According to Design

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According to Design Page 1

by Nicole Dennis

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  According to Design

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-455-4

  ©Copyright Nicole Dennis 2016

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright August 2016

  Edited by Penny Chapman and Sarah Smeaton

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2016 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Pride Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  Southern Charm


  Nicole Dennis

  Book six in the Southern Charm series

  Amid turmoil and triumph, two men weave through all the colors of life to find one another.

  As construction on the Charm wraps up, multi-media artist Wyatt McBride creates special metal and glass designs to add the finishing touches. When his brother accepts an overseas military duty, he takes in his teenage nephew, Collin. Things are already upside down since he’s lost a dear friend to AIDS, and now he has to deal with teenage angst and losing his heart to a brilliant but shy teacher.

  To keep his mind out of the past, Keegan Donaghue comes to Shore Breeze to take a position as a high-school science teacher and part-time forensics detective for the sheriff’s department. A special student connects him to the local artist, but he’s still running from his past. Addiction and abuse remain there, lurking in his mind, along with mild PTSD-induced panic attacks. Cryptic, troubling emails from his ex-boyfriend don’t help the situation either.

  Shy of relationships and opening their hearts to trust, these two men learn to weave their lives together during the trials of daily life. Neither one expects everything to go according to fate.


  For my family, and everyone who loves the Charm men.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Beats: Apple Inc.

  Sharpie: Newell Brands Inc.

  Chucks: Nike, Inc.

  Kia Soul: Hyundai Motor Company

  Call of Duty: Black Ops III : Activision Publishing, Inc.

  Halo 5: Guardians : Microsoft Studios

  Lego Marvel’s Avengers : Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Inc. and Feral Interactive

  Hawaii 5-O : CBS Corporation

  Despicable Me : Universal Studios Inc.

  Explorer: Microsoft Corporation

  iPod: Apple, Inc.

  PlayStation: Sony Corporation

  Xbox: Microsoft Corporation

  CSI : King World Productions

  Law & Order : NBC Universal Television Distribution

  iPhone: Apple, Inc.

  iPad: Apple, Inc.

  Guinness: Diageo plc

  Uno: Mattel, Inc.

  Kindle:, Inc.

  The Walking Dead : AMC Networks Inc

  Captain America: Marvel Comics

  Star-Lord: Marvel Comics

  Marvel: Marvel Comics

  Star Wars: George Lucas

  Avengers: Marvel Comics

  Thor: Marvel Comics

  Nick Fury: Marvel Comics

  Iron Man: Marvel Comics

  Tony Stark: Marvel Comics

  Hulk: Marvel Comics

  Day of the Dead : United Film Distribution Company

  Stetson: Hatco, Inc.

  Facebook: Facebook, Inc.


  Keegan Donaghue bounced one knee as he sat on a chair located in the sheriff’s administrative assistant’s office. Part of him felt like he was waiting outside the principal’s office in high school, not that his adoptive fathers would tolerate him causing any kind of trouble. He stared at the leather satchel dangling between his knees and blew out a steadying breath. He was here to speak with the big man himself—Sheriff Robin Burke.

  A connecting door opened and a powerfully built male dressed in a khaki uniform shirt and dark pants appeared. The man ran fingers through his thick ebony hair, cut short for the job. His deep brown gaze settled on Keegan, who looked up at the noise.

  “Hello, Mr. Donaghue, sorry about the wait. Please come on inside,” he said in a rich tenor voice that rumbled through Keegan’s insides. He held out a hand. “I’m Sheriff Robin Burke. Welcome to Shore Breeze.”

  After rising from his seat, Keegan moved the strap of his leather bag to one shoulder and walked to the door. He shook the larger man’s hand. “Keegan Donaghue, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sheriff.”

  “Come inside. I heard a lot about you from Brandon.” Robin escorted Keegan inside the decent-sized office then closed the door. “Would you like a bottle of water, coffee or soda?”

  “Water would be wonderful. I hope most of what Dad said was promising,” Keegan said.

  “Brandon is Dad?” Robin asked. With Keegan’s nod, he added, “What do you call Liam?”

  “He’s Papa. I could never get used to calling them by their first names after the adoption. They were my dads, my parents, so we figured to split it that way.”

  “Good idea.”

  “It works for us. Papa Brandon or Papa Liam was too much of a mouthful.”

