Burn Me Anthology

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Burn Me Anthology Page 69

by Shantel Tessier

  “I can’t touch you,” he growled, and I wanted to cry.

  Not this again.

  “You have to be kidding me!” I whimpered. I wanted him so freaking bad, I wasn’t against begging.

  “Shut it,” he clipped, then his tongue swiped my neck and my head fell back, giving him more access. “I can’t touch you,” he repeated. “But you liked what you saw in the shower, didn’t you, Princess?”

  “I wouldn’t say I—“

  “Shut it and be a good girl. You liked it. You more than liked it,” he pointed out, rolling his hips, his bare dick hitting just the right spot against my heated core, and I knew there was no hiding the truth. I couldn’t control the needy moan that escaped when he did his hip thing again and I felt his silky hardness against me.

  “Shit!” he hissed, shutting his eyes tightly. “You’re loud.”

  “I’m not—“ My words caught in my throat as he opened his eyes. Through the dimly lit fog, the passion reflected in his beautiful orbs rendered me speechless.

  “You just keep getting better and better.”

  “I do?”

  “God’s a damn woman.”

  “What?” I panted, scooting to the edge of the vanity, meeting his hips with every roll.

  “Cruel. A cruel woman god who has a terrible sense of humor.”

  “I don’t understand, Mav…” I panted as his tip pressed against my swollen pearl.

  “The only woman who is off limits to me, and she’s fucking perfect.”


  “Keeps getting more and more perfect every time, every goddamn time I see her,” he growled. My cheeks burned warmer at his compliment.

  “She sounds like a catch,” I answered like a smartass, and he leaned in closer. His tongue swiped the edge of my lip.

  “She’s a pain in the ass.”

  “That’s a little harsh—“ I gasped when his hands left my hair and moved lower, tracing my neck and shoulder as they made their slow decent toward my torso.

  “Soft and satiny. Just like I imagined,” he gritted, and I shivered again. My body felt hot and cold all at once, aching for so much more. "I’m not going to touch you.”

  “No?” I asked mid-pant, my hands holding on to his still wet and warm muscular shoulders.

  “No. But I need to watch you. Smell you. Taste—”

  “How are you going to do that without touch—“

  “Shh,” he whispered, licking the other side of my lips. “You like to watch.” It wasn’t a question, but I still felt the need to answer and be heard.


  “That’s good, baby, because I do, too, Princess.” His hands moved to the outside of my thighs, and he held me tightly.


  “We’re going to scratch this itch however we can,” he shared. The wetness between my legs grew. My skin was all too warm.


  “I can get creative.”


  “If I touch you—“

  “The world will end. Birds will fall from the sky,” I sarcastically finished for him, my voice soft, and there was no way I could hide how I was feeling towards him.

  But instead of getting angry or breaking the bubble of lust we found ourselves in, he gave me a devilish smirk.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  “Show me,” I dared, done with his stupid reasons not to do anything else. “It’s just you and me right now. No one else. Show me,” I unashamedly asked.

  I’m not sure what I wanted him to do.

  I just knew I needed more.


  He took one last swipe of the edge of her lip, the hint of chocolate on his tongue. He couldn’t stop. She was right. “Right here, right now, just us,” he repeated her words, and out loud they sounded even better.

  “Yes. Just us, Mav.”

  “I’m not going to touch you.” He wanted to. He was almost cross-eyed with how badly he wanted, no, needed to touch her. She opened her mouth, but he shook his head.

  “Lean back, baby,” he ordered, his voice strained, unrecognizable to his own ears.

  He unclenched his hands on her smooth thighs and spanned them fully, trying to memorize the feel of her supple skin, unsure when he would be able to touch her again. Never, you should never touch her again, a small voice yelled in his head, but he ignored it and instead focused on the gorgeous sight in front of him. She leaned back. Her pink tongue popped out, swiping her lower lips as she focused on complying with his order.

  He moved away from her and stared at her. “You are fucking beautiful,” he told her, enjoying how his words seemed to make the fire burning behind her eyes brighter. “Are you aching, Princess?”

