Burn Me Anthology

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Burn Me Anthology Page 84

by Shantel Tessier

  I wrapped my arms around her, and twisted us onto the couch. Her body was laid out beneath me, and she raised her arms over her head.

  My fingers pushed her bra up, exposing both of her full breasts, and my breath caught. Perfection was laying beneath me, and I didn’t know where to touch her first. My body was on fire for her, and she was fanning the flames with her sweet, seductive innocence.


  My fingers teased her pert nipples, and her head fell back with a moan falling from her lips.


  I heard Karen calling for Brynn, but Brynn was in her own world.

  “Abe,” she gasped.

  I leaned down, my lips enveloping her nipple, and my tongue teased the tight bud.

  My brain registered the sound of feet pounding up the stairs. Shit. Apparently Karen wasn’t going to be ignored.

  I quickly pulled Brynn’s bra over her breasts, pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, and draped it over her. Her eyes were half-mast, and she looked up at me. “What?”

  “One minute, sweetheart.” I jumped off the couch, sprinted to the door, and threw it open to Karen with her fist raised.


  Her eyes bugged out, and she looked down at the floor. “Uh, I need Brynn. Her timer is going off, and I have a cake question for her.”

  “She ran to the bathroom quick. I’ll tell her you need her.”

  She looked up with a smirk on her face. “You can have her back at four, sparky.” She jogged back down the stairs and I shook my head.

  “Like I haven’t been called that a million times before,” I called after her.

  She raised her hand over her head, and flipped me off. “Save the hanky panky for later.”

  I shut the door, and caught a glimpse of Brynn running down the short hallway, and slamming the door to the bathroom behind her.

  “Sweetheart, you good?”

  She shouted something, but I couldn’t make out what she had said. I grabbed my shirt off the back of the kitchen chair, and leaned against the wall by the bathroom. “What’s that?”

  She wrenched the door open, and pulled her shirt over her head. “That was close. I feel like a sixteen year old getting caught by her parents making out with her boyfriend.”

  Here I thought she would be freaking out. “We didn’t get caught.”

  “Abe,” she laughed, “You answered the door without your shirt on.”

  I shrugged, and flexed an arm. “Are you complaining?”

  She rolled her eyes, and fixed her ponytail. “No, I’m not, but maybe next time put a shirt on when you answer the door to my best friend.”

  “All I heard was next time.” I grabbed her around the waist and buried my face in her neck. Her arms were up in her hair, so she was helpless to push me away. I tracked kisses up her neck and she giggled under my touch.

  “Abe, we can’t do this right now.”

  “Then when can we?” I mumbled against her soft skin.

  “After I finish work.”

  “It’s only nine. I gotta wait seven hours?”

  She lowered her arms, and wrapped them around my neck. “Yes.”

  “Damn. I guess I could go home and change clothes, run some errands.” I leaned back and looked down at her.

  She patted me on the shoulder. “Good, you enjoy your day off, and I need to get back to my bread and cakes. You are way too much of a distraction.”

  “You make that sound like a bad thing, sweetheart.”

  A laugh bubbled from her lips. “It’s only a bad thing when I should be working.”

  I pressed a kiss to her lips, and rested my forehead against hers. “Then get back to work, and I’ll be back around four to continue distracting you.”

  “I’ll be here,” she whispered.

  “Get to work, sweetheart, before I say fuck it and take you right here.”

  She jumped away, and wagged her finger at me. “Oh no you don’t. You do that, and I’ll take those pastries back down with me, and you’ll have to forge for your own breakfast.”

  I held up my hands, and took a huge step back. “Have a good day. I’ll see you later.”

  She laughed and bustled past me. “You’re a sucker for baked goods, aren’t you, Abe?”

  “It’s like my kryptonite.”

  She opened the door, and looked over her shoulder at me. “In that case, have a good day, Superman, and I promise to have a delicious surprise for you tonight.”

  Well hell.

  The door closed behind her, and I tossed my shirt up in the air. I grabbed it mid-air, and pumped my fist.

  Fuck yeah.

  Tonight was going to be a damn good night.

  Chapter 6


  “You never would have came back down if I hadn’t walked up those stairs, would you?”

  I finished piping the border on the last special order cake for the day, and tossed the piping bag on the counter. “Not true.” Totally true. I would have stayed up there with Abe until we ran out of food and water.

  “Girl, don’t lie to me. I saw that man without his shirt on. You’d be a damn fool if you didn’t lose all thought when he touched you.”

  I pointed my spatula at her. “Get out of my head.”

  She laughed and grabbed the cake from my stand. “I’m in the same boat as you. If Blake were to walk through that door right now and crook his finger at me you’d be left to man the counter alone again.”

  “You better not leave me alone again.” Granted the last time she left me I had met Abe, but I really wasn’t into meeting any other hot firefighters. Abe was more than enough for me.

  She laughed and placed the cake in the box. “No plans of that, bossman. Besides, if Blake walked in, we would just go check out the storage room for a bit.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’d just take a fifteen minute break.”

  She ducked through the swinging doors with the cake in her hands. I tossed my towel at her, but it hit the wall. “No more breaks for you,” I called.