  Robin chuckled as he pulled a bottle from a small fridge and tossed it toward Keegan, who caught it with ease then sat in the visitor’s chair. “As for what your dad told me, I’m sure Brandon exaggerated some and spoke plain when he needed. That’s how I remember Brandon from our time in the academy and Raleigh department. How are your fathers doing? Last time I saw Brandon and Liam was their promise ceremony.” Robin paused as if to figure out the timing. “Wow. That happened over ten years ago.”

  “They’re both doing wonderful. They took time to help me move down here and settle into the apartment you secured for me. Thank you for that.”

  “Not necessary. I do it for any incoming officers who need a place to stay.” Robin took a sip from a mug that had the sheriff’s logo splashed across the front. “What have your fathers been doing?”

had a small wedding after the Supreme Court decision. It was kind of sudden so they didn’t send out invites. It was a small, intimate deal. Papa says they’re finally legal and he can take all of Dad’s money.”

  “He’s a detective. What money?”

  They both laughed.

  A little more at ease from the exchanged laughter, Keegan continued, “Dad is counting down to his retirement time. Another five years and he’s off for the sunset.”

  “What about Liam? Does Brandon think Liam is even considering retirement?”

  “It’s never going to happen. He’ll die with a piece of chalk in his hand,” Keegan said and the sheriff laughed again. “You can’t pull Papa out of the classroom. He’ll cling to it with his fingernails if Dad tries to make him retire. He loves teaching.”

  “They’re still arguing about it.”

  “Yup, but it’s always filled with love. That hasn’t changed. Their partnership is as strong as when they spoke with a scared kid after school looking for a way out of his personal hell,” Keegan said.

  “They’re good men.”

  “The very best, sir.”

  Robin cleared his throat and leaned forward, bracing his arms on the desk. “Brandon explained the situation you got into and the break in your résumé. I spoke to your former supervisor and was impressed by what he told me about your skills and strengths when it comes to forensics.”

  “Could you tell me what he said?”

  “He explained the difficulties with your partner and your addiction causing the temporary suspension until IA finished their investigation. According to the official records, you weren’t in control of your actions. Your partner took advantage of your medical condition. Beyond the medicine prescribed by your doctor, the IA found the remaining time you were under the influence was a direct result of your partner’s control over the situation. You were cleared of any blame after a thorough second look by another forensic investigator and all of your work remained solid for those cases.”

  Keegan swallowed as he listened to the sheriff. He knew where this would lead, all thanks to his former partner encouraging his OxyContin addiction after a back injury. It had messed him up in so many ways, but he’d fought through it all while in detox. All he needed was a chance. “Sir, I can—”

  Robin held up a hand to stop him. “While IA cleared you of any guilt and reinstated your badge, the situation remains unsettling. I spoke with the principal, Joshua Roberts, and we decided together to offer this chance to you. There will be conditions upon your employment.”

  “Conditions, sir?” Keegan asked, grateful they were at least willing to work with him, even with his sketchy past.

  “While at the school, the head of the science department will shadow your classes. The same will happen here at the precinct. Overall, I believe you’re quite capable of doing this job and don’t foresee this shadowing going beyond a couple of months. No matter our belief, we need to take these additional steps to protect everyone within the school and the precinct. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Robin gave him a nod and folded his hands back on the desk. “Are you committed to staying sober? If you fall back into using drugs, you’ll lose your license to teach and practice forensics. Permanently.”

  “I’m going on a year and a half, sir. I swore to myself while I was in the hell known as detox that I would never slide back into addiction or that behavior. I made it through, got back on my feet, and my fathers suggested a fresh start in a different town. I received this chance here between your acceptance and my position at the school. I’m not going to screw it up,” Keegan said, his tone earnest and stronger toward the end.

  “Thank you for the honesty.”

  “I don’t wish to disappoint you.”

  “I don’t think you will, Keegan, you sound far too determined. My officers know if they’re ever in trouble, my door is open and my support will be with them. Same goes for you,” Robin said with a smile.

  “Thank you. I’ll remember it.”

  “Now that we’ve got that out of the way…” Robin brushed his hands together as if to wipe away any concern. “You visited Personnel and set everything up. Right?”

  “Yes. Also picked up my uniforms, but haven’t worn them yet since I technically haven’t started.”

  “We’ll get to that part.” Robin pushed his chair back from the desk, then opened a drawer and pulled out a leather wallet. He placed it on the desk in front of Keegan. “This is yours. Welcome to the sheriff’s department, Keegan.”