  “Maverick,” she whimpered, and he wanted her to keep talking.

  “You are, aren’t you? You’re aching and wet.”

  “Soaked,” she whispered, and his nose flared. Her scent mixed with his body wash and clung to the steamy air between them. “Please, Mav…” Her pleas almost threw his control over the edge.

  “Slip your hand into your shorts,” he demanded and watched her hands move to the waistline of her shorts, but he stopped her. “No.”


  “If I see all of you, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. Now be a good girl, slip that tiny little hand into your shorts,” he instructed and breathed in deeply as he watched her hand slip down, while his own moved back to his cock, squeezing the base slightly.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. Her head fell back, and he knew she was touching herself. When she lifted her leg, cocking it to the countertop, their eyes met, and white-hot hunger reflected at each other.

  “Deeper,” he ordered and watched her face tensing up the moment she complied. “Fuck, Sofi,” he groaned.

  “Tighten your stroke,” she ordered, and he tightened his grip. He was dying to touch her. To feel her. He stroked his cock up and down, swiping the pad of his finger over his dripping tip.

  His balls were tight, sweat covered both of them, and he was way too close to becoming a one-pump chump. “More,” he groaned, closing some of the space between them.

  Their breathing picked up, her face fell into his neck, and he kept stroking. “Shit, Princess…”

  “I’m so close,” she whimpered. “I need more,” she begged, and he licked her neck.

  He was dying to touch her, but he couldn’t. What he was doing was bad enough, but there was no way he could halt their actions. He needed to get creative, and just like that an idea popped into his head.

  “I promised you creative.”

  “Maverick…” she whimpered with a soft, breathy mewl. “Please, more…” She was on edge, ready to come. Not yet.

  He picked her up, smiling at her soft giggle.

  He sat on the closed toilet, settling her over his knee. She was soaking through her tiny shorts. He could feel her fingers rubbing away at her swollen little pearl, and he stroked his cock faster. Stroking harder and tighter, pinching the bottom of his tip. Her legs squeezed tightly around his knee as she rubbed herself back and forth. Shamelessly and wildly on his knee, wetness soaking through.

  “Go over the edge, baby. Let go,” he gritted.

  “I’m…. Maverick…. oh God…. Mav, Mav!” Damn. She was screaming his name. His balls tightened up, and he felt a distinct tingle at the base of his spine. “Yes! Oh gawd! Maverick!” Her voice was a sexy, higher pitch. His fucking eyes were glued on her not wanting to miss a moment.

  She trembled above him, and he watched her fall. Her face was the unadulterated mask of pleasure. And he was done for. His head fell to her shoulder and he bit down on her skin, muffling his moan, as rope after rope of cum shot from him and dripped down his shaft.

  They fought to catch their breath. Their faces in each other’s necks, and he didn’t want to move. Instead, he licked and kissed the bite, looking down at his teeth marks. He marked her.

  “Wow,” she breathed,
and he kissed her shoulder.

  “Yeah,” he exhaled slowly, pulling his face away to look at her.

  “That was intense,” she muttered, shifting on his knee, and he didn’t miss the way she bit down on her lower lip. They had both come hard, but watching her do that, knowing she was still sensitive, made his dick spring back to life.

  Big guy’s energetic tonight.

  “Thank you,” she muttered, her eyes on him, and he wanted to drown in her beautiful amber pools.

  He opened his mouth to say something back, but a knock resonated on the door. Both their heads turned and they stared at the door.

  “Maverick, I’m home!” Gabe called out.

  “Hey, cool.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll be right out.”

  “No rush. I’m gonna hop in the shower. Try to keep it down. Sofia is probably sleeping, jetlag and what not.” At that moment, he had never been happier that Gabe had taken the master bedroom with the en-suite bathroom.

  “Yeah, yeah, no worries, man.” Damn. Damn. Damn. His mind ran wild.

  “All right. See you in the morning.”

