Taking Jake (The Brooklyn Series Book 3)

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Taking Jake (The Brooklyn Series Book 3) Page 13

by Kelly Moore

  “He’s alive,” I ground out, not happy about it. “But the good thing here is that he’s going away for the rest of his life. No more minimum-security prison for him.”

  The police car pulls out ahead of us, and Paul follows quickly behind. The sirens are blaring loudly as traffic pulls out of the way for us. We’re at the hospital in minutes.

  The moment the truck stops, I’m throwing open the door and Brooklyn and I are rushing inside, praying we’re not too late.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Thank God you are here, man. They just took Zoe to the birthing room.” John’s hands are on my shoulder, and he looks frantic.

  “Why are you out here and not with her?” I growl.

  “Because the nurse said she had to get her ready. And, you know…” He lowers his voice. “I didn’t want to see her naked.”

  “For God’s sake, John, they don’t strip you naked to have a baby.” Brooklyn laughs.

  “You had all kinds of parts showing when you had Jack. I don’t need to see Zoe’s bits.”

  “I don’t think Jake was thrilled about seeing me either when I had L.J.,” she snorts.

  “That’s enough about who has seen whose bits. Show me where they took her.” I squint my eyes at John.

  He points to a set of double doors at the end of the hallway. I move past him and push the doors open to be met with a woman in scrubs raising her voice at me. “You are not allowed back here without scrubs on,” she says.

  “My wife is back here somewhere,” I tell her.

  “Here, go in there and put these on and we’ll find your wife,” she says, opening a changing room door. I don’t even bother taking off my clothes; I pull them up and over my jeans and dirty shirt.

  “What’s your name?” She is scrolling through the computer.

  “Jake Remington.”

  She runs her fingers over the names showing. “I don’t have anyone listed under the name Remington?”

  “Sorry, we’re not married yet. It’s Zoe Blake.”

  She cuts her gaze at me. “She’s down the hall, room 205.”

  I jog past her and find her room on the left. As I open the door, I hear a bloodcurdling scream. Zoe has her legs in stirrups with a blue cloth blanket draped over her. There is a woman gowned up with a white paper hat on, sitting on a stool at Zoe’s feet.

  “Don’t push yet, Zoe,” she says.

  Zoe’s eyes pop open and land on me. “Jake! You made it!” she all but screams with sweat rolling down her face.

  Taking her face in my hands, I kiss her all over. “I’m here, baby, I’m here.”

  “Is he gone?”

  “I’ll catch you up later. I want you to focus only on the baby.”

  “With the next contraction, I need you to push, Zoe,” the lady at her feet says.

  “Jake, this is Dr. Sands.”

  I automatically hold out my hand to shake and then draw it back. “Sorry. I’m the dad,” I say and can’t stop the smile that spreads over my face. I place my hand on Zoe’s belly for support, and I feel it tightening. Zoe starts her breathing.

  “Okay, push with this one,” Dr. Sands says.

  Zoe leans up, and I support her head and shoulders with my hand, something Brook taught me during her delivery. She bears down and keeps a scream locked behind her teeth. When the contraction finally eases, she lets out an audible moan and relaxes back.

  I wipe the hair out of her face and place a soft kiss on her lips. “I want to marry you…today.”

  “I think I’m a little busy today.” She laughs through the tears that are streaming down her face.

  “Then as soon as we can. I don’t want one more day to go by that you aren’t my wife. I love you, Zoe.”

  Another contraction starts. “You sure as hell better!” She lets out a scream and pushes again.

  “Would you like to see the baby crowning?” the doctor asks.

  I think about passing out after Brooklyn’s baby was delivered. Hell no I don’t want to see it. Zoe must have read my mind, and her eyes bore into me. I look over her head and see the ammonia inhalant taped to the wall. Reaching above her, I take it down and hand it to her.

  “Hold this, Doc. He might need it.” I reluctantly walk and kneel behind the doctor. My face feels warm.

  “Breathe, Jake,” I hear from Zoe.

  I stand up straight and head back over to Zoe. “I’ve seen enough,” I say, trying not to hyperventilate.

  “This next push and your baby will be out,” the doctor exclaims.

  “Are you ready for this?” Zoe asks me.

  “More than ready,” I tell her and kiss her one last time before her contraction comes on full force.

  She’s squeezing my hand, and I’m helping her to breathe through it. Then I hear the most beautiful sound—our daughter taking her first breath. The doctor reaches over the blue cover and lays her on Zoe’s stomach.

  “Do you want to cut the cord, Jake?”

  I wave her off with a shake of my head. The doc cuts the cord, and one of the nurses cradles the baby into her arms. “I’m going to check her out, and you can have her right back.”

  I’m mesmerized by the baby’s big blue, round eyes. I follow the nurse to the warm cart she lays my baby in. I start counting fingers and toes. “They are all there,” I yell over to Zoe.

