceptional and new to us.”

  “Yes of course. I will tell him. I wish for him to know, but not the entire base just yet. I do not want to be getting looks everywhere I go because of the fact this has never happened before. I will ask the official to keep it a secret as long as he can.”

  He agreed and then I left in high spirits. I had not felt happy in weeks. Now I was going to tell Jaylin the news and I hoped that he would accept it.

  “May I speak with you in private?” I asked him as he worked in the landing port.

  “Yes, beautiful human female, you may,” he said playfully.

  “In the quarters. It is very important,” I said leading him out of the port.

  “It must be to need that type of privacy.”

  I was nervous the entire walk back to the living quarters. Once we were inside, I sat down on the bed and said. “I have just come from Pentor.”

  “Why? Are you ill?” he asked.

  “No. I am pregnant with your child.”

  His face was frozen in shock. It was the same look I had when I first found out.

  “How is that possible? It is not possible! It can’t be. Human females do not become pregnant from Kalazaron warriors.”

  “I am aware. Pentor says it is extraordinary. He has run the test. It matches your blueprint. He says it is part human and part Kalazaron. It is your child.”

  He stood up quickly. I was frightened that he was angry. I had been so worried about who the father was that I did not stop to think that Jaylin would not want this child.

  “Jaylin. Are you happy or angry? What’s to be done?” I asked anxiously.

  He turned to me and then he smiled. He hugged me and kissed me and said, “I am happy! I am just shocked! It is the first in the Kalazaron history! It is a lot to take in! But yes I am happy. I want you Serena. I love you. I am in love with you. I want you to be my life mate and together we shall raise this child.

  “Oh, do you mean it, Jaylin?”

  “Yes. Always,” he said.

  I kissed and hugged him back. He laid me gently on the bed and we made love. It was the beginning of a new start for us. It was one that was filled with more happiness and hope than ever before. We were both happy and I shocked myself thinking about how I had set out from Earth as a soldier going off to war, only to find that war somewhere else in the universe. Then for that war to turn into happiness and love—it was a miracle.

  Almost a year later we had added tattoos to our skin. Jaylin informed me about tattoos being a way to count the victories that we had made. I felt very special that the warriors had allowed me to gain a tattoo from the victory of shooting the control panel that allowed them to enter the outpost and that had saved their commander. Females, no matter if they were human or Kalazaron, did not receive victory tattoos as they were only reserved for the warriors. But because I had proven myself over and over, and time and again, they allowed me to get one.

  It was their idea, in fact, and they urged me to do it. I was more than happy to feel part of a brigade platoon again. I missed the camaraderie of fighting with the men and being respected for my gun skills. Now I was sealing that respect with a tattoo. Now no one would doubt my skills.

  Jaylin also received a tattoo from that particular raid and the design was the same as mine. It was a long rectangle and it was meant to symbolize the plateau where we had shot the control panel from. I thought it was a perfect symbol for that particular mission.

  But there was more to come. In secret, Jaylin had sought council from Official Treen to wed me. The Official, after knowing the circumstances, granted the marriage. So when he showed up with a silver ring as I stood by the gorgeous waterfall on the mountainside, I was shocked when he said, “It has been granted and I am allowed to make you my life mate, if you will wed me.”

  “Yes! I will, Jaylin. Are you sure? This is what you want? The official is aware?” I asked, stumbling over my many questions.

  “Yes. He has granted it as soon as the next full moon.”

  And so I took the commander Jaylin Brakin as a rightful husband. We were married in the village with a great ceremony, much like the one I had experienced before. There were great bonfires and wild beasts for roasting on spikes for feasting. It was a grand affair, and it was very rare for a human female to marry a warrior.

  But the rarest event was yet to come. We had decided to tell Official Treen about my pregnancy. But we urged him not to tell anyone because we did not want everyone to know and gawk at us. We did not let anyone know until I began to show and questions began to be asked. It was only then that we let the base in on our secret. By then it was only a couple of months before I would be due and I could handle those few months of looks and stares.

  The Official was very excited about this new prospect. It had never been done before in the history of the planet as we knew it. They brought in scribes to take down the story of how I had met Jaylin and exactly what happened between us. I was grateful that our story would go down in history and not be lost. Now it would bring a sense of wonder and joy.

  I wondered what they would think of this in the capital city if they knew. A part of me was frightened of that thought. What if they would come to try to steal our child away? We would fight them to the death if they dare try. So with the addition of a husband and victory tattoos, we waited for the best addition of all. Finally, he came to us.

  I was quite frightened when I went into labor. I did not know what to expect because this had never been done before.