  “Night!” he shouted back, staring at Sofia’s wide eyes.

  “Night!” Gabe shouted back, and as they made out the sounds of Gabe walking off, his heart pounded in his chest. Guilt hit his gut, deep and hard like lead.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she whispered, grinning brightly at him, softening the guilt, but he remembered. Gabe and the fact Sofia was his baby sister. He had just let his little sister dry hump his knee to orgasm, while he’d jerked his chain.

  “This isn’t funny,” he clipped seriously, overwhelmed by his actions and emotions. Regret and excitement swirled together.

  “Oh, come on, it is.”

  “He’s your older brother,” he pointed out. Fuck, I’m a shit friend.

  “And we’re back to that,” she said softly, disappointment reflecting at him, just as the water turned on in the other bathroom. She slid off his knee and he stood. Grabbing a towel to cover himself, he didn’t miss the way she kept looking at his body.

  “It’s not what you think,” he lied. If she weren’t Gabe’s sister, he would be halfway in love.

  Love? Jesus. What had little Sofia Blanco done to him?

  “It is. Thanks again. I’ll sleep better now,” she said with a wink before quietly slipping out of the bathroom.

  Chapter 5


  I’m going to go to hell.

  Two days later, he could still hear her sweet gasps and sexy-as-fuck moans. He could still feel her lips against his neck as he gasped for air. She’d made him so damn hard as he had watched her bounce and rub up against him. It had been one of the most erotic things he had ever experienced in his life.

  His head was filled with nothing but Sofia Blanco. The memory of her body under his hands haunted him. The feel of her perfect, plump ass in his hands was engrained in his memory. Fuck, he’d even had wet dreams about her like some damned kid. He was walking around with a permanent hard-on. To top things off, she acted like nothing had ever happened. The nerve of her. Thinking about it made him want to spank her ass a bright pink until she dripped down her thighs and was begging for his touch. God, he wanted to touch her.

  This was exactly why he was going to hell.

  He was like a dog after a damn bone for some attention from her. He shouldn’t even be thinking about her. He sure as shit shouldn’t have been jerking off at the end of the day and in the shower at the start of a new one. Her little sounds and the memory of her softness took him over the edge embarrassingly quick.

  “Hey, Bridges!” Gabe snapped him out of his pathetic thoughts. From where he was sitting, he was pretending to watch ESPN at the firehouse. They were working till half past nine tonight, and it had been a slow day. A slow, slow day during which all he had been able to do was think about a spunky princess.

  “What’s up?”

  “Sofi’s bringing lunch. What do you want?”

  “Nothing,” he said quickly. Food is the last thing I want from Sofia. Guilt seeped into his thoughts. He was a shitty friend. Lusting after his best friend’s baby sister. His only sister.

  “Why not? You eat already?”


  “So? Burger? Chili?” Gabe suggested, but Mav simply shook his head.

  “I’m good, man, but thanks.”

  “What’s up with you?” Gabe asked, moving to stand in front of the television, meaning Mav could no longer pretend to ignore him.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry.” That was true. Though all he wanted more than anything was having a taste of Sofia. Not that that would help his situation. “A burger and fries,” he gave in, and looked up at the guy who had always had his back. The man Maverick had betrayed by almost fucking his little sister against her car in a damned parking lot and playing rub-a-dub-dub in the bathroom!

  “What’s going on with you, man?” Concern was obvious in Gabe’s voice, and for a moment, Mav wanted to tell him. But what was there to tell? He wanted to fuck his sister? He wanted to ask his sister out on a date? Maybe marry her one day?

  Marry? Where the hell had that come from?

  “Nothing.” There was no way he could say that.

  “You’re lying,” he pointed out, because let’s face it, Gabe knew him better than anyone.

  “I’m just tired.” At least that was partially true. Jerking off into the wee hours of the next day would do that to a person. It would also cause you to chafe if not lubed properly, he had discovered.

