Burn Me Anthology

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Burn Me Anthology Page 5

by Shantel Tessier

  “Everyone has a choice, Elise. Look where you are. The obstacles you’ve overcome. You chose to get away from the bad situation you were in, and here you are. Don’t make the same one again by running. It’s time you stopped.”

  “Thanks for your help, Caden.”

  “Any time, Elise.” She felt his eyes on her back as she ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. She was thankful he hadn’t tried to convince her to talk more, because she really wasn’t sure what she would have done.

  Part of her wanted to turn around, grab him, and ask to be held, to chase away her ghost. Did he feel the same way? Did he want her as much as she wanted him? That was the only thing holding her back from opening to him. She wasn’t sure the attraction she felt for him was mutual.

  He was gorgeous. His life was here in Lakeview. Everything seemed right in his world, unlike hers. The kindness he had shown her was only because of the debt he owed her brother. She needed to get her head out of the clouds and back on the ground.

  Chapter 8

  Never mess with someone who belongs to another man.

  “Who pissed in your cornflakes, boss man? You’ve been acting like you’ve lost your best friend since you walked in the door this morning.” Moose finished washing a dish and laid it on the countertop to dry. “You hungry? There’s enough left here if you want some.”

  “I’m good, brother. Elise made me some eggs before I left the house.”

  “And Elise would be who?” Moose questioned without missing a beat. He filled in at the station when Caden needed to be out on Trident business. They alternated shifts to ensure coverage around the clock. He and Moose had similar backgrounds they didn’t want to share. He dealt with his differently.

  “A buddy of mine needed a place for his sister to stay. I offered. Case closed.”

  “You let her stay at your house? That must have been a hell of a favor, man. I don’t like sharing my space, and you are ten time worse than me.” Moose snorted and took a seat next to him at the long table. The firehouse was equipped with a well-stocked mess hall.

  Caden glared at him. “Yeah, well, I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I owed him.”

  “So the truth comes out. Makes more sense. You aren’t emotionally tied to this chick, or you’d lose your ever-loving mind. I get it.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then you are interested in her?” Moose continued to prod. “Come on, man, you can’t tell me that having a woman living in your house, cooking you breakfast, doesn’t have you wishing for more. Even you aren’t that dead inside.”

  Caden looked the other way. He tried to ignore Moose, but he was too close to the truth. He wanted Elise with every bone in his body. The situation had reached a nuclear level.

  “Let’s go. We’ve got a meeting at eleven hundred hours with the rest of the crew.”

  “Sure thing, but you’ve gotta tell me, what’s she look like?”

  “Shut the fuck up, man.” Caden punched him in the arm without thinking. “She’s my charge, and you sure as hell aren’t getting within ten feet of her.”

  Moose rubbed his throbbing arm. “That’s gonna leave a bruise. You didn’t have to punch me. Damn it. I’m just curious.”

  “Stay away from her if you know what’s good for you. Got it?”

  “I got it. Loud and clear.”


  They entered the large bay where two large fire engines were parked. Several men stood around waiting for him.

  “What’s on the roster for this weekend, boss man?” Rocky leaned, propped against the engine with his arms crossed. Rocky was another Trident Security team member who volunteered his time once a month.

  He ignored the question when something on the edge of his vision caught his attention. It was Elise, and she looked too damn good to be seen by a bunch of horny no-good guys. All she had to do was walk up, and the guys would all get boners. What the fuck was she doing here, and what the fuck was she wearing? His heart rate spiked, beating a little faster.

  She wasn’t wearing much—fucking Daisy Duke shorts and a flimsy tank top that left nothing to the imagination. It was the first time he’d seen her like this without her being covered from head to toe hiding the bruises. She was stunning standing there looking at him, her eyes full of confidence. She smiled and walked in his direction.

  It didn’t take long until every eye was on her, watching the sway of her hips and the slight lift and fall of her perfectly rounded breasts as she purposefully and seductively walked toward him. The mischievous smile plastered on her face alerted him to the trouble she was about to cause. What had gotten into Elise?

  Moose rushed past him. “Well, hello, darlin’. What brings you to the station today?”

  “I’m just here to visit a friend.” Her smile remained as she lifted her hand and waved her little fingers at Caden. What the fuck! He was still in shock at how perfect she looked. Pulling at the collar of his button-up shirt, he swallowed hard. Hell, he was hard all over in response to just looking at her. He couldn’t think of anything to say, so he waited and watched.

  He was grateful they couldn’t read his mind because before long, she was surrounded by a group of men vying for her attention, and he wanted them all dead. Elise was in the middle of the group, laughing and flirting. Jacob had zeroed in on her full breasts spilling out of her top.

  He was furious at her for causing a scene in his house. Didn’t she realize they had work to do? All of them needed to back the fuck off before he lost his shit and went ballistic on them. Moose was too close for his comfort, whispering in her ear like they had known each other forever. When she patted him on the forearm, his blood pressure rose to an all-time explosive level. That was it. He started for the group with every intention of breaking the little party up.

