Jericho (The Strong Pack)

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Jericho (The Strong Pack) Page 13

by Crystal Dawn

“Just educating the next generation.”

  “I have to go, something came up.”

  “Sure it did. What came up exactly?”

  “A story that I have to follow.” Sherona was an independent journalist. Sometimes she did a story and looked for a buyer. Other times she was hired to follow a particular story. Even though she only worked part time taking off for long stretches at times, she was quite well known. T.J. was very proud of her older sister and had told me some hair raising stories. Sherona was also quite talented at photography and took her own pictures. Her writing and her pictures had won some awards. T.J.’s extended family was full of famous people including several writers, photographers, and painters.

  “When did you find out about this? Are you telepathic now?” I was sure Sherona hadn’t had any calls and she hadn’t brought her computer in so she hadn’t checked her emails.

  “I’ve known for sometime. I was just playing it by ear. You and Jer need a little time alone before the little one comes. I’ll be back don’t worry about that. I thought I could put this off but I can’t enjoy myself with an assignment hanging over my head.” Sherona explained convincingly. It sounded good but I thought it was a load of shit. T.J. however seemed to buy it.

  “Okay. We’ll see you at breakfast right?”

  “Of course little sis.” Sherona headed toward the back while we headed up the stairs. As soon as we were in our room with the door closed I stripped off my clothes. T.J. had started removing hers too but not quick enough to suit me. I moved closer and helped her. When she was finally naked I pulled her into my arms. This female was the world to me, her and the precious bundle she carried.

  I kissed her gently wanting to give her nothing but pleasure. I never wanted her to regret being with me and building our family together. I looked into her unusual whiskey colored eyes and knew I had never felt closer to anyone in my life. In those beautiful eyes I saw love and the promise of even more. I saw family and I saw home. Wherever she was that would be my home from now till the end of time. I picked her up and placed her in the middle of our bed. I would spend the rest of my life thanking her for being mine, but it would start with tonight.

  I slid in next to her and positioned myself on top. I leaned down giving her slow easy kisses on her eyelids, her nose then her mouth. I deepened the kiss lightly sliding my tongue in her mouth to languidly play with hers. She moaned into my mouth encouraging me to speed up. I kissed my way down her neck and shoulders. I moved to her nipple circling it with my tongue and then covering it with my mouth. I sucked on it gently but firmly. I moved over to the other one giving it my full attention next. She was arching against me wanting to rub her feverish pussy against something, any part of me seemed to work for her.

  I worked my way down her belly kissing and occasionally nipping lightly just to get her attention. I reached the apex of her thighs and ran my tongue up and down her seam. I did it again this time managing to push inside. I felt an explosion of flavor on my tongue as I tasted her juices bubbling with need. I lapped up more so I could savor it. I fucked her with my tongue sending it as deep into her channel as it could go. She moaned and writhed then laced my hair around her fingers to pull my face closer against her. I moved my tongue up to her clit to strum against it gently a few times. She bucked like a bronco clearly enjoying what I was doing. I strummed a little harder and I could tell she was getting close by the frantic sounds she was making. I sped up driving her wild till she screamed her release. I sucked up her essence as she jerked against my face over and over.

  I moved up and moved my cock into her while she still jerked with the remnants of her orgasm. Her pussy spasmed around me feeding my need even more. I took her slowly since tonight it was my intention to show her my gentle side. She had seen my beast enough. I slid in and out slowly changing my angle of entry to bring her the most pleasure possible. She was writhing and moaning, saying she wanted it faster and harder. I refused to go anything but slow and easy. I could feel an amazing orgasm building for both of us. It would be even more intense because we went slowly. I was almost shaking with need and she screamed and thrashed trying to force the release that loomed just out of reach.