  "Do not worry, my love. It will all be well. I just know," Jaylin said to me as he squeezed my hand as I laid in the bed.

  "I believe you," I said to him. He pushed the hair off of my forehead and then we both waited as I felt the contractions of the birthing happening. Minutes later, we were surrounded by the cries of a loud infant.

  "It is a male," Pentor said as he scooped our baby into his arms. He handed the child to me and I cradled him in my arms. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He looked exactly like his father, with black hair and mesmerizing eyes. His skin was tinted blue, but not as dark blue as the alien race. He was the perfect mix of human and the alien Kalazaron.

  Jaylin scooped him into his arms and cradled him. I adored watching him hold him and be happy. I was ext
remely happy and crying tears of joy. I had never thought that it was possible to be this happy in this situation that I found myself. I began as a captive, trying to run away every chance I got. Then I was a slave of this mean commander and a lover of a traitor and master of disguise. I would never have thought that all of that suffering and terrible experiences would end up turning into this. It gave me so much hope that anything that seemed wrong in the future would turn out to be just right.

  "He is perfect," Jaylin said.

  "Yes he is," I said to him in response.

  "Just like his mother," he said.

  "And strong, just like his father," I added. We both laughed and sat together holding our child.

  "What shall we call him?" he asked me.

  "I do not know. I do not know the names of your race."

  "Well, if he was completely human, what would you name him?" he asked me.

  I thought long and hard and then finally said, “Earth."

  "Earth Jaylin Brakin," he said to me. I smiled. I loved it. It made me happy.

  "Yes, that is perfect."

  He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

  We had a child. We had a male human and Kalazaron child. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He became the wonder of the humans and the Kalazaron alike. He became everything to everyone, but most of all to us, his loving and unusual parents. A most unlikely pair that had found love despite the odds against them. We would now share that love with him.

  THE END (P.S. See next page for your Free & Exclusive book!)

  Get Your EXCLUSIVE & FREE Copy of:

  Exclusive Prequel: Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors


  P.S. Checkout the Book Preview on Next Page


  (Blue Planet Warriors Prequel)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  In the far reaches of space near the M823 galaxy there lived an alien race of male dominant warriors called the Kalazaron. They were a fierce alien race that looked similar to humans, with a few differences. They were tall and lean at seven feet tall, sometimes taller. Their skin was accented with an iridescent blue in various areas of their taut skin and it was cold. This feature of cold skin was due to them adapting to their cold blue planet of Kaethon. They had long muscular limbs perfect for fighting and their persona was a very dominating one. They liked to get what they wanted, no matter what the cost or risk. And although there were female Kalazarons, they had very little influence or rights in the patriarchal society, as the men ruled with a hard fist.

  It is near this cold blue planet of Kaethon that a starship from Earth found itself making an emergency landing. The humans had never heard of the Kalazaron before, and they were surprised to find them living on the planet of Kaethon as the M823 galaxy had always been thought of as a desolate one. So when the starship, that was carrying twenty mail-order brides to a planet of human miners, crash-landed on the surface they had no idea what they were in for. The human females could not foresee the sway the domineering Kalazaron warriors would have over their bodies and their hearts. The Kalazaron warriors could not foresee just how fascinated they would become with the human females that would set off years of revering them at a high value.

  On this starship from Earth was the mail-order bride Meera, who thought she had left Earth for a better life and to finally marry. All that she wanted was to escape her New York where nothing ever happened and nothing ever happened to her. At five feet tall with brown hair, brown eyes, and a curvy figure she thought she was too plain to ever find a husband on Earth. Therefore when she read the advertisement for mail-order brides seeking to travel in space and live on the mining planet of Suvell, she jumped at the opportunity. Marrying a man she had never met was a small price to pay for a vastly different life with a chance of adventure. She knew growing up that she did not belong in New York and as she read the advertisement she thought, “Perhaps I do not belong on Earth either.”

  So Meera joined nineteen other women on a ship manned by five crewmen to take them to Suvell. This particular crew had made the journey on a routine basis and it seemed very safe to her. But when the engine blew out, no amount of safety precautions could save them in space. They veered off course and straight into the M823 galaxy and onto the nearest planet.

  “It’s no good, we have to land now!” Captain Steck shouted as he maneuvered the ship.

  “The only planet nearby is Kaethon! But look, it is showing signs of life,” the crewmate shouted.

  “What? Kaethon is supposed to be an inhabited planet,” the captain said as he looked at the life scanning monitors.

  “I guess our research was wrong,” the crewmate said as he prepared the emergency landing procedures.

