ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 14

by Maia Starr

  “Am I to sleep with you? I will not be a sex slave!” she shouted in anger and defiance as she set her chin in the air. It was a very interesting attitude and I was attracted to it. Maybe I should have her sleep in my bed? I thought to myself, but then looking at her beauty I knew that I could never take her. I did want her but I would want her to give herself to me. I did not want to take it.

  I moved to the wall near the east side of the living quarters near her washing area and pressed a panel on the wall. The wall slid open revealing a rest bed. She sighed and looked relieved but then changed again as she said, “That’s it? It is just a bed, not a room. What about privacy?” she asked.

  “Privacy?” I asked. “If you want your own room you can share mine…” I said teasing her.

  “No! This is fine,” she said. I turned away from her and smiled.

  “Now all areas have a projection. Press this blue square in the meal preparation area and a projection will show you how to prepare meals. I will be back at dark.”

  “You’re leaving?” she asked.

  “Yes, I must. I have many assignments to do today. You will be safe here. You cannot leave. Only I can open this door. Rest. You must be tired. Wash in the water tank,” I said as I pressed my hand on the wall and opened the entrance to my sleeping quarters and left her alone in the basic.

  I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts. This was not going to be good. I was already feeling infatuated with this human female. How long would I be able to resist? I had heard that the human mind was a receptive one, but I had never tried it myself. Could I keep myself from being devious and not trying what I wanted to later that night? I did not know. What I did know was that I needed to get out of this living quarter before I wasted more time on playing with this new toy.

  Some time later I was on my way to the meeting rooms of Master Bresh to formally thank him for the gift and to go about the day’s business. However, I was not expecting what I saw when I walked in. As I approached the door leading to the vast meeting room I heard voices, quiet voices. When I stepped in the doorway I saw Commander Yun, “I want to challenge it,” he said to Master Bresh. The Master turned toward the doorway and saw me. They both stopped talking.

  “Master Bresh…Commander,” I said as I walked into the room.

  “We will speak on this matter later Commander. I must speak with the Consulate now,” Master Bresh said as he dismissed the Commander. The Commander surprised me as he sneered out a low growl toward Master Bresh. The moment was tense.

  “Am I interrupting something?” I asked. The tension dropped a little and Master Bresh gave the Commander a mean look, “No. The Commander was just leaving.” His tone was so filled with anger that the guards at the door turned inside the room and took on a defensive stance. The Commander looked at them and then at me and grinned before walking out. The room was silent.

  “Something I should know?” I asked the Master as I moved to the massive table in the middle of the room and leaned my palms on it. This could be serious. The way he addressed the Master could be seen as an act of defiance.

  “No. It is nothing,” he said. “Please sit.”

  I knew that he was lying but I should gather more facts before I questioned. I took the seat and changed the tone with, “I came by for two reasons. The first is to thank you for my gift.”

  “Oh yes, the human female. She must be something to drive the Commander here to complain about it. Perhaps I should have taken a look at her first to see if I wanted her for myself,” he said with a grin.

  As soon as the words escaped his mouth I was boiling with anger. The thought of Jade belonging in the possession of anyone but me was too unbearable to think about. I would kill anyone first before I let that happen. I needed to tread lightly because Master Bresh could do anything he wanted, including take a gift that he had given the Consulate and gift it to himself. I needed to distract him from thinking anymore about doing that. I controlled my anger and said, “Is that what the Commander wants to challenge, ownership of the female human slave?”

  He was silent for a long time and then said, “Yes.”

  I let out a grunt. I could not control my anger anymore. I stood up from my seat to my full height and stuck out my chest. Us Kalazaron could not control ourselves when it came to defending what was ours; this is why we were a warrior race. It was in our blood, our blue blood.

  “Calm yourself Consulate. It is not your human I speak of,” the Master said as my nerves were instantly calmed to hear the news.

  “Then who?” I asked as I still stood there.