  I watch as the nurse wipes down the baby and takes her vitals. “She’s beautiful,” I say as the nurse swaddles her and hands her to me. When I turn around, Zoe has her arms outstretched.

  “Let me see her.” She’s smiling through her tears. Stepping up next to her, I turn the baby where she can see her as the doctor finishes up working on Zoe. “She has your chin,” she says through sobs.

  “She has your gorgeous eyes.” I plant a gentle kiss on top our daughter’s little head.

  Handing her over to Zoe, I find a small spot on the bed next to her and sit beside her. “She needs a name.”

  “I know we had a few picked out, but now that she’s here, none of them to seem to fit her.” She’s unwrapping her and checking out every inch of the baby.

  “I have an idea for a name,” I say, touching her tiny fingers. I place my thumb in her hand, and she grips it.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Well, you’re changing your name to Remington the minute we get married. How about we name her Blake, so your name stays with her?”

  “Blake Remington,” she says. “I love it, Jake.”

  I get down on one knee next to the bed. “Will you marry me today, Zoe?” I ask while kissing the back of her hand.

  “Yes. I don’t want to wait a minute longer either.”

  I get off my knee and hold both of my girls close. “I love you both, so much.” My own tears drip down and drop on Zoe’s shoulder.

  She wipes a tear from my face, then gently swaddles the baby. “Why don’t you take your daughter out to the waiting room to meet her aunt and uncle?”

  “You don’t want to wait and do that together?”

  “I think if you don’t do it soon, Brook and John will shoot their way in here.” She laughs as she hands me the baby.

  I can’t help the smile that’s on my face when I step out into the waiting room. John and Brook are immediately on their feet, swarming around me.

  “Oh, Jake, she’s beautiful,” Brooklyn coos.

  “Congratulations, man.” John slaps me on the shoulder.

  “I want you to meet your niece, Blake Remington.”

  “I bet you won some brownie points with that name,” Brooklyn says, taking Blake out of my arms.

  “How is Zoe?” my brother asks.

  “She’s good.” I pull him over to the side. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Anything, man.”

  “I want to marry Zoe today. Do you think you could find someone to hitch us?”

  “Are you sure that is what Zoe wants?”

  “There is no doubt in my mind. I’ve already
asked her.”

  “I’ll need to make some phone calls.” I stop him before he walks away.

  “Did Brooklyn get you up to speed on Knox?”

  “Yeah, and I’m kind of glad you didn’t kill him. He’s going to get exactly what he deserves in prison.”

  Brooklyn hands the baby back to me. “Thanks to Knox, Zoe and I have found the cure for Alzheimer’s. Too bad he will never get his hands on it.”



  “Hey, John. Did you read the paper today?” The screen door slams behind me. I hear the kids laughing in the playroom that Brooklyn had added on for them. “John! Where are you?”

  “In my office,” I hear coming from down the hallway.

  The smell of cigar burns through the air as I get closer to him. “Man, Brooklyn is going to have your hide for smoking a cigar in here.” I wave my hand in front of me, fanning the smell.

  He holds a tightly wrapped Cuban in the air. “I think we have something to celebrate.” I take it from him and sit in a well-worn leather chair across from him.

  “So you did see that the bastard finally died.”

  “Knox will never harm another person.”

  “It took long enough for him to go insane. After his trial two years ago, I thought he’d lose his mind a lot quicker. Especially when Brook and Zoe’s cure worked, and he knew he’d never have any part of it. Did you know that old bastard petitioned the court to collect money on the cure? Saying without him, we still wouldn’t have the cure for Alzheimer’s?”

  John hands me a lighter. “Yeah, then he tried to buy the cure, and he was blocked from that too.”

  “He got what he deserved.” I suck on the end of the cigar until I see the bright orange tip.

  “He did, and it feels damn good to know that we are finally free of him. Part of me has always thought he’d come back for us.” He props his feet up on the desk and leans back in his chair.

  “I’d say our lives turned out pretty damn sweet. We both have beautiful, smart, sexy wives who have always had our backs, even when things went to shit.”

  “Hell, Brooklyn never backed away from the beginning. I don’t know what she ever saw in me, but I’m glad she let her heart rule over that feisty head of hers. I would have probably been working for Knox until the day he died.”

  “Nah, you were already wanting out. She gave you the kick in the butt you needed.” I place the cigar in the ashtray. “As for me, if you would have never met her, well…I’d be dead. Cancer would have killed me years ago.”

  “I guess we are both lucky she found me.”

  “We are, but my life wasn’t complete until Zoe crashed into the picture.”

  “Did you ever figure out how you got into a bra and makeup?” He chuckles.

  “Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you anyway.” I laugh with him. “Speaking of the girls, where are they?”

  “They’ve run upstairs to get their swimsuits on and to grab the kids’ suits.”

  “Mmmm…Zoe in a swimsuit.” I stand.