  “You do look like shit. You’re not sleeping?” This was not a new issue for either of them. The long hours combined with what they saw on the clock did that to them.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Try a Tylenol PM tonight,” Gabe suggested, and Mav nodded, acting like he was listening.

  “Will do, Mom.” Mav winked. “Add some onion rings to lunch. And make it a double order,” he added in hopes to throw Gabe off his back.

  “That sounds more like it.”

  “I’ll give her money when she gets here,” he muttered, hating how much he was looking forward to seeing his princess, wondering what barely-there outfit she would be in today.

  “Sounds good, bud.” Gabe walked away, and he leaned his head against the couch, trying to kick off the guilt that was eating at him.


  I looked toward the firehouse in front of me and took a deep breath. God. Why am I here?

  Oh yeah, because big brother dearest wanted to spend some time together now that my apartment would be ready earlier than expected. A week earlier. Even if his hot-as-hell bestie would probably be there, I had to admit I liked the fact that Gabe wanted to hang out.

  Adjusting to returning home had been a lot smoother than I’d anticipated. Seeing how calm and happy my mom seemed to be in her smaller home had put my mind at ease. She had even mentioned a male friend a time or two, which made me think that maybe there was more to it than she’d led on. But I didn’t pry. I knew she would tell me when she was ready.

  Grabbing the bags of food, I slipped out of my car and went into the firehouse on the lookout for Gabe. With my hands full holding the bags from the diner, I turned and bumped into a massive wall of heat.

  Big hands held me as I caught my footing.

  Inhaling deeply, I knew exactly who it was. I knew because they were the same hands that I had been dreaming about since I had walked out of a way too steamy bathroom.

  “You okay, Princess?” he asked, his face at my ear. His voice made me shiver from head to toe. All of it a reminder of our little bathroom rendezvous. And just like that, I was turned on. What is it about him?

  “I’m fine,” I squeaked, closing my eyes, unable to stop how much I liked the feeling of his smile against my face.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” I cleared my throat.

  “I don’t know.” His lips closed over the bare flesh at my neck, and a breathy ga
sp escaped. It’s like he brings out my inner porn star!

  “You sure? We bumped a little hard,” he pointed out. I heard him exhale and groaned. My nipples stood at attention. Damn him!

  “I’m good.” When I straightened, our faces moved to look at each other. Both of us opened our mouth to say something, but I jumped at the sound of my big brother.

  “Sofi!” he called happily, and I turned, taking a step back from Maverick, even if his eyes were burning with unbridled passion.

  “Hey, Gabe.” I forced a smile, and thankfully he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Oh, my God, thanks, sis! This smell great.” He beamed, and my smile faltered. I’m an awful person! Lusting after his best friend! “Doesn’t it smell great, Mav?” he asked, and I looked at him. His navy eyes were pinned on my lips.

  “Fucking delicious.” I gulped, knowing he wasn’t talking about the food.

  “Oh.” My breathing picked up and my nipples strained toward him, aching for his touch.

  “Let’s go sit down,” Gabe suggested and patted Mav on the shoulder as he led the way toward the dining room after taking the bags from me.

  “Sounds good,” I muttered, following both of them, my eyes on Mav’s beefy ass.

  “How are you, kid?” Mav asked as we all sat down at a small kitchenette table. I gave him a saccharine-sweet grin.

  “Great, Max,” I chimed, not missing how his eyes twitched at calling him the wrong name. Why is it so much fun to poke his buttons?

  After we took our food out of the bags, we ate in a somewhat comfortable silence. Gabe led most of the conversation, with Maverick chiming in, adding humor.

  The more I was around Maverick, the more uncomfortable I found myself with him. After our erotic little session in the bathroom, I had done everything I could think of to avoid him. Not that it was difficult, since he had to work and I had tons of things to take care of. But when my landlord had called earlier today to let me know my place was going to be ready a week ahead of schedule, I’d jumped for joy.

  I’d done a good job of avoiding any more alone time with him until last night. I’d slipped out of the guest room to grab a glass of water and hadn’t noticed Gabe had disappeared somewhere in the middle of the night.


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