  “It is another female from the same human spaceship that your human was on. The Commander’s men found her hiding in the infirmary of the ship, it is where the humans are attended to and fixed upon injury. I had her sent to Belvenreed. I thought she might be useful there with our fixers. Perhaps the humans know of things we do not.”

  “That is the human the Commander wants?” I asked not quite believing him just yet.

  “Yes, since you have taken the female he wanted for himself, he wants this other one. I denied his request of course. Commander Yun needs to learn that his raids on ships is not for his own gain but for the whole of the Kalazaron to be decided by its leaders.”

  “And he challenged this?” I asked.

  “What was the second reason you are here Consulate? You mentioned you were here to thank me for the gift and…”

  “Yes, for a plan of orders. If it pleases you I would like to begin my Consulate assignments by reviewing all of the systems of Konthos first. Then when I have a full knowledge I can proceed with progressive movements.”

  “That is wise. It is a wise man that assesses all before jumping in. There are very few Kalazaron warriors like that. We are quick to temper. Your father was calm and wise and you are much like him. You will do well as my second in command Dalik Moscurn.”

  “Many thanks to you Master. I will began now,” I said as I bowed to him and walked out of the room. But as soon as I was in the hall I walked incredibly fast. There was something I had to do first. I picked up my small projection communicator, “Show me home.”

  As I stood there alone in the hall I watched the concealed cameras in my living quarters, something I purposely failed to mention to Jade. As each room was scanned and empty I panicked. Was I too late? Had the Commander took the opportunity of knowing I was not in my home to take Jade from me? Finally, the cameras found her. I gasped at the sight.

  Sitting naked in the glass water tank washing herself, was the human female called Jade that was already causing so much trouble. I leaned back against the wall as I watched her. I was mesmerized. Her skin was pale and wet. Her blonde hair was wet and stuck against her naked back. I stared at her voluptuous breasts and taught nipples. Her slender form was only even more attractive by the content smile on her face. The poor woman had been through so much and this moment was probably very comforting. I debated using my power on her. I wanted to go back to my living quarters and take her. It was my right to do so, but I knew that I would not. I wanted her to want me. Still I struggled with the barbarian warrior ways buried deep inside of me and being a more progressive leader. It was a struggle that was harder to deal with now that I had this sexual human female so close to me. How could I ever keep my hands off of her? I was used to taking what I wanted. But I knew…there was a way without ever putting my hands on her at all. I would never tell her that.

  I closed the projection, giving her privacy, but still not convinced that she was safe from the Commander. I made my way to my workspace and made my first order as Consulate.

  “I want a guard stationed outside my living quarters in the hall until I arrive this night. Do it immediately,” I ordered.

  “Yes Consulate.”

  Now that it was done I felt better knowing that should the Commander show up at my living quarters I would know about it. Now, I absolutely must get started on what was left of the day. Almost the entire hours of my first workday had b
een devoted to Jade. I sighed knowing this was going to be difficult, especially after I had seen her in the water tank. I wondered what she must have been thinking. Did she know about her crewmate being taken to Belvenreed? Would I tell her? It wasn’t my obligation to tell her and I should have not one care about her personal relations of this sort. She was a slave and a female. Females had very few rights and movements on Kaethon, and human females slaves even less.

  As I thought more and more about her I was about to explode. I would feel her warm flesh under my hand again and it turned me on. There was only one thing I could do. I needed a release, and I needed it now. I walked fast with a firm destination in mind that was close by. I had to do this or I would never get through the rest of the day.

  I pressed the holographic wall and a sound rang out. The door slid open.