  Keegan picked up the wallet and flipped the top to find the simple silver star with the sheriff’s logo in the center. The opposite side held his new identification—he’d taken the picture earlier as part of the personnel stuff. “At least I don’t look like a total dork.”

  Robin chuckled.

  “Thank you, sir,” Keegan said as he closed the wallet and tucked it into his back pocket.

  “As for schedule, you start next week. Take the rest of this week to settle in, check out the town, and handle what you need with the school. I’m sure they have all kinds of paperwork there.”

  “I need to get situated for the start of classes, find my classroom, and learn the science curriculum.”

  “I’ve been in touch with Principal Roberts and we mapped out your schedules between your two positions. You have one late afternoon lab class. Other than that, you can be at the sheriff’s station by three in the afternoon.”

  “Sounds good to me. What if I have a student meeting or something?”

  “We’ll clear up those issues as they come along. I would like to give you a folder of a current case that’s been nagging our small town for some time. I want a fresh pair of eyes on it.”

  “Don’t give me any details, sir. I want to look at it without anything altering my first impression. I prefer to do the same with a crime scene. I don’t want to know what the first officers on sight or the detectives assume happened. It could only confuse or alter my findings.”

  “Even better. As with anything from this office, the papers and information are confidential and for your eyes only. You’re allowed to talk hypothetically without details to anyone.”


  Robin picked up a deep brown paper portfolio and held it over the desk. Keegan took it with both hands, surprised at the weight.

  “This is a priority case. You speak directly to me about anything.”


  “Catch yourself up on the file and we’ll talk about it when you start next week. Anything else pops up, dispatch will let you know where and when. A senior crime scene tech will shadow your first few calls to clear up questions on specific procedures, but you received our forensics handbook.”

  “I received that one and the general sheriff’s department handbook.”

  “Go through those as well. Other than that, enjoy what time off you can get.”

  “That’s it?”

  “For now. I enjoyed our talk,” Robin said as he rose to his feet.

  Keegan did the same and shook hands once more.

  Chapter One

  During some downtime, Keegan walked around the small town he’d come to hoping to change his entire life. He adored the layout of the quaint downtown area. He enjoyed checking out the different restaurants.

  He paused to lift his phone and snap several pictures. He continued to send them to his fathers to prove he had ventured outside the apartment where they’d left him. They’d told him to get out and about, so he showed off this beautiful small town he’d discovered while living outside of work and home. They wanted him to try to be social, working through his therapy, and staying in the moment. He’d promised to do the best he could. At times it was difficult to keep the promise, but as he wandered, Keegan felt peace deep inside his center.

  He came to a stop at his favorite shop.

  Brilliant pieces of art caught his attention and he crossed the street to stand in front of the shop’
s windows. He leaned back to read the artistic metal and glass sign—Fire Glass Studio. All of the artwork had been created from a mixture of mediums. After his first visit, Keegan had looked up the artist, Wyatt McBride, online. Seeing where the artist’s work had been displayed impressed him. Somehow, he always found a way to wander back to this place to see more. Something about this visit tugged him to step inside the elegantly designed gallery space. As the door closed behind him, the bell tingling, he pulled off his dark sunglasses and hung them from the neckline of his button-down Henley.

  With a look around, he stepped over to an abstract piece. Created out of steel and glass, this one felt different. Other ones were pure blown glass, while clay and bronze items filled another section.

  “Hello and welcome to Fire Glass Studio,” a female said. In contrast to the brilliant art, she wore a simple cream skirt and vest with a soft peach shirt. “Oh, I remember your face. You’ve walked through multiple times. Right?”

  “Yes, you have an excellent memory. I don’t think I introduced myself the first time,” Keegan said.

  “No, I don’t think we did.”

  “The gallery was busy and I didn’t want to disturb anyone.”

  “Oh, that’s quite all right. I’m used to running in multiple directions. I’m Marissa, the gallery manager,” she said.

  “I’m Keegan. These pieces are magnificent. Does Mr. McBride always use different media?”

  “Everything but paint and a canvas. Wyatt started with iron and steel but added the glass, clay and bronze over time.”

  A corner display caught Keegan’s attention. “Those are different,” he said and walked over with Marissa.

  “Wyatt offers studio and gallery space to upcoming artists. Sort of like an internship for them to learn their craft and how to run a studio of their own. This work belongs to one of his favorite students, Patrick McGowan.”

  Keegan had heard a change in Marissa’s tone when she’d mentioned the other name. “Is he still around?”


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