  I couldn’t resist her any longer. The anticipation of our slow journey to bliss now sped us toward it. Just the little increase in speed as I sank into her willing flesh started the tingle that soon overcame me. I could feel her surrendering to the bliss as well. Her channel choked my thick cock squeezing me until I erupted shooting hot thick cum deep inside her. She continued to squeeze me like a vise as she was caught up in her release. Waves of indescribably pleasure washed over us until we were weak as newborn babes. I curled around my precious love and we fell asleep together.

  Oh, shit what the hell is that? I realized the alarm was set on a screeching blare instead of the annoying enough ring it usually made. It was insistent and wouldn’t go away without being turned off. I reached over irritated beyond reason hitting the stupid clock knocking it off the end of the nightstand where it was caught wedged between the stand and the bed. It turned out to be well and truly stuck just low enough that I couldn’t reach it the way I was lying on the bed. Fuck!

  I got up no longer hoping to turn the dratted thing off before T.J. woke. I looked over at her to see she was looking at me with her mouth gaping open. She had never seen me in this rare form and she didn’t seem to like it. For some reason even I couldn’t fully formulate I had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I leaned over trying to push the alarm clock up from the underside. I pushed harder and it went flying up onto the bed. I shut it off and resisted the urge to fling it against the wall.

  “Are you okay?” T.J. asked quietly as if she was unsure if she wanted my attention in my current mood. I couldn’t blame her.

  “Sure, sweetheart. I just wanted to stay in bed longer with my lovely mate.” She gave me a look that told me she didn’t entirely believe me. “Let’s get ready so we can fix breakfast.” We made our way downstairs and I started remembering why I wasn’t looking forward to the start of this day.

  Sherona would be leaving which shouldn’t be a big deal to me. It would upset my mate but I knew she would get over it. The problem with Sherona leaving was my divided loyalties. I knew my father thought her his soul mate and since he was my alpha it was my duty to inform him that she intended to leave. He was also my father complicating things even more. My mate would take objection to me telling him and I knew she would feel that I chose him over her. Once I thought about it I should be in a much worse mood than I was in. Once Shereona was on her way, I would let my alpha father know she was gone. It would unleash a storm that I would have to weather. I hoped my mate realized how much I loved her. She was the center of my world.

  Was there anything worse than divided loyalties? I’d rather take a beating than let down either my mate or my alpha father but if left to a choice I couldn’t disappoint my T.J.. I started cooking breakfast as the bone of contention, Sherona, showed up in person. I tried not to frown at her but it was hard. I was sure she realized the predicament she had placed me in but she chose not to acknowledge it. Fine, I could ignore it too at least until she was gone. We sat and ate with little conversation. What was there to say when all the decisions had been made? Once we were finished eating I cleaned up as my mate and her sister went to the back. They reappeared in a few minutes with all Sherona’s luggage. She had probably never unpacked.

  T.J. cried and Sherona even had tears in her eyes as she got in her car. She headed down the road and I thought it was time to call my dad. “Give her a few more minutes.” My mate requested obviously not as oblivious as I had thought. I just nodded. I put my arm around her guiding her back into the bar. I waited thirty minutes while my mate and I silently sat drinking coffee and just enjoying being together. I dreaded making the call as much as I realized I had no choice but to make it. It was time to do that now. I picked up the phone and pressed the alpha.

  He answered on the first ring. How did
he always know when something important was going on? “It’s me, Jericho.” My father was the only one that never shortened my name. I was always Jericho or son as far as he was concerned.

  “I know.” He said and I realized his caller I.D. had already informed him of that.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would care but Sherona decided to leave this morning.” What a liar I was. I knew damn well he cared.

  “Has she left yet?”

  “She left a little while ago. Dad?” I asked but I realized he had hung up. This was going to be bad.

  “What did he say?” T.J. asked looking worried.

  “He hung up on me.” Until I said the words I hadn’t realized how much that worried me. I was sure he’d never hung up on me before.