  “Consulate Moscurn, it is good to have you in my presence again,” Grata Peren said. This was the female Kalazaron I often visited when I was in need. We had an understanding between us. It was an arrangement that benefited both of us. Grata Peren was without a male Kalazaron, for now. I knew it would not be long before she coupled because she was very attractive. For now I would make the most of her being without a mate to satisfy my needs, and on this day my needs were strong. I let out a groan as I looked at her tall lean blue figure. Her silver blue hair fell seductive over one eye as she moved her head. She was standing in her doorway in a white sheer shift dress. I could see her dark blue nipples through the pale cloth. I smiled as my eyes grazed over them. She let out a soft laugh. I stepped in a bit and she moved back. Her head tilted back as I still towered over and she bit her lower lip. I put my hand on the small of her back and drew her to me. I pressed my lips against hers and pushed her into her living quarters as the door slid closed behind us. My hands went immediately to her rigid nipples under the cloth. My thumbs moved over the erect buds and she moaned. I could not hold back my lust any longer. As my eyes closed I thought of Jade inside the water tank. It drove me to the edge. I put my hands on Grata’s bottom and picked her up. She wrapped her long legs around my waist and I carried her to her rest bed. I lay her down on the bed and she untied her dress. It fell off onto the bed and she now lay naked before me. I stood up and unbuckled the belt portion of my lower coverings and it fell to the floor. I was rock hard as my cock stood out ready for her. I moved between her thighs and kissed her mouth, closing my eyes. I imagined Grata was Jade, when I entered her. I imagined Grata was Jade as our bodies pounded together until I discharged. Only then did I find some release, but it was not enough. Would it ever be enough?

  Chapter 5


  After Dalik left I finally breathed out a sigh of relief. I was finally alone and could gather my thoughts. What could I do now? Would I ever really be able to escape from this planet and reach Earth safely? I moved to the window and looked at the warrior station. I had now seen the expanse of the warrior systems here and knew that getting back to Earth on my own was fairly impossible. I moved to the kitchen area and ate of the fruits and vegetables that I had never seen before. I was too hungry to wait to know exactly what it was. It tasted sweet. One tasted like a baked apple and the other a potato. I drank more water and settled in. At least for now I would just make myself comfortable and after being in a cage there was one thing that I wanted more than anything, to take a long bath. I walked into the bathroom and began to fiddle with buttons near the big water tank tub. In a flash the clear glass square filled with hot water. It was an impressive sight. A hot bath in a matter of seconds made sense on a cold planet. I took off the blank spandex suit I had been wearing on the spaceship and then stepped into the hot water.

  “Ohh, that is incredible,” I said out loud letting myself relax for the first time since the ship was taken. I wasn’t sure how much time I had spent in the tub but when I finally got out my skin was pruning. I smiled to myself that I had been fortunate enough to have a nice bath. I wrapped myself in a blanket like cloth and realized that I had nothing to wear. I really didn’t want to put the same suit on that I had been sweating in sitting in a cage. Instead I went into the basic and searched shelves for fastening pins and found a couple. I fastened the blanket like cloth around my body in what could be a make-shift tube dress. Then I lay on the long sofa-like sitting bench and watched as daylight turned to night on the vast city. Lights came to life and I was in awe at the spectacle. Then I drifted off to sleep.

  Hours later, in the dark I felt a cold hand touch my leg. I felt my breathing grow heavier. The cold hand moved up from my ankle slowly up my leg. I felt heated, as I knew that it was Dalik. How long had he been watching me sleep? A comfort came over me as I thought about him watching me and protecting me as I slept. Now, he was touching me. His strong hand slid past my knee and over my thigh. I opened my eyes and looked up into Dalik’s eyes in the dimly lit room. He said nothing as he moved and pressed his lips against mine. I gasped inside his mouth. His lips were soft and he kissed me slow and long. My arms instinctively went up onto his broad shoulders where I caressed them. “Oh Dalik, yes…” I whispered as the words slipped from my mouth as though I had no control. He groaned, “You’re mine. You belong to me,” and his hand moved from my thigh to my belly. His words were very erotic to me. I was a strong independent woman that did not want to be owned by anyone, yet here I was enjoying the idea of being possessed by this alien warrior. I arched my back up off the sofa and he put his forearm underneath my back, pulling me against him. That’s when I felt it. It was long, hard, and rigid against his hips. I knew it was his cock and it was big just as it should be for this warrior race that was bigger than humans in every way. It made sense. I couldn’t help myself as I reached down and ran my hand over it. He sucked in a sharp breath of air and said, “Jade. I won’t be able to stop myself if you do that. Your warm hand feels so good.”