  Normally, the men got out of his way when they saw him coming, but not today. They ignored him when he wanted to pass and continued listening to her. Enough!

  “Alright, break’s over. Jacob and Rocky, get upstairs and make sure the equipment and preparations for Saturday’s drill is ready. You two get the engine cleaned up.” Caden commanded still watching Elise.

  Moose looked his way and did a double take. Caden was beyond furious. He started to intervene, but it was too late.

  “Elise, how about you let me take you to dinner and a movie tonight? My shift ends at five. We could grab some burgers from Coney Island. I could pick you up around seven.”

  Elise glanced at Caden, stunned. Then back at Jacob. Caden wasn’t going to cause a scene in front of his men. He wanted her to tell Jacob no, which was the reaction she wanted.

  “You don’t have to twist my arm. I’m game. I’ve been wanting to try Coney Island since I got here. Just promise me no rom coms on the big screen. I don’t think my stomach can handle it.” Elise chuckled. “A horror flick, maybe?”

  “You’re on. I’ll check to see what’s playing, and we can decide over dinner. See you later, gorgeous.”

  Jacob walked by Caden with a goofy-as-hell grin on his face, and he wanted to smash the look off of it. Dick move on his part.

  Elise finally made her way to him. Caden wrapped his arm around her shoulder and dragged her toward his private office. She tried to move away, but his hold on her elbow tightened. Ushering her into his office, he shut the door for privacy. He wanted answers.

  “What the fuck, Caden.” She slung her elbow backwards and hit him square in the gut. It caught him off guard and caused him to release her.

  “Why are you here, Elise? Other than to cause problems with my men. You’re a distraction we don’t need.”

  “I was bored sitting around twiddling my thumbs. So, I whipped us up a few sandwiches for a picnic and thought we could have lunch outside at the park or something.” Elise held up an insulated grey and white bag. He was so intent on what she was wearing, he hadn’t noticed before. “You seem to be in a grumpy-ass mood, so I’ll just let you get back to whatever the hell you were doi
ng before I came, Caden.”

  Pissed off at him, she turned to leave, but he reached for her, pulling her off balance into his body.

  Chapter 9

  When standing on the edge, jump.

  Without analyzing the reason, Caden grabbed her by the curly mass of hair and yanked her into his body where the feisty woman belonged, covering her enraged words with his mouth. The cooler of food fell from her hand with a bang to land somewhere on the floor close by as small hands reached high to circle his neck, eager to explore.

  She fit just right against him. Supple curves and voluptuous lines. His hard, ungiving lips connected with her plush, soft ones. She barely resisted when he became more aggressive when the need to dominate her kicked into overdrive. Caden would have her compliance.

  He demanded more. Caden needed more of her sweet taste. The smooth flavor of Sloe Gin at its finest didn’t compare to her. She was addictive. A drug so intoxicating he wouldn’t be coming away from her unscathed.

  Soft, aroused moans were her response as she gave in to his plundering lips. He took full advantage, plunged deep inside her mouth, the same way he would take her body. She shivered in reaction to the sensual onslaught. He was relentless in his pursuit to own her, to claim her as his, to make sure she never questioned who she belonged to—not Jacob or any other man—only him.

  From the moment he felt her body pressed against his, a strong urge pushed him for more. He nipped her lips, and she returned the favor with just as much gusto. Tit for tat. She gave as good as he did. Hunger overrode common sense. The hard-disciplined routine he prided himself on was thrown to the wind, and in its place something fierce emerged. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. They shared the same desire and need.

  Caden trailed his fingers down the length of her spine and cupped her firm, shaped ass and lifted. On cue, she hooked her legs around his hips and crossed her ankles for leverage, and pushed herself up to nibble on his jaw as her warm center rubbed against his throbbing cock. Fire spread down his spine as his cock grew, throbbing for her as the flames of passion swept through them. He wanted her badly, more than his next breath. Her back bumped into the closed office door, giving her leverage to ride him in this position as together they strained for more of the other.

  Teeth gnashed and tongues connected, stroking and searching for the ultimate pleasure.

  He had wanted her for far too long. Finding the edge of her shirt, his hand connected with warm flesh as he eased it up and over her at the same time she pushed his shirt upwards to connect with his bare chest. They both shared the same frenzy of desire coursing between them.

  “This is going to be fast, baby. I promise to take it slow and savor you next time.”

  She nodded and continued her exploration as he fumbled with the zipper of his pants.

  In the distance, he heard a phone ring, but he ignored it. Only seconds later, it started again. Whoever was on the other end was not going to stop until he answered. Reluctantly, he dragged himself away from Elise, dug in his back pocket, and swiped the bar.

  “Weldon here. Go ahead,” he answered, looking down at Elise’s beautiful face. Her complexion was blushed from exertion, and rosy red lips were swollen from his kisses. She opened her hungry green eyes and stared back at him.

  “Caden, It’s Arrow.” His body stiffened, on alert, and he held her closer, anticipating the news. There was only one reason Arrow would risk calling. “Trouble’s on the way. The son of a bitch found out where Elise’s hiding and plans to get her back.”