  “Great god. Let us hope that we land in an area without native or at least that they are hospitable,” the captain said.

  Everyone looked at each other as they knew that usually in these situations that hostilities always arose, especially if the natives were an armed force.

  In the living bay Meera and the other women screamed with fright at the eratic flight pattern of the ship.

  “What do you think is happening?” Meera asked Tiffany, another mail order bride passenger with red hair and green eyes.

  “I don’t know! But I think we might be crashing,” she yelled.

  Meera’s eyes grew wide at Tiffany’s response. This was not in Meera’s plan. She only wanted to be a wife and to be taken to Suvell for a new start. She imagined a strong miner with a great body, a byproduct of his work, for a husband. This dream had been in her head for months while they traveled in space, and now it was all coming crashing down, literally.

  As the starship entered the thick blue atmosphere of Kaethon, Captain Steck was in shock at what he saw before him. “I can’t believe it!”

  “It’s an entire city! Look at that?” the crewmate shouted as they looked out the window before them at a gleaming city of blue glass and a well-built city structure.

  “This is an advanced species. We must be ready for anything. What is that over there?” Captain Steck pointed toward an area devoid of buildings.

  “It looks like crops.”

  “Yes, I think you are right. Let’s aim for that. Our landing will not be a gentle one and the gravity measurements here are just about what they are on Earth. Oxygen levels are reading normal as well. Hold on!” the Captain yelled.

  Seconds later the starship gouged a large scar through the crop fields as it crashed to a stop. They had made it. They were alive and in one piece, but now they were on a foreign planet they nothing about.

  Meera unlatched her seat belt and stood up. “I think we’ve landed somewhere. Perhaps we made it to Suvell after all?”

  “No, that is impossible. We had another three months of travel before we were anywhere close to Suvell,” Tiffany said.

  The door opened and Captain Steck moved through the door. “Is everyone all right?”

  “What happened? Where are we?” Meera asked in panic.

  “Everyone remain calm. The ship suffered damages in space and we had to make an emergency landing. We have landed on the planet Kaethon. There is civilization here. We know nothing about this planet or its inhabitants. There is oxygen and gravity and we saw a very well built city on our descent. Let us hope that…”

  Boom! Boom! Loud gunfire sounded from outside. “Exit or ship! Now!” the booming voice said over loudspeaker from outside. The girls screamed in panic. The Captain and the four crewmen looked at each other. “Well they speak our language. That is a plus,” the Captain said.

  “I advise that we go out there slowly with our hands in the air. Let us show them that we are not hostile. That we only seek their help with our ship and then we will be on our way,” the Captain said to the crewmen who nodded in agreement.

  So slowly they opened the door of the ship and walked out into a crop field o
f plants they had never seen. The air was cold, but not unbearable. In the distance were blue mountains on one side and the city on the other. But what was the most astonishing sight of all was the line of tall warriors standing before them with blasters and spears in their hands. They were tall males that looked human only different. Standing at seven feet tall and some of them taller than that, they were fierce looking. Their bare chest gleamed with iridescent blue tints along their oblique muscles, which were chiseled and toned. Broad shoulders were stout and thick supporting a very straight lined posture. The strong stomach muscles were hard and led down to their waist which was covered in a leather like kilt of sorts, almost like a Roman gladiator of ancient Rome. Thick black boots went up their calves and their muscular forearms were covered with leather like sheaths. In this uniform they looked ferocious because this alien race of warrior known as the Kalazaron had trained since they were young. It had been this way as far back as any Kalazaron could remember. They had always been a fighting race that used brute force to make decisions and to run their systems. They did not keep this type of behavior exclusive to their planet of Kaethon either. They commanded an impressive fleet of starships that roamed the nearby solar systems where they would pillage and plunder like pirates in space. They plundered for wealth often stealing treasure and taking captive animals and beings as slaves to toil in their fields, in their houses, and sometimes even in their beds. But the Kalazaron were not all brawn and muscle, they were very intelligent and advanced, more so than Earthlings. Their technology was superior and unlike anything that humans had ever seen. Their starships were fast and had an invisible cloak shield that let them sneak up on unsuspecting ships. Their weapons were innovative and their fighting skills were only made more effective because of their large size, long arms meant a long reach. The city structure was progressive and the buildings made the most of the beautiful nature of the blue planet by using lots of glass to let the vast views inside, but still kept the inside private through use of a special blue glaze. This strong, intelligent, advanced warrior alien race now held weapons aimed at the Earthlings that had crashed landed onto their planet, and they were very suspicious and angry.


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