Jericho (The Strong Pack)

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Jericho (The Strong Pack) Page 15

by Crystal Dawn

  I noticed the time and went to meet Joy for a sparring match. I was sure Sandy would join us later. I was the most experienced of the three of us because of the military background my family had. I had been around martial arts all my life and even had a black belt in Karate. I hadn’t officially done anything with it in a couple years but I was thinking of starting. That gave me an idea for a website. A little research would show me what was available. Joy and I worked out in a room in the basement that was set up for training. We locked it for privacy so no one really knew what we were doing. I didn’t want Jericho or his dad to rain on my parade. I just had a feeling they wouldn’t approve. Joy was already waiting so I knocked on the door so she would let me in.

  We usually started with stretches and exercises before we did some light sparring. I didn’t want any bruises that would send Jericho into orbit. We got ready to start working with nunchuks for the first time when Sandy arrived.

  “Oh, I’m so glad I didn’t miss it. I’ve been looking forward to this.” Sandy said as she breezed through the door once we opened it.

  “We will start with basics. I’ll show you a few simple moves to practice. Once you get used to them we’ll move to more complex ones. It’s easy to get hurt with these.” I wasn’t completely convinced they were ready but they had both bought themselves a set and begged piteously to learn a few moves. Sandy had always known how to get me to give in. It was a benefit she had from knowing me for so long. They followed the moves I showed them and we repeated them several times to be sure they had them right and would remember them correctly when they practiced by themselves. Everything looked good so we called it a day. We put everything up and opened the door. Sledge almost landed on the floor.

  I glared at him. “What were you doing? It looked like you were spying on us.” Joy looked almost happy about it.

  “I’m just trying to keep you safe and no one knew where you were. I was trying to find out if you were in the room.” He was talking to me and the look on Joy’s face when she realized he hadn’t cared if she was there or not was heart breaking. Worse was the fact that he didn’t seem to realize how she felt or even notice she was there. Joy hurried off probably afraid she’d cry. He would be lucky to get a pretty and sweet she wolf like Joy. He probably hung out with the bad girls who knew the score. Joy might be better off not being drawn into his life if he would only leave her behind someday. Sledge was unapologetic under my angry look. He just shrugged his shoulders. I knew what that meant. He was only following orders. I wanted a little privacy especially if I wasn’t outside the house. Was that too much to asked for?

  It was nearly supper time by now so I went to our bedroom to clean up and change. I was going stir crazy and something had to give. I couldn’t go on like this much longer. I got on the computer and checked my emails. I sent one to Marissa to check on her and tell her I might want to set up a website soon. Once I was done with that I headed downstairs for supper. Jericho was there waiting for me. Once supper was over I needed to get Jericho alone so we could talk. I knew he wouldn’t be happy with what I had to say but I didn’t care. We ate with the alpha in the small dining room as we had been doing since I came here. The table was set at its largest size which fitted twelve. Both Sledge and Joy were there with their respective fathers. Joy sat next to me on one side while Jericho was on the other. Joy spent much of her meal avoiding looking Sledge’s way. I decided Joy needed a little help. She had been so busy between school and work she never took time for herself. I was going to change that.

  “Joy, you’re off on Wednesday this week aren’t you? Why don’t we go shopping and get an appointment at the beauty shop that day?” I asked to get things started.

  Joy turned bright red. “I really can’t afford to do that, T.J.. I don’t have any money saved up and I need the time to study.”

  “I need some company or it won’t be any fun so I insist on paying for everything. It’ll be fun and I won’t take no for an answer.” By now we had everyone’s attention.

  Joy’s dad said, “You need to go and keep Jericho’s mate company.” The man said little but when he spoke everyone listened. It was clear Joy always did as her dad told her. I felt a little guilty for forcing her but I only had her best interests at heart. On the other hand I remembered that saying about good intentions but this wouldn’t turn out that way. I hoped.