  By the time three thirty rolled around, Karen was gone, and I was finishing the prep for tomorrow morning. On Sunday’s we were only open for four hours, but those four hours were filled with tons of donuts and pastries flying out the door for breakfast and brunches.

  A knock sounded on the front door, and I peeked my head out to see Abe standing there with a duffle bag, grocery bags, and a bouquet of roses.

  “You’re early,” I laughed as I opened the door.

  “You have no idea how hard it was to stay away this long.” He tossed his duffle bag on the floor, handed me the flowers, and dropped the grocery bags at his feet. “I don’t know what you did to me, sweetheart, but I missed you more than anything in my life.”

  His hands delved into my hair, and he kissed me before I could get a word in. His kisses stole my breath and left me panting with need.

  “Wow.” Rendered speechless yet again. I closed my eyes and sighed.

  “You ready to pick up where we left off before?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I still have a couple of things to do for tomorrow. You can either find a vase for these flowers, or watch me work.”

  He grabbed the flowers and tossed them on the counter. “I’ve been away from you for too long today, maybe you can teach me a thing or two.”

  “Maybe you should learn how to fry an egg before you learn how to make a danish.”

  He grabbed the grocery bags off the floor. “I just gotta put some stuff in the fridge, and then I’ll be back down.”

  He pressed a kiss to my cheek, and jogged up the stairs to my apartment.

  I managed to roll and turn the danish dough one last time before Abe came back downstairs.

  “Oh man, I missed the good stuff.”

  I looked up from the slab of dough I had just wrapped up, and my jaw dropped. “Uh, what happened to your shirt?” Abe was standing in my kitchen with no shirt on surrounded by cookies and cakes, but he was the most del
icious thing in the place.

  “You said we could pick up where we left off before.”

  I tore my eyes off his ripped chest. “I think I’m done preparing for the day.” I actually still had two icings I needed to make, but I could wake up a half an hour earlier, and take care of it the morning.

  Abe smirked, and walked through the swinging doors to the front.

  “What are you doing?” I called.

  He walked back through the doors holding a strawberry confetti cake. “It’s time for dessert, sweetheart.”

  He grabbed my hand, and pulled me up the stairs. “You’re insane,” I laughed. “What are you going to do with that whole cake?”

  “Fuel, sweetheart. We’re going to need it later, and I don’t want to have to leave the bed to go get it.”

  My cheeks flushed at his words. “I could always make us a sandwich.”

  He pushed open the door at the top of the stairs, and beelined through the apartment straight to my bedroom. “You have a good day today?” He set the cake on my bedside table, and his hands went to the button of his jeans.

  Uh, what was the question?

  He dropped his pants to the floor, and my jaw dropped. The man wasn’t wearing underwear.




  Abe was naked as the day he was born with his rock hard dick pointing straight at me.

  “See something you like, sweetheart?”

  I ripped my eyes off his dick. “What are you doing?”

  “About to fuck you into next week.”

  Sweet heavens above. “Uh, okay?” I didn’t move. Hell, I was amazed that I hadn’t passed out when he dropped his pants.

  Abe stalked toward me, and my eyes dropped to his bobbing dick. Whoa.

  His hands went to the hem of my shirt, and he pulled it over my head. He sailed it over his head, and wrapped his arms around me. His fingers deftly unhooked my bra, and pushed it down my arms. “Too many clothes on you, sweetheart.”

  He didn’t need to tell me twice. I unbuttoned my pants, pushing them down along with my underwear. “Better?” I whispered.

  He growled low, and lifted me up in his arms. “Much.” He buried his face in my breasts, and I gasped as his mouth claimed my nipple. I reached up, pulling the hair tie out of my hair. My hair cascaded down around us. “Fucking love your hair.” He pushed me against the wall, and delved his fingers into my hair. “Fucking love everything about you.”

  Now that sounded nice.

  “Been dreaming about what your body would feel like under mine. Perfect tits, lush ass, and skin so soft I want to drown in you and never come up for air.”

  Lord. Have. Mercy.

  “Take me, Abe. Please,” I gasped. I had never wanted anything more in my life. Abe was all I could see.

  “Feet on the floor,” he ordered.

  I slowly slipped my legs from around him, and shakily stood.

  “Stay right there.” He pressed a kiss to my neck. “Stay.”

  He slowly sunk down to knees trailing kisses down my body the whole way. His warm breath washed over my skin, and he pressed a kiss to my belly button.

  I knew what he was going to do, but I wasn’t prepared. He parted the lips of my pussy, and blew gently. “This is mine.”

  God damn.

  “Yes.” Lord have mercy, yes.

  He buried his face in my pussy and just, whoa. Hold the hell on, Brynn.

  My hands shot to his shoulders to hold myself up, and I arched my back to push into his mouth. I moaned with each nip, lick, and twirl of his tongue. Thirty seconds with his face buried in my pussy, and I was ready to come all over his tongue.

  “Abe, please.” I didn’t know if he wanted me to come or not, but in ten more seconds it wasn’t going to be left up to him.

  He shot up to his feet, his arms lifting me up. “Coming around my dick the first time, sweetheart.”