  I knew Jericho was in a tough position between me and his mate. Even worse she was pregnant and in need of support and reassurance. I tried to remind myself of that but I was furious. Maybe I was most angry with myself for not expecting this. She hadn’t shown any signs of accepting our mating but I had held back on my claim hoping not to frighten her. Clearly my tactics were not effective. Now I had to put a hunter on the trail of my recalcitrant bride. For now I needed to keep an eye on her. She needed protection whether she thought so or not. I would ask for permission to mate a white wolf. As a current pack alpha I should be approved quickly.

  If I knew my son he would come to see me soon. I went to my office to deal with business while I waited for him to show. He was there in about an hour. It gave me a chance to ask some questions. “Where did she go?”

  “She went back to work. She didn’t say where her job would take her.”

  “What does she do?” It didn’t hurt to know a little more about her.

  “She’s an independent journalist. T.J. says she travels all over to get stories.” It was funny. I could see her traveling the world both causing and benefitting from trouble. I could sense the wild spirit she contained. The need to travel and be free resonated from her. I worried how that would work with being my alpha female. We would work something out. I could compromise even though I would admit it was hard for me. This time I would do it because I needed her too much.

  “I’ll know where she is headed soon enough. I’m sure my hunter will catch her soon if he hasn’t already.” I said with satisfaction. If I had doubted it before the strong feelings hitting me right now told me she was my fated mate. As Jericho left, one thought hit me. The chase begins. I was a wolf so I knew I would catch my prey. When I did she would be at my mercy.

  I called a meeting with all my betas. I went to the meeting room to plan and wait. My judge, Edward, was Kaleb’s adopted father. Kaleb’s situation was unusual even among a wolf pack. His father died and his mother left him and he was raised as my son until he was about thirteen. His uncle had not really been in his life until that point even though they were in the same pack. Edward was not really the fatherly type but because of his position he was required to have an heir to train for his duties. Since Kaleb was his closest living relative, he adopted him. The only thing that really changed in Kaleb’s life was he started training to be Edward’s heir and second. Edward was my second and the second strongest wolf in my pack next to me. He arrived first since his office was between mine and the meeting room. I valued his counsel more than any others.

  The next to arrive was my hunter. Raymond was my hunter. He was my third and not to be trifled with. He was not the one hunting Sherona his number three was. My slayer, George, was number four in the pack and also a beta. Many would think a slayer would be number two because he was a killer. Fighting was more than just killing. Strategy played a large part as well as skill. Regardless it was still an important position and all my betas were needed to keep the pack running properly.

  I had two more betas, Thomas and Earl, who took care of anything that wasn’t in the purview of the other three or helped when the other three were overwhelmed with too many duties. The system wasn’t perfect and I hadn’t found one that was, but it worked. I watched as they entered one by one and took their place. “What’s up, boss?” George asked with his usual smile. He was the easy going happy wolf until he wasn’t then he was almost like a rabid dog.

  “As all of you know, I have found my fated mate. She is a human but a white wolf. It seems she isn’t ready to be mated and she has left our territory. One of Raymond’s hunters tracks her even as we speak. I will not force her back yet. That part is just a heads up for my betas, no one else. The reason for this meeting is that T.J., Jericho’s mate, needs protection more than ever now that she is expecting. This is the first pup in this pack in ten years that will actually be born here. The pup and its mother must be protected.”

  “I agree,” Edward said, “but how without her living here?”

  “She’ll have to live here at least until the pup is born.” I said making up my mind immediately. I was glad my son would be the one to explain it to her. I had a feeling the females in her family were very spirited.

  “How will you manage to convince her of that?” George asked with a smirk that was almost insubordinate.

  I ignored it and said, “That will be Jericho’s problem.” The betas all snickered. “Now let’s discuss what we’re going to do about Seymour’s father.” Everyone started talking at once. I held up my hand and they all shut up. I pointed to Raymond. His hunters had been investigating the situation.