  Joy looked down at her lap and mumbled, “Yes, Dad.” Well it was decided. I needed to figure out what we were going to do and make appointments and plans. Finally something to do. I only hoped Joy wouldn’t be too mad at me.

  Maybe I should have been worried more about how Jericho would react. We made it back to our room and as soon as the door was closed he turned to me. “Why didn’t you mention you wanted to make a trip to town Wednesday?”

  “I didn’t realize I had to clear everything I do through you. When’s the last time you told me anything you were doing?” He looked surprised thought he shouldn’t be. Since we’d been here, the place Jericho considered home, he just came and went as he saw fit. He didn’t even bother to tell me where he went or what he was doing anytime. “I guess I’m mated but your still free to do as you wish.” I knew that wasn’t completely fair but I was spoiling for a fight and his questions had put a target squarely on him.

  “You’re right. I’m not being fair. I’ll start letting you know where I’m going and you can tell me what your plans are.” He said reasonably. I just wanted to scream. It was time to change tactics.

  “Sweetheart, you know how I’ve been stuck here for days without a break. Joy works too hard and she needs a break too. With all the guards stuck watching me, they might like the chance to go somewhere too.” I could do reasonable with the best of them. Jer looked shocked.

  “Well…um...I guess that makes sense.” Yay, he was going to let me go. It helped that I had caught him off guard. Women rule!

  I got my lap top out and checked my emails while Jer tried to figure out how he lost control of our discussion. I found an email from Marissa. It seemed that girl had her own share of trouble. The magic user, I now knew he was a witch, that had been after me, had been causing Marissa trouble since he had gotten back to his home. He was now in trouble with his charm, which was a group of thirteen witches, and his council which happened to also be his charm. He had been removed as leader, that guy was a leader? He might even end up removed from the council altogether. It looked like he had found enough trouble of his own without causing me anymore. Now I just had to worry about Seymour’s father who had decided I would make a good addition to his family. If he knew me better he would change his mind. I wasn’t the type to just go along with the decisions others made for me.

  Marissa went on to say she was a little too busy herself fighting rogues of all types to help with my website. Normally she would send me to Alyssa but she was still out of communications either through foul means or on her own. She suggested Malinda help me. We called Malinda Mal even though we knew it meant bad. She said it just showed she was bad assed. She was. She was a motorcycle riding, ass kicking, man-eater. She made her money online through several websites the neatest of which had motorcycle accessories. She worked with leather and made one of a kind items which were personalized. She was one of the many distant cousins I kept in touch with. She was a year or maybe two older than I was. Okay, I’ll admit I wasn’t sure exactly how old she was but she wasn’t forty yet and I was sure she was somewhere in her early thirties.

  It really didn’t matter. I sent her an email to see what she was up to. When she answered back I would see if she would lend me a hand. I didn’t hear back from her until a full day had passed. She was going from coast to coast on a bike tour by herself because she’d dumped the last ass which was what she usually called her ex-boyfriends. She could stop by and help me with the website if I wanted her to. She thought stopping a day or two along the way would make the trip easier. I’ll admit I was excited about seeing her. In the morning I would take Joy for our
girl’s day out. Tomorrow night Sandy would take her out for a night of drinking and checking out men. Joy would be alright and Sledge would see what he had missed out on. Stupid males!

  It was finally Wednesday morning. We ate breakfast and Joy and I left quickly with half a dozen guards in attendance. Sledge wasn’t one of them. I guess going in the girly places we planned to go to was beneath him. We went to a beauty salon owned by a pack mate. The owner took care of us personally. It was a benefit of being Jer’s mate. We did the hair removal first because it was the least pleasant. Joy screamed like a girl while I was stoic. Some parts hurt worse than others. We had our eyebrows shaped too. Next we had our hair washed and cut. I would bet money Joy had never been to a salon. While our hair was in curlers, we had our toe nails done. It was relaxing to soak our feet for a while and then have them massaged before we got our pedicure. The manicure was next. Neither of us had our nails long because we were both working girls but they still looked pretty once they were done. I talked Joy into some wolf charms which looked great on her nails. She just had them put on her thumbnails. Once our hair was styled, and I have to say Joy looked fabulous, we had our makeup done. I hadn’t seen Joy in make before. The change was dramatic even though she only had a little on to emphasize her gorgeous jade green eyes.