  **The conclusion to Caden and Elise’s story will release Summer 2018**

  About The Author

  F.G. Adams writes contemporary and paranormal romance about sexy alpha heroes and feisty-mouthed heroines. The wonder twin sisters forming F.G. enjoy a healthy obsession of reading that started at a young age. Their books reflect an avid imagination that was cultivated by their grandmother who taught them the mind has no limits and to use both hands when reaching for the stars. Partners in writing, they both thrive on creating unique storylines for you, the reader, to enjoy.

  When not writing, you can find them on a beach with their significant other enjoying the waves or riding a Harley on a country road somewhere in the USA.

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  Other Books by the Author:

  This is Our Life series:

  Grayson: Book 1

  Keagan: Book 2

  Oliver: Book 3

  Lukas: Book 4

  The Enchanted Immortals Trilogy:

  Book 1: Aldin’s Wish

  Book 2: Fox’s Awakening

  The 7: Lust #6

  Michael: A Scrooged Christmas

  Raging Inferno

  By Janine Infante Bosco


  Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

  Jimmy Casale

  Seventeen years on the job, I still remember my first day like it was yesterday. I’m often transcended back to that clear September day when the world stopped turning. In fact, sometimes when I’m rushing to pull on my bunker gear, I recall how my fumbling hands hurried to fix my probie patch to my helmet or how I stood on the side of the road pulling on my gear before racing to catch the Staten Island Ferry to take me to the burning towers.

  I had graduated the academy three days earlier and was assigned to a firehouse in Brooklyn for training. On my way to work, I dropped my three-year-old daughter at nursery school as I did every day. For some odd reason, she didn’t want to go and started to cry when we pulled in front of the school. Drying her eyes, I held her small hand in mine as I walked her into her class and assured her she would be fine. I promised she’d have fun and before she knew it, mommy would be there to pick her up. Her tears subsided as I kissed her goodbye and told her I’d see her later. Reluctantly, she released my hand and walked into the class. I lingered in the doorway watching as the teacher helped her find her seat and when I was sure she was okay, when I finally caught a glimpse of the smile that melted my heart every single time, I forced myself to step away from the door.

  I made my way back toward my car, glanced at the clock on the dashboard and turned on the radio as I pulled away from the curb. That’s when I heard the dreaded news that a plane had crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center five minutes earlier. I called my wife who was seven months pregnant with our second child and she told me the news was instructing anyone who graduated the academy that week to report to the ferry terminal.

  “I’ve gotta go,” I remember saying with conviction. There was no hesitation or brief pause where I reflected on the decision and there certainly was no doubt of where I belonged or what I had to do. I was fueled by instinct, adrenaline and the oath I took.

  “Be careful, Jimmy,” my wife pleaded. “We need you.”

  I knew I had a family to care for; a wife who loved me, a little girl who needed her dad and a new baby to meet but, I wasn’t just a husband and father anymore. I was a first responder. It was my duty to save lives, and I was fully aware that as a result I might one day have to sacrifice mine.

  My wife knew that too.

  Still, we silently prayed the day hadn’t come and hoped I’d make my way back home safe. With a quick I love you and the sign of the cross, I ended the call. On the side of the road, I ripped the tags off my gear and scrambled to put it on. I parked my car at the ferry and followed the sea of uniforms jetting to the boat. It was then I learned that
another plane had hit the south tower.

  At its capacity, I was ordered to wait for the next ferry but, a Lieutenant from Brooklyn snuck me aboard at the last moment. It wasn’t until I boarded the ferry that I stepped onto the deck and caught my first glimpse of hell. Clouds of black smoke crawled into the blue sky as two pillars of freedom stood terrorized, burning uncontrollably. It was a sight I knew would change the world we lived in, a sight that angered all of mankind but for a New Yorker it was more than that.

  It was torture.

  I can tell you for certain there are no adequate words to describe how it felt to watch those buildings burn, knowing people were trapped inside. Innocent people just like you and I who woke up that morning and went to work. People, like me who were proud to call that skyline home.

  They were someone’s son.

  Someone’s daughter.

  Someone’s husband.

  Someone’s wife.

  Someone’s father.

  Someone’s mother.

  They were our brothers and sisters and they were victims of a brutally horrific attack.

  The dire need to save lives pulsed through my veins as the boat docked and my boots pounded the streets of lower Manhattan. Nameless faces ran past me trying to escape death as I raced straight toward it. I asked the man upstairs to grant me the ability to hear the cries for help and the strength to save just one life. I prayed he allowed me to fulfill my duty and should it end with me losing my life, I asked him to guard over my family.

  Upon arriving at One World Trade, I was ordered to assist in evacuating the north tower. I want to tell you I moved efficiently and without falter but at first, I stood frozen amidst the chaos watching people jump from the floors above. Those floors would later be called a virtual tomb and me, well, I’d go on to hear those words and forever remember those bodies as they fell to their death.


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