  “Seymour’s father is already on his way here. He left this morning. He’s bringing a group of his guards with him. We have no reason to believe he’s going to bring the magic user back, but we can’t completely discount it either.” Raymond explained as he slid a photograph to me. I looked at the picture and saw Alpha James at the center of it. I had met him a few times over the years but he had not made much of an impression. He was an attractive enough wolf I suppose. He was an older version of his son. The main difference was the jaded almost cruel look that always lingered on his face.

  “I sent the letter to the council as you requested.” Edward said just to let me know even though he always did as requested so I knew it was done.

  “That would be the letter requesting council intercession on T.J.’s behalf. We are asking the council to deal with Alpha James. I doubt that they will but maybe they will give us leave to deal with him ourselves.” I told them so they would all be up to speed. I wanted that alpha dead. I just had to wait until the council allowed me to confront him or he stepped out of line in my territory. Patience wasn’t my strong suit so I wanted to head him off now. I wanted to but I knew I had to wait.

  The meeting broke up and I called Jericho. He picked up on the third ring. “Hello.” The voice on the line said.

  “Jericho?” I asked although who else would it be when I called his phone?

  “Yes, Dad. What’s going on?” He sounded worried. Damn, I hadn’t meant to upset him.

  “Nothing you’re going to like.” Maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it.

  “Tell me!” Now he sounded scared. I was sure he was worried what my call meant for his mate.

  “T.J. needs to move here until the pup comes.” I heard him sigh. At least he wasn’t upset anymore.


  “That’s all you’re going to say?” I expected him to bargain or get mad. Even I, who didn’t know her well, knew this wasn’t going to go over well.

  “I knew it was coming. At least it wasn’t my decision.” He sounded resigned.

  “You aren’t going to blame me for this, are you?” I asked thinking I didn’t want her to hate me. I needed to have a relationship with her. She was my daughter now and I’d never had one of those before.

  “That’s never bothered you before. I guess we can share the blame.” He chuckled like he found it amusing. We said goodbye and I left him to what I knew would be a tough job.



  It was too soon to be hormonal. At least I thought it was, but I w
as definitely depressed. Sherona was gone and now Jer was trying to get me to move to his dad’s place till the baby came.

  “We can’t take a chance with the baby.” He said being all reasonable. I hated it. He smiled gently like everything was all decided already.

  “Are you implying that I’m a bad mother?” I asked with an angry glint in my eyes.

  “No, of course…” He sputtered without finishing his sentence.

  “Then why do you feel the need to make decisions for me and not with me?” I asked knowing he wouldn’t know how to answer me.”

  “Well, I didn’t mean..” This time I cut him off.

  “Then exactly what did you mean?” I asked and waited for the answer he seemed to be struggling with. I had known this was coming. I didn’t want to take any chances with the baby either. I simply wasn’t going to give in that easily. It was just like calling our child a pup. Someday I might get used to that but for now I would resist it. It just sounded so wrong.

  “I love you and our baby.” He said not calling our child a pup in deference to me. “If anything happened to either of you I would just die. Please stay at Dad’s for my peace of mind.” The wolf begged beautifully.

  “Okay.” I said making it easy on him. He looked stunned. I guess he wasn’t expecting that. I would just put Sandy in charge and hire another full time waitress. The bigger problem would be what would I do all day long. Jer had no problem. He would go back to furniture making. I was another thing entirely. I could knit a potholder or a scarf but I wasn’t going to sit around knitting little booties. I needed to do physical labor. Other than walking, hiking, or exploring, as in caves or some easy mountain climbing, I really didn’t do any exercise. It was more important than ever for me to stay in good shape now. I didn’t know what the plan was but I hoped to hell someone had one.

  “You’ll stay there with me?” He asked as if not quite believing his ears.

  “What’ll you do for me?” I asked waiting to see what he’d say.

  “Anything, baby.” He said not thinking things through in his relief at my acceptance.


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