  I talked her into getting her ears pierced in two placed and we went to ‘Ozzie’s Olfactory Offering’ to have personal scents made. It was a small store but there were thousands of essences in there to choose from. We kept our choices secret from each other. I thought mine was the best but so did Joy. She was mistaken of course. She must not have the sensitive nose most wolves did. We stopped for lunch at a nice Italian place where both of us got our share of second looks from business men there for lunch. Our last item on the list was clothing. First, we went to a leather shop were I helped her pick out a leather jacket and she found a dress to match. They were both red and I was surprised she chose something so attention getting but more power to her. She had a lot of time to make up for. We went to another store where I helped her choose some ‘let’s get sweaty now’ heels and a purse to match. We found her a little black dress, some tight fitting jeans, a few sexy tops and a nice sweater. All in all it was a successful trip. She was wearing the red leather dress with the black heels when we went back to the house.

  I went in first so I could see the reactions to the new hot and sexy Joy. The male wolves mouths dropped open. Sledge hit the room on his way out as Joy entered. He tripped and almost fell. I was elated. Served him right for overlooking my girl. We went to the living room to wait for Sandy who was at her house getting ready. She wouldn’t be long. Sandy had a small room here but a house in town. Sandy came down about ten minutes later looking hot as usual. I noticed Kaleb looking unhappy. I wish Sandy would get her head on straight before that boy was gone. He was a keeper but he wouldn’t wait forever. He shouldn’t have to. Sandy and Joy left and I watched them with envy. Not because they were out chasing males, but because they were free to do as they wished.

  Jer came and sat by me. “Wish you were going too?”

  “I have no need to chase the elusive male beast. I already have an alpha beast. I just wish I was free to do what other mated females are allowed to. I’m dying of boredom and I don’t get enough exercise. It’s not good for the little one.” I didn’t just say it to get my way. Being fit made for an easier delivery with less chance of complications.

  “Maybe we can start taking a run together after I get off work. Would that make you happy?”

  I smiled at him. “Yes, that would be great Jericho.” I impulsively leapt into his arms and kissed him.

  “If I’d known that would get such an enthusiastic kiss I would have offered sooner.”

  “Already begging for scraps of affection, Jericho?” asked a wolf I didn’t know very well. “Doesn’t look like you’re any better off then the rest of us and you just mated.”

  “Don’t worry about my love life, Darnel. I just like to keep most of my affection private.”

  The other wolf scowled and turned a little red as he stomped off. He was not one of Jericho’s fans. Well you can’t be liked by everyone. It sounded like there was a story behind that but I wasn’t sure I wanted know.

  We went up to our room where I went through my emails while Jericho cleaned a gun, make that two. “Do you think we’ll be attacked in our room?” I said trying for humor.

  “No, but I am concerned about the run we are going on tomorrow.”

  “I know clothing goes through the morph, but guns?”

  “No, they won’t morph. I’ll have to leave them behind at some point. I just feel more secure if I have them as long as I can.” Way to go, Jericho. You know how to make a girl feel safe. I thought about calling off the run but surely half a dozen guards could protect us.

  Jericho came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. “I don’t mean to worry you. I just worry. I always have and I don’t think I will ever be able to change that. It’s in my nature and it’s only worse with a mate and now a pup to worry about. It’s cause I love you both so much I would die for you.” He kissed me softly but as the kiss continued his passion grew heated. It felt good and I responded to him. We would work things out but right now we would just be mates and love each other.