  He buried his mouth against my neck and licked me, “You smell like Earth…”

  I moaned and arched up against him over and over as my hand ran up and down his long hard rod. It was so intense and felt heavy with oppressive weight and energy as his strong body pressed against mine.

  “I want you,” I whispered. I could not believe the words coming out of my mouth, but the excitement of being taken by this alien warrior was overwhelming me. I could feel my entire body coming alive with anticipation of feeling him inside of me.

  “Is that what you want Jade? Do you want me?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Yes, Dalik. Please take me. Take me now. I want to feel you inside of me.” He stopped abruptly. He grabbed the blanket I wore as a dress and pulled it from my body. I sucked in a breath of air, as I lay there completely naked in front of him. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered as his eyes moved from my toes all the way up to my head. I felt very vulnerable and yet turned on beyond belief. I felt wild and primitive like an animal. I wanted him to ravage me.

  “I cannot take it anymore Dalik. Please touch me,” I said. I looked at his golden brown eyes and he smiled as he moved back to the sofa at my feet. He kissed my toes and the tops of my feet delicately. Then his tongue slid up my ankles over my calves. He kissed my knees and his strong hands kneaded my thighs. His arms were so long that as he kissed my inner thighs his hands massaged my hardened nipples. I felt small and delicate underneath his massive stature and strength. His fingers worked skillfully as he rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and the cool sensation of his cold skin only made them harder. I writhed and arched my hips as he kissed my inner thigh like a wild banshee as I moaned and gasped. I was anticipating his mouth on wet center at any second. I was already so wet just from feeling his body and his delicious skillful hands and mine.

  “Wake up Jade,” the voice echoed in my head. I opened my eyes to look down at him kissing my thigh, but he was not there. I sat up quickly. I was disoriented. I pressed my hand against my chest and felt the blanket dress still on me. I looked around the room to see Dalik
near the front entrance with a long white shift of material in his hand as he pressed a button and the lights came on.

  “Did you rest well?” he asked as he walked further into the room.

  “I…I…but you were, and I was…” but I could not finish my sentence. As I realized that it had all just been a sex dream I felt embarrassed. I put my naked feet on the floor and sat up. As I did I felt how wet I was. I must be flushed too. Dalik stepped over to me and arched an eyebrow at me as he asked, “Jade. Are you sick? You are almost a pink color?” he said with a grin as though he knew what I had been dreaming of.

  “I am fine. I am just not used to waking up in foreign place,” I said.

  “Yes, that must be strange. I am sorry for that. Perhaps this will help,” he said as he handed me the white material. As I grabbed it I realized that they were dresses.

  “This is beautiful,” I said as I looked them over.

  “It is customary for the master to provide for the slave. It seems that it is needed though I do like what you have done with the dry sheet,” he said as he pointed at the blanket that I had shaped into a dress. I laughed a little and he smiled. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with this alien warrior that I barely knew.

  “I will use this one,” I said as I picked out one of the white frocks and took it into the washroom to change. It was an elegant garment for a slave, I thought. It reminded me of an ancient Greek dress with its rolled up material that went around my neck. The form of the dress was curve hugging and hung down to my ankles. It was lovely. I moved back to the basic room and showed off the dress to him.

  “You are exquisite Jade,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said as our eyes locked and I felt my body grow heated. The way he was standing tall at seven and a half feet made me think about how I had dreamt of his long hard cock and I suddenly flushed. I averted my eyes from him but not before glancing quickly at his crotch. I felt ashamed of my behavior. I was a Kalazaron captive and I should not be acting in this way. I tried to make more practical conversation as I said, “This dress is not practical for the cold Kaethon surface.”


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