  “You’ve got it bad,” he snorts.

  “What? I love that pregnant belly of hers. And who are you to talk? You can’t keep your hands off Brooklyn.”

  We hear the girls call the kids to come outside. Like typical brothers, John and I race to the windows so that we can stupidly stare at our wives.

  “God, she is so beautiful. I love watching Brooklyn with L.J. and Jack.” John leans his forehead on the glass. “The kids are getting so big. Jack looks just like her mother. There is no way I’m letting her out of the house when she’s a teenager.”

  “I think it would be wise to keep her away from guys like us.” I snort. Zoe sees me watching her, and she shimmies out of her cover-up. I swallow hard and have to rearrange my jeans. John catches me and shakes his head.

  “Having a little problem with your minion?” He roars out loud.

  “Shut up!” I snarl. “My minion does just fine.”

  He laughs and places his arm around my shoulder. “I’m glad we’re brothers, man, and that we’ve ended up with the perfect lives. Beautiful wives, great kids, and the Remington brothers together. What more could we ask for?”


  K.B. Andrews’ Acknowledgements for Taking Jake

  First and foremost, I want to thank Kelly Moore — my partner in crime. Without you, this would not be getting released right now. I’ve had so much on my plate lately and you’ve pulled more than your fair share. I can’t thank you enough for all you do for me. You give me the confidence I need, you listen to me vent, and you push me to do better — not only with my writing, but in life in general. You’re an amazing person, and I’m so glad we’re friends.

  Next, to my hubby. You are another person that doesn’t get all the recognition you should. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where I’d be in life right now. You’re my rock, and I couldn’t do any of this without you. I love you!

  To my kids, I love you both so much! You’re amazing kids and I know without a doubt that you will be amazing people. I’m so proud of both of you. I just hope this goes to show you that you can do anything in life that you want to do. All you have to do is believe in yourself. I love you both!

  To all the ladies in my street team, you guys rock! I couldn’t do this without your continued support, your likes, shares, reviews, and not to mention the amount of hours you spend reading my work. I wish I could meet you all and give you all a metal for being awesome!

  To all the people in my daily life that keep me going: my best friend Sarah, without you I’d probably be really bored. Thanks for keeping me entertained. To a fellow author, K.G. Reuss, you crack me up! Life is so much more fun just by talking to you. You GET me. It’s always Wednesday! Dusty Summerford, you were a blogger that decided to take a chance on me, and I’m so glad you did! We’ve become good friends now, and I can’t wait to meet you for real one day! Thanks for listening to me, and encouraging me to keep moving, no matter how much I want to give up! Jennifer Jones, I’m happy we’ve become so close. And keep sending me that chocolate! You know I love it!! And last but not least, Amanda Campbell, thank you for being so active in the group! I look forward to reading your comments every day!

  And to my readers, thank you for continuing to buy/read/review all my work. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love to do! Please follow the following links to like my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, and join my crazy reader group!

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  Kelly Moore - Acknowledgments for Taking Jake

  First, thank you, K.B. Andrews for being my partner in crime. LOL. Our research together is going to get us arrested one day! I’m sure if we do, you’ll make even being in prison fun. Seriously, thank you for writing this amazing series with me. One day it will be on the Big Screen, you wait and see.

  Second, my husband. You always encourage me even when I’m ready to quit. You always tell me, “the next time will be a yes.” Thank you for supporting this crazy dream of mine.

  My kids. All I can do is say I’m sorry. LOL. Don’t read my books. You two have been awesome and thank you for loving me.

  To my readers, especially my Review Tribe - you are the bomb! I’ve enjoyed getting to know each of you and appreciate all of your sharing, reading, reviewing, and lifting me up daily.

  The are no words for Jennifer Thomason, Anniek Wol
tman, Sharon Renee,PA, and The Happily Ever After Group. I can’t tell you how much each of you mean to me.

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  Check out my website where you can join my newsletter to get all the latest information on my books. http://www.kellymooreauthor.com/

  Also by K.B. Andrews

  A Chance at Forever #1

  A Second Chance at Forever#2

  Our Last Chance at Forever #3

  Giving Up My Chance at Forever #4

  Finding You in the Darkness

  Losing A Piece of Me

  F*cking Shattered - now on audiobooks

  Wrapped in Hope #1

  Taking Down Brooklyn #1

  Taking Back Brooklyn #2

  Taking Jake #3

  All of these can be found at https://www.amazon.com/K.B.-Andrews/e/B01M2DFOLM/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1525146944&sr=8-1

  Also by Kelly Moore

  Broken Pieces #1

  Pieced Together #2

  Piece by Piece #3

  Pieces of Gray #4

  Syn’s Broken Journey #5

  Next August #1

  This August #2

  Seeing Sam #3

  Taking Down Brooklyn #1

  Taking Back Brooklyn #2

  Taking Jake #3



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