  I was waiting for Jer but he wasn’t late. I was a little early because I didn’t have anything to do. Tomorrow if we ran it would be much later. He wanted to stagger the time so we would not be predicable. I didn’t mind as long as he ran with me. Nervous energy ran through me in need of release. A full day of nothing to do and no where to go was getting to me. I saw him heading to me. I almost cried in relief. Inside me, my wolf howled with joy. We would be in the forest as we were meant to be.

  “My, aren’t we anxious to get started.” Jer observed with a big smile on his face. He was still remembering all the things we had done last night. I know my body throbbed with delight as I remembered the things we had done.

  “You know I love to run with you almost more than anything else.”

  “I’m glad you put that almost in there or I would have to remind you of something you enjoy more.”

  I blushed realizing the guards could probably hear us with their wolf hearing. Two were with us and the other four were up ahead along the route we would go. These two would stay here. This would be a simple run with no detours and no playing around. Jericho had told me they would be taking no chances with my safety. He handed his guns off to a guard and we morphed. We took off running racing to the forest along a path that was well used. My wolf was in charge, her joy in the run obvious to all. Had she not been busy trying to outrun Jer, she would have been skipping and singing in happiness.

  We ran at different times everyday without any sign of trouble for almost a week. It was a good week for me or at least better than it had been since I had been hunted by rogues. I lived vicariously through Joy who was taking part in things she had never had a chance to before. She was actively dating, although I wasn’t sure how serious her relationships were. She no longer watched Sledge with her heart in her eyes, she rarely paid him any mind at all. He on the other hand seemed to suddenly find her fascinating. He tried to talk to her once or twice but she always made excuses and rushed away. His ego was taking a hell of a hit. I didn’t think he was even going out anymore himself. Sandy hadn’t changed and I felt bad for Kaleb. My cousin Malinda was due at the end of the week.

  I had already decided my website would specialize in everything the beginner in martial arts needed. I would also carry things for the expert. I had already found my wholesale suppliers, a company that provided credit card services, and had my domain name locked in. Once Mal got here we would do the rest. I was feeling positive about the future. I went outside to meet Jer for our run. The guards were already there and I was getting a little frustrated when Jer still hadn’t made it thirty minutes later. It was a real possibility that he wasn’t going to show. I had looked forward to this run all
day long. I was not going to be cheated out of it.

  Without a word I morphed and took off down the path. I was sure the guards with me would call ahead but I was also sure at this point they wouldn’t stop me. I was almost to the halfway point when a big mass of mostly black fur slammed into my side. We rolled over several times stopping in the overgrowth. The wolf morphed into a guard. It wasn’t just any guard but the guard Jer didn’t get along with. I’m sure he could see the conclusion I had come to by looking in my eyes. I was about to fight for all I was worth. He morphed to human and whispered in my ear so low I could barely hear it.

  “I may not like Jericho but I would never betray pack. There is danger ahead and the other guard is missing. Be quiet or they will find us.” I saw fear in his eyes and a sense of protectiveness. For now I would believe him. What else could I do? We lay on the cold, hard ground not making a sound. If we could just last a little while the guards would come to check on us. I heard sounds headed our way and I hoped it was our guards and not anyone else. We were covered with vegetation but that wouldn’t hide us from a good tracker. Neither of us made a sound as we tried to hold our breath. They started to go past us and then they turned back around.

  “I can smell her and she’s close by.” An unfamiliar voice insisted.

  “I don’t see them anywhere. I can barely smell them either.” Another voice answered. It sounded vaguely like one I has heard before. “If you don’t find her quick we’ll have to go. They’ll wonder where I went. I’m not sure where my partner went to either.” I realized that was the voice of one of my guards. I could hear them moving around as if they searched for something. I tried not to make any noise but every time I drew or released a breath it sounded like a roar. Darnel was silent making not the slightest noise. It seemed like hours had passed as we lay motionless and quiet waiting, hoping they would move on. My logical mind knew it had been mere minutes, but my fear thought only about the enemy coming. It worried me with the thought no one would come to rescue us or if they did that it would be too late.


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