  I slid down his body, his dick lined up with my pussy, and I sunk down slowly. He pressed me against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist, with his dick buried deep inside me. “You ready for this?” he growled into my ear.

  So ready. I nodded my head, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Yes, please.”

  He slowly pulled out, then plunged back in. “So fucking sweet,” he murmured. He buried his face in my hair, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Yes,” I hissed. He thrusted in and out, driving me close to the edge. “I need you, Abe.” Damn, did I crave him. More than I needed my next breath.

  “You come for me, sweetheart. For me only.” He pushed off the wall, and stalked to the bed. He laid me down, his dick buried inside me. My ass was on the edge of the bed, and he stood over me. He put his hands on the back of my knees, and pushed my legs open. “You ready for this? Once I come inside you, there’s no going back. You’re mine, Brynn.”




  All for me.

  I bit my lip. “Yes,” I whispered.

  He thrusted hard, and my eyes rolled back in my head. And this was how it was done. Abe took my body, and worshipped it. His hands roamed over my breasts, while his dick drilled into me.

  “Yes, yes,” I moaned. My orgasm built with each thrust until I slammed my eyes shut, and stars exploded behind my eyelids.

  Abe’s guttural moans surrounded me as he thrust deep, and filled my spasming pussy with his come

  He collapsed on top of me, his breathing short and labored. “Mine,” he gasped.

  I was good with that, because he was mine also.



  “Don’t get crumbs in my bed.”

  I shoveled a forkful of moist cake into my mouth. God damn, Brynn could bake. “This cake is too good to drop any crumbs, sweetheart.” I held up a bite to her.

  She wrapped her lips around the fork, and moaned. “I do make good cake,” she giggled.

  “The best.”

  Brynn and I had spent the rest of the day in bed learning and discovering each other.

  “When do you go back to work?”

  “Monday morning, eight am.”

  She laid her head on my shoulder, and drew circles on my stomach with her fingertip. “Hmm.”

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing. It’s just going to suck to have to go that many days without seeing you.”

  I finished a quarter of the cake and set the rest back on the nightstand. “You’ll still see me. Maybe not as much, but I know the guys would appreciate fresh donuts and cake everyday.”

  She tilted her head back and looked up at me. “I’m pretty sure if I brought donuts everyday you guys would always be in the gym and not out fighting fires and rescuing kittens from trees.”

  “Then we’ll have to find another reason for you to stop by the station.” Captain was going to have to deal with Brynn being there during downtime if he expected me to not be a grumpy asshole.

  She sighed and laid her head back down. “We’ll figure it out I guess.” She giggled, and resumed drawing lazy circles on my stomach. “I think I’m going to need something more than cake for sustenance.”

  “I think you need an Abe special.” I rolled out from under her, and slid out of bed.

  “An Abe special? I’m kind of afraid of what that might be since I know you can’t cook.”

  I left her in the bed and walked to the fridge. “Trust me, Brynn. I’ll never steer you wrong,” I called. After I popped one of the containers I had brought over into the microwave, I grabbed a fork from the drawer, and grabbed the chilled bottle of wine.

  I hadn’t planned on surviving on only cake tonight. I had planned on spending the night in bed with Brynn, and brought the perfect food to help us keep up our stamina.

  Chicken Alfredo from Mario’s was just what we needed right now.

  I filled two wine glasses, grabbed the steaming container from the microwave, and hightailed it back to the bedroo

  “Ah, the Abe Special is having someone else cook,” she laughed. She sat up and draped the blanket over her shoulders. “I guess I can handle that.”

  I handed her a glass of wine, and managed to crawl into bed without spilling any wine or food. “I’m a work in progress, sweetheart.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” She grabbed the container and stirred the sauce laden noodles around. “How did you know Chicken Alfredo was my favorite?”

  “I may or may not have talked to Karen on the way out today. She gave me a little insight into Brynn Marshall.”

  “Is that so? I might have to ask her where her loyalty lies.”

  She loaded the fork with pasta and chicken, and held it up to my lips. “She’s loyal to you, sweetheart. I just happened to have Blake’s number that she was jonesing to have.”

  “Typical,” she muttered.

  For every bite she took, she fed me three.

  “You ready for round three?” I asked as she ate the last bite.

  She set the plate on the floor, and shook her head. “I’m pretty sure this is going to be round five.”

  Shit, really? I grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her to my side. “Well, whatever number it is, I’m ready for more.”

  “You’re rather insatiable.”

  “Only when it comes to you, sweetheart.”

  “And cake,” she sassed.

  I rolled my eyes, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “But only your cake.”

  “Pretty sure that’s a double entendre.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows. “That’s because both types of your cake are so sweet.”

  Her cheeks heated and she blushed ten shades of red.

  “There’s the sweet innocence that caught my attention that first day.”



  “Wanna know what caught my attention the first time I saw you?” I asked.

  “Tell me, sweetheart.”

  I brushed my fingertips across his cheek. “I don’t know how to say this,” I muttered.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  I sighed, and a grin spread across my lips. “That you picked the right profession because you are smokin’ hot.”

  He busted out laughing, and rested her forehead on mine